You've all got scars: they're nature's little reminders not to be so damned stupid next time. My favourite is the 1/4" round hole in the back of my right hand, created when I was 7 by my best friend putting a manure-covered gardening fork "away".
Tell us the stories behind your scars. With photos if possible.
( , Fri 4 Feb 2005, 10:00)
This question is now closed.

my horse got tangled in an electric fence, and, because it was shocking her, appeared to be in considerable distress. I ran to untangle her (without turning the wires off). When I grabbed her halter, she ran round me, tangled me up, then bolted. She dragged me until the wires snapped (only about six feet) but far enough to make two long, narrow scars that still go all the way around my knees. Let that be a lesson to you all.
( , Mon 7 Feb 2005, 2:52, Reply)

I have two teensy-weensy white dots on the inside of my middle finger. Looks like I stapled myself, or had a couple warts removed... I was playing with my daughter's snake and he reared up to look around. I extended my finger for him to sniff and evidently the end of a pink finger looks exactly like the small pink fingerling mice he eats. He nailed me and I danced around screaming.
Of course if you're flailing about, whipping the snake around like Indiana Jones and His Living Whip, the little guy is going to bite harder in order not to go flying. I finally came to my senses and stopped spazzing and snakey dropped off. My finger was bloody hamburger with two great chunks bitten out. After that, he lunged at me every time I got near. I must taste good.
( , Mon 7 Feb 2005, 2:40, Reply)

When I was 8 I thought I would take a short cut throught the field next door to us (us Aussies all have paddocks next door!) by climing over the barb wire fence.
Foot slipped and my armpit landed on the said fence. Cue Screaming trip to hospital and three livid scars to this day
And the guy I used to sit with in Chem class at school took on the dare of dripping acid onto his hand. The resulting hole in his hand was a talking point for years as he could pull out the scab plug.
( , Mon 7 Feb 2005, 1:58, Reply)

when I was 8 and recieved mush permanant scarring as I broke every branch on the long way down. That wouldnt be too bad but I was wearing Goofy shorts and a Tshirt bought freshly from Marks and Spencers by my mum and landed, wearing them, next to a guy who's bike I vandalised for being the biggest cockwipe ever and laughed at me.
( , Mon 7 Feb 2005, 1:48, Reply)

In 6th grade, during an after-school model rocket club meeting, someone absent-mindedly set a hot glue gun down...on my hand. As I wasn't looking either, it rested there, tip on my knuckle, for several seconds before the searing heat percolated up into my brain. That was the only time I was ever forgiven for swearing in front of a teacher.
I've also got a scar on the corner of my chin from a time when I fell off my bike at top speed. I slid about 10 feet on concrete, dragging my face the whole way. Thankfully I was wearing a helmet (ALWAYS wear a helmet FFS!) and so the only part of my head that actually contacted was the corner of my chin--which was very neatly ground off flat.
I also have a disturbingly large number of needle scars from an extended hospital stay--you can't leave an IV needle in one spot for more than 2 or 3 days, and I was in for 2 months, so they stuck both my arms up right good. For a while I looked like a recovering heroin addict. This same hospital stay is also responsible for 7 scars about my chest that make it look like Brutus and his gang practiced Ceasar's assasination on me.
Although not really a scar, I did burn the fingerprints off my left hand once, by trying to clean a stove right after it had been used. I picked up the spider to wipe under it and OH SHIIII.... If you're planning a life of crime, just wear gloves--the pain isn't worth it.
( , Mon 7 Feb 2005, 1:41, Reply)

My young brother, Danny, always cried and claimed fatal injuries. We were playing cricket when he tried running a quick single and screamed that the bat had stuck into him. We all had enough and went home, leaving him sitting on the floor crying. Even my mum looked out of the flat and told him to grow up and stop whining.
He picked up the bat, ball and stumps, bought them all upstairs to our flat, still crying. Mum said, come on then, show us your scars............
Danny pulled down his tracksuit trousers and fainted before he had them off. The bat had stuck as he grounded it, he had run onto it and it had hit him in the thigh. His thigh had burst open and was split about eight inches across and fat and muscle was hanging out and the bone was visible. I have never seen a more revolting sight. And my mum did not stop crying or apologising for about three weeks. I have many scars, but have to bow down to young Dan for the title.
( , Mon 7 Feb 2005, 0:06, Reply)

Fantastic Party followed by pool and more beers and karaoke and thai whiskey. Got on my Bike to go home and taking it real slow and pulling over whenever there was a car coming. turned the first left corner at a sesible speed only to hear a screetching wrenching noise as the bike stand I'd left down(one that flips out at the side) catches on the road. I span off and did a cool drop and roll thing as I remember it - probably just flopped stupidly onto the road thing. Took most of the skin off of my left forearm, then some more off my knee.
some thai hoors went past and asked if I was ok and I replyed with the classic
"HAHA - OF COURSE I'm fine."
"I think you maybe drunk"
"no honestly I'm not I've only had a few ales "
when I got back to the hotel the manager washed cuts out with thai whiskey and I went back to my room and taped a hankerchief to it with black electricians tape.
it kept going all pussey.
( , Sun 6 Feb 2005, 22:53, Reply)

As a small kid (maybe 3 or 4) I was stood by the side of my mother's chair and she was playfully tickling me. I laughed so much I fell over and went headfirst through the glass partition in the nearby door. I ended up with my head/torso in the dining room and my legs in the living room with masses of broken glass lying on and around me.
Not a single scratch! :-)
( , Sun 6 Feb 2005, 22:51, Reply)

2inch scar outside right ankle
ah the joys of childhood antics, and not listening to your brother.
They were knocking down a church and putting an extension on the church hall to turn it into a chapel (due to lack of religious interest on our estate), which of course drew the interest of the local youths. Now we didn't have any playareas on that estate back in the 70's so having easy access to scaffolding was too much to resist. They had just taken off the roof tiles and we were clambering all over the joists and exposed ceiling. "Jaki! just step on the thick bits" was the last thing I heard before crashing through and landing on my fat arse.
I heard laughing and then saw Weazal's grinning face through the hole I had just made.
Mum not happy when she saw me covered in filthy dust and bleeding and banned me from hanging with Weazal's mates. Weazal was still allowed to as "he wasn't as easily lead"
( , Sun 6 Feb 2005, 22:40, Reply)

I used to have a teenage obsession with things that go bang.
Frustrated at the lack of explosives available over the counter to teenagers, we set about making our own. Following experiments with match-heads, we finally settled on the fertiliser/caster sugar mix favoured by Irish terrorists and set about blowing things up in some local woods.
So... I am scarred up both arms from red-hot shrapnel (mostly the fault of my brother who threw one of the "devices" at me), with an impressive slash across the wrist caused by the barbed wire which barred our escape from the law.
I tell people I got this last one from listening to Joy Division.
( , Sun 6 Feb 2005, 22:11, Reply)

I have a large scar on my upper thigh, although it's faded now and looks more like a thin snail trail, that I got when I was about 5. The story behind it was that my older brother who was 20 at the time had to babysit me while my mum was at work, so he decided to take me for a walk to shut me up. On thw walk we found a hill made of rubbish and bits of old house. He told me to climb up to see what was at the top, once I was up there I found that there was nothing of interest so he told me to jump down and he would catch me. I jumped, and he didn't even try to catch me. Instead I ended up impaling my leg on a rusty nail. He rushed me home and tried to stop the blodd that was gushing from my leg, all the time saying "don't tell mum". I didn't even go to the doctor to have it checked out because he obviously didn't care about his baby sister.
Damn him!
I also have a 9 inch scar across my stomach from a cesearean....pleasant ;) and oh so sexy.
( , Sun 6 Feb 2005, 22:03, Reply)

i have several on my hands from where some ice people in primary school decided to stab me with pencils..(one was self inflicted(Accidentaly)), one on my little finger final joint, from a knife game gone wrong, a 5 inch scar down my knee, from newbury racecourse fencing, a 4 inch scar on the back of my head.. where a breeze blcok decided to attack me, and the best one of my scars,
I was making an omlette (as you do) and i fell off a chair ( i was 7 at the time) and landed eye first on the sideboard, splitting my eye open, slight bugger, que being taken to hospital and having stitches. only a week later when i got my stitches out, me and my dad were playing frisbee, only for him to throw it really hard as a joke, and for it to hit my eye.. splitting it open again.. i actually have a pass for our hospital :)
EDIT: i forgot about 2 weeks ago, i was going down a very poorley made path, on a massive hill, going about 20-25 MPH on a skateboard, que hitting a twig, and making a reasonable size hole in my knee, and a meter trail or skin and blood on the floor to myself, and a couple of days back i managed to pull 3 stones and a piece of wood out of it.. i am reasonably proud.
( , Sun 6 Feb 2005, 21:39, Reply)

off my mate's little brother, an unusual bike.
Looked like any other BMX, but it had "continuous pedal". This means you can't sit with the pedals motionless and hear the whirring sound of the cog as you whizz along. They keep going round and round and force you to pedal.
It is easy to forget this dinky little feature, especially if it is the first time you had been riding one.
I decided to forget about it at the bottom of an infamous hill called "Lighthouse Hill" ( approx 80 degree incline ) after riding flat out down it on way to the beach. With a surfboard under one arm. Stoned.
I never got to the beach. The continuous pedal meant that at the precise moment I decided to have a little rest from pedaling I was catapulted into a brief flight, then my knee was introduced to the bitumin. I'm under the bike with a smashed surfboard with my kneecap visible and blood everywhere.
Thankfully, a car load off much older teenagers glided past and had all had a good laugh at me before continuing on to the beach. I then passed out. Next thing I am awoken by an old alcoholic, complete with beer at 11:00 in the morning, who said helpfully "That will learn you for not wearing a helmet"
Then it was off to the hospital in an ambulance for some good fun injections.
As soon as I was stitched up I limped all the way to my mates house where he and the others were all heartily enjoying my pot before I took it off them. The painkillers wore off at 3:41 am precisely the next morning
I couldn't bend my leg for 3 months while it healed. If I bent it the stitches would have pinged apart.
And they did, when I thought it would be a good idea to play rugby on school camp miles from anywhere 2 months later.
Ended up on a 3 hour arse punching trip in an old van to the nearest civilization for a new stitch up. Then 3 hours back and the beginning of another 3 months healing
( , Sun 6 Feb 2005, 21:23, Reply)

I once tried to put the cat out when he didn't want to be put out, so he scratched me.
Which resulted in a long gash along my wrist. It didn't bleed that much, and I didn't pay much attention to it. Until the next day, when my black-wearin' Bauhaus-listenin' 18-year-old self kept on being asked if I was okay or if there were any problems I wanted to talk about.
I saw a "My cat beat me up" injury. Everyone else saw "OMG I hate myself!" suicide attempt.
( , Sun 6 Feb 2005, 21:13, Reply)

at the age of 6, i was in my dads garage. he was stripping an engine and i was pissing around with a piece of wood with a nail in it. i went into the garden, running with the wood and i tripped on the bottom of it. the nail went straight into my neecap, and i tried to pull it out.
needed 2 tetanus jabs, in my arse.
good times, eh?
3 scars for the price of 1
( , Sun 6 Feb 2005, 21:03, Reply)

I was actually clothes lined. Horse riding in a friends garden (farming family-big garden) when some random dog enters the garden and proceeds to scare the shit out of the horse.
The horse bolts. Enormous fucker then decides that under the clothes line is the best route of escape. Catch is, hes short enough to go under the clothes line, so am I but not when Im sat astride an eight foot tall horse clinging on for dear life.
This results in rope burns (from a nasty grimy rope) on my neck, chin, shoulder, nose and lips which were extremely nasty looking (puss and such) for a good four months. On the upside the one on lip was this kick ass slash thing so I didn't just look like some tit who fell off a horse, people have to be sensitive when you're disfigured. Fortunately only have a slight scar on my lip now but the one on my neck looks like a love bite. Results in many awkward questions from potential boyfriends but makes it easier to pull for some reason. However people tend to give weird looks when you tell them you got a rope burn on your neck, they start to wonder and regularly ask things like "Are you happy with how things are going in your life?".
Apologies for length!
( , Sun 6 Feb 2005, 20:57, Reply)

in the sense that he is blind in one eye. He was 12, and playing with a rusty wire clothes hanger in the attic. Needless to say, all our hangers are plastic.
( , Sun 6 Feb 2005, 20:42, Reply)

First knuckle of left thumb - skin melted on contact with a hot light bulb when I was a kid.
Just under chin - small scar from being accidentally headbutted by a former team captain during the last ever rugby practice session I went to.
Left knee - a mass of scar tissue as I fell off my bike. I went one way, my knee and the bike another.
Palm of left hand - bike again, same accident.
Just above left hip - six-inch scar from where I _almost_ disembowelled myself when I was eight riding a very dodgy hired bike in France.
Just under right knee - small scar from an operation I carried out on myself (!) to remove a small growth which turned out to look just like a chickpea.
Just above left knee - small puncture wound. I tried to snap a plank of wood from a crate I was breaking up for fire wood over my knee. Drove a dirty big nail into my flesh. Fortunately I was quite pissed, so it didn't hurt too much. Unfortunately, this was in front of about a hundred people, who mostly found this rather amusing
Yes, I am a bit accident prone but at six-foot-two I reserve the right to be.
( , Sun 6 Feb 2005, 20:30, Reply)

I have a scar that's about a square centimeter on my back.
I used to keep my horse (a Thoroughbred-Quarter Horse cross) in pasture, where she was near the bottom of the pecking order (at the very bottom was Dude; even the goats ate before he did).
This made getting my mare from the pasture dangerous. Her Appaloosa gelding boyfriend, Cat, would try to protect us, but he was out this time. I could usually chase the other horses away, though, by waving the lead rope.
Just as we reach the gate and my back is turned, a big gelding charges us, running into my mare, who spins around. I fall down in front of her, and her hoof hits my back.
I did my riding lesson anyway, and we soon moved my horse to a paddock (the mean horses in pasture wouldn't let her drink from the trough anymore).
She's now 31 years old. :)
( , Sun 6 Feb 2005, 20:26, Reply)

When I was about 5, we were visiting my grandma and had just eaten some chips, made in a chip pan. I thought that the helpful thing to do would be to lift the chip-pan off the cooker by the handle which was sticking out above me.
The result - a screaming child drenched in boiling fat and 25 years later a 2" scar on my chest and the remnants of one on my left arm. It could have been much worse had I not been wearing a thick jumper which protected my skin from the initial impact, and no-one has any idea how I missed my face with it.
Of course, it didn't help that our long-suffering Citroen 2CV chose that day to break down, delaying my arrival at the hospital somewhat.
I also have scars on the knuckles of my left hand resulting from an unfortunate 'going downhill on a bike too fast and skidding off at the bottom over a load of gravel' incident later in life...
( , Sun 6 Feb 2005, 20:03, Reply)

...that I don't have a nice scar under my lip. Last summer, because my two elder brothers weren't coming on the family trip to France, there was enough room in the boot for my bike.
I had about nine days of happiness, cycling down to the lake, cycling to the shops, learning how to ride none-handed.
I decided to get a bit cocky, and, riding back to the caravan one afternoon when my mum and dad have gone to the "hypermarket", think it pretty cool to stand up on my bike and flick my hair back with one hand. I swerved really angerously one direction, then landed in the other. On the centre of my nose and left knee. Cue screaming and Dutch men with dreads taking care of me for the next hour while my nose (everyone thought it was broken) is tweaked (PAINFULLY) and my knee is cleaned up.
The scary thing was, as I got up off the floor, thinking that I was going to faint and in shock, my hands were absoultely saturated, dripping in blood from where I'd put my hands up.
Apologies for length.
( , Sun 6 Feb 2005, 19:27, Reply)

I decided to see how hard you had to squeeze a bottle of Cresta pop before it broke. 35 years later I still have a 2" scar on my right palm.
( , Sun 6 Feb 2005, 19:07, Reply)

First one-
Got a triangle (i think) scar on the top of my mouth which I did in year 4 in primary school. I was doing that thing then i had the bottom of a pen on the table and the top of it baring the weitht of my head via my top teeth. It was a felt tip pen. Pen slipped and sliced a load of the roof of my mouth, hanging there for a couple of weeks.
When I was finally tall enough to go on this special watr slide thing in the local swiming pool i was dead chuffed. it had been closed many times cause peopel had accidents and stuff, but I didnt really care as it had been made safe and re opened. It was a large concrete slide thing that went to a whirl pool, you had to grab the ropes to get out onto another concreye slide that curved into the water. Well I got to that curved, spun round and smaked my head and knee really hard on the side. When I got out my knee was covered in wet blood and a gorgeous lifeguard charried me to the first aid room where I got butterfly stitches. I was in the guides that time, neevre swam there again. Have a nice 1 cm scar that keeps dissaparaering on my knee.
Ill get some photos of some in a bit.
( , Sun 6 Feb 2005, 18:59, Reply)

Admitadly i did post this as an answear to near death experience, but any how... Blender on palm of left hand, push button, swear and spray blood all over mates kitchen. scars gonna be there a long time
( , Sun 6 Feb 2005, 18:14, Reply)

I have a rather snazzy scar all the way up my right arm from where a cup of tea was "accidentally" dropped over my poor delicate one year old self.
:edit: decided it needed a picture

( , Sun 6 Feb 2005, 18:02, Reply)

When i was about 8 or 9, i went to the bathroom in the middle of the night. After doing my business i looked in the mirror and behind me was my 6 year-old sister, who i had pissed off earlier. Naturally she came up behind me and bit me in the back, and i still have the scars...
( , Sun 6 Feb 2005, 17:55, Reply)

Back when i played rugby a team mate thought it wise to accidently stamp on my face, cue blood and dizziness. For about 2 weeks i had the biggest black eye ever, and then ended up an inch long scar under my eyebrow. Just a little lower and i would only have on eye.
Oh yeah and i have a scar on my lip from when i walked into a worktop when i was young.
( , Sun 6 Feb 2005, 17:43, Reply)

...but i believed myself to be superman for a short time at the tender age of 8.
garden slide + solid wall = trip to hospital with sister holding back of head together with a towel.
PS: triage nurses lie - stitches do indeed hurt, as does injecting aneasthetic (might as well have been sterilied piss water :P).
( , Sun 6 Feb 2005, 17:37, Reply)

From failing to mind the gap
( , Sun 6 Feb 2005, 17:19, Reply)

I have a scar on the inside of my right cheek because as a kid I used to like sucking on the hooks of coat hangers, and one day my little brother decided to be a cunt and smacked me in the face whilst doing so.
( , Sun 6 Feb 2005, 17:17, Reply)
This question is now closed.