Che Grimsdale writes: Now that Simon Cowell's stolen Everybody Hurts, tell us about songs that mean something to you - good, bad, funny or tragic, appropriate or totally inappropriate songs that were playing at key times.
( , Thu 28 Jan 2010, 13:30)
This question is now closed.

Twenty odd years as a massive music geek, musician and music journalist have meant that music is a bigger deal for me than most people. So my answer could really go on for ever, but I'll limit it to a few exceptional examples:
Husker Du - when an acquaintance gave me a tape of "Flip Your Wig" and "Candy Apple Grey" I realised I had finally found the music I was born to listen to. In the last couple of years I have been able to interview both Bob Mould and Grant Hart (separately) and also met Bob. You should really check the albums but here a sample: www.youtube.com/watch?v=GduNBId1TQI It's sheer exuberance has never been approached in my 'umble.
The God Machine was a unique band - a trio of American teenagers who hooked into something amazingly powerful, they were spotted by an associate of the Happy Mondays who promised to manage them if they got across to the UK. They did, but never hooked up with him, instead setting up in a Camden squat and making two of the most incredibly awesome and creatively astounding albums of all time. The second was called "One Last Laugh In A Place Of Dying", as the bass player had been diagnosed with terminal cancer. They hit a holy spot with insanely tight, brilliantly simple songs that rested in between Janes Addiction, Black Sabbath and The Cure. Really you have to listen to the albums to really appreciate the breadth and splendour of this band but here's one to start you off: www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZsUP4T8cHY
I could go on all day but I won't, so I'll just say that this QOTW has allowed me to find quite a few excellent things I hadn't heard before - so cheers!
( , Thu 4 Feb 2010, 12:08, 1 reply)

I've only just noticed this QOTW!
I have quite a few songs I associate things with, but don't have time to post, arse!
Hope it doesn't close before I get home :(
( , Thu 4 Feb 2010, 12:03, Reply)

*Pop!* Embarrassingly long time lurker, finally occurred to me to sign up and I can't even think of good story. This would never have happened if I was prettier and better.
Like most people I have an iPod filled with songs accumulated over the years, each providing the background noise to my life at various points, each with their own memories and meanings. A piece of music has that unique way of bringing you right back to a specific moment in time, invoking smells and faces as vivid as the day it happened.
The downside to this of course is - in an attempt to look trendy - putting your iPod on Shuffle in company of guests, before later on excusing yourself from the room to have a wee, sitting on the loo upstairs and suddenly hearing the opening bars to 'Oh What An Atmosphere' by Russ Abott coming from the living room.
( , Thu 4 Feb 2010, 10:30, 1 reply)

I took my long term girlfriend to Euro Disney when we were early twenties.
Background, she was a hot virgin when we met, and I ruined her somewhat (she loved it)!
Anyway, after going to watch some over priced show and downing a bottle of wine and a pitcher of beer we went back to our Santa Fe (read cheap imitation of a wild west ranch) hotel room.
We had previously been on the "small world" ride in the day and the song was stuck in our heads.
Feeling a bit frisky on the way back to our hotel room, we had a bit of a hands down each others undies moment, and were gagging for it when we got in.
Prior to the holiday, I had patiently been preparing the "other" entrance for some back door action, and we had just started some successfull alternative scuttling much to both our delight.
Anyway, like only sharing a regular partner and a few beers can, we were at it like animals, and I had the stamina of a porn star (doesn't happen often, but we were on fire!!).
I just couldn't arrive, and we were almost battering through the next room with the headboard doing a fine impersonation of Keith Moon in his prime. What it took us a while to work out, was 2 of the adjoining rooms banging on the walls and shouting at us to give it a rest. We ended up giving in after about an hour (also in tears at how funny it was).
Anyway, the small world song was stuck in my bloody head to the rythym of my demonic thrusting, and whenever I hear that I am transported back to our overpriced Santa Fe den of iniquity.
We spent our last 2 days leaving our room like inspector Clouseau and Kato trying to avoid anyone within a 4 room radius!
This was 15 years ago, and 3 partners previous, but whenever I hear that music (I have a 4 year old daughter) I have to stifle the laughter.....
( , Thu 4 Feb 2010, 10:20, Reply)

In the 90's, before Emo was invented, I was what people who aren't Emo today call today's Emo's - a mopey teenage twat. Archetypal not many friends, girls won't look twice at me type. My parents thought I was growing my hair long "to rebel" (Guevara had nowt on me and my follicles). I wasn't, I could just never get it to do what I wanted and I was into Iron Maiden. The kids at school accused me of listening to Marilyn Manson just to try and be different. That, and Marilyn Manson were wicked in the mid-to-late 90's. Unconventional, I know.
Tragically the soundtrack to my Sixth Form was Oasis' tragicomic excretion of an album, What's the Story (Morning Glory). The tone-deaf twats I went to school with stuck it on EVERY BREAK in the common room. This brings my ill-thought out post to a mercifully quick conclusion, one designed to vent my spleen, provoke debate and hopefully buy a few cheap clicks
I thank you
( , Thu 4 Feb 2010, 10:20, 16 replies)

but, one day many years ago, I had persuaded my then girl friend out of her clothes and into bed.
The radio was playing in the back ground and I was going about encouraging the rather uninterested fem-fatale into a bit of horizontal rhumba.
Just as she started to get warmed when up a mind shattering fart broke out of my arse with a sound that shook the windows and a smell that almost made them melt.
She jumpped up called me a disgusting pig, dressed and left me with a lance you could have cracked ball bearings with.
From the radio I noticed they had just started to play the song, "People Are Still Having Sex"
"No there fucking not" I said out loud to the empty room.
( , Thu 4 Feb 2010, 9:47, 1 reply)

Couple of years ago my god daughter died. We knew she was life limited but that didn't make it less painful. Her father seemed to have Fix you by Coldplay as his tune to get him through and seemed to me to be on permanantly when I visited them. A year or so ago we were all staying at a friends house and she put on a cd. When I heard the opening to Fix You time stood still. I suddenly felt empty again and the weekend for me was ruined as all the memories of her illness and death came flooding back. I wish I had switched it off. While the coldplay version is off limits I find this version relaxing: www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwvs_8Q6I6k
After the death I was fine and suddenly nose dived into a very black period, and finished up having some counselling. The song that seemed to sum up my feelings is this one:- www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDnf6j7JDbI Goodness knows how I found it. At the moment I find it difficult to listen to as I'm in a 'good' patch and don't want to be dragged back.
( , Thu 4 Feb 2010, 9:04, Reply)

If you know it you'll see where I'm going with this. I'm not replicating the lyrics here.
Claire, I am so, so sorry
( , Thu 4 Feb 2010, 8:54, 1 reply)

After my daughter was born and we (my mum, stepdad and I) were collecting her and her mum from the hospital we had a hours drive home. We talked for a while and cooed over her in the back of the car until she fell asleep (which they do a lot at that stage). We all went a bit quiet and my stepdad put the radio on low for a bit of background noise.
The news was on but when it finished the first song that played was Sheryl Crow's version of sweet child of mine. It was funny at the time but I can't hear that song no without remembering how truely fucked up(in a good way) my head was that day and how it took ages to seem real.
It's been two years and it feels like yesterday.
( , Thu 4 Feb 2010, 2:33, 1 reply)

Just recently I met a person of the female persuasion who ticks an unprecedented number of my boxes and makes my body do funny things when I see her.
We were lying in bed one morning a few weeks ago with iTunes on shuffle for a bit of background music when 'Sewn' by The Feeling came on:
'Cos you got my heart in a headlock
You stopped the blood and made my head soft
And god knows
You got me sewn'
Now i'm not normally a sentimental fella, but we both looked at each other and knew that it summed us up pretty good.
What a soppy bastard I've turned into.....
Length? she might make my head soft, but everything else is rigid.....
( , Thu 4 Feb 2010, 1:26, Reply)

As a kid the yearly holiday was great but one year was fantastic. The kids (My ten year old self included) would boogie on the dance floor while the parents got wasted on sangria. And then one night everything changed.
The music man stopped playing the current song and started another...
Us kids started screaming at the top of our little lungs, the parents faces took on look of abject horrer the likes of which you have never seen.
And the song?
"Alice? Who the FUCK is Alice?"
Bloody marvelous
( , Thu 4 Feb 2010, 0:48, 1 reply)

It's not a happy song, however it summed up completely my years in 6th form.
I'd just moved to Wales from Hampshire and I'd been finding it particularly hard- being an extremely English person can't have helped.
Couple this with my reluctance to join the 'popular' crowd in taking the piss out of other people meant that I found myself on the lower rungs of society.
It starts off:
"I'm not quite how I should be
been finding tricks too hard
I'm thinking something must be broken
Cause it's wasn't like this before"
These lyrics perfectly sum me up, before (and after) 6th form I was King of Awesome, however during this time I had my music to sit and listen to at night while during the day I had things thrown at me for being myself.
I'm not going to post the whole story, but whenever I hear this song, even now, I'm reminded of this time of my life and thank god that I'm proved to be stronger than those who tried to bring me down.
( , Wed 3 Feb 2010, 23:17, 1 reply)

Red Hot Chilli Peppers - Dani Califorina always reminds me of playing ping-pong on the top deck of the Ferry for the entire 6 hour trip in the pissing rain and rough as fuck sea. Me and my mates must have been the only people on the whole boat that werent sick.
( , Wed 3 Feb 2010, 22:41, Reply)

i feel that i should say something about happy birthday. but i can't think of anything witty, so i'll just say that one of the things that amazes me is how powerfully music can evoke certain people or memories. "don't speak" by no doubt puts me straight back in halls as a scrawny 18 year old with a massive crush on the boy in the ground floor flat. i would never ever have thought of him past the age of 19, if that song didn't always remind me of that year!
or you can have a friend that you've known for years, been clubbing with them, lived with them, heard 1000's of songs over that time, but there's always one song that sticks out which makes you think of them. eg i can never hear "get down tonight" without thinking of my friend ames and the stupid dance we always had to do to it. she thinks of herself as a really cool clubber and she'd be gutted, but kc and the sunshine band it is, old buddy old pal...
and "bright eyes". one bar of "bright eyes" and i think of my mum and how i'll never ever see her again and it simply has to go. (mind you, even before my mum died, that song still had to go, it's pretty shite!)
( , Wed 3 Feb 2010, 22:41, Reply)

when our son was being born, we had been allowed to take in tunes and had a fair selection of stuff with us (on CD). As per the prenatal classes and their "take along some soothing music" we had had a fair bit of the sort for much of the pushing and straining until the missus, later on and in between contractions turned to me and asked if i wouldnt mind terribly "turning off this mood shite and putting on something with a bit more balls" .
Hence our nipper was born about 10 minutes later to Low, by the Foo Fighters. Tune.
( , Wed 3 Feb 2010, 22:28, Reply)

We usually have the radio on to relax the patients for local anaesthetic stuff - vasectomies, flexible cystoscopy which is a lovely wee bendy camera up the one eyed snake - its the glamour of the job attracted me etc etc. Anyway, last year we had "get your rocks off" by primal scream playing mid-vasectomy which delighted the recipient no end.
Today that bloody terrible Berlin song "take your breath away" started playing just as I was putting the local anaesthetic in which I am lead to believe is exactly what it does.
Length - well everyone tells me the room is very cold when I see them..
( , Wed 3 Feb 2010, 22:18, Reply)

It seems that many of my life's milestones have been marked by music. I remember fondly my mixtapes, and discovering for the first time so many excellent bands. A few faves:
- Endless hours spent playing Elite - Moonlight Shadow and Tubular Bells (Albums by Mike Oldfield)
- Going to 6th form college - Twisting in my Sobriety (Tanita Tikaram)
- Going to Uni - the whole "Actually" album (Pet Shop Boys)
- Being betrayed by someone I thought was a friend - When I Needed You (Erasure)
- Losing my virginity - Avalon (Roxy Music)
- Almost, but not quite, spectacularly crashing my car - Wonderful Life (Black)
- First real holiday away with a girl (Malta) - the whole "Tango in the Night" album by Fleetwood Mac (on endless repeat from the cantina downstairs)
- Getting my first real job after Uni - Getting Away With It (Electronic)
- Bizarrely, eating the most revolting fruit salad of my life, as served by an old friend's ill-advised then-partner - Smack my Bitch Up (Prodigy)
- An old, old friend of mine introduced me to Tomita. Now every time I hear "the snowflakes are dancing" I think of him
- 1992; the year my dad and the above old, old friend both died - Stay (Shakespear's Sister)
- Getting ready to dump the ex - I Never Loved you Anyway (Corrs)
- Fabulous road trip through France - The Bad Touch and the Ballad of Chasey Lain (Bloodhound Gang)
- Finding the wonderful (current) Mrs. - Say What You Want (Texas)
It's funny how hearing any of these songs can transport me back to the feelings, emotions and sensations of that time in my life. Curse you, iPod on shuffle mode!
( , Wed 3 Feb 2010, 22:17, Reply)

Not the tune of my life, but one which will stay with me..
On holiday in Liapri, part of the Aeolian Islands off the north coast of Sicily. The three weeks we had spent travelling round Sicily had been like a dream- ignoring the more touristy south, driving around the island anti-clockwise, and eventually winding up on the islands, They appear uninteresting from the ferry which gets you there, but even the towns still have a timeless appeal to them. You slow down, almost to a crawl, and just drink in the way life should be- long lunches of excellent food, beaches within a bus ride (most of the buses having at least one local who will be more than willing to tell you where to get off, which beach to go to, and which restaurant to eat at). Most of the beaches are stone, but you grab a sun bed and only suffer for the few feet you stagger until you are in some of the clearest water you'll ever see.
We got up early one morning (well, 9ish, but we were on holiday), and made it down from our B&B to the seafront leading into Lipari town. There was still a mist, which enveloped the masts of the boats in the bay, and dispersed the sunlight, muffling sounds and giving the impression that the rest of the town had yet to get up.
We set ourselves up on a table on a deck over the thin strip of beach, and I went into the café to order orange juice, coffee and croissants. Going out of the café, crossing the road, Stereophonics' "Maybe Tomorrow" followed me out, followed me to breakfast, and followed me on through the rest of the day.
I've never really got Stereophonics- a bit too mundane, derivative, unchallenging for my tastes. But that song always brings me back to that moment- my girlfriend waiting with the newspapers, us waiting for breakfast, in the warm sunlight and fast evaporating mist which encapsulated that morning.
Later in the day, we picked up a stone from the beach. oval and perfectly formed. It's here, next to me in the kitchen, and when I hold it I can still feel some of the warmth of the sun it once had.
( , Wed 3 Feb 2010, 22:01, Reply)

prolly going to be a long one so skip as you wish
Lets start with Marillion. Now, laugh all ya want but if you're thinking of 'Kayleigh' you might want to listen to the album 'Script for a jesters tear' instead. All their music seemed to paint what was going on in my head through my early and middle teens. As daft as it seems now, to some, i took great comfort in the fact the spook squad were looking after me.
After Fish left they became arse-rock and should be ashamed.
Fields of the Nephilim. From 'Return to Gehenna' to now. I love the music, the message, the aethetic. Ya boo sucks if you miss the point. You can 'find' the discography online, though the art of the real item is stunning and easily worth the money. I've bought most of the albums at least four times as once folk really listen to them i find it hard to get them back.
Pearl Jam, Temple of the Dog, Smashing Pumpkins. You can stick Nevermind in yer outhouse, Nirvana said nothing of interest to anyone over 12. Funeral for a Friend for generation X.
Blink 182. I'm 36 and i shouldnt love them as hard as i do. Reminds me of too many good honest fun times behaving like i dont know different.
MSI. Proper fucked up electro insanity for the ears. Fucking love it.
Pendulum. Just when i was losing love for dance music they reared their stompy heads. HAVE IT!
Battles are a new fave. Bonkers awesomeness. Just started listening this afternoon and hells bells i am liking it yessir! sound of this summer i reckon
and yesterday i bought Fat of the Land and Invaders Must Die. The Prodigy STILL fucking rock and now I NEED TO GO OUT and get hideously messy on the old dancefloor.
On the last note, thank you all for listing bands i havnt heard and should, god knows why but i trust yer taste :p I'm making a list for the next itunes binge. I love this QOTW
( , Wed 3 Feb 2010, 21:02, 5 replies)

Some time last autumn I was sat alone on a bus when I heard British Sea Power's epic "Remember Me" for the first time. The lyrics of the song moved me deeply. In fact I cried. Here's why:
My Granddad (who's now 96! Cripes!) has for a long time been slowly losing his mind. Every time they have come to visit him, he has been accusing his infinitely patient family members of stealing from him and even plotting his death by attempting to starve him, so that they might get his house after his death (which is owned by the council in any case). He was rude and downright racist to the poor nurses who were charged with visiting him to check up on him (and silently absorb his venomous abuse). Meanwhile he has become increasingly unable to look after himself in his own house.
Our family decided it was best he moved into a home, which (being an extremely stubborn Pole) he was absolutely dead against. After coming out of hospital following a particularly nasty fall they tricked him into visiting a home and staying the night, so he thought they were breaching his human rights (which to be fair, they were a bit). He hasn't left yet, and this was in November 2009.
My Granddad is a constant source of lament for my members and a huge emotional drain on my mother (who visits him most days, followed by an obligatory bitch about him and his hateful, demented, stubborn antics to her sister, who visits him when my mother doesn't). It's not my Granddad's fault of course. He's simply a lonely and depressed old man who never got over the death of his wife (16 years ago now) who's body is growing increasingly decrepit and mind growing steadily more enfeebled. He resents the way my family treat him like a child but nowadays lacks the eloquence and presence of mind to express this. He treasures the fantasy that a member of our family (my mum's sister, a divorcee) will give up their life, move into his house and look after him full time, and is filled with nothing but spite and resentment towards us because this hasn't happened yet (and truthfully never will). He' a truly miserable cunt and it would be better for both him and us if he just keeled over and died. I hope to God I don't get that old.
Anyone who's familiar with the song "Remember Me" will know what why it resonated so. It's a tragic song that explores the the process of ageing and inevitable mental decline. Here's the first verse if you
haven't heard it:
"Do you worry about your health?
Do you watch it slowly change?
And when you listen to yourself, does it feel like somebody else?
And did you notice when you began to disappear,
Was it slowly at first
Until there was nobody really there?
Increment by increment..."
Sorry for length/lack of hilarity. Writing this has been rather cathartic though.
( , Wed 3 Feb 2010, 20:28, 1 reply)

When I was a student way back when I staggered out of our Student Union bar after a fancy dress night dressed as one of the men in black. I had the sharp suit and the shades on even though it was the early hours of the morning which is my excuse for pulling an aggressively ugly swamp beast of a girl.
Anyway, I was horny so I walked her back to her halls of residence (all the way agonising over whether I really was going to go through with it) and when we got to her room she pushed me down on the bed and stuck her tongue down my throat. After a minute she pulled away and looked at me in a conspiritorial way then she walked over to her stereo and put on some "mood music". It was some godawful Marilyn Manson shite and it was the straw that broke the camel's back. The scales fell away from my eyes and when she nipped to the loo to freshen up I slipped out and did a runner.
I'd see her waddling around town for two years afterwards, neither of us ever giving eye contact.
( , Wed 3 Feb 2010, 20:14, Reply)

Mike Oldfield's Moonlight Shadows was the song that was playing when my husband and I picked up our marriage license in New Zealand. This amuses me as now when I hear that song I think of having a lovely wedding, but I also think of The Fast Show and Dave Angel chewing a toffee as he walks down that dusty road.
( , Wed 3 Feb 2010, 19:44, Reply)

I was walking to work the other day when I was passed by a removalist van. Pouring from the drivers window was a stream of invective and fiddle music.
It brought such a smile to my face that the driver noticed. He looked surprised at first, as I am sure he had been expecting a stronger reaction from the preppy suit-wearer on the pavement. However I recognised the band he was playing. We shared a nod.
I was introduced to this band by a lovely guy I dated, a man who is still a friend. They have been the soundtrack for a road trip to a festival. They have the best mosh pits in the land. They are loud, rude, smarter than you would think, and when I hear the first lines of this song, it is very me.
SC Trash - Just the country coming out in me
( , Wed 3 Feb 2010, 19:25, Reply)

The Jeff Waynes musical version.....
My dad played it to me when I was but a nipper (under 10 years old or so), scared the crap out of me. Could barely listen to it if I was on my own, had to keep pausing it and finding a parent to console me, and may have directly lead to the practice of me carrying a stick on the way up to my bedroom, in order to defend myself against any invading Aliens. Of course, thinking about it, sneezing on them would have done more good, if the story is to be believed, but to a young firemonkey, a big stick was the best form of defense.
Still get goosebumps today every time I hear the opening bars of 'The Eve Of War', amazing piece of music, and managed to see the live show at the O2 arena a couple of years ago, good times.
In fact, think I'll go and have a listen now....
Oh, and just as a 'desert island discs' thing, the Squarepusher remix of 'scratch yer head' by DJ Food www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0m4mOZgBUk is one of my all time favs, heard it on a snowboarding holiday over a decade ago, and I still love it. Fantastic track, especially from 4.00 mins in.
( , Wed 3 Feb 2010, 19:02, 1 reply)

Phew, I'm sweating and I haven't even started yet.
A Whiter Shade of Pale
It's not a song which I particularly like or rate, but it does have sentimental value...
When I found out my dad was ill, it hit me hard as a teenager. Not knowing how or when the inevitable would happen felt like the swinging axe above my(/his) head getting a hairs breadth closer with every sunrise.
Like many teenagers I was ridden with angst and hormones, music being the perfect soundtrack to life. But this isn't about the songs I like.
There may be that time in your life when a song strikes a particular chord inside you and when my dad got ill, this one did it for me.
As depression took hold, I found myself on top of a motorway bridge thinking dark thoughts. As it goes, the dark thoughts had been thunk. This was time for action. (Yes it would have been a selfish way to go, but believe me, you're not looking that far ahead when you're in this state)
I had my trusty walkman on (easier to immerse yourself into music) and lo, this song came on. It was enough to tip me the right side of life and I made my way home.
Life got better and worse in measures, I'm sure it has more suprises in store for me yet, but I think I'll never find that place again.
(Life is lovely now by the way!)
I played that song last at his funeral. When I hear it on the radio it brings a whole host of emotions with it. But I always smile now.
Sorry it's not funnier, but hey, you asked.
( , Wed 3 Feb 2010, 17:33, Reply)

more a playlist in life really. Whenever I listen to Bon Jovi's more popular songs it takes me back a couple of years to when I went to see him with my girlfriend, the first "real" band she has seen live (Busted do not count in my books)
If I listen to certain Stratovarius songs it takes me to great memories of the front row of one their show in wolverhampton. The resulting deafness and tinnitis which lasted for a week afterwards was worth it. One song of theirs, Learning To Fly, brings back memories of a head-on car crash, which was fun.
One memory I would rather forget though is offering to give my girlfriend a massage whilst listening to some relaxing music, It was an ancient 3CD changer stereo that has its temporamental moments. So rather than listen to the soothing sounds of Moonlight Sonata as planned, We ended up listening to www.youtube.com/watch?v=pawIt27Dzp8 instead.
I'm surprised we're still together after that.
Oh, and Hammerfalls Something for the ages brings back memories of trying to drive on ice/snow along the backroads of Cumbria.
( , Wed 3 Feb 2010, 17:03, Reply)

Gossiping is one my favourite, if not the number 1 with 2 littles stars beside it favourite pass time of all time. Sometimes, when I have complted the the strictly fact based exchange with my co-gossiper I have momentary emotional response - guilt or regret perhaps?
But I find humming Harry Hill's version of the song 'She' made famous by Elvis Costello makes me feel better.
Don’t keep them hostage – for the sake of the kids Free Pens
( , Wed 3 Feb 2010, 16:42, Reply)

Aged 4 and 7, know the words to "Badger Badger", "Mango Mango", and "Giraffe in My Loft".
Can't think where they heard that.
( , Wed 3 Feb 2010, 16:14, Reply)
This question is now closed.