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Can girls love geeks?
By Miriam Stoppard on Aug 4, 10 12:01 AM in Advice
Dear Miriam,
What do women look for in a man? Why do quiet, sensitive men like me always get overlooked? I'm 24 and women are a complete mystery to me.
I'm still waiting to find my first girlfriend. I realise I'm a bit geeky. I don't have a six-pack
and I'm passionate about everything to do
with computing.
Sport doesn't interest me but I can tell you everything there is to know about Monty Python and Star Trek.
I'm about to go into business with a friend and we're opening a computing shop which I'm confident will be a huge success.
I might not be the best-looking guy on the block but I'm not bad-looking either. I shower daily, clean my teeth morning and night and wear clean clothes. I have integrity, I love my dog and I care about the environment.
What do I have to do to get noticed? I worry that women think there must be something wrong with me or I'm strange.
Do you think it's because I'm boring or are women intimidated by a man who has a
high IQ?
girlinthehole, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 12:35,
145 replies,
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TGB checking Off Topic is still shit at, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 12:40,
Made up letter is made up
Poor old Jeff, not only does he have no luck with the women, he doesn't even exist.
It's a hard knock life.
Colonel Dracula Two manky hookers and a racist dwarf, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 12:40,
People who say they have a high IQ, don't deserve sex.
PsychoChomp, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 12:41,
What about those who do have a high IQ but don't mention it?
girlinthehole, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 12:42,
I can't see this happening.
Bartleby A dead man on vacation, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 12:43,
Enzyme has a brain the size of a planet but doesn't brag.
girlinthehole, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 12:44,
Enzyme can't spell his own name
This is what I was lookign for...
TGB checking Off Topic is still shit at, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 12:46,
I think even Steven Hawking might have trouble spelling his own name when he's had a drinky poo or five.
girlinthehole, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 12:52,
Good for him,
Bartleby A dead man on vacation, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 12:47,
have a high IQ, are paperclip salesmen
PenguinOfDeath is Scottish, and most likely angry, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 12:42,
What's yours then Chompy?
Bartleby A dead man on vacation, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 12:42,
147 last I checked.
PsychoChomp, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 12:43,
And how much sex do you deserve?
Bartleby A dead man on vacation, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 12:48,
I don't think I deserve any sex,
I would like an awful lot but who deserves sex?
PsychoChomp, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 12:50,
I fucking deserve it.
girlinthehole, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 12:52,
Contact him.
His name is Jeff. You never know...
Tugnut Ex of this parish, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 12:56,
I don't want a virgin.
I want a dirty old get.
girlinthehole, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 12:58,
I'm sure you could turn him into one.
Tugnut Ex of this parish, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 12:59,
I don't have the patience.
And I'm not getting any younger.
girlinthehole, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:01,
I do, and I get all I require.
From a real woman too.
Bartleby A dead man on vacation, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:02,
I ask such people if they know what "IQ" stands for
usually shuts them up
Colonel Dracula Two manky hookers and a racist dwarf, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 12:42,
That's an irrelevant question.
Tugnut Ex of this parish, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 12:50,
You irritating queer.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 12:56,
You incontinent queen.
Tugnut Ex of this parish, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:00,
With an itchy quim
Roota zweeeeeoooooowm, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:01,
I used to get a lezzie magazine called Quim.
True dat!
girlinthehole, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:02,
After the Portuguese goalkeeper?
Tugnut Ex of this parish, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:03,
Fo sho i never heard of that!
I used to get Diva and Deneuve
Roota zweeeeeoooooowm, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:04,
It was a quarterly magazine.
Probably before your time.
girlinthehole, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:07,
Asking someone to define inteligence is another good one
As is asking them wether they're aware of the various problems with the IQ test, such as the fact it doesn't translate particuarly well across cultural boundries, or the fact that the guy who drew up the first IQ tests may well have deliberately mis-interprited data that questioned the validity of the test or indeed the fact that you can actualy get better results through practice on the test.....
Fredz A graveyard of hopes, a dump of ambition, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 12:58,
Intellectual Quoolness
Undulating Tentacles of Love getting fun down to acceptable levels, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:01,
irritation quota
which would make Chompy's about right.
Kitty v1.0 desperately naive, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:18,
depends on the scale
rachelswipe with a fork, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:42,
i know i know
but that's because mine is about 227, natch.
rachelswipe with a fork, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:42,
Why would he place this ad
When he already has a stunner like me?
Roota zweeeeeoooooowm, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 12:46,
He's trying to get sympathy shags off strangers.
Tugnut Ex of this parish, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 12:48,
You're boyfriend comes across as a loser.
PenguinOfDeath is Scottish, and most likely angry, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 12:48,
Labia Majora You keep on talking but it makes no sense at all, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 12:50,
I am boyfriend comes across as a loser?
And anyway, it was a joke. He hasn't got a dog and he's all manly and plays footy and that yeah.
Roota zweeeeeoooooowm, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 12:52,
Damn it
This is what I get for eating tasty sandwiches at the same time as mocking you.
PenguinOfDeath is Scottish, and most likely angry, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 12:53,
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:12,
I bet he is a creepy holier than thou mother fucker who frequently starts sentences with "ACTUALLY I think you'll find..."
Undulating Tentacles of Love getting fun down to acceptable levels, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 12:50,
Sounds like the perfect guy
I don't know why he'd have any problems to find a girl.
BTW, the new job is great. I'm very busy, but at least I can say hello at lunch.
How are you doing today?
Aberracion Life's getting very complicated, but a lot of fun., Wed 4 Aug 2010, 12:52,
Glad to hear it's all going well.
girlinthehole, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 12:53,
Glad you're enjoying your new job!
Labia Majora You keep on talking but it makes no sense at all, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 12:54,
Thank you, thank you
Is everything ok here?
Aberracion Life's getting very complicated, but a lot of fun., Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:11,
Usual abuse and funnies.
girlinthehole, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:16,
And JohnTheDane is Edmund
I won't let this rest.
Roota zweeeeeoooooowm, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:30,
I didn't think they had access to computers so readily in prison.
girlinthehole, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:34,
He's been out a while now
Labia Majora You keep on talking but it makes no sense at all, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:35,
Bleedin hell.
girlinthehole, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:40,
BGB where WERE you in January EDIT December when he joined as Medical Male??
Roota zweeeeeoooooowm, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:47,
He even gazzed me as Medical Male and said he was known as Dr Ed
Roota zweeeeeoooooowm, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:48,
And if you look at JohnTheDane's profile
You'll see a testicle tale, similar to the one Edmund told Lampito in a gaz.
Sorry to keep going on but this bloke is dangerous and should always be hounded away.
Roota zweeeeeoooooowm, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:50,
Well i'm 24 but I didn't write this.
I'm thinking it's not made up to be honest. I know a few people who this could pretty much translate into word for word. For the most part they're genuinely decent people and would probably make passable boyfriends ect but just totaly lack the confidence to approach women or talk to them, which is kinda sad realy. Can't see anyone neccisarily admitting to writing this though....
Fredz A graveyard of hopes, a dump of ambition, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 12:54,
They'll make somebody a lovely doormat one day.
Undulating Tentacles of Love getting fun down to acceptable levels, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:08,
Probably yeah
Mind you, you never know, they might meet someone equaly shy and such and go on to live in their own little introverted loved up world sheltered from the big bad world out there and hopefully not become a pair of serial killers or something. I'd like to think so anyway.
Fredz A graveyard of hopes, a dump of ambition, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:10,
he doesn't get women
because he sits inside on his computer or watching dvds.
He's only 24, he'll just have to wait until he learns to cover up how nerdy he is and how to fit in more. Sad as it is, at 24, people are generally pretty shallow and some of us never grow out of it.
Kroney, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 12:55,
Jeff sounds like a cunt.
If he's 24 and has never had a girlfriend he's either deficient in some way, or a bender.
I suspect the problem may lie the way in which he 'loves' his dog.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:06,
The voice of sanity at last.
Bartleby A dead man on vacation, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:08,
I really think you should be an agony aunt.
girlinthehole, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:10,
Zoz prayed for twink on, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:11,
He loves his dog so much
he gives it a bone every night.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:11,
My previous boyfriend didn't have a girlfriend (or even a kiss) until he was 25. He's a very decent chap, nice, polite and very, very good in bed. He was just too shy for anything.
Aberracion Life's getting very complicated, but a lot of fun., Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:11,
Ah but did he fuck dogs, like Jeff here?
EDIT I'll bet he was 'very, very good in bed', he'd had over ten years' theory testing under his belt before the practical exam. His poor knackers must have been like watermelons.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:12,
I don't think he did
It took us almost a week to successfully have sex, as he lied to me and said he knew what he was doing, and I let him to it. He didn't...
Aberracion Life's getting very complicated, but a lot of fun., Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:16,
Be fair....
Compared to some people I've run across basic hygene is something of a milestone.
Fredz A graveyard of hopes, a dump of ambition, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:13,
As is basic spelling ;)
Labia Majora You keep on talking but it makes no sense at all, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:25,
I owe you one.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:27,
Ah yeah
I see that now :(
Fredz A graveyard of hopes, a dump of ambition, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:33,
Thank you!
When I read the cleanliness bit I thought "Erm, you're supposed to?". Hey, ladies, I can walk! Revel in my ambulatory prowess!!
Oh, and as a word of warning, you are now breathing and blinking manually.
Labia Majora You keep on talking but it makes no sense at all, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:24,
I reckon it's Jeff Bridges.
JeffTheDogFucker Can you dig it?, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:10,
*narrows eyes*
1. Jeff Bridges is not 24
2. Neither is he a geek
3. He has no need to open a computer shop thanks to a very succesful acting career.
girlinthehole, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:11,
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:12,
I'm sorry but I won't hear a bad word said about that man.
girlinthehole, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:14,
I've just closed your case, you buffoon,
what more do you want?
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:17,
I'm just re-iterating my loyalty to Jeff.
Thank you for finishing off so succinctly.
girlinthehole, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:19,
I always 'finish off' succinctly.
One of the many reasons why I don't suffer from Jeff's (the dog-fucker, not YOUR Jeff) problems despite being the most ineligible bachelor in human history.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:21,
He might have been cast in a Mike Leigh film and is doing some research?
Or maybe he's trying to find a female geek to get all binary with?
Either way, my money in on Bridges.
JeffTheDogFucker Can you dig it?, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:13,
I like geeks.
But no girlfriend EVER at 24 is a bit scary.
Lampito rise with the moon, go to bed with the sun, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:12,
If you're into geeks I've got a friend you should meet
into computers & music & stuff, names Russ, you two should totally hook up
broadsword now that's fresh, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:17,
I suspect I have.
Lampito rise with the moon, go to bed with the sun, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:20,
Give it up, Russ, it ain't working.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:22,
i heard he has a heroic nose
Lisette von Falcon, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:25,
Is that what his operation's for?
Lampito rise with the moon, go to bed with the sun, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:42,
What Jeff failed to mention there is his collection of womens heads he keeps in a suitcase underneath his bed
broadsword now that's fresh, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:13,
And that
he has collected, weighed and described in written form every bowel movement that he's had since the age of 8.
Reverend Fister "a disciplined fuckwit", Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:26,
Hmm ...
does Gillian McKeith have a son?
Zoz prayed for twink on, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:34,
Spreadsheet, surely?
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:36,
He is no doubt an ugly and/or fat mess
Doesn't matter if you're the acest of ace people on the planet, if you are either of the above you stand no chance with anyone. Truefax.
Barry from Eastenders is, despite the words written above, not a woman, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:17,
Don't forget
He also has sex with his dog
Fredz A graveyard of hopes, a dump of ambition, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:22,
He came onto me.
JeffTheDogFucker Can you dig it?, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:34,
So you returned the favour.
Congratulations, you genius, on the best login since the Modgazzer General RIP (legend).
Loud, office guffaw from me.
EDIT 2: cheers Jeff - sorry I've said some nasty stuff about you, you're OK really.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:35,
I shall remain JeffTheDogFucker just for you. Forever.
I like dogs. And women, but women are difficult to train and they don't like Star Trek.
Do you like dogs?
JeffTheDogFucker Can you dig it?, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:38,
I cannot stop laughing.
Thank God all my staff have gone to lunch.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:40,
I can't believe you've got staff.
I have a friend, we want to open a computer shop. I think it'll be dead good and we'll make enough money to be able to order pizza every other night of the week.
I hope we have staff. I can employ a woman. A woman who likes dogs.
Do you like dogs?
JeffTheDogFucker Can you dig it?, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:43,
No, you smeared peanut butter over your knob
lay down in the dogs bed and let nature take its course.
Fredz A graveyard of hopes, a dump of ambition, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:35,
i wish someone would've told me this earlier...all this time i'd been wondering...
Lisette von Falcon, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:25,
I really do think that there are people in the world who get laid easily and those who don't regardless of their personality or looks.
It must be some sort of gene or pheramone or something.
girlinthehole, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:27,
hmmmmmmmm........I'm not too sure
I think it may have something to do with the people you are around and the places you are when you pull
Lisette von Falcon, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:28,
My housemate
isn't ugly, but you wouldn't look twice at him either. He gets a ridiculous amount of birds, so much so that he's earned the nickname 'Fanny Mugger'.
Barry from Eastenders is, despite the words written above, not a woman, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:29,
I know. I've known similar guys and girls who aren't much in the looks or personality department but are always fending off attention.
Mark my words. In a few years some chemist or genetesist will confirm my theory.
girlinthehole, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:32,
If the problem isn't looks, it's personality - even if they're 'reeeeally nice' (or because of that), if they're so shy they never get anywhere that's a personality trait and therefore it's their personality that's the problem.
EDIT similarly if they don't look great and still have success, that's their personality in action.
You know, I think you may have something with this Agony Aunt idea.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:33,
Friday afternoon I will open an agony page Q.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:44,
Damn you!!
girlinthehole, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:37,

Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:42,
Labia Majora You keep on talking but it makes no sense at all, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:44,
I have this problem
where no-one seems to like me. I don't get it. I shower and brush my teeth twice a day and everything. What am I doing wrong?
Fredz A graveyard of hopes, a dump of ambition, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:37,
There is no hope for us.
Get a cat.
girlinthehole, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:39,
I've got a cat
The murderous little bitch hates me. I woke up this morning at 5 because she was trying to gnaw my ear off
Fredz A graveyard of hopes, a dump of ambition, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:40,
I didn't say it had to be a nice cat.
girlinthehole, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:41,
Is there actualy such a thing as a nice cat?
I mean, I like cats and all, but they're all either bugshit crazy and/or faintly retarded or utterly violent.
Fredz A graveyard of hopes, a dump of ambition, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:45,
Fuck your pets.
It's the future.
JeffTheDogFucker Can you dig it?, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:40,
*wets pants*
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:43,
You think that's funny?
I've been giggling at this all morning.
girlinthehole, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:44,
That's rather sweet.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:46,
I must have watched it about 50 times already.
girlinthehole, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:48,
Ahh but I'd have to get the fuckers de-flead and everything
Oh man that just lead to me thinking and wondering wether there's any actual STD's that can cross species :/ That's a bad thought it realy is.
Fredz A graveyard of hopes, a dump of ambition, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:44,
Does 'dog flu' exist?
Should young Jeffrey here be concerned?
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:46,
Cat aids exists
Does dog aids exist?
Fredz A graveyard of hopes, a dump of ambition, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:47,
*prays for Jeff's safety*
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:49,
I've got my Bob Martin's branded Johnnys.
I'll be fine. Although I've got dog-crabs.
But I shower every day, so I get to drown a few of them. But it is a bit itchy.
JeffTheDogFucker Can you dig it?, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:51,
Please stop, I'm crying.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:52,
I'm just picturing the look of shock on the dogs face
fading to disgust, self loathing and then gradualy stockholm syndrome acceptance as it slurps up the last few traces of pedigree chum
Fredz A graveyard of hopes, a dump of ambition, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:54,
Do you like dog?
I like dogs they are a mans best friend. AND GREATEST EVER LOVER.
JeffTheDogFucker Can you dig it?, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:54,
wait til he is about 29
all the girls who currently overlook him will suddenly no longer see geek, they will see security and sensible stability and commitment. and they will rip his clothes off. then he will realise his powers and become a total womanising tool.
this is the word of the lord.
rachelswipe with a fork, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:41,
Jesus christ
Thats almost as cynical as I can be about relationships.... And unfortunately probably true. Oh well.
Fredz A graveyard of hopes, a dump of ambition, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:43,
you can NEVER
be too cynical about relationships. EVER.
rachelswipe with a fork, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 14:03,
he will realise his powers and become a total womanising tool.
this is the word of the lord. they will see his micropenis, smeared with Marrowbone Pal, and run for the fucking hills.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:44,
This much is true
Plus, when he gets himself a lady, all the others come out of the woodwork and hint at the truly despicable things they'd love to have done with him, only can't as he's not single anymore.
Labia Majora You keep on talking but it makes no sense at all, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:45,
Sound of experiance?
girlinthehole, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:46,
Too fucking right
Labia Majora You keep on talking but it makes no sense at all, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:48,
I've got to say
Every time I've been in a serious relationship I do seem to get more attention from women. I'd always chalked it up to sods law though.
Fredz A graveyard of hopes, a dump of ambition, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:46,
The first time I chalked it up to
The women in question now not fearing rejection, as I was with a lass.
Now I'm chalking it up to the fact that I'm fucking awesome.
Labia Majora You keep on talking but it makes no sense at all, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:49,
First few times it happened wayyy back in time I chalked it up to me having more confidence due to being with someone, but now that isn't realy a massive issue I chalk it up to a combination of sods law and the basic human need to have something that is in some way off limits - like if you tell someone that they can't have something it immediately becomes more desirable.
Fredz A graveyard of hopes, a dump of ambition, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:53,
Right, I HAVE to return to work now.
This has been the most enjoyable hour I've had on B3ta for ages.
Thanks to you all - but especially Jeff who has made my fucking week.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:51,
later potater
Roota zweeeeeoooooowm, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:51,
Here boy!
JeffTheDogFucker Can you dig it?, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:52,
Catch ya later
Don't catch dog aids first though.
Fredz A graveyard of hopes, a dump of ambition, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:53,
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