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This is a question Question of the Week suggestions

Each week we ask a question. The idea is to generate material that's:

* interesting to read, i.e. we won't get bored of reading the answers after about 10 of them
* not been asked on this site before
* fun to answer

What would you like to ask? (We've left this question open - so feel free to drop in ideas anytime.)

(, Wed 14 Jan 2004, 13:01)
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the oddestest thing you've ever seen/done
i once rode an office chair down the high street, whilst making car noises.

those were the days....
(, Wed 21 Jul 2004, 20:06, Reply)
Somebody already posted my idea.

(, Tue 20 Jul 2004, 14:49, Reply)
Guess what this is.

Personally, I think the question should be "Which B3TA picture on the message boards most crosses the line?" After all, the types of postings that are done are sometimes so sick I don't laugh.

And I laugh at most things.
(, Tue 20 Jul 2004, 14:48, Reply)
Where have you got your head stuck?
Or seen someone with their head stuck, plus various comedy moments during, and all that. The more elaborate, the better. I have a cracking story of where I got my head stuck once, so want a legitimate topic to post it in.
(, Tue 20 Jul 2004, 2:33, Reply)
vomit stories
everyone has a good vomit story
(, Tue 20 Jul 2004, 2:30, Reply)
What was your most awkward/frightening 'wrong no' experience?
What was your most awkward/frightening 'wrong no' experience?

Mine personally, was the time a worried old lady rang my house phone at midnight asking to speak to her husband... Whenever i started to explain that i had no idea what on earth show as talking about - she repeatedly burst into tears.... Guilt rose up.... how could i hang up on her?

Then she started talking about her grandchildren between sobbing.

I was truly trapped...

The phone call lasted six minutes... felt like a lifetime.
(, Mon 19 Jul 2004, 3:34, Reply)
What would be the best way to get rid of this Satanic git?

I suggest ramming win95 CD's up his @ss until he sees the blue screen of death!!

Also: what about alternate abbreviations for AOL?
eg: Asshole Oogling Ladyboys

Give it yer best......
(, Sun 18 Jul 2004, 6:05, Reply)
What would be....
your favourite way for a loathed celebrity to meet their end...

After a discussion last night with my housemate about how much we would like to hammer a variety of different sized nails into the skull of that bloke from 'Punk'd'.

We decided that wood pins in his eye sockets would be the most painful.
(, Sat 17 Jul 2004, 14:02, Reply)
The worst post youve seen on this site, apart from this one
(, Fri 16 Jul 2004, 22:29, Reply)
most stupid drunken thing you have done. Such as slept with your girlfriend mum, at their house!
(, Fri 16 Jul 2004, 18:35, Reply)
What the best blag you've ever blagged.
- Got away with something by the skin of your teeth?
- Been paid twice for your expenses at work and kept the difference?
- Lucky double girfriend confrontation situation averted?
- Got something very expensive for the price of the next couple of models down due to salesgirl ineptitude?

Post your best.
(, Fri 16 Jul 2004, 16:32, Reply)
We should ask:
"What sould be question of the weeK?", and reply
"What sould be question of the weeK?", and reply
"What sould be question of the weeK?", and reply
"What sould be question of the weeK?", and reply
"What sould be question of the weeK?", and reply
"What sould be question of the week?", and reply...
...meh...infinite thought loop...had some REALLY fucking strong mushrooms last night. (See post below.)
(, Fri 16 Jul 2004, 15:25, Reply)
Best/wrongest text message you sent whilst on drugs:
such as - "it is UNDENIABLE FACT that black women generally have much bigger boobs than white women"

or - "We may be raving, and some of us are lunatics, but we're not exactly RAVING LUNATICS"
(, Fri 16 Jul 2004, 15:21, Reply)
Have you ever....
.....met a celeb in the VD Clinic?

ok ok I'm bored. Sorry
(, Fri 16 Jul 2004, 5:11, Reply)
What is your......
.....worst holiday experience?

edit: does the person whose question is chosen get a prize? 8)
(, Fri 16 Jul 2004, 5:08, Reply)
What is the most...
......disturbing you have seen. Real life or on the net. This can be other things rather than pron!
(, Fri 16 Jul 2004, 5:04, Reply)
re: What If?, below
Mini me!!!
(, Thu 15 Jul 2004, 19:51, Reply)
Whats the worst cocktail you ever drank?
the only reason im entering this is because its my usename
(, Thu 15 Jul 2004, 18:53, Reply)
What if...
you felt a strange pain in your chest and you went to hospital and they x-rayed you and what they initially thought was some sort of tumour turned out to be a parasitc internal miniature Siamese twin...

what would you call him/her?

Or would it be up to your parents to choose a name?

(, Thu 15 Jul 2004, 18:51, Reply)
What's the best thing you've ever had for free?
(, Thu 15 Jul 2004, 18:21, Reply)
Best Advice You've Been Given
and why.
E.G. "Don't put your penis where you wouldn't put your hand" (or if you're a mechanic, it would be the other way around).
(, Thu 15 Jul 2004, 17:24, Reply)
A celebrity that you didn't like at all last year, but now have a crush on.
I thought of this question this morning. Last year I couldn't stand the American Idol season two runner up Clay Aiken because he looked like an ex-boyfriend of mine with his wierd clothes, thick glasses, frizzy hair, and his overall nerdiness. A few months ago I went to find a George Michael CD at the music store, and when the guys there told me that George's album was not out on the shelves here in the US yet I went to look for another CD to buy. To make a long story short I picked up a CD of this handsome guy that had the most hypnotic beautiful green eyes that I had ever seen. Well I bought it not remembering the nerd I saw on American Idol the year before. After listening to the CD single and looking at Clay Aiken on his official website I actually fell in love with him!
(, Wed 14 Jul 2004, 22:14, Reply)
I Woz Robbed?
Events or situations or things that you should have achieved or gotten or won but through some cruel twist of fate it wasn't to be.

eg exams, women, jobs, etc
(, Wed 14 Jul 2004, 17:03, Reply)
What's the worst thing you've done to save/earn money?
Mind you, I can't be arsed reading through 21 pages of submissions to see if someone else has done this one before, so I'm not holding out much hope that the powers that be read this one, let alone pick it a QotW...
(, Wed 14 Jul 2004, 11:42, Reply)
"What was your best prank at school?"
A topic oozing with childish humour and stories of skill and daring.
(, Wed 14 Jul 2004, 10:56, Reply)
"good times with illegal drugs."
sure to get some interesting answers, no?
(, Tue 13 Jul 2004, 16:33, Reply)
What's the best thing you've gotten away with?

I intend to pass the answers on to the police, and collect the reward money.
(, Tue 13 Jul 2004, 14:12, Reply)
And I'd also like to punch....
... Chris Martin out of Coldplay. In fact I'd like to bite his ear off.

He always makes wanky political statements on issues he doesn't fully understand in an attempt to make him look cool. Think he is trying to make himself an alternative-style bad-boy of rock to make up for his lack of personality (sarcatic voice as well- like that guy off the Mary Whitehouse experience). Now Keith Moon is a real rock icon- not this converted choir boy.

What a twat. If he is that concerned by third-world debt,why does he not donate a substantial chunk of the tens of millions of pounds he and his sour-faced bint are worth to charity? There are only so many jeans/ jacket combo's one man can own Martin- put your hand in your pocket and keep your mouth shut dickhead.

And his music is shit....
(, Tue 13 Jul 2004, 11:38, Reply)
Last day of school antics.
Has anyone done something really stupid or dangerous or notorious on their last day of school.
Could also be applied to the last day of a job.
(, Mon 12 Jul 2004, 23:53, Reply)
strangest thing youve found on the internet....
or the weirdest person youve ever seen on a late night infomercial(old guy with boobs wearing what i think was a skirt selling a juicer)
(, Mon 12 Jul 2004, 22:37, Reply)

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