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( , Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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I got here first!
I need to get out more, this is the most exciting thing to happen in a few days now.
*cuddles No3L and ancrenne*
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 7:48, Reply)

I'm happy today. I get to work til 4pm and head off to my friend's place to work hard... and play hard... for the weekend!
And by monday, the days will start getting longer again!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 7:55, Reply)

Morning all...
I have a major hangover this morning.
*reaches for alka seltzer*
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 7:58, Reply)

I hope it was worth it :)
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 7:59, Reply)

*removes hair*
*passes to PJM*
There, that should help. If not, how about a cup of tea and a bacon sandwich?
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 8:03, Reply)

I wake up at home this morning, confused by being in a single bed and my alarm clock being on the wrong side of me. Strange. But awesome.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 8:10, Reply)

Ah, Lusty, I see we're in your fucking fine fucking thread this fucking morning. That's fucking good.
And it's good to see you back in these parts, ancrenne.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 8:18, Reply)

It looks that fucking way.
Fuck fuck fuckadee fucky fuck.
Are you well this morning?
@PoD Did you sleep in someone elses bed? ;) Or are you back home from uni?
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 8:25, Reply)

Had a good night's sleep, which is just as well as I've got a late one tonight.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 8:33, Reply)

if I shouldn't have just cycled into those stupid girls rather than break my shoulder avoiding them. *wince*
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 8:44, Reply)

I have my first proper Christmas hangover, and am trying to gear myself up for tonight, which will be an even bigger one.
Fortunately I'm going to spend most of the afternoon in the pub though...
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 8:46, Reply)

Despite being as sick as a dog last night I am warm, happy and in fine fettle this morning!
How are you lovely people?
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 8:50, Reply)

I'm good, waiting for my Norwegian exam results to come in:)
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 8:50, Reply)

Better out than in, eh Dok?
Is that sicker than a parrot, by the way?
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 8:51, Reply)

How is Norway today, cold?
K2, much sicker than a parrot, and I would rather it had been in than out!
Oh Sam, no matter how chipper I am it's way too early for Monty Python!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 8:53, Reply)

shockingly enough! We're in plus degrees (3 of them I think), which makes everything outside a bit icky and slushy, but no wooly underwear today! Hurrah :p Thanks.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 8:55, Reply)

Norway's warmer than Scotland. It's only just above freezing here this morning.
I've still got my pants on though. I'm not that tough.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 8:56, Reply)

Norway above freezing in Winter!
I should work for a newspaper I should. I could do all the headlines.
K2 gald you've got your pants on, please keep it that way , or at least give warnins if you're going to take them off!
Sam, no I love Python it's just too early in the day, if I laugh now I may just asplode.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 9:01, Reply)

And I was going to go snowboarding tomorrow. But it'll either be sludgy or icy so I figure I might listen to the 'It's too soon after the injury' whiners :p
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 9:03, Reply)

on keeping my pants on, Dok. You're quite safe.
It's just that Darras mentioned she wasn't wearing woolly underwear today, which I took to mean that she wasn't wearing any underwear, as a true b3tard should interpret such a statement...
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 9:03, Reply)

So that means getting cooked for, and having a warm house, and all sorts of things.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 9:08, Reply)

I was not going to comment on Darras knickerless state myself.
My poor snowboard has sat in his bag for far too long, I never get the time to get to any slopes :(
Woohoo temp drop, maybe you'll get out after all!
Hi PoD.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 9:13, Reply)

I'm enjoying the image, darras. Although ancrenne may have issues with it as she wants to sell lots of pants!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 9:13, Reply)

I had forgotten how hard it was to post from my iPod without making spelling mistakes =(
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 9:20, Reply)

My voice is not working today.
I broke it last night.
But on the plus side, I've got a great weekend planned :D
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 9:21, Reply)

Borken voice is not good!
PoD I've never calimed to be anything else, it seams to go down well.
Darras you have given me a very bad thought. :) Kaol can I borrow you finest skinning knife please?
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 9:26, Reply)

Morning all
*waggle eyebrows*
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 9:27, Reply)

EDIT: Dok, I'm knife-free as of this morning. Sorry.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 9:27, Reply)

What's happened?
Who are you and what have yo done with the real Kaol?
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 9:29, Reply)

Sounds like a fun night. Band practice one presumes? We actually had a practice before a ceilidh last weekend. I bet my neighbours loved that one....
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 9:30, Reply)

woo woo woo it's Friday! Wooowooowooo get to see loads of people tomorrow! wooooooooooo!
*is far too excited this morning*
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 9:32, Reply)

Hey! I don't want to be skinned and turned into pants! *cries a lot*
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 9:34, Reply)

It was really cold in our "practice room" (shed), and I went a bit over-the-top on some of the vocals.
The rough recordings sounded wicked though :D
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 9:34, Reply)

I suppose I'll have to go get a knife of my own!
Then I'll have the badgerskin pants, all of them. All mine!
Oh Hi Badger! Didn't see you sneak in. I promise not to skin you for pants! How's that?
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 9:34, Reply)

And I've started being a good boy and not carrying a knife around :)
Although the leather jacket I was wearing this week had one in, that I'd forgotten about.
Quite a big one :|
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 9:38, Reply)

That's very good news about the knives Kaol *huggles*
Looking forward to seeing me tomorrow!! I haz present for you :p
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 9:40, Reply)

To seeing you tomorrow :D
Hopefully I'll actually talk to you this time, instead of flitting around like a crazy-person :p
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 9:42, Reply)

Looking forward to your date tomorrow?
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 9:44, Reply)

I'd forgotten about V's date tomorrow, good luck in talking her into a threesome!
Badger, fair exchange is the besy policy if you ask me.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 9:47, Reply)

Just going to see how it goes and go from there. Still very keen on the girl I was out with last weekend but I haven't heard from her since.
I think the reason for that is that she knows about tomorrow and wants to wait until she knows how that's gone. That's the impression I got from her at the end of the date anyway.
:edit: Dok this is a different girl!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 9:51, Reply)

And generally being crude as I recall...
*snogs V* Missed me?
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 9:52, Reply)

You're a lovely young man, I'm sure something will sort itself out sooner rather than later :)
EDIT: TGB, you're a lovely young man too.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 9:53, Reply)

*gropes bottom*
Nah didn't miss you at all =p
:edit: Thanks Kaol. I'd be perfectly happy if tomorrow's date goes well but without any real potential for anything more and the girl from last weekend is still interested and wants to see me again.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 9:54, Reply)

Captain V is ace!
And he has a lovely face and silky hair!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 9:55, Reply)

While people are about...
New comic went up yesterday!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 9:56, Reply)

*drops rope*
Morning all! Happy Friday and all that!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 9:56, Reply)

Contact her today and profess your undying love for her. It will show her that you are thinking about her and make her think that you are not taking tomorrows date seriously.
Badger I think most people were a bit crude and flirty at the last bash. Not me though I'm a good boy!
EDIT Hi Lusty and DiT. *hugs*
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 9:58, Reply)

Somehow, and I've no idea why, but I think that might scare her off just a little bit.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 9:59, Reply)

I passed my course :D
And V you could at least contact her to say hey, howsit? Just so she knows you're thinking of her. You do have all the power here, can't go expecting her to contact first.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 10:01, Reply)

I did send her a wee text to let her know that I'd really enjoyed the date but heard nothing back =[
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 10:01, Reply)

Just contact her and say hello then, or whisper nothing sweet in her ear!
Grats Darras, nice one.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 10:02, Reply)

Congratulations for passing your course darras. If you don't mind me asking, what course was it?
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 10:03, Reply)

I meant "If you were a man, you'd be a lovely one".
That doesn't really help, does it?
*eats orange*
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 10:05, Reply)

Im studying Norwegian language at university here. It started out as a mission to become fluent, now it's a mission to speak better norwegian than my best friend (who is norwegian) :p
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 10:06, Reply)

I'll be eating on the LEFT 'til the end of January.
Including Christmas dinner.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 10:08, Reply)

Gunpowder, gelatine
Dynamite with a laser beam
Guaranteed to blow your mind
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 10:18, Reply)

Mine would hav been a bit different though.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 10:20, Reply)

Why weren't you posting?
You were waiting, weren't you?
Waiting to mock me.
God-fuckin'-dammit, I should've known.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 10:21, Reply)

Noel Fielding is a possibility to be the new Dr. Who.
Which frankly is a FAR better idea than a female Time Lord. Which just wanks on everything.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 10:24, Reply)

I was working!
I know it's a first.
EDIT Darras NOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, he looks more camp than a handbag full of kittums!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 10:25, Reply)

or David Walliams :p
Frankly Im happy I stopped watching! Although I do love David Tennant... he's hot..
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 10:30, Reply)

I don't think we've met? Or have you changed your name? *looks accusing*
*gets told off for looking accusing*
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 10:32, Reply)

As would David Walliams, to be fair.
I feel fucking grim, Guinness hangover is not FTW. 2.5 hours til pub lunch though.
Edit: Hi TGB!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 10:33, Reply)

both of those suck big monkey balls!
We should start a campaign to get Davros' Grandad the job, at least he looks the part!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 10:34, Reply)

stop looking at people accusingly, it make you look funny!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 10:35, Reply)

They wouldn't be allowed to show it before the watershed!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 10:36, Reply)

I wonder what the BBC policy on drinking, smoking, swearing and casual violence is...
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 10:37, Reply)

Did I read you were hungover? Aww :p
Hey CU *waves too*
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 10:38, Reply)

But still not great...
I think it should be Harrison Ford.
*waves at TGB*
Yep - far too much Christmas Guinness last night.
In the immortal words of my mate Rob, today I am able to shit through a box hedge without rattling any of the leaves!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 10:39, Reply)

Charlie Brooker would be a great Dr. Who.
Well, funny, at least.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 10:41, Reply)

How ya doin today?
Me as the next Doctor! I can do the job well, and you lot know it!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 10:42, Reply)

I've already been yelled at by a Doctor today!
Not THE doctor though. That would have been a little bit cool.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 10:43, Reply)

Christ. Not on my watch. Paterson Joseph should do a good job, I reckon.
I did read yesterday though that Eddie Murphy is rumoured to be playing The Riddler in the next Batman film.
If this is true, I'm going to slap Christopher Nolan right on the ballbag.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 10:44, Reply)

What are you doing with yourself at the moment? I know you've not started your new uber job so what's your stopgap job at the moment?
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 10:45, Reply)

DiT. Damn what a craptastic casting that would be.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 10:45, Reply)

It'd be great, nobody would bat an eyelid if I sliced up an old woman at a bus stop :)
Also, if Eddie Murphy is the Riddler, it'll be stabbing time.
Fuckin' disgrace.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 10:45, Reply)

I'd slap him in more than his ball bag, i'd kill the stupid fuckwit!
Badger, I can't remember the last day I wasn't shouted at by a doctor!
EDIT CU, the fun would never end, and the plus point is that nobody would be able to say that they could make it, as we could have the bash, and get back in time for whatever else was happening!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 10:46, Reply)

Since when was the joker black? Next Batman will be a woman and Robin and elephant.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 10:46, Reply)

Im having a totally bad language day. Which makes work hard! I shouldn't have come in today :(
I think they want that Transformers kid to be Robin by the way.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 10:49, Reply)

Although it bears absolutely no resemblance to it. So I think I should be Batman.
(it was because of the Todd Terry track Bango (to the Batmobile). Acid house FTW!)
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 10:50, Reply)

And if she is reading this I'm not here or bored... lalalalalalalala
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 10:51, Reply)

Morning again...
My hangover is in full swing and I don't feel good at all.
I wish I could remove my own head and put it in the fridge for a couple of hours.
Anyone have any good recommendations for remedies?
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 10:52, Reply)

Maybe I'd slap him in the ballbag with a plank of wood embedded with rusty nails!
If I was going to cast it, I think I might go for Jason Bateman as Riddler.
I've also heard that Shia TheBeef might be Robin and Rachel Weisz might be Catwoman.
This is getting dangerously close to looking like a bad film, isn't it?
@PJM - Hair of the dog? More seriously, a McDonalds Cheeseburger, Full-Fat Coke (or other similar brand) and a Mars Bar. You'll be right as rain.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 10:52, Reply)

My old car was called Arthur because it had a dent in the bonnet when I bought it.
My current car is called The Doctor because the tie bar wasn't fitted properly and used to knock a lot.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 10:53, Reply)

an internet quiz said I'm intelligent and witty and individual!
Suck on that suckers :p
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 10:55, Reply)

called The Hoggmobile. Which is frankly the best name for a car ever. Excpet my Marina which is called Jubley
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 10:56, Reply)

I think that I should just stick to playing myself.
*sends Kaol Black to the BBC*
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 10:56, Reply)

You of all people should know the answer is whisky!
Failing that, as many of the following as you can lay your hands on:
Greasy meat (if you can't get your hands on anything cooked, hit the cheese or anything similarly high in cholesterol)
A massive joint
A wank
Multiple cups of strong tea
A Star bar
Booze of any sort
More booze
About a gallon of water
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 10:57, Reply)

I don't watch much telly otherwise, and very few films, so I have no idea who most of these people are that you're talking about.
But I do think David Tennant is the best Doctor in the history of the series. He's even overtaken Tom Baker in my estimation. He'll be a hard act to follow.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 10:58, Reply)

Any particular order to that list?
One or two might get me thrown out of the office.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 10:59, Reply)

Not going to be here long (what do you mean 'thank fucking christ for that?) as it's Christmas party day.
I'm gonna be sooo shitfaced when I get home tonight.
Noel Fielding as the Doctor? Sounds like the Tabloids are having a slow news day to me. A bit like when the show first came back and the Sun was adamant that Paul Daniels had the role.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 10:59, Reply)

As I said, as many as you can manage!
If you complete the whole list you get 250 points though.
Tonight is Mad Friday where I live, anyone else have this tradition? All the builders etc have the day off for their Christmas meal, most of them will be drinking already by now. Town will be absolute carnage by the time I get out!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:01, Reply)

Bless it, was called the Horny Monkey Mobile (the last three letters of the Reg plate were HMM).
I still miss the groan the clutch made whenever it was, aha, depressed. Nova Power!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:03, Reply)

So tonight I'm having curry with a friend, and tomorrow is my
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:03, Reply)

of Mad Friday. But lots of places are having their works dos today (including here) and the roads were much quieter this morning, presumably because people are either not at work, or at least not driving to work but going by alternative means.
Edit@DiT - sounds like a knackered thrust bearing!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:04, Reply)

I talk to mine. Things like
"Shut the hell up you stupid bint!" at my Sat Nav which will continually demand that I do a U-turn if I should deviate from the recommended route.
"Oh for fuck's sake" when the traction control and vehicle stability system goes for a shit as it occasionally does for no reason. Restarting the car sorts it though.
Yes, it's Italian. Oh for simple electrics and decent mapreading skills.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:05, Reply)

DiT - I always try to name my cars based on the last 3 letters of the registration too.
My last car was called Vince, on account of having VNC as the last 3 letters.
My current car doesn't have a name. Any suggestions based on a last 3 letters of ZJK?
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:06, Reply)

You're lovely :D
I'm looking forward to a
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:07, Reply)

Richard Wilson. Time we had a crusty old bugger again.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:08, Reply)

Hello to the new arrivals.
*hugs for everybody*
I've now finished all of my work so will be here all day (poor you)!
I don't drive, but I do talk to my iPod, sometimes I even get funny looks.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:08, Reply)

I searched for acronyms for ZJK and there aren't any for that!
I bought that W124 btw duck, bloody lovely. Although it needs a new track rod so it's off the road until I can afford to pay for one :( Second hand Benz parts from a breaker are probably more expensive than new Ford ones!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:09, Reply)

You should just call your car JK and wear silly hats whenever you drive it
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:11, Reply)

I think some sort of Russian name with the letters ZJK in it would work nicely.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:13, Reply)

Hahahaha, that's very sweet.
What car is it? Something old and cherished?
Modern cars are anodyne and lack personality.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:13, Reply)

Don't understand naming machines. Never have, never will.
It's just me I suppose.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:14, Reply)

But I have a knife called "The Bloodener".
Well, half of it.
There was an accident.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:15, Reply)

ORLY? Interesting, I'm told that all Novas circa 1986 had a clutch squeak. I do hope the chap that bought it off me didn't die!
ZJK? How about Zanzibarian Jailbait Killer?
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:15, Reply)

Kaol, I was showing someone degloving the other day. They nearly threw up a lot.
And my car doesn't have a name. It is all new and soulless. Meh.
Hey DiT, Badgerface, other people that weren't here when I was earlier.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:19, Reply)

I have accidents like that..
My brother was far from amused when I dented the tip of his new knife by dropping it through my food while hilariously drunk.
I believe he came home to find the knife on the floor in a pool of blood and woke me to find my foot stuck to the bed.
Now THAT was a painful morning folks!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:20, Reply)

I've had to dress a degloving injury.
It was quite messy.
Although the red meaty-ness did cause the thought of "trying a bit" to creep into my head...
EDIT: Darras, you tard! Hahaha! Hope there was no lasting damage...
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:21, Reply)

Darras I has a moment of "what the hell were you eating that dented a knife?!"
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:22, Reply)

Zanzibarian Jailbait Killer - I like it!
I'll break the news to it later.
I actually do talk to my car - it's supposed to understand what I'm saying, but it's remarkably cloth-eared. Telling it to turn the temperature down usually ends up re-routing the sat nav to Droitwich or somewhere.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:23, Reply)

Badger I can only assume that I had the munchkies and was trying to find some food when I found the shiny...
It happens, I am accident prone :D
EDIT: I now see my embarrassing typo. It was my foot that the knife went through, not my food!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:23, Reply)

I had to go and pair his new phone to the Bluetooth thingy because he has no technical skills whatsoever.
He tried to demonstrate the voice dialling feature and it didn't get a single one right, kept dialling other people entirely!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:24, Reply)

I know - it's pretty crap.
Fortunately, I had a small hand in helping to develop the new version of it, which works remarkably well. It went into production this summer, and I might look to see if I can retro-fit it to mine.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:27, Reply)

I can only say that I've had some strange accidents. Mostly involving things impacting my head!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:28, Reply)

Voice dialling/controlling of stuff (not just cars) will be well good when someone actually manages to make it work. I tried ViaVoice out once and even after training it to my voice it just outputted absolute gibberish!
All this talk of cars is making me very sad that I have to get a lift to work in a sodding Vectra whilst the Batmobile sits on the drive :(
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:28, Reply)

why are sat-nav voices female by default? Every man knows women can't read maps, so we're not going to trust an electronic one telling us where to go.
Sat nav is crap anyway. The one time I've used mine to go somewhere without actually looking at a map first, I got lost. Usually I just look at a map, memorise the route (in a kind of vector graphic way) then get in the car and drive there.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:29, Reply)

I seem to be more-or-less immune to knife-related accidents.
Although I managed to punch myself in the mouth last night... So I'm not entirely stupid-proof.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:29, Reply)

but I did once stick a garden fork through the web between my toes.
And nearly cut off my left index finger with a Bushman saw!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:31, Reply)

1.0l and didn't go anyway fast.
I got rid after I discovered it struggled overtaking a bus.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:31, Reply)

I much prefer the female voices - if you use the male ones they have more of a tendency to get obscured by the road/car noise, as they're lower in frequency. Don't know if that's the reason for them being default but it wouldn't surprise me.
I use sat nav by looking up the route on a map/the internet and programming about 10 via points into it so it takes me the best route instead of one it made up when it was smoking crack.
Edit: @ PJM - My pride and joy. Fully loaded as well.
It's a 3.0 straight six diesel so it's about the speed of a snail, but who cares when you're travelling in that much style? Also I can get nearly 50mpg out of it even with an auto box, if I drive half sensibly, which is pretty impressive. Only downside is the insurance...
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:31, Reply)

wish I'd seen that :p
I have a long list of mostly embarrassing and pretty improbable self caused injury.
My favourite was the time I jumped onto a plug (not deliberately) and it went through my foot. I did scar from that one.. Seriously though, ALL three prongs right in! One came out the other side..
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:31, Reply)

It's a big black car driven around by Batman but that's not important right now.
:edit: My comedy timing is far too slow =[
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:32, Reply)

I do indeed.
In a nutshell, I develop the software that controls the engines and gearboxes in all Jags and Land Rovers.
This has some caveats attached. Unfortunately I have to test the software at all speeds, in all conditions and in all climates, as well as doing comparisons with competitors. It's such a drag, having to drive all sorts of exotic cars in all sorts of places.
Some people end up jealous of my job for some reason.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:32, Reply)

Sat-nav should work like Google maps does. You give it a start and end point, then it works out the route. But here's the good bit - you can then click and drag the route to the way you want to go, and it will recalculate.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:33, Reply)

Sounds great. Can you reprogram my ECU to liberate an extra 5mpg?
And about twenty five more horsepower?
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:33, Reply)

But surprisingly, you aren't the first person I have heard that's done that.
And Kaol, that makes you pretty stupid.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:34, Reply)

Plug-foot sounds bad...
Although NOTHING is worse than standing on Lego when you're really hungover.
On the subject of stupid accidents...
*looks at rubberduck*
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:34, Reply)

How dare you suggest that rubberduck was not conceived deliberately!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:35, Reply)

Let me know if you need a tea boy.
@ PJM - yes he probably could, but do you really want it to break down any more than it does already? :P
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:36, Reply)

Chances are, if I just stripped out all the emissions-related crap it would liberate more than 5mpg and 25 horsepower alone.
I *cough* did that on my car and it freed up 72 horsepower according to the dynamometer, and now does about 20mpg instead of 18mpg.
Kaol - accidents? What accidents?
*tries to look innocent*
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:37, Reply)

Im not the only one?? Hurrah! I've waited years to hear that :p
Kaol and V you just made my boss suspicious that I'm not actually doing anything constructive because I laughed quite loudly.. Poor duck.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:37, Reply)

Majel Barrett Roddenbury died yesterday of Leukemia.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:37, Reply)

Not what I meant, V!
Also, the mouth-punching was due to filling up my lighter, and the valve-bit shooting out, as I fucked up.
Is that better or worse?
Smoking damages your health, kids...
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:37, Reply)

When I had a mk6 Transit I blanked off the EGR (diverting exhaust gases into the air intake? Genius idea... Or not) with a bit of beer can and got about an extra 100 miles per tank!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:38, Reply)

I do get the feeling that it may have been someone else related to this website. Perhaps someone in this thread could confirm this for me?
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:38, Reply)

Would have been funnier had it been a random tic..
My friend Bjarte missed his girlfriend as he went for a kiss and ended up with a shiner because the hand that was supposed to end up around her neck ended up in his eye.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:40, Reply)

I went to kiss my then girlfriend on the forehead (she was a lot shorter than me) and managed to forget I had a fag in my mouth. Burnt her forehead up by the hair line, I saw her a few weeks ago and she still has the scar!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:41, Reply)

Scraping some old wallpaper off the wall - 8 stitches in left hand
Opening a can of paint - 3 severed tendons in right hand, 5 hours in theatre and 17 stitches
Demolishing a conservatory - 8 stitches along the jaw
Connecting a trailer to a car - loss of all the skin on one knee.
Attaching a new magnetic catch to a wardrobe door - drilled a hole all the way through left thumb. 3 stitches.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:42, Reply)

I've never done that!
Due to lack of tic.
Although I do a great line in walking into things when I'm drunk, then loudly denying it ever happened...
EDIT: Yay, thanks Mr. Duck!
If you weren't so loveable, I'd consider locking you up in a B&Q overnight to see what happened...
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:42, Reply)

My grandad put a 3/8" drill bit all the way through the palm of his hand a few months ago (he REALLY shouldn't be doing DIY). Somehow managed to miss everything important.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:43, Reply)

How in gods green earth did you manage to do that to your hand opening a can of paint?
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:45, Reply)

Did you split up fairly soon after that incident?
I managed to burn myself in the arm with a cigarette. I have no idea how because it's on the inside just under the elbow. *is stoooopid*
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:45, Reply)

You're tales of stupidity amuse me every time. The worst I generally is smashing my head off things. The edge of a car boot was a bad one.
Cut across forehead + slight possibility of concussion + rest of day at wedding drinking champagne and wine = not the best idea.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:45, Reply)

from a trampoline once..
It was the most awesome drunken fun ever!! The following two months weren't so entertaining.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:45, Reply)

car related incident I've ever had is making a stag (the animal, not the car) explode by barrelling into it at > 120mph on our test track.
Fucking thing. The car was a write-off.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:46, Reply)

I've been working on my xmas special comic this morning, so here you go!
I should have entered it into last week's QotW though...
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:47, Reply)

That was a long way from being the worst thing I did to her. We were both in a very fucked up phase at that point. Not proud of
I have a big circle on my arm from trying to burn smiley faces into it with a Clipper, and holding it on for far too long through some sort of pissed masochism. My arm went septic and swelled up to about 3 times the size of the other one.
Dok - I think he must have been trying the karate chop method instead of levering the lid up with a screwdriver. Oh well, you live and learn!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:48, Reply)

Basically, it happened a bit like this:
- Want to open can of paint.
- Need a screwdriver. Can't find one
- Ahh, this table knife will do
- Wedge tip of knife into can of paint and try to pry lid off
- This is stuck a bit hard... Grip and push harder
- Hand slips, still gripping knife tightly.
- Gripped fist runs down blade of knife
- Lots of blood and complete loss of function of 2 fingers.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:50, Reply)

like the comic lab :p *hugs*
At uni someone smilied me with a lighter. Fucktard. I still have half a smilie scar five years later
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:52, Reply)

I can see an explosion of red, plastic and antlers.
Ouchy! You seem a tad accident prone, the comedy injuries from opening a tin of paint amused me.
I once washed up and needed three stitches.
I did fall off the back of a running machine once too. I grabbed the bar to stop myself falling on my face and in doing so removed all the skin from my kneecaps.
I had the choice of getting back on or having a cry. I got back on and ran the last mile with blood streaming down my legs, because I fancied the girl on the machine next to me.
I've broken a lot of gym equipment in my time. Three treadmills, four bikes, a step machine and two rowing machines to dat.e
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:53, Reply)

Open the top of my thumb while making a model.
Get smacked in the head by an old style wooden swing.
Opened up my palm while working on a bike engine.
Go arse over tit off my push bike when I hit a wall. I was told my superman impression was quite good though. I can't remember due to smacshing my head on the ground!
Fell face first onto a wheel ramp.
Ran face first into a rather big tree, I didn't see it!
Sliced open my palm due to showing off!
And maybe some other head injuries that I can't remember!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:54, Reply)

Yep - I've got plenty of bad-ass scars!
I think I'm on first name terms with the staff at Selly Oak hospital's trauma department.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:54, Reply)

Few on my fingers from burns, cuts and stuff.
And a small round one in the middle of my chest from where I got shot with an air rifle.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:54, Reply)

I've not got many, but here goes:
One on my thumb from trying to open a Ki Ora bottle with a knife aged 8.
One on my wrist from putting my hand through a window aged 14.
One just below my knee, caused when I broke my leg by running into a brick bbq at 1am in the Sherwood Forest. While dressed as a ninja, being chased by samurai. Aged 24.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:57, Reply)

had our work christmas do last night, staying over in a hotel on Dartmoor.
I've got one of those hangovers that gets worse as the day goes on...
some classy photos from last night. what is it about christmas parties that result in crazed debauchery?
edit: I've not got many scars. got one on the palm of my hand where I pinned a plastic bottle to it with a knife while making a bong...
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:58, Reply)

are you bringing your lady friend for us to
Lab the BBQ scar is quite impressive! Chicks dig scars y'know :p
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 11:59, Reply)

I can't make it tomorrow. My car's used £800 extra this month, eating quite severely into my 'fun things' budget for the month.
I'll definitely be bringing her along to the first bash of the new year though.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 12:02, Reply)

I don't have many scars. One in my knee from the same incident that caused my front teeth to now be crowns, and a small one from the Bushman saw incident mentioned up the thread a bit.
I've lived a sheltered life!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 12:02, Reply)

I'm fully qualified in the use of a scalpel.
And I know where all the important blood-pipes are.
So if anyone wants impressively scarring, it's £20 an inch.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 12:03, Reply)

I began my career as a klutz aged three when I came screaming out into the garden covered in blood. Nobody knows what happened, I was too young to remember, but I still have a fairly substantial scar on my forehead.
Then.. Most notable ones, I grabbed my sister's dog by the infected neck accidentally and he bit me. I didn't want him put down as it was my fault so 11 year old me wore long sleeves all the way through a heatwave so nobody would know! My mother told me last year that she knew all along. Damnit..
Shattered my wrist playing with a sash window at college. That made my education as a musician challenging for a while!
The plug thing, and the knife thing.
I also ended up with a rusty nail through my foot and a torn webbing between big and second toes when trying to cut my front lawn (in south london) with a pair of nail scissors.
Ooh when I was 9 I was trying to tune my cello using pegs for the first time and the string broke and whiplashed into my face, I had this uber cool scar running from forehead to chin for yeaaars. Gone now though :p
I nearly drowned when I was 12 because I fell backwards into a horsetrough and got my head stuck under the water system in November and my family thought it was just too funny to get me out. I think I slipped on a half frozen cow pat.. Mmmmm
Oooh! I cut my thumb to the bone and even scored the bone permanently opening a can of kidney beans with a fork once. That was the day before a cello exam too. Right humiliating it was!
And my most recent, I rode my bike into a metal pole that ironically said 'cycle path' at high speeds and broke my collar bone. My bike didn't even get a scratch!
Im sure there are more but that'll do for now. I still think duck wins.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 12:05, Reply)

You lot have been busy on here today.
*sprinkles around kisses, hugs and boob-fondles*
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 12:08, Reply)

At tomorrows bash, should I wear my Fossil shark tooth, or my Rattlesnake spine necklace?
EDIT Hi Drixy lady *hugs*
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 12:08, Reply)

Why on Earth were you cutting your lawn with nail scissors?
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 12:09, Reply)

Which either makes me look stupid, or awesome.
Depending on how much I like myself at the time, haha!
Dok, I'd say the tooth, the snake-bits sound fragile.
And I don't wanna damage you... I'm really sorry about the door, by the way :(
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 12:11, Reply)

I think it was because I didn't want to write my dissertation.
I'd also spent nearly a week completely on my own and had subsequently gone a bit strange in the head :/
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 12:11, Reply)

You're right. I suck.
I'm suitably ashamed, and will punish myself by going home and attempting some DIY. It'll most likely result in permanent disfigurement.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 12:11, Reply)

Scars are awesome! In fact, my mum still has the scars I gave here during my birth :D
I was a c-section.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 12:11, Reply)

Dok, wear the rattlesnake thing.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 12:12, Reply)

*motorboats clendrix*
*runs out again*
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 12:12, Reply)

( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 12:14, Reply)

*has lie down*
V - yum. Burgers with smell of sweat, farts and semen.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 12:14, Reply)

They're not fragile, Bugger it I'lll wear both.
What did you do to the door?
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 12:15, Reply)

on the news this morning V
The best quote was "I don't smell the meat!"
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 12:15, Reply)

I seem to remember. Sorry!
What kinda shark was it? Megalodon or something :p Hahaha!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 12:17, Reply)

with a hangover today.
Go and click this for me: www.b3ta.com/questions/addicted/post333332
(I promise, this is not a pimp as such, I didn't write this one)
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 12:19, Reply)

is marketed at lovers of the larger lady?
It's every feeders dream! He'd have all the lovely, wobbly pussy he could dream of.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 12:19, Reply)

So it coudn't have been that bad.
Yup, but a small one, I have a 5" Meg tooth in the house though!
And yet another Issey Miyake fan, I just love it.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 12:19, Reply)

I'm glad it wasn't that bad :)
I've got a 3' Meg tooth, it's amazing!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 12:24, Reply)

I remember the door thing. It was dramatic and hilarious.
Thank god Dok was too pissed to remember.
*saves the thread for Kaol*
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 12:29, Reply)

It can't have been that bad, I wasn't that pissed that night.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 12:30, Reply)

*snogs Badger*
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 12:31, Reply)

TGB, I'm bringing the hat out tomorrow night :D
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 12:32, Reply)

Because you looked surprised and hurt, Dok.
Obviously you weren't, if you can't even remember...
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 12:33, Reply)

can I? can I? can I? can I? can I? can I? can I? can I? can I? can I? can I? can I?
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 12:33, Reply)

But I always remember getting hurt and I didn't so no problem.
So what time are folks turning up tomorrow?
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 12:34, Reply)

Around 6. Depends how/when my date goes and how far away from the pub it is.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 12:36, Reply)

How are we today?
Again, sucks I'm not going to make it tomorrow!
*sends happy birthday vibes Kaol and clendrix's way*
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 12:37, Reply)

I dunno why. Maybe I wasn't drunk enough
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 12:37, Reply)

I love the fact that Irish Tony thought I was bald...
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 12:40, Reply)

I have even less hair now! Had it all chopped off!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 12:40, Reply)

Tomorrow night still on? Same place?
I will try to be sober...
And I will try not to set myself on fire.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 12:43, Reply)

*hugs Badgerface and clendrix*
You suit shorter hair Miss Badger!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 12:43, Reply)

The Yorkshire Grey :)
Not going back to the Horse And Groom again, it was a bit crap.
Oh right!
Sorry, it feels like only yesterday I was in your awesome presence...
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 12:44, Reply)

I quite liked that place.
Having said that, my critical faculties lessened the more the evening went on.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 12:45, Reply)

Well I think we're meeting around 2. She already knew I had previous engagements for the evening though.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 12:46, Reply)

But you're a day too early. I don't land in England until sunday :/
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 12:51, Reply)

that it's you who is a day to late Darras, get an earlier flight!
I like the Grey better as it has nice seats outside to sit on and stand round chatting!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 12:57, Reply)

Im always late!
Perhaps there will just have to be one at Easter. I make it to england twice a year these days :D
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 12:58, Reply)

but it's in Edinburgh!
It's massive.
*wishes she got to say that more often*
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 12:58, Reply)

I shall ponder. It's actually the wrong end of the country, I'm supposed to be in the south at Easter but perhaps there will be a way. Edinburgh does rock socks after all!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 13:00, Reply)

I think everyone should come to the York one at the end of next month.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 13:01, Reply)

Nope, sorry!
I need to save money for America and Edinburgh.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 13:02, Reply)

H&G is OK. I don't mind it. But Grey seems far better set for B3tans.
@Miss Drix...massive you say? Me and you should 'talk'
(yes, I did the cock size joke, sue me)
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 13:03, Reply)

Just implied (AGAIN) that I am failure for not having had many babies by the age of 24. And then she commented on my great grade for Norwegian with the fact that she scored 98% on her latest essay for community college.
It took a lot of will power to not scream that I have a degree, am living abroad and speak a second language when she doesn't even have A levels!
DAMN she's annoying! And I don't even know if she does it on purpose or not :(
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 13:07, Reply)

Dogs are the way forward.
*sues scarpe*
*swims in money*
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 13:09, Reply)

That's what in-laws are there for, to be annoying.
I get it all the time from my family about them wanting to be grandparents. It gets on my wick at times!
*steals some of Badgers winnigs*
The Milky Bars are on her!
/Milky Bar Kid voice.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 13:11, Reply)

Why? Hope nothing is wrong.
EDIT HeHeHe I've just been given a Lindt chocolate reindeer. Nom nom nom!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 13:16, Reply)

then I will come after you with my candy cane shivs
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 13:18, Reply)

That brings back terrible memories.
At primary school I wore glasses. I've grown out of needing them now as my eyesight sorted itself out.
There was the unfortunate side effect though that I was the spitting image for the milky bar kid. Kids being kids, that was my name at school until about the age of 10.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 13:19, Reply)

How is it going, swimming in the few coppers I have in my account?
(Is it account or acount?)
Edit: Having seen that come up on screen, I know it is the double C.
(I wish I could say the same about my girlfriend)
YES! Cock and tit size jokes in two posts...
*Iz proudz*
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 13:24, Reply)

At primary school I had the nickname of Jaws, because I liked to draw sharks, and bite people.
I also had another one, but that is not being revealed, not even under torture!
Oh that reminded me. Badger how was that thing on torture last night?
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 13:26, Reply)

how bad would it be if someone else revealed your other nickname? You poor, indiscreet drunkard ;P
Afternoon all!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 13:38, Reply)

Have to torture you.
Well it would depend on wwho you told really!
nd yes I did know that you knew what it was Wookie!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 13:40, Reply)

I have been an idiot and double booked myself! I'm all of a quandary now!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 13:41, Reply)

*sits and waits for revelations*
Oh Tightly - what are you like?
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 13:41, Reply)

disappointing Dok.
ALl modern stuff I wanted crazy medieval stuff!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 13:42, Reply)

I double booked myself once.
It was very difficult telling my left hand to go away because the left one got there first.
(does that even make sense or am I still drunk?)
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 13:44, Reply)

My office-mate is going home soon, as he's ill, so I'll be here on my own with the trainee...
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 13:45, Reply)

would have made a lot more sense if I hadn't said 'left' twice.
*goes back to bed*
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 13:51, Reply)

I've fallen victim to the curse of the Secret Santa. My gift to this: a tasteful desk ornament (Penguin of Death thing). The gift I received: a tiger-print posing pouch with purring crotch. I feel curiously violated.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 13:52, Reply)

I have no experience to base this on (apart from that night I drugged you)
But I really like the idea of calling you 'Tightly Thrice Nightly'.
So from now on, I will.
And there is nothing you can do about it.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 13:53, Reply)

There's no quandary, unless the other thing involves the most beautiful woman in the world then come out with us!
Badger, that's just crap, I like the medieval stuff, so much fun, I could play with them for ages.
You'll just have to wait Drixy!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 13:55, Reply)

We did a secret Santa there.
I gave a bottle of whiskey.
I got a box of chocolates that were a year out of date.
Still ate them, but they were horrible.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 13:55, Reply)

And no, you can't have a picture of me wearing the thing. It would put you right off your cornflakes.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 13:59, Reply)

I got my secret santa a nice thingy from Lush.
I, however, never received anything at all. It appears my secret santa was fired, and no-one thought about replacing my gift.
Oh sure, I was full of "it's fine" and "I don't mind" and "seriously, it's fun watching all 90 of you with your presents", but on that day I died a little inside.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 13:59, Reply)

My Christmas lunch was shit, and the beer was off. Rubbish!
Less than 3 hours til the proper piss up begins...
Edit: 300, woo!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 14:12, Reply)

Mince Pies are the spawn of evil!
Stay here with the nice people.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 14:13, Reply)

We should do a b3ta secret santa. Well, an offtopic one. Two rules- no sexually related gifts, but joke gifts are allowed. Two- insulting presents not allowed, say bars of soap for the hygienically disadvantaged. What do you think?
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 14:13, Reply)

That's ages away.
I might be dead by then!
I tend to only plan a month or so in advance, although the Edin-Bash is a special exception.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 14:17, Reply)

We'll all be bored with each other.
In fact, I don't think I'm even going to make it to New Year.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 14:19, Reply)

I do get bored with things quite quickly...
But b3ta does keep me out of other kinds of mischief, which is good :D
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 14:21, Reply)

See I told you she hates me, prodding me with a stick she is!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 14:28, Reply)

Well, I've just finished rather a fine Christmas lunch, with even finer wine.
Not too much though, as I've to drive later.
How are we all this fine afternoon?
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 14:29, Reply)

That bad Drixy hates me and is prodding me with a stick, and Badgers bored of everybody!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 14:31, Reply)

I'm bloody happy because I can go home whenever I want and then I'm on holiday for two weeks! Yay!
Dok! YOU were the one who said everyone hates you! I don't like to disagree, that's all.
/always agreeable
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 14:31, Reply)

I finish today as well, Woo & Yay.
You are still prodding me with a stick though!
Oh gods the oldies are having a spat!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 14:35, Reply)

This is teasing.
I'll be on the gin tomorrow so if you want a spat, that's the time.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 14:35, Reply)

another two and two half days to work before I'm off. (As opposed to three days, if you see what I mean - I finish Wednesday lunchtime).
But that's OK, as I prefer having my long hols in the summer when it's warm.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 14:36, Reply)

I've got to come in on Monday, for some crazy reason.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 14:36, Reply)

Monday and Tuesday. And probably sometime between Xmas and New Year as well.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 14:38, Reply)

That sucks!
Oh god Drixy, not the gin, I'll have to remember to be a very good boy then.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 14:38, Reply)

in 45 minutes. And how they crawl! Man.. But then yay! two weeks off for me also :)
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 14:38, Reply)

I'm working christmas eve, I think the overseer is bringing the grandkids into the office.
Pity me. Pity me now!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 14:39, Reply)

I've to work til Choosday. But then I'm off til the 3rd Jan, so that's ok.
EDIT: Is it a Monkey posing pouch? Does it make sound?
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 14:42, Reply)

My word, how I pity you...
EDIT: That sounded about the most sarcastic thing I've ever typed :(
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 14:45, Reply)

Everybody who has to work next week.
I know because I normally have to do it myself!
*hugs to all the working people*
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 14:48, Reply)

that was accidentally sarcastic?
8/12 - news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/7790312.stm
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 14:49, Reply)

I edited...
Sorry :(
I'm typing half-distracted today, I need to proof-read better!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 14:50, Reply)

Should finish half day though.
I'm trying to build up enough flexi to sack the day off, but even though everyone knows we're going to finish at lunch it's sort of unofficial, so I have to expend a whole day's flexi on it!
Not back til the 5th though, they decided it was harsh to make us come back on a Friday.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 14:50, Reply)

I got 7/12 but they were mainly (slightly educated) guesses!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 14:55, Reply)

They're all trying them on now. The sight of a "larger man" trying to get them past his knees requires much mindbleach.
It's a tiger-print thong.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 14:55, Reply)

I'm off from Tuesday next week 'til the 5th January.
But I'll be away from the 'net most of that time *cries*
Not that it matter much, I guess, haha!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 14:56, Reply)

as soon as I land at Stansted, I'm going to buy me a crunchie bar!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 14:59, Reply)

for me as well, and one of them will be mostly away from the net, maybe, I don't know what I'll be doing yet so I'm making no promises!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 14:59, Reply)

You'll be ten minutes from my house!
I'd invite you over for a cup of tea, but I'll likely be crying at my hangover in London.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 15:02, Reply)

of a b3ta holiday too.
I'm on holiday from lunchtime on Christmas eve until whatever time I get here (probably about lunchtime too!) on the 6th of January.
But I'll log on from time to time, no doubt. In between eating, drinking, sleeping, gigging and other things that I may or may not be doing over the festive period.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 15:02, Reply)

But don't think I'll abandon you all entirely!
Who's going to be sad enough to post on Christmas Day then....?
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 15:06, Reply)

From... Christmas eve 'til about the 3rd of January :|
So I would, but I can't.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 15:07, Reply)

Stupid BT and their stupid phone line not bloody well working!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 15:08, Reply)

pissed playing games so I probably won't be about on xmas
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 15:11, Reply)

But I'll be home later on, and I may even be online!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 15:15, Reply)

unless you're going to meet me at the airport, crunchie bar in hand, I aint interested :p
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 15:15, Reply)

If I carry on being a good girl til next week Father Christmas should be bringing me a new notebook.
I feel like I'll have to post from it on christmas day just because I can.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 15:19, Reply)

wooo home time! I'm out,
luck with the date V.
Have fun at the bash everybody. I look forward to the humiliation of photographs :)
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 15:23, Reply)

You must have been a really good girl this year!
Did you request a particular type of notebook?
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 15:28, Reply)

That's nice. How many pages?
And does it have lines, or just blank paper?
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 15:28, Reply)

but I'll be with my brother, sister-in-law and Dad having a good time (we're determined!) so only briefly :)
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 15:30, Reply)

Samsung NC10.
Not the flashest, bestest one there is but more than what I need.
It looks pretty too :)
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 15:32, Reply)

You're making me feel old. I thought the exact same thing the second I read her post =[
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 15:34, Reply)

It's a sad day when the youngest man around feels old.
Earlier I was compared to a 45 year old divorcee with a drinking problem...
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 15:40, Reply)

You're younger than I am. And I'm only, well, not that old yet.
Although I usually refer to a portable computing device as a 'laptop'. A notebook to me is still a cellulose-based product for taking handwritten notes.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 15:40, Reply)

But the NC10 is technically a netbook I think.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 15:43, Reply)

But you get away with it cos you're lovely.
Right groovers, I've decided to send myself home. Yay!
Hope y'all have fun weekends.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 15:47, Reply)

Tis all the same to me.
I just wanted something small enough to go in a bag :s
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 15:47, Reply)

You lucky thing!
I'm looking forward to Christmas this year, I'm feeling very yuleish!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 15:49, Reply)

I've been told I make Dad jokes. They seem to be the only ones I make. The girl I was on a date with last weekend commented on it. That can't be good...
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 15:50, Reply)

although it's quite a big bag...
But I hope Santa's good to you, Miss Lust. Then you can gaz us all wirelessly!
Edit@V - seeing as you discussed all the taboos, tell her the one about the difference between oral sex and anal sex.
Oral sex makes your day. Anal sex makes your whole week.
It only works when said out loud though.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 15:50, Reply)

She'd probably appreciate it with a groan too ;)
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 15:52, Reply)

Yeah when I'm out on a date and someone groans I know I've done something they appreciate :)
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 15:54, Reply)

I've had to get the jump leads out to resuscitate the thread again.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 16:17, Reply)

Have a great weekend everyone.
See some of you tomorrow night!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 16:22, Reply)

*attempts to jiggle back*
*waggles cock instead*
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 16:26, Reply)

I'm off to perform some vehicular endieselment then I'm off home.
Have a good bash/weekend/festive period everyone.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 16:38, Reply)

Specifically b3ta.com/questions/addicted/post333850. Something doesn't ring true. Could an IT bod let me know on this?
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 16:53, Reply)

It's made up. I know who he is as well.
Wouldn't be surprised if the details of the story are incorrect.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 17:00, Reply)

Now why does it read like something out of Donny Darko?
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 17:06, Reply)

As it turns out, I've been paid a little early, so I'm off do do some Primary Gifting Period Shopping!
Have a great Friday night, all!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 17:19, Reply)

No school network would give him the admin/network access to do it.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 18:50, Reply)

Admittedly they've got a lot better recently but a few years ago most school networks were an absolute joke.
When I started secondary school in 92 I managed to get myself full admin rights to 3 of the 4 servers within 6 weeks.
That lasted till the third year when they went from a Novell based network to an NT domain structure. By then I'd made friends with some of the cool kids and had stopped messing around so much with the school computers anyway.
While the story still sounds dodgy somehow don't attribute too much to the school network not being horribly insecure.
*Runs out again*
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 19:15, Reply)
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