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Today I shall be heading to the postoffice to pick up my broadband kit. In the meantime, let the b3ta br3akfast-club commence.

(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 8:08, 347 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
First reply at 8:30?
Where is everybody?!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 8:29, Reply)
Mornin' V
I think everyone's been taken over by the Mind Weasels (see the end of last night's thread). Remember, whatever you do, don't put honey on your toast!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 8:34, Reply)
Dear god no!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 8:37, Reply)
Morning all!
Watched Prince Caspian last night. It's a bit of a yawn fest, but for some reason Anna Popplewell makes me go all weak at the knees...
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 8:40, Reply)
Mornin PB
I must now be off to see whether or not the post office is competent enough to have my item in store.

Have a happy day-thread and see you this evening.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 8:54, Reply)
Morning spakkaman
Be glad that your broadband kit got sent by Royal Mail. Mine was sent using some tin-pot courier, who left a card to say that it was ready for me to collect from their depot.

I live in Warwick. Their depot was in Rushden. 60 miles away. Needless to say, I had a few words with them and managed to get it sorted in a way that didn't involve me spending £20 in fuel to get it.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 8:57, Reply)
Morning all.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 9:01, Reply)
Only 7 replies in an hour?
*sings Ghost Town*
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 9:03, Reply)
I'm in a terrible mood today
Found out that I've gotta spend the day out of the office tomorrow.
Doing bar-work for a corporate event.
Then I've gotta drive.
So I can't get hammered on free booze.

I fuckin' hate bar work, you have to talk to people.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 9:08, Reply)
Morning guys
How be tricks? I predict a non productive day involving tea, playsatan and many, many fags.

Anyone for some honey?
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 9:10, Reply)
You bad, bad woman.

I've got The Specials stuck in my head now, much like that episode of Father Ted with the priest's disco.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 9:11, Reply)
I R here
back in the office, slogging away over a hot chocolate thinking about eating breakfast.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 9:15, Reply)
*shakes head slowly*

No thanks...


I can't even drink water 'til ten without feeling sick. I think my body likes mornings even less than my brain does.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 9:15, Reply)
Do you remember the good old days
Before the ghost town?
We danced and sang,
And the music played inna da boom town

Morning all!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 9:17, Reply)
I'm not bad I'm lovely!
Ooh more people! *glees*
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 9:18, Reply)
Breakfast would be a very good idea right now
I'm thinking bacon butties...
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 9:19, Reply)
You don't need more than me ;)
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 9:19, Reply)
Oh, I'm just "more people" am I?
I'll not forget that...
I've got a long memory and a sharp knife.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 9:19, Reply)
Another casualty from last nights silliness
How goes it kaol?

One of the advantages of working a series of foolish shifts is that my body invariably doesn't know if it wants a shit, shave or a rocking horse.

Hot dogs and vodka martinis have been known at 0800.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 9:20, Reply)
I still can't decide whether breakfast makes me feel better or worse
I cram a bowl of cereals down before I've had the chance to wake up properly, it usually makes me do lovely milky belches til I've had my first two or three cups of tea when I get to work.

I'm like you Kaol, no matter what time I get up, how much sleep I've had or what time I've been to bed, I always feel like I'm going to die for the first three hours of being awake. Just takes me a while to get started in the mornings I think!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 9:20, Reply)
Oh Kaol
I wouldn't class you as "people" *hugs*

And fine Ethelred you have to entertain me for the rest of the day! And get me half a pint of awesome...
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 9:22, Reply)
Mornings are awful.
And the less I've slept, the more foul the mood I'm in.
Today the people at work are enjoying "two-hours-of-sleep Kaol".
He's not a very nice person.

EDIT: TGB, I'll let you off... *hugs*
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 9:23, Reply)
Sorry but my Awesome is so Awesome it can only be given out in 15ml shots.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 9:25, Reply)
I can be a right old bastard in the mornings
Usually if I haven't had my morning cigarette. My, giving up in going to be interesting.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 9:26, Reply)
I could never give up being a bastard.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 9:27, Reply)
Teh witcherycraft
that is broadband.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 9:28, Reply)
I've not had my morning cigarette
Or coffee.
Coffee is at ten, when I don't feel like I'm gonna be sick.
Only take two and a half hours to get to that point, haha!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 9:29, Reply)
@ Ethel
I'm usually quite easy going, unless something *really* hacks me off.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 9:30, Reply)
I have to have tea before I have coffee
Coffee first thing just makes me feel like I'm going to be sick.

Only stick a pot on before I leave for work if I haven't really slept at all and need two mugs of espresso to kick start my brain.

Edit: I'm easy going sometimes, but only with people I know/like. Generally I positively enjoy being a bastard, it brightens up my day.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 9:31, Reply)
Hey Pookie!
Tomorrow we will discuss the witchery of those new fangled moving pictures :p
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 9:31, Reply)
I have work in aproximately 27 minutes.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 9:33, Reply)
I agree..
On the tea front. Coffee makes me feel ill first thing and I can't have my morning rollie for a good hour or two after waking, but by then I'm deep in a dark, dark kitchen and can't go for my rollie.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 9:36, Reply)
I am making a fantastic rollie
I have 3 cups of coffee on my desk, it's fairly warm in the office and Airbourne are on at half volume, pissing off customer service.

Oh yeeeeeeeeah.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 9:37, Reply)
Morning all
How are we today?

I've had plenty sleep but feel exhausted!

(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 9:37, Reply)
Me too!
I had over twelve hours sleep, and I'm knackered! better go to work really. Not even dressed properly yet, and am almost certainly going to be late.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 9:38, Reply)
Oi oi BurgerKing
Good night was it? *wink*
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 9:39, Reply)
@ Ethel
No, just need a few more early nights to catch up on the weekend's partying.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 9:40, Reply)
Ning BK!
himjim you bastard, I had to buy fags on the way to work as I ran out last night, I won't get to have one til gone 10 and I'm starting to crave it quite badly now!

I may have some coffee in a bit but we only have a cafetiere in the office and it's not my favourite way of making coffee...

Today looks like being a printer day! Four calls so far this morning and all about fucked printers from fuckwits who can't work their printers.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 9:42, Reply)
Part of me wants
to go to bed as soon as I get home later, the other part wants to stay up and ask my housemate's new girlfriend lots of embarrassing questions....
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 9:42, Reply)
I know your pain
Sam. My printer is borked, and I have to wait for transparency sheets to clean it. Ho hum.

On the other hand, my rolling baccy that I picked up in France is Lucky Strike red.


Edit: TGB, what's she like?
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 9:44, Reply)
Oh, he's got a girlfriend!
Good for him!
I've just had a nap for a little while, feeling less angry now :)
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 9:48, Reply)
You can get Lucky rolling baccy?!
I have a packet of reds in my pocket at the moment. Truly the smoke of kings.

Had to start buying silvers as well a while ago though, skinning up with reds makes me wheeze like an 80 year old asthmatic. Nice.

The printers here weren't borked, 3 of them just having a funny 5 minutes and needed the computer rebooting (my standard first response to anything, it saves me leaving the office if it works!) and one idiot had pulled the USB cable out of their computer with their feet. Probably couldn't cope with fixing any more complex problems at this time of day though.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 9:49, Reply)
I dunno much about her
He met her for coffee on Thursday and they started going out at the weekend. He was all secretive about it at first thought which makes me want to be evil...
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 9:51, Reply)
Morning all
I see that some of us aren't have good days so far, all I can say to that is HA!

No not really, I feel your pain.

I'm having a nice day so far, no work to do, and easy journey into work, and a shed load of coffee. Can life get any better.

I have also decided that I'm going to dye my hair a dark purple, I just need to get the dye, but I'm sad and don't know where to get it.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 9:51, Reply)
Dok! *hugs and kisses*
Boots or Superdrug? They sell a wide range or natural and non natural colourants :p
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 9:54, Reply)
"non natural colourants"?
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 9:55, Reply)
It made
more sense in my head....

Most things do though.....
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 9:57, Reply)
Oh I really like these badger hugs.

Get enough sleep last night Honey Badger? I stole a DVD player and watched Prince of Darkness in the end. Not a lot of sleep was had!

Still I can't sleep unless I have something to wind me down for the day.

EDIT It made sense to me as well, but Kaol, LOL B&Q, good one.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 9:58, Reply)
I made someone
Laugh before ten?
*looks around, scared*

Where're the cameras?
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:00, Reply)
You've been framed!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:00, Reply)
I think I need more sleep
Been yawning all morning. Badger hugs are renowned across the land as being awesome :p

And massages are a good wind down Dok ;)
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:01, Reply)
Yes they are.
But I tend to find that depending on the circimstance they lead to things that tend to get hot and sweaty.

I'll try to not keep you up so late then, let you get more sleep.

EDIT To stop my Scottishness showing!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:03, Reply)
@ Sam
Yep, i'll whack a picture up when I've got a moment. It smells just like normal Luckies. They're my brand of choice too, but I know what you mean about the Reds, I smoked them non-stop in France for 5 months and ended up coughing up bits of my lungs every now and again.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:03, Reply)
Massages? Pffft!
A pre-bed cigarette is better.

Or staying awake, playing Fallout 'til your face hits the keyboard.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:03, Reply)
Good morning
Hello everyone! Are we all ok today?
I haven't spent a decent amount of time on here for a while, I've only popped in and out recently (ooh-er missus).
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:04, Reply)
Mornin' Lucy :)
How goes it?
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:05, Reply)
Morning Lucy.
Long time no see, been busy or having too much of a good thing time?
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:06, Reply)
Morning kaol, dok!
Well Dok, I was busy this weekend with a family thing and spent all of last week trying to organise my room and life.
But it's all done now and I'm back to loafing around. Although I am off to college to enrol to do a nice free course courtesy of my JSA.
Everyone loves a freebie!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:09, Reply)
Mare sleep? heheh
Hot and sweaty? Hmm cheaper than going to the gym ;)

Hey Lucy!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:09, Reply)
Mr Nong folks.
My office is like a sauna.
I've already had to take my jumper off and I'm thinking the shirt has to be the next item to go.

How are we all?
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:13, Reply)
You get sponsored for courses by the Justice Society of America? I'm in awe.

Badger, Eye, it's just how eye talk maste o the time.

Hey Lusty, how's tricks? Stripping already, not a good sign.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:14, Reply)
Argh! Fucksticles!
Readybrek have got the song from that irritating leekspin meme on their latest advert.

(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:14, Reply)
hi TGB and Lusty!
oooh Lusty, take it all off! Do it!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:14, Reply)
And Badger
Yes much cheaper than the gym, and more fun as well!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:16, Reply)
I know. It usually takes me at least 2 pints of cider and a shot before I start stripping at work.

I'm so excited the overseer's away for 2 weeks starting on Monday. No heating and no radio! YAYYYYY!!

Lucy! *hugs*
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:18, Reply)
How you doing petal? It's been a while! Yay for overseers going away!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:19, Reply)
Damn it's busy here
Makes keeping up with the conversation (such as it is) extraordinarily difficult...


And the irony is my phone rang whilst I was typing this.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:19, Reply)
Mr. Nong, my dear Lusty.
Sounds good about no radio!
Although I could do with some heat in this office, it's fucking chilly this morning.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:20, Reply)
Mr Nong wanderlust & Lucy!
My office is boiling as well. Probably something to do with the global warming causing amount of computer equipment I've surrounded myself with...

Currently setting up some Blackberrys and they're really really gay. Joy.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:20, Reply)
Morning fluffehs!
I'm a-pimping today!


How the devil (tights or not) are we all?
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:21, Reply)
Hey Lusty
I need to work off all the cake Dok so I'll pop round later for horror films, a massage and some exercise ;)

I'm going to have all my hair cut off, it's annoying me now
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:23, Reply)
Morning No3l!
How's the cab trade this fine morning?

Clicked I like this just because you pimped your story here.

Kaol - can you quote me a price for taking out the Ting Tings with the Bloodener? Think you're a bit nearer to them than me.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:24, Reply)
Ning my lovelies.
Not sure why, but I need a virtual hug. Anyone got any spares?
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:25, Reply)
Did someone say they needed a hug?
Badger Hug Activated! *pow pow pow pow*

*hugs Clendrix*
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:27, Reply)
I do!
*takes a breath*
*hugs again*
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:27, Reply)
I'm good, had a touch of the sads recently but feeling better today, so yay for that!

@kaol, if you want to swap offices that's fine with me. I much prefer to be cold and put a jumper on than walk into the heat of a thousand suns. I think a nice dip in a volcano would be lovely and refreshing about now.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:28, Reply)
Thank you my darlings!
Good humour is restored.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:29, Reply)
Ning Sam!
The taxi trade is same as ever mate.

Did you get your user-name nicked?
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:29, Reply)
Don't cut of all your hair, think of the wedding, you'll look like than mentallist Sinéad O'Connor, and you only dyed it last night?

Drixy, what's wrong lovely? *HUGS*
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:30, Reply)
Mornin' All...
How's y'all doin' thar?
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:30, Reply)
*hugs clendrix*
*hugs again*


*has a cheeky feel*

(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:30, Reply)
Oh noes! Touch of the sads is terrible. Glad you're feeling better though.
*hugs anyway*
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:30, Reply)
I changed it on Halloween
and haven't changed it back, I quite like the serial killer reference! Don't think I'm popular/well known enough to have it nicked.

*hugs clendrix even though it's probably a bit late*

Morning Colonel! *stands to attention & salutes*
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:31, Reply)
not all it off something like this

*waves at Colonel S*
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:33, Reply)
Never too late for hugs, Sam!
And thanks for the grope Lusty.

Nowt wrong, Dok - just feeling in need of some sweetness. Much happier now :)

Ooh, Badger - like the funky cut. Go for it!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:35, Reply)
Well that's OK then. *Hugs some more*

Badger, phew, I like that style it looks lully, are you going to bleach it as well?

Hi Sam & Colonel.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:38, Reply)
I like that hair style! I wish I could do things like that but I have stupid curly hair.
Which doesn't do anything apart from increase in volume in wet weather.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:39, Reply)
*snoggles Lusty*
Hello to everyone.

Today sucks again!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:40, Reply)
No I'll keep it red
My blonde days are over it was too much hassle keeping the colour looking good and avoiding roots!

Of course I say this now I am rather impulsive with my hair.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:41, Reply)
Red will look better IMHO.

we could have a red and purple theme on our special day. ;)
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:43, Reply)
Why does your hair get noisy in the rain? Does it sing?

(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:44, Reply)
At ease Sam...
*waves right back atcha Badge'*
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:44, Reply)
haha V that's awful
And we should Dok! I will get a red and purple bouncy castle
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:45, Reply)
Cap'n V

I knew someone would say that!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:48, Reply)
I empathise completely. My hair was so curly last night that when I saw Wookiee, he laughed at me :(
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:50, Reply)
You should've pushed him
Down the stairs.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:50, Reply)
We need to fight against people who laugh at curls.

I went to the gym last night and had gym curls. Which are ENORMOUS.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:51, Reply)
We shall
curl together at a bash one day Clendrix.

I might even let it all run wild...
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:51, Reply)
*waves at Colonel*
Howdy doody.

*hugs TGB and LVP*

I'm suddenly in a slightly better mood.

What's going on with these moodswings

*hopes isn't pregnant*
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:52, Reply)
You should all eat less crusts...

EDIT: 'ning Boss - You aren't getting cravings for Coal are you?
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:52, Reply)
Have you be having any strange cravings? If you start eating lumps of coal you should start to worry.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:53, Reply)
Gym curls!
Haaaaaaaaahahahaha! They're grim.

Himjim - I look forward to that!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:53, Reply)
I'd be up for beating
Some straight-hairs up.

*cracks knuckles*

I do have curly hair, it's just short at the moment.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:53, Reply)
I think
that this Blackberry is the single gayest gadget I've ever had my hands on.

Why does everyone bum them so much?

Edit: my hair is sort of wavy, some would call it curly. It definitely like growing outwards more than down, I've grown my hair to my nipples before, and it stuck out about 8" on either side of my head, like a shit white boy Afro!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:54, Reply)
@ Lusty
Not really, but I did chew a pencil earlier.
Similar carbon root I think:S
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:55, Reply)
Ice is another pregnancy craving isn't it?
Do you want to crunch ice?

Clendrix - Gym curls are ferocious. I reckon its cos my head sweats and I'm moving so they get the moisture and movement to quadruple in size.

It was great when I was in Spain cos curly hair is all the fashion there so there were loads of hair products but in Britain poker straight is trendy. :(
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:55, Reply)
There's nowt wrong with curly hair.
Mine is staight but I've nothng against curls.

Badger, a huge red and purple bouncy castle, what a classic idea, what colour dress will you wear? I was thinking of the suit the Joker wore in Batman, the one with Keating and Nicolson, for myself.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:59, Reply)
Mr Nongs all!
I have returned to the chilly north.

From the equally chilly south. Went for a walk along the South Bank yesterday and the weather was freezing.

How are we all?
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:59, Reply)
@ Lucy
No, my teeth are too sensitive.

I'm pretty sure I'm not pregnant. Probably just PMT:)
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 11:00, Reply)
Dok - I pretty much have that suit!
Purple crushed velvet with zebra-print lapels!

Only comes out on VERY special occasions...
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 11:02, Reply)
So you were near my office and didn't come in to say hello? Charming!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 11:02, Reply)

I always thought women were dirty things!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 11:02, Reply)
I read the end of your comment as "Poke her straight", My mind is going.

K2, good weekend for coming to the South, all the best weather was up North! Did you have a good time though?

Colonel, COOL, it's a great look if you ask me!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 11:02, Reply)
Going back up there to the curls
Remind me not to come to the next bash now. My lovely, perfectly straight hair seems like it could be a liability now =p
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 11:05, Reply)
'nings all round
This is a more civilised time for me to arrive at work than yesterdays shock to the system.

Also, the first of hopefully many many bits of good new from our merkin friends is in:


Keep 'em coming.

(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 11:07, Reply)
Not in the slightest, all us straight haired people will just have to stick together.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 11:08, Reply)
Sorry, I had other things on my mind! But I intend to meet some of you on my next visit, towards the end of this month.

More details to follow.

Thanks Dr Minge - I had a great time, weather apart. But we didn't spend a lot of time outside.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 11:09, Reply)
Dok I was thinking something like this
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 11:10, Reply)
Good point. I'm sure straight people are better than curly people anyway. What sort of damage can they do with curly wurlies when we have straight things like...sticks?!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 11:10, Reply)
Captain V...
I could have a lot of fun with a few coils of razor-wire...
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 11:13, Reply)
Rest assured
everyone here, that I voted for Obama.

What's your hair like at the moment Dr?
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 11:13, Reply)
If we're getting vicious
Shot guns are straight, as are cruise missles...
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 11:16, Reply)
That's a fair point...
The LHC is curly though, and that's gonna "make a black hole that eats the universe"...
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 11:17, Reply)
Just like my profile photo, just less white, soon to be deep purple when I get the guts to do it.

V, yeah they can keep all of their curly things, we shall beat them with rulers, and pencils and other big straight things! What have they got that can beat us? Nothing!

Badger, while that is a lovely dress, just think about standing about in it when it's covered in man-milk, you know what this lots like!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 11:23, Reply)
I wonder what it'd feel like
To stick your head in the beam? Probably wouldn't notice anything but a chill from the magnets.

:edit: @herr doktor I'm sniggering at "other big straight things"
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 11:24, Reply)
Isn't the inside chilled to close to absolute-zero?

So, you'd not feel anything at all, ever again...
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 11:27, Reply)
Yeah, it's not quite absolute zero but close enough
A 'chill from the magnets' is probably an understatement!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 11:29, Reply)
I am very happy that Kaol is curly.
A bit like Curly Kale. Only more dangerous. And less green.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 11:30, Reply)
I was just about say that Kaol >:-/
the particles would also hurt if they were travelling at speed.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 11:30, Reply)
I've lost the will to live
*awaits hugs*

That is a valid point dok and it's probably not very bouncy castle proof. And I am not thin enough to pull it off!

Maybe I will just wear one of those big poncho things you get at theme parks for the log flume
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 11:30, Reply)
Just don't get him angery, you wouldn't like hime when he's angery!


Honey Badger *Huggs & Snuggles & Kisses* What's the matter?
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 11:31, Reply)
*hugs Badger*
Dok, what have we got that's more dangerous than your assorted arsenal?


We win.

Oh, and I always like him, even when he's angry!
*pretends to be brave*
*runs away*
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 11:32, Reply)
But Kaol isn't about all the time!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 11:34, Reply)
Why TGB?
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 11:34, Reply)
I have a crazy headache
and I am tired and a grumpy badger :(

Also I think my stress levels are reaching exciting new highs.

I may go make a cuppa, anyone else want one?
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 11:35, Reply)
I damn-well am,
Herr Doktor *grins*
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 11:38, Reply)
Oh, but he is...

Edit: ^Hee-hee - told you!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 11:38, Reply)
There you go Badger, a nice relaxing massage.

You just sit there I'll get you a cuppa!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 11:38, Reply)
Kaol & Drixy
Then I shall have to unveil my secret weapon, Ferrets with jetpacks and Lasers on their frickin' heads.

Fly my lovelies, fly!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 11:41, Reply)
I'm afraid that there's a flaw in your plan...
There's a minimum size that a jet engine can be.

One burst from the smallest possible jet would blast a light object (like a ferret) over the horizon, in a hilarious and inaccurate flash of light.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 11:43, Reply)
well I'm pretty useless, so I'm just going to sit in a coffee shop and read the paper and let Kaol take care of the violence. When he's done, I'll buy him some lunch.

^He also seems to be taking care of the science and humour very nicely too.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 11:44, Reply)
I like hilarious and inaccurate flashes of light. I think Herr Dok should train some of these Ferret-based goons.

And Mr Nong to you all :)
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 11:46, Reply)
Something I've been wondering.
Why is Jim short for James? Why isn't it Jam?

Edit: ello PoD. You ok?
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 11:50, Reply)
They are trained to fly straight up, see straight again, and then glide to their target!

Ning PoD

I did initially try solid fuel rockets, but the poor things didn't like it up them!

Edit for spelling
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 11:51, Reply)
'Ningles 'lusty and all
I'm not too bad. Meant to be essay writing, am procrastinating instead. I feel after lunch is essay writing time.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 11:54, Reply)
I know a Jam whose real name is James (as well as a few Jims)
Why does a one syllable word need shortening anyway?

And why is Harry 'short' for Henry, and Jack John?

These questions need to be answered.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 11:54, Reply)
Why is Bill
short for William and Dick short for Richard?

At least Jim is 2/3 correct!

technically so is Bill but factoring in the wrong first letter changes stuff in bizarre and fascinating ways...)
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 11:56, Reply)
My username
was a childhood nickname given to me by a teacher. James was the most popular name in 1986, and 5 people in my class were called James.

There was
That James
That Jim
Him Jim (with an extra finger point in my direction)
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 11:59, Reply)
I love it! That's a great story.

There were six Marks in my brother's primary school class (including him) so when we got birthday cards from him, they were always signed, 'Love from Mark T'.

How sweet!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 12:00, Reply)
Scary how things like that stay with you in later life!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 12:00, Reply)
I've always hated having a one syllable name.
It means people can't affectionately shorten it when being nice to you.

It does however also mean that your mum can't do the whole 'Your full, middle and surname I'm very disappointed in you' rant quite so well...
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 12:02, Reply)
I like my name.
It's awesome.

Next topic!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 12:03, Reply)
I like this HimJim business.

If I have a son, I may name him Jimothy.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 12:03, Reply)
My name is OK
but I like others better.

I'm just popping out for a bit, who wants anything?
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 12:05, Reply)
Boy's names should always be one syllable
Or they will get shortened to one...

Girls are OK with longer names, it just seems weird on boys!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 12:06, Reply)
My name is just common
I hate it.

Stupid parents.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 12:06, Reply)
Hahaha! Jimothy!
The drummer in my band is called Ronald*, but the first time that I met him, five years ago, I decided to call him Jimmi.
He still gets confused if I call him Ronald, and he often introduces himself as Jimmi.

*Well, he's not, but it doesn't really matter...
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 12:06, Reply)
My kids are going to have great names
and I don't care how many syllables they have.

I'm going to have a Marmaduke, and a Tarquin.

EDIT - Kaol, I have exactly the same with a guy in my band. EVERYONE calls him Budda yet his name is Simon. Before I met him, I expected him to be FAT.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 12:07, Reply)
I like your name too. I've not met many other Trevors.

But your triple-barrelled surname is a bit much.

*decides now would be a good time to pop out for a smoke*
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 12:08, Reply)
@ Colonel
Yay for Marmaduke.

If I have a daughter, she shall be named Isla.

She shall be Isla Wight!

Say it fast!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 12:09, Reply)
Does he look at all like a chicken, Kaol?
Crazy Jimmi.

And Tarquin is an awesome name.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 12:09, Reply)
hello again
I'm back! yay.

I have a question, huddle round sweet b3tans.

I have had a cold for over a month now. I need remedies and I need em fast! I have a cough which is nice and hacking and I am very full of snot.
I've tried everything, decongestant, flu relief drinks, whiskey, hot baths, vitamin C...
What else can I do? I'm fed up of sounding like a nasal, pipe smoking coughy person.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 12:10, Reply)
Hot toddies
And loads of hot (as in chili) food!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 12:11, Reply)
Steam your head
over a bowl of boiling water with eucalyptus in.

Follow it up with some reflexology - works wonders on any ailments.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 12:11, Reply)
I've gazzed you an amazing snot buster!
It won't cure your cold, but it will clear things up.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 12:12, Reply)
Lucy, have you tried steam-breathing thing?
With a crap-load of menthol?

Colonel: Must be a band thing eh? *grins*
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 12:13, Reply)
Re head steaming
Or as mum calls it, boiling your head. I've tried that too but I'll try it again. I've also started going to the gym in an effort to move the phlegm on my chest.
I'm so bored of being snotty and phlegmy.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 12:14, Reply)
Snort cayenne pepper.

Not only is it a natural painkiller, it'll blow your snot out your nose in a way that you've never experienced before.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 12:16, Reply)
That sounds like it would make my nose cry.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 12:18, Reply)
*Gathers round to watch the cayenne pepper snorting*

(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 12:18, Reply)
Isn't that you want it to do?
Cry snotty tears, a la Blair Witch?
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 12:18, Reply)
Only if it works properly. I have no problem producing snot at the moment. I'm only willing to snort pepper if it sorts the whole problem out.
fussy I know. i'm just scared of snorting pepper.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 12:19, Reply)
I wouldn't listen to anything Jim says! :p
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 12:23, Reply)
shakes fist!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 12:23, Reply)
i'd have youtubed it
although i'd make sure my camera was well protected.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 12:26, Reply)
nasal syringing
that sounds ace. I might give that a go.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 12:30, Reply)
Bad CU.

I'm eating leek & potato soup at my desk...

*wipes screen*
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 12:32, Reply)
I might give some of these a try. Although I do lack a syringe or water pistol. I'm not sure if I could squirt water up my nose. Maybe I'll get Mr VP to help me, he'd love that.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 12:33, Reply)
I can just see the hospital report now.

"So, you were helping squirt water up your partner's nose?"

"Erm, yes"

"How did you get the syringe caught up there?"
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 12:35, Reply)
Get a turkey baster!
That'll do the job :D
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 12:37, Reply)
I don't know whether to laugh, cry, or consider the logistics of that comment!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 12:37, Reply)
Or get Mr VP
Too much?

Sorry :(
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 12:38, Reply)

somebody help me
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 12:39, Reply)
Dear lord!
Poor Lucy!

Wookiee, you inhabit a world of lung and nose traumas. Stop lurking and help out.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 12:41, Reply)
You rampant hunk of manlover you!

How are you?
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 12:43, Reply)
Blimey Ethel!

Erm, I'm very well, thank you! Doing my best and all that :)

How are you?
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 12:45, Reply)
I'm Baaack
And I've got lovely cakes for everybody.

Lucy, go with the hot Toddies, and steaming your head, also take lots of vitamin C.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 12:47, Reply)
I'm all good today
booked all my flights and accommodation for an epic work trip
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 12:47, Reply)
Where are you going?
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 13:03, Reply)
Is it somewhere exotic Ethel?
Like Wales? 'Cos that's a pretty exotic place, that is.

Where did everyone go? Hi Lucy.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 13:08, Reply)
hi PoD
How are you? I wondered where everyone had gone too.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 13:10, Reply)
55 minutes.
That's how long the overseer just spent talking about her family.

The whole time I said one sentence, "well at least you can pick your friends."

55 minutes

I'm going to jump of Southwark bridge on my break.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 13:13, Reply)
Oh Lusty
The worst part of that story is that you counted. And I have a feeling that you counted every individual minute.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 13:13, Reply)
Don't do it Lusty
Throw her of Lambeth bridge insead. You'd get off because you did the world a favour.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 13:14, Reply)
I R off
to Kobenhavn unt Bucharest :)

Aww Vunderluzty tthats not good :(
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 13:16, Reply)
Thank god she had to leave to go on her break.
Is throwing someone down a flight of stairs a few times then stabbing them in the face over and over and over again legal if the person you're doing it to is really annoying?
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 13:21, Reply)
I'm pretty sure it's fine 'lusty
If they're annoying, or a chav. But then chavs are all annoying, so they don't really need a separate category.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 13:22, Reply)
*gets out stabbing knife*
She's back again.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 13:24, Reply)
Poor 'lusty
Kaol seems to have disappeared for a while. Maybe he's on his way to help you out.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 13:28, Reply)
Your very own pants? I'm sure theres a market for that.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 13:32, Reply)
I hope he is!
He'd be my hero!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 13:34, Reply)
You'll have
to sell them in bulk to provide for economies of scale though in that case. Get wearing girl!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 13:34, Reply)
Don't mention economies of scale
I hate stupid economies of scale, no matter how much of a proven fact it is...

Afternoon 'crenne.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 13:39, Reply)
'Twas my very most favouritist thing in all of the Business Studies world. It was simple.

Stack 'em high, sell 'em cheap.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 13:41, Reply)
I'm back.
Do try to control yourselves.

Lusty, it won't take me long to get to your office, so if you need any help with the maiming and killing, let me know. I'm in the mood for a spot of violence.

*hugs bigly in a non-violent way*
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 13:47, Reply)
I just hate it
Because they just seemed to go on about them constantly for about 3 weeks. I wanted to die after the first week, but somehow* found the strength to carry on.

Ah, shower time before going out to carry out public transport research.

*Irn Bru gave me that strength.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 13:48, Reply)
You may have see this...


Also www.researchandmarkets.com is good for getting studies, you have to pay for them but it's usually worth it.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 13:49, Reply)
Hello everybody
Al of course we missed you!

Miss crenne, (from last night)what about purple?

Lusty we all love you.

Drixy *hugs*
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 13:58, Reply)
Oh noes
My dog just farted on me.

Hello ancrenne! And Al! Hugs all round!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 14:03, Reply)
How fucking difficult is it to arrange access for the structural engineer to gain access to a unit?

Very. Because no one knows where the keys are, they are in Southampton, no they are in Wrexford, no they are with the contractors, you'll have to call John, John doesn't know he thought they were with the shopfitters, call shopefitters YES THEY HAVE THEM! But they are in Devon at the moment and will be there tomorrow, well the engineer can't do tomorrow it will have to be Thursday, well we won't be there on Thursday, well can you leave the keys? Yes. Sorted. Where shall the keys go after he has been?

Oh... I don't know. Who will? I don't know.
*bangs head on desk*

The above took over a day to establish and I am sad now :(
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 14:03, Reply)

Come, stay with us for a while we'll make you happy.

Have some cake.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 14:09, Reply)
*hugs TGB*
There there, it'll be ok. Just think of how Dok will be making sweet sweet love to you tonight or of a goldfish doing a paper round. Oh look, a kitten sitting in a tree. Here here kitten *strokes*
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 14:10, Reply)
*noms cake*

And I now have a return address for the keys and have spoken to the engineer and everything seems good now. :)
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 14:11, Reply)
Al is hot and sweaty.

I'm off to watch A Clockwork Orange for a while. Beats working for a living.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 14:13, Reply)
And in other news
I think I have a date =]
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 14:14, Reply)
Dok will be making sweet love to me?
Hmm *makes phone call, cancels plans*
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 14:14, Reply)
A clockwork Orange? Why? How?

Captain, Good work man.

Badger, you had plans? *crys* After the invite to watch movies last night? ;}
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 14:18, Reply)
Woo Cap'n!
Go you, who's the lucky lady then?
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 14:18, Reply)
Afternoon Everyone!
Hi everyone,

I'm back in the office and all happy after averaging 257 business miles per day in the last 7 days!

It's nice to not be driving somewhere stupid or getting up at stupid o'clock to get a train or anything.

And I have hot choclate!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 14:19, Reply)
A lady I met through match. We've got something pencilled in for the weekend after next =]

I've been dead pleased with match so far - well worth signing up.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 14:20, Reply)
By hot chocolate do you mean a quadrouple vodka and cranberry?
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 14:20, Reply)
There's a little cinema near my place of work and they're showing it. It's free. It's close by. I can nap. Hurrah!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 14:21, Reply)
Damn you Drixy
I've always wanted to see that on a big screen!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 14:22, Reply)
my plans were to wind up my housemate. Hot sex sounds loads better though :p

And woo V! *starts a mexican wave*

Hey Bill!! *waves madly*
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 14:22, Reply)
When you warn against grabbing poles do you mean poles as in long metal things, Poles as in the Polish or poles as in man meat? Perhaps all three?
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 14:23, Reply)
Miss Lusty
Nope, unlike last night I do actually mean Hot Choclate!

Or to be more precise a 50/50 mix of Cadburys hot choclate and Nescafe Alta Rica.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 14:23, Reply)
Oh my
~mexican waves just for the hell of it*

I'm in a funny mood right now. Suffering from over stimulation of the ears (noisy open plan office) and under stimulation of the mind (boring work today)

Help me!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 14:26, Reply)
Can't we do both? Wind up your housemate and have hot sex!

I was wondering about that as well Drixy.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 14:27, Reply)
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 14:28, Reply)
You tease you. Now I'm all hot and bothered but stuck at work surrounded by men and they're not even hot.

:edit: Dammit. I now have the metal image of myself being overstimulated in the ears with a penis. This is not good.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 14:29, Reply)
*mexican waves*

I've been car shopping and I have found a potential, hooray! Although now I have to do all the insurance quote comparison gubbins. Boo.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 14:29, Reply)
*Mexican waves!*
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 14:31, Reply)
Ok Dok that sounds
like a plan. See you about 7?

*mexican waves again*
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 14:34, Reply)
Seven sounds fine
Al you're a very bad man! I know I've met you.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 14:36, Reply)
Surely a spork would be better?
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 14:41, Reply)
Fork handles?

EDIT *Cries* Just had two massive reports sent to him which have to be done by 4pm.

(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 14:41, Reply)
that wave looks like it took far more effort than the outcome suggests!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 14:48, Reply)
Where is this birthday bashery? I can't see it in the calender.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 14:51, Reply)

Not perticularly, 4 html tags in total.


It's there if you look hard enough, only the people clever enough to find it are allowed to come.

Seriously though, It's July, see www.b3ta.com/calendar/event/17043 for details
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 15:03, Reply)
I didn't know there were buttons to change the month on the calender nor did I think of using the link in your profile.

Ah well.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 15:07, Reply)
is agggggges away.

I have Peter Gabriel Sledgehammer stuck in my head. *hums quietly*
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 15:11, Reply)
Capt'n V...
That's a pretty poor show...

I'm going to the cinema tonight.
My greatest challenge thus far for film-reviewing, I shall be writing a review of Quantum Of Solace.
A film that people are actually gonna see...
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 15:14, Reply)
Captain V
In this case, poles on trains. But recklessly grabbing hold of anything should be avoided, I suppose :)

Dok - could only stay for the first half, but it was great on the big screen.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 15:17, Reply)
It is.
Yep, July is ages, therefore If you put it in your calendars now you'll have no conflicting plans when the time comes.

*Bill is planning ahead for once*
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 15:18, Reply)
I've signed up for that one, dodn't know you live in Camberwell though!

Come now Captain, have you signed up?

Badger, *sings*

You could have a steam train
If you'd just lay down your tracks
You could have an aeroplane flying
If you bring your blue sky back
All you do is call me
I'll be anything you need

You could have a big dipper
Going up and down, all around the bends
You could have a bumper car, bumping
This amusement never ends

I want to be your sledgehammer
Why don't you call my name
Oh, let me be your sledgehammer
This will be my testimony

Show me 'round your fruitcage
'Cause I will be your honey bee
Open up your fruitcage
Where the fruit is as sweet as can be


EDIT Drixy, but you missed most of the good bits *sad*

EDIT 2 www.b3ta.com/calendar/event/16693
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 15:19, Reply)
Yes I have signed up now that I've finally found it =D
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 15:22, Reply)
*sings with Dok*
*imagine video*
*watches video on youtube*
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 15:22, Reply)

Now I've got 2 6 people attending! :-D
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 15:25, Reply)
7 now
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 15:27, Reply)
More than that!

Badger, I'd forgotten just how mad that video is.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 15:28, Reply)
I would go Bill but
1)That's my mums's birthday. If she has cake I have to go there
2)It's a Friday
3)I'd have to drive there and I hate driving in London
4)I estimate I won't finish work till 5.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 15:29, Reply)
Bring you Mum to the bash and, more importantly, her cake. Then take a day off work and use trains or somesuch.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 15:31, Reply)
Well, if it's anything like last year it won't be finishing until about 3am, therefore you could go to your mums first then come down later!

See, everybody wins!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 15:34, Reply)
Booo ;¬(

Then come to mine.www.b3ta.com/calendar/event/16693
Remember to take a day off work.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 15:35, Reply)
I promise I wont
Chat up your Mum

On second thoughts I can't promise that. I bet she's hawt.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 15:35, Reply)
I've got Reward by The Teardrop Explodes
stuck in my head. It's been there since around 10.30 this morning since I rang a customer and could hear it playing in the background.

I'm not sure whether this is a good thing or a bad thing. At least it's not Take That or something I spose.....

Oh, and afternoon all
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 15:35, Reply)
My mum is crazy
I try not to let her meet my friends as they end up liking her more *cries*
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 15:36, Reply)
HI Pirate
How's tricks?
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 15:36, Reply)
But what if we promise not too?
Would you come then?

I won't, you can count on that! *Snuggles*
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 15:37, Reply)
Just signed up for yours, anyone else got a birthday party to pimp to the thread?
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 15:39, Reply)
Yay more people.

EDIT I've just officeloled because of this email.

Yak yak yak fcuking yak!

TYalking about somebody who hasn't shut up since walking into the office 20 minutes ago.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 15:40, Reply)
well it will depend on money and cheap hotels! I'll see what I can do but will need reminding again closer to the time.

Mine is 20 March which is also a Friday! People can come to Leam for it if they like :p
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 15:42, Reply)
Everyone's always busy on my birthday :(
But my bash on 20th December is for my b3taday and birthday :)
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 15:43, Reply)
It's my birthday in March.
If I'm still in London I'll have a bash.

Well, if people would come I'd have a bash.

That sounds a bit wrong.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 15:43, Reply)
Lusty, Drixy, & Badger
Of course I'd come, and Drixy I've already signed up for your one!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 15:45, Reply)
In that case, I'm jumping in on your birthday bash too.

Us crappy-end-of-December-Birthday-people have to stick together *hugs*
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 15:47, Reply)
My (next) birthday
Isn't until September 22nd 2009. Too early to organise a bash?
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 15:48, Reply)
Yes! I shall amend the calendar, if you'd like to share?

Edit: In fact, it's done!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 15:48, Reply)
Mine is in March :D
In other news, I just had to send a parcel to a client of ours I don't like.

4 layers of bubble wrap, 7 layers of brown paper, 2 boxes and an entire roll of fabric strengthened parcel tape.

I hope they enjoy opening it.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 15:52, Reply)

You forgot the anthrax :(
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 15:55, Reply)
An old woman on the phone
Just called me young man!


*strokes beard*
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 15:59, Reply)
My birthday
is the 27th of December. I can't see me getting to the bash on the 20th though, unfortunately.

I am going to be doing my best to make one near the beginning of next year though. I need to put some faces to names here!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 16:00, Reply)
Oh dear lusty
You'll be pleased to hear, however, that I'm back to (fairly) soft stubble. I shall soon have be back to stubbeard length and happy once again.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 16:01, Reply)
She did tell me I was a polite young man.
So I guess it's not so bad...
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 16:06, Reply)
Lusty? A man?
God, I fucking wish.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 16:07, Reply)
Hi Miss crenne

What do you think of purple hair for me? I'm just asking coz I think you'd give me a good answer.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 16:08, Reply)
Woo and fuckin yay and fuckin woo again!
I'm employed!!!!!

I definitely got the job AND it's full time! I will have enough money to live on!

I start on monday!!!

Oh, and noons all ! :D
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 16:08, Reply)
Dim problem ancrenne :)
My random web browsing uncovers some interesting things, I found that the other day and thought of you!

lusty - not sure that being called polite makes it better or worse?!

I suffer from some weird affliction where I can (and have) grow massive lamb chop sideys, and an underchin beard, but nothing much on the upper lip or on the frontal chin, I'm envious of all you full face bearders.

Edit: YAY FUZZY! (and hi...!)
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 16:09, Reply)
Woo And Yay
For Fuzzy getting a job.

Tell us all about it!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 16:10, Reply)
Woo for Fuzzy!

*huggles more*
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 16:12, Reply)
ppd is struggling today
and requires huge hugs otherwise the end is neigh in the land of ppd horsey land...calling all b3tans...
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 16:13, Reply)
Cheers Miss crenne
I knew I could count on you top give me an honest answer, some people would just fib, and say 'Do it' even if it would look terrible. I'm looking at permanant deep purple.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 16:13, Reply)
Whatever colour you choose, dye your whole head. Go on. It'll be superb.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 16:16, Reply)
*great big group huggles*
Yep it's the pharmacy one. I shall be trained to NVQ level 3 in selling drugs!

It's a ten minute drive from where I live (big advantage as I live out in the sticks) and I can park at my mum's for free, and days off are flexible, and I get a staff discount at Boots in time for Christmas shopping :D

I haven't investigated the b3ta opportunites yet... there IS a computer in the staff room though... *hopes*
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 16:16, Reply)
Yay fuzzy!

and *hugs ppd too*
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 16:17, Reply)
*huggles for PPD*
Sorry I didn't call you yesterday. I am crap. It's true. Stuff came up, I turned my phone off...
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 16:17, Reply)
What my face and all? Or do you mean just my hair? Not that there's a lot of that left!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 16:18, Reply)
Your whole head!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 16:18, Reply)
I've been sticking thousands of labels
on envelopes all day and my fingers hurt!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 16:18, Reply)
But Drixy
I'd look like a prick!

Or is that what you're trying to say?

Edit Soon Ancrenne, Don't knoe excactly yet, but defo before the next bash.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 16:21, Reply)
give me
the drugs and thanks for the hugs!
TGB don't worry...:) x
i love horses best of all the animals! I'm singing and dancing!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 16:22, Reply)
Hello Everyone
Was at my friends funeral today. It was a dull, awful affair, so if anyone's got any jokes I'm happy to be on the receiving end.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 16:23, Reply)
What's the difference between a lightbulb and a pregnant woman....?
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 16:24, Reply)
I just thought it might be funny!

Ancrenne...erm, erm...
*runs away*
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 16:25, Reply)
Hello all
The journalist who makes me go weak at the knees and I find it impossible to say no to anything she askes of me just came to see me.

I can't concentrate on work now, so I've come to faff around here for a while.

It's that or a cold shower, I fear.

edit: @Bert...ooh, ooh, I know that one...
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 16:25, Reply)
As the future Mrs Lemminge
I'm against the whole head dying!

Whole body dying on the other hand...
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 16:25, Reply)
And there's you with your grabbing poles sig!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 16:25, Reply)
Sarah Palin would be funny if she wasn't actually serious....
I have a theory that she's a post-post-modernist comedian trying to sabotage the Reupblican party from the inside, or something. Sadly I think she's just a small town American idiot though.

Anyone got any idea when the full results will be in?

fuzzy - smartphone is the way forward, I think!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 16:26, Reply)
Read my sig, I thought this up yesterday.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 16:27, Reply)
No idea. Try me :(
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 16:28, Reply)
Call her back over,
do it do it do it!!!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 16:29, Reply)
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 16:29, Reply)
@Bert: Ha, I like your version better
@Ancrenne: Yes, I think that's in order.

*breathing slows*

*heart rate drops back to normal*

Ah, thank you.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 16:29, Reply)
But only if you do it too, and we go 'Sky Clad'.

Oh a sky clad, blue woad wedding.

Right I'm off home for the day, laters everbody.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 16:29, Reply)
The optimist in me says that hopefully Obama should be hitting the 270 EC mark by about 0300 but then the pessemist in me says that we'll finally know in about 4 weeks once everyone has finished suing each other!

Edit: Congratulations WFF!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 16:33, Reply)
Hi al!
*furiously waves*
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 16:34, Reply)
Right now, al, I appear to be waving
*double-handed waves*
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 16:39, Reply)
*waves furiously*

Hi Al! Hi Burt!

*furiously waves*
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 16:39, Reply)
Hi Kaol!
*limp-wristedly flounces*
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 16:40, Reply)
Oh my god!
You wankers!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 16:41, Reply)

I'm bored of that now.
Oh, and I'm great.
As usual.
Listening to Pearl Jam, drinking orange juice.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 16:42, Reply)
Oh, al
you little charmer, you. I know you're lying though.

I'm very good thanks, might post a bit of a dilemma I'm currently experiencing, and hopefully some eccentric porn tomorrow. Yay!

EDIT how rude of me, and how's my favourite non-geordie today?
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 16:42, Reply)
I'm fine thanks...

Yeah, I know...
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 16:46, Reply)
Alexanderthenongeordie is my favourite non-geordie, he is a fake, a faux-geordie if you will.

You're my favourite knife-obsessed, prostitute-stab-fixated b3tan.

EDIT al, you're about as geordie as my ex mother in law's left nipple, and she's about as 'Surrey' as it gets.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 16:49, Reply)
Al, don't do that with your cock!
Dear lord!
*takes cock*
*puts it somewhere soothing*

Chicken or tomato soup FTW.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 16:50, Reply)
When I have tomato soup I get bits of bread and squash them into doughballs, then drop them into the soup. They taste of all of the sex.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 16:52, Reply)
Well, RobertSimianFornication,
I might stab hookers.
But at least I don't make jokes about it on the BBC, Clarkson-style.

Also, minnestrone soup smells and tastes like cat-wee.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 16:52, Reply)
Did Mr Clarkson really do that?

He's a tall, naughty man isn't he? I like him, I bet if we put velcro on the ceiling he'd stick to it.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 16:54, Reply)
He most certainly did:
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 16:55, Reply)
I do that!

I have the same dirty habits as Bert.

*relinquishes last grasp of sanity*
*commences life of pure abandon*

Al, your cock is perfectly safe. Take it back any time you like.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 16:56, Reply)
*mops up mess*
*mops a bit more*

And we're done.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 17:01, Reply)
Have you noticed that everyone else has gone?
The AlBurtKaol-ness was too much.

Although obviously Clendrix is strangely resilient...
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 17:01, Reply)
I don't actually see the problem
with Clarkson's comment. I personally found it funny, and he actually has a point too. What were the occupations of Peter Sutcliffe and Steve Wright?

*goes to Hull*

EDIT: I actually hold a Cat C+E HGV licence myself.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 17:03, Reply)
I'm still here kaol
Watching, maybe touching myself a little.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 17:04, Reply)
I do...
I don't know which one of you I fancy the most.
But I'm giving it some serious thought.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 17:04, Reply)
See you all again tomorrow.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 17:06, Reply)
A little-known fact:
Steve Wright actually didn't commit the Ipswich murders.

He also wasn't a lorry driver.
He ran a drop-in midnight car-valeting service.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 17:07, Reply)
oh dear.
The thought of me rubbing baby oil into my nipples seems to have scared Bert away.
and now al

(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 17:08, Reply)
Well, I'm still here. And so is Kaol. And Wookiee is lurking and, probably, abusing himself under his desk.

Let's have some fun.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 17:09, Reply)
It looks like the best ones are left then.

*has fun*
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 17:12, Reply)
I'm lurking
Just in case Megadrives or SNES's crop up in conversation..
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 17:13, Reply)
*saunters in*

Dirty Weeker, I love your Street Fighter Alien Mashup in your profile *glees*
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 17:13, Reply)
*enjoys himjim's wiggle*
*has a little jiggle*
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 17:21, Reply)
Stands in the doorway
Evenin' all
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 17:22, Reply)
Thank you
himjim. It's my pride and joy. Never got near front page of "popular" though. *sob*

*wiggles while crying*
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 17:23, Reply)
Evenin' all / Mocking religious people, pt. 569923
Back from work now enjoying a post work ale.

Just got sent this on MSN:

(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 17:32, Reply)
Been meeting with hot journo (see above)
but am back now.


but back.

Looks like I missed some cockery related shenanigans too.

(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 17:32, Reply)
Alone huh?
*helps himself to drinks*

*noses around the place*

*gets bored*

*goes home*
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 17:47, Reply)

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