Flying saucers. Big Cats. Men in Black. Satan walking the Earth. Derek Acorah, also walking the Earth...
Tell us your stories of the supernatural. WoooOOOooOO!
suggestion by Kaol
( , Thu 3 Jul 2008, 10:03)
This question is now closed.

Stayed in a conference centre, in Cheadle which was in a building that used to be a mental hospital. One night,I was woken by the movement on my mattress of someone sitting on he edge of the bed. But I was on my own in a locked room. Was too scared to turn round and see what was there, and didn't sleep for the rest of the night.
( , Fri 4 Jul 2008, 11:35, 2 replies)

I can smell baby powder right now, in the office. It's making me sneeze. I'm mostly surrounded by women. I can't ask straight out who has the baby powder. There could be any number of womanly mysteries at work. Maybe if someone asks me why I'm sneezing. They wont though. Roll on 515.
( , Fri 4 Jul 2008, 11:25, Reply)

Last summer me and my Mr were staying at his sisters house in Cheshire. Its not an old house, say 15 years old, so not spooky one bit.
However his sister is one of those psychics/clairvoyant people. Before she left for a wild weekend with the girls, she told us that she is being visited by this woman who had been murdered...."yeah, if you hear footsteps in the bathroom and going downstairs, its her"
Me being the openminded one thought it would be cool....so the evening progresses with a few cans and a curry, then all of a sudden this strong strong waft of what i can only describe as fresh laundry hit us both and then went. We looked at each other and asked the same question - did u sniff that?
Aye, anyway we finished the curry and had a few more cans watch a film then it hit us again. that strong smell. this time i got up and was sniffing everywhere trying to find where it was going....UPSTAIRS!
Hmmmmm, spirit smells, i wasnt going up on my own, so we both creeped upstairs, this smell getting stronger.
And then we saw it....i could not believe my eyes!
( , Fri 4 Jul 2008, 11:15, 2 replies)

Some years ago when me and my mate were about 15 we had got hold of some ciggies, and some fireworks in the form of bangers.
We made our way down to a railway crossing (I know what you're thinking; stupid twunts playing on the railway track, but it was actually a set of steps leading to the track that was to be our hang out for the evening).
We sat on the steps smoking, throwing the occasional banger into the undergrowth or putting a banger into an empty can.
It got to about 9pm and we'd run out of bangers and it was getting rather cold (being November and all) so we crossed the tracks carefully and started to climb the 1st couple of steps on the other side when we saw something moving towards us...
It was big, black and moved silently despite the fact it was walking on the loose stones they always have on railways.
A dog we said to ourselves and stood and watched as it came closer, but still it made no sound...
At this point in the low light we were getting quite spooked at how such a large dog could move so silently along loose stones so we decide to shed some light on the situation.
We had 2 lighters which we'd both adjusted so the flames were about 3 inches high when lit (mind your eyebrows) and we figured that animals have a fear of fire so this was a good idea all round - we'd get to see what it was then it would run away...
So we both ignite our lighters and it's suddenly very clear that the big black dog approching us is NOT a dog... It's face was perfectly feline and it's tail suddenly swooshed in a way no dog can.
My mate: "That's no dog! It's a..."
Me: "A bloody big cat!"
My mate: "We should run!"
Me: "A panther"
Me: "Thought they were scared of fire?"
Me, realising my mate has legged it I say one word to the panther: "Stay"
As far as I know the panther did stay, at least for long enough for me to make my escape. We got back to my parents house and locked the door firmly behind us.
Some people believed us, others laughed it off. Then 2 months later there were more sightings including one that was in the local rag - the vicars daughter that lived in the house opposite had seen the panther walking down the street, her and a couple of friends.
If I ever go over that railway crossing I still get the creeps now, more than 10 years later
What did I learn? Panthers are not afraid of lighters...
( , Fri 4 Jul 2008, 11:14, 3 replies)

This is my theory on the matter
I personally think that time can be used as a natural medium for recording such if you understand.
for example
a video camera records events just as time could
I think that for some reason nature sometimes records certain events/people or whatnot mabye they had to be really influential i don't know.
But then the "ghost" sightings are just a replay of these events.
this kind of explains why as time goes on certain ghosts apparently become less and less visible (due to deterioration) and is also an explanation for why most of them don't seem to react to people
also it explains about those old roman ones where they seem to be walking 2 feet below ground where the old roman roads were and how they all seem to go through walls because in their time there may not have been any walls there ya'see
also the reason why they seem to follow a fixed repetitive path and the "icy cold" feeling of the surrounding air could simply be the effects of the "playback"
Also the ones where they just hear voices in empty rooms and such could simply be cases where the ghostfigurechap has deteriorated (see up) to the point where it can't be seen anymore by the naked eye
Now i'm not good at explaining stuff so this seems daft but in my head it was dead good i'm telling you
i'm not posting this as fact just as a random theory
apologies for length and retardedness i'm not too great at doing these
be gentle i'm new(ish):)
( , Fri 4 Jul 2008, 11:09, 8 replies)

I suppose it is worth bringing up something domestic that I find profoundly unusual.
Mrs Hatred is an indentical twin. Said twin also lives locally and we see her and her fella on a regular basis. Now much is written about empathy between twins, some of it fairly scientifically heavy duty in nature. After eight years together I can assure you that it is for the most part true.
This doesn't mean that they dress like extras from "The Shining" or converse in their own language. They simply and nigh on constantly are aware of the other's state of mind. Many a weekend slouched in front of the telly has been interupted by Mrs Hatred sitting up and going "I'll call *** as she's a bit down." No reason given for knowing how (Mrs Hatred's phone lives almost perpetually down the side of the sofa- if it is used as a communications device, it will be me that finds it and does so) but she is always right. This works in the other direction as well. After a tough day at work, I was about to whisk Mrs Hatred off for a curry when her twin shows up essentially getting ready to do the same thing. Two years ago, Mrs Hatred spent a morning unusually agitated before discovering that her sister has been in a car accident (thankfully without injury). To cap this, neither of them consider this unusual and have in the past expressed some surprise that I cannot perform this neat little trick with my brother.
Further areas of weirdness include when they (seperately) went to buy cars one weekend and both returned with Skoda Fabias and when they bought each other the same "mystery" gift for one another a few birthdays ago.
I used to find it unsettling, now I'm just grumpy that there is always someone more attuned to my Mrs state of mind than I'll ever be.
( , Fri 4 Jul 2008, 11:00, 1 reply)

My ex missus' best friend Mandy, had bought a house. Nothing new there..she was always moving. After a year or two, she would get bored and her builder boyfriend would have to 'do up' yet another project..
They bought an old house with plenty of work needed to keep them busy for the next 12 months or whatever.
Anyway, they took the floorboards up for some reason, and they found an old book, a grimoire, full of spells and incantations, real nasty stuff too, like spells on how to kill somebody to the lightly absurd.. how to give somebody a headache (my ex wife managed that quite easily, and she wasn't a witch.. lol)
Disturbed by what they read, she threw it away and thought nothing of it.
The next day. The book returned. It was sat on a table. So she threw it away again, and yep you guessed it, the next day it turned up again.
In the end, they returned the book from where they found it, under the floorboards, and quickly sold the house.
( , Fri 4 Jul 2008, 10:51, 12 replies)

Seriously, these spirits whoever they are, can not only reappear in our world, but im sure they can fucking time travel.
My great aunty, shes old and frail. had loads of health problems, is a bit of a nutcase now as a result. But somehow her frail body just keeps on going trapping her in a life she doenst want. Shes asked for assisted suicide on numerous occasions.
Anyway she gave my mother a clock. Which had a big ben style chime. (You know the little tune before the bongs) It was an old clock for the mantlepiece. Hundred years old or whatever. It had lived on my parents mantlepiece for a while. Eventually they got tired of it not keeping the correct time and having to wind it up every day. So they left it stopped.
10 miles away, I had gotten myself a cheapy tescos wireless doorbell. When pressed it went "bing bong" normal doorbell song.
After a few months of having this doorbell, im suddenly alerted to it making the same tune my great aunts clock would normally make at the top of every hour. Except no one was at the door, and the doorbell normally just goes bingbong. It was a cheap thing and didnt have any settings to change its chyme. It only did it that once and it was rather strange.
A few days later my mums telling me that the clock also just randomly chymed that tune. Despite the fact it had been wound down for many months. It suddenly started chiming. And yes it seemed it may have happened at around about the same time as my doorbell "malfunctioned"
10 years ago the phone rang at my mums. I answered it and it was my great aunt. Or so I thought it was. It certinately sounded like her, but she was incredibly confused and the voice was somewhat distorted. I remember it freaking me out a bit at the time. She didnt seem to understand me and just hung up after a minute of confusion. But what did I hear in the background of the call? Yup that chyme. I'd totally forgotten about it.
I promise this is all 100% true. Its probably all coincidence. The door bell or clock never chymed themselves since though.
( , Fri 4 Jul 2008, 10:46, Reply)

I'm not into supernatural stuff at all, but when I was just a wee thing I managed to scare the bejeesus out of my neighbour.
When I was about 4 or 5, any random bangs or funny noises that I heard I decided were our resident ghost saying hi. This ghost I named George.
We live in an old house, and our neighbours are on the ground floor. I'm far more inclined now to blame funny noises on the neighbours and the central heating. The flickering lights, that poor George also got the blame for, I'm going to put down to the dimmer switches that were fitted at the time.
Anyway, one day my neighbour was round for a cup of tea or something, and a door blew shut so I cheerfully said "hi George!" and continued with whatever I was doing. This apparently freaked my neighbour out, and my dad's explanation didn't do much to help matters.
She went on to explain that the previous owner of the house had been called George, and had died in his sleep, in what was now my room! Spooky eh?!
Personally, I reckon that the choice of name had far more to do with my passion for the Famous Five than anything, but she didn't come round for tea much after that....
( , Fri 4 Jul 2008, 10:36, Reply)

When I was at uni we had a visiting professor who gave a lecture on supernatural occurrences. Pretty interesting stuff.
First up, he asked "How many of you believe in ghosts?" and about a third of the people put their hand up. So then he said “How many of you think you have seen a ghost?”, and about 20 people put their hand up. He seemed pleased by this and he said "Ok, let’s go one step further: Who here has talked to a ghost?" About 5 people put their hand up. So he says “And how many of you have touched a ghost?” Only 2 people put their hand up this time. So he says “Ok, last question: How many of you have made love to a ghost?” And just one kid right at the back of the lecture theatre sticks his hand up.
Now the professor wasn’t expecting anyone to respond to that question and it threw him off balance. So he says “I’ve been giving this lecture of many years, and no one has ever claimed to have made love to a ghost. Can you please come forward and share your experience”. So this kid comes walking all the way up to the front and stands at the podium, looking nervous and embarrassed. So the professor says “So, please, tell us all what it was like to make love with a ghost”. And the kid said “Er, bugger, from way back there I could have sworn you said goat”.
( , Fri 4 Jul 2008, 10:34, 7 replies)

My first marriage. We chose a church that I had been in the choir as a boy.
Chetwynd church was beautiful. Set amongst woodland, with a tall spire.. the kind you see an artist paint..so idylic it had to be someones imagination.. I always heard tales of it being haunted as a kid, but what I experienced as a man truly shit me up, and I will never forget it as long as I live.
I was in a loveless relationship, and I got badgered by my wife to be and the mother in law to tie the knot.. I didn't want to upset anyone so I went along with it.
How bad is that ! Anyway.. we got married in November, and a week or so prior we had a rehearsal at the church..about 6pm so it was really dusky.
As we left the church I was at the back of the queue of parents, bridesmaids etc etc. stood chatting to my best man. My wife to be was having problems opening the church gate and we waited, looking out onto the side road that ran along side the church.
A figure was stood on the road looking straight at me.
I can only explain it as a "shadow in the dark" which is bizarre in itself. It had a hooded cloak on and looked just like the Grim Reaper.
I stood transfixed.
Then a cars lights peeped over the brow of the hill.. and I watched as this thing, turned its head towards the light, and then shot off in the opposite direction. I turned to my best man and said "Please tell me you saw that" !? His face was as white as a sheet. Then amazingly, the wife managed to open the gate.
It was a sign.. who it was, I'm not sure.
We were married for 5 years before I had enough and we divorced. Now, 4 years on, I am ready to get married again..but this time, I can't wait !! =)
I do know this.. call it hell or whatever.. there is something, lets say "unsavoury", running parallel to our existence.. but it just isn't worth worrying about, we'll all find out in time.
( , Fri 4 Jul 2008, 10:22, Reply)

In my parents' house, the kettle produces the "just been boiled" click when it isn't switched on.
When I was a smaller LMS, my mickey mouse alarm clock would go missing almost every week, and always turned up in bizarre places (behind the washing machine, under my brother's bed, in the garden).
The doorbell chimes even when the batteries have been removed and there's no one on the doorstep.
It's all really wierd, but even so, I love the house where I grew up.
( , Fri 4 Jul 2008, 10:19, 2 replies)

After posting this I did as many people suggested and said out loud that I'd like the items back please.
This morning I took the kids to school as usual and while on the way there I glanced down at the passenger footwell next to me as I was driving.
My notebook was there.
I went away last weekend in my car and I took a spare notebook because I'd lost my main one.
That notebook was never in the car.
I'm just hoping now that who/whatever returned it has had enough of listening to Radio 4 podcasts and the Cocteau Twins and will now return that too.
( , Fri 4 Jul 2008, 10:17, 4 replies)

I went for a massage at Glastonbury. I found myself going into a trance-like state, and when I woke up I'd been given a hippy ending.
( , Fri 4 Jul 2008, 10:08, 1 reply)

When swimming in the sea, especially when children are around, one often floats into a "warm patch". This is fairly easily explained by the phenomenom that is piss.
However, have you ever swum into a cold patch? What is it, anti piss?
Or perhaps the ghost of some poor fish torn apart by a one of it's bigger bretheren, or even worse the ghost of some long dead pirate clutching at your dangly legs intent on dragging down to the bottom of the cold dark ocean where you will forever have to act out pirate porn for him.
( , Fri 4 Jul 2008, 9:54, 3 replies)

Years ago I used to have a very fluffy shetland sheepdog who got very old and ill with organ failure and had to be put down. He lived to 13, which is a pretty good age, and was a big part of the family.
Anyways, some years before he died, someone had bought us a fluffy toy, because it looked like him and it was left on the sofa. So cue me coming down in the morning, still a bit emotional about having the dog put down and seeing him staring at me with cold, staring eyes. How could you do it! Eeek!
The toy is in the loft now. No more spooky stuffed animals for me.
( , Fri 4 Jul 2008, 9:54, Reply)

when my friend caff and i were quite a lot younger, we went through a bit of a phase of playing with a ouija board that had belonged to her grandma. now i don't really believe in anything like that, but i AM sure that neither of us were pushing it (intentionally). it would come out with words that we'd never heard of at the time - eg, caff was asking if she'd ever get with some guy, and it spelled out "catherine, emancipate. you do not need a man."
which for a couple of 15 year olds meant a trip to the dictionary!
anyway, one night we were messing around with it when her dog started howling. sitting there, snout upwards, rigid, and howling. we were terrified. the dog wouldn't be moved; every time we tried to drag her out of the kitchen, she bolted back to the same position and howled again.
after about 5 minutes of collectively cakking ourselves, we realised... someone had dropped a sausage down the side of the cabinet earlier... and the dog really wanted that sausage.
however, the second experience was much odder. we were a little bit older and bored at her uni flat in bristol city centre as we'd fucked up and run out of cash. we were drinking cheap wine and playing around, but the board kept spelling "OPEN THE DOOR". at first we ignored it, but it kept doing it, repeatedly, and in the end, that was all it would say, the thing whizzing around the board really really hard.
it was actually pretty scary. we stopped and stared at each other. which door? we were shut in the lounge. what was on the other side of it?
eventually i'd had enough, and marched around the house flinging doors open, caff whimpering behind me. the only door left was the front door. i think deep down we both knew that was the one.
so, feeling half stupid, half really scared, we opened it............. only to find that catherine had left her keys in the OUTSIDE of the door. and this was not a nice part of the city.
i don't think we've played with it since!
( , Fri 4 Jul 2008, 9:47, 11 replies)

for those of you who were following Mrs Spimfs fertility treatment
sadly - no joy this time
however it made us even more aware how lucky we were last time (our little mini Spimf is two now and pretty damn perfect)
on the up side, pregnancy and small child plus move to Dubai might have been a bit tough on Mrs Spimf so things will be easier for us all over there.
disappointment? £5,500 for a wank and there wasn't even a kelly brook type comedy nurse 'on hand'
( , Fri 4 Jul 2008, 9:45, 8 replies)

Is suggesting this QOTW, and getting no credit for coming up with the idea.
So, here is my original post:
I was driving my ex home one night, and we saw a large creature, clearly, in the headlights.
T'was a cougar.
I *know* it was, because I'm a zoologist.
My first thought was that it was a big golden lab, but then it looked at me, it's eyes did the cat-eye thing, and it did a twirly thing with it's tail. Dogs can't do that with their tails.
And my ex saw it too. Didn't have a fucking camera handy though.
( , Fri 4 Jul 2008, 9:36, 7 replies)

My family used to have the village shop in a tiny farming village in rural Lincolnshire. And because it was so distributed, my dad used to do deliveries in the van. Farmers and their families would phone through their orders, and make a date for delivery. On weekends, as a young Sasquatch, I'd go with my Dad and help him carry boxes and bags. This was great, as I got to go round all the farms, play with all the kids and be shown all the animals.
One day, we were visiting a farm, and the farmer's wife introduced my dad to her mum, who was visiting. She said her mum was the local fortune-teller, at which my dad smiled politely and said "How interesting." or some such. He didn't believe in any of that rubbish. A more mundane and normal setting could not be imagined - a workday farmhouse kitchen, plain wooden table, muddy boots by the door.
Then this woman looks up at my dad and says "I've got a message for you." Her face crumpled, and she was clearly confused. "It's your sister, but it's a man. He's in a greenhouse in the sky, but it's falling and it's on fire. How can a greenhouse be in the sky...? How can a man be your sister?"
To my total surprise, my Dad's face was wet with tears. He thanked her for the message and said he understood perfectly. Things returned to normality; tea was made, drunk, and we left. In the van, I was bursting to know what that had all been about. When my Dad had been a teenager, his best pal was a lad called Peter, and they looked very similar in height and facial features. People used to ask them if they were brothers, and their stock reply was "No, we're sisters!" Peter had gone into the RAF during the war, and had flown in an Anson light bomber, which was nicknamed the Flying Greenhouse. His plane had been lost over the Channel.
( , Fri 4 Jul 2008, 9:15, 3 replies)

I don't know what you lot are worried about. Why, exactly a year ago today I ran over an old gypsy woman in a dark forest on a stormy night. Her dying words were ominous and frightening, yes, but the woman was obviously in pain and raving a bit.
I mean, a moment ago I thought I saw a hooded figure pass by my hall window but that's not possible since the window is at least eight feet off the ground. See? Science says no.
And that noise, the one that sounds like long fingernails scraping along the door? That's obviously my tomato plants swaying in this rather sudden wind. There's always a rational explanation for these things.
The power has gone off but that's okay - the jagged, forked lightning that splits the sky provides ample illumination. The strobing effect this has does make it look like a figure is moving through the hallway, heh heh, but I suppose it's a bit like a disco really.
I was delighted when I got this house so cheap. Not everyone wants to live on an old burial ground. I was very pleased - I'd never seen any evidence of Native Americans in the West of England before.
Next door's cat must have gotten into the kitchen - sounds like the little rascal is in the knife drawer. I'd better go and check it out. Back in a tick. I'll just-
( , Fri 4 Jul 2008, 9:14, 6 replies)

The other night I was in bed with the bloke I’ve been seeing for a couple of weeks.
‘I love you’ say I, for the very first time.
In the morning when I woke, he’d disappeared.
Explain that one!
( , Fri 4 Jul 2008, 9:14, Reply)

This is another incident which involved the boy (I think I’ll call him Piglet).
Anyway, when Piglet was about 4 he was a real hoppy jumpy little thing, not hyperactive or anything just never still and always doing something. We were standing at the front door while Mrs P got the keys out to let us all in. Piglet was doing his usual of jumping on and off the front steps and after numerous warnings he did indeed trip and fall. He banged his head. Badly. Somehow the wee beast had contrived to fall so that his forehead connected with the corner of the stepand he ended up with a pyramid shaped dent that looked to be about a half inch deep. I don’t think it was really but the egg shaped swelling soon covered it over.
After consultation with our neighbour (a paramedic) he said to just keep an eye on him, as long as his eyes were focussing and following objects ok then don’t worry about him sleeping. We went indoors and left Piglet playing in the living room while we put the shopping away. Things went quiet and in parental panic we rushed to the living room. Piglet had crawled onto his favourite chair and gone to sleep. Nothing strange there. Except he now had his dummy (pacifier) which had been well out of his reach (deliberately) and was neatly covered by his cuddle blanket. All explainable but unlikely. But I really don’t believe that he could have tucked the blanket in around himself as it was so tight he could barely move. We used to do that to stop him rolling off the chair while he was asleep. Topsy? We like to think so.
( , Fri 4 Jul 2008, 9:08, 2 replies)

To warn you all of the possible dangers of what you are doing right this very moment.
Legend tells of a strange phenomenon where unexplained dark forces can transmit through electric current….like a ‘ghost in the machine’ if you will; and that upon first glance, they burst through your monitor screen and rapidly passes from person to screaming person like an electronic version of genital herpes - only instead of the trademark ‘burning sensation’ in your hairy havens, your whole body turns inside out before bursting into a pool of mushy goo!
Whilst attempting to post this my PC has crashed 9 times, my laptop won’t switch on and my mobile can’t connect to t’interweb… maybe they’re trying to tell me something…I’ve had to send this to work and forward it from there before my PC finally dies …I hope it makes it through…but…
I’m feeling cold even typing this…maybe this wasn’t a good idea…I could be passing it on…Actually…..
*remembers the game*
( , Fri 4 Jul 2008, 9:07, 7 replies)

Some friends of ours were going through a rocky time in their relationship.
The girl in question is the sister of our bestest mates, and hence my GF knew that said girl was going to split up with BF of 5 years.
She had arranged a flat, got everything prepared and the poor sod of a bloke never even new.
Anyway, the day came that she was going to tell him that it was all over, etc.
My GF knew that she was going to tell him that day at around dinner time...
At exactly 13:00 that day we were sat in the living room watching teh televisuals when we both hear a loud CRACK.
We both shot each other a bewildered look and began to search from whence the mystery noise came....we eventually found it....
It was the vase that the couple had got us for chrimbo the previous year.
This was a big oval chunky glass thing with a solid 2 inch base.
It had split straight down the middle. Perfectly in half!!!
You could even slot it back together perfectly.
I turned to the GF and said, "shes told him then"
She had
That was very spooky.
( , Fri 4 Jul 2008, 8:57, Reply)

Throughout human history, and especially in the last 70 years or so, there have been numerous sightings of unexplained lights in the sky at night.
These are frequently attributed to craft flown by extraterrestrial beings. Now, I don't know. Maybe this is indeed the case, but if they want to examine our planet, why not do it during the daytime?
OK, maybe they want to sneak around and spy on us under the cover of darkness. But it that's the case, and if they're smart enough to build spacecraft that can fly here through the endless voids of space, what I want to know is:
why the hell do they need lights on their flying saucers at night?
( , Fri 4 Jul 2008, 8:54, 8 replies)

I have a memory from many, many years ago which I would assume is a dream but my brother claims to have exactly the same memory.
I was about 7 and I woke up in the middle of the night and went into my brother's room. He was also awake. I opened the curtains in his room and there hovering above our garden was a big old UFO with flashy lights. We both looked at it, went woe and then for some reason went back to our respective beds and went back to sleep, as if compelled to forget about it. You would think that we would have run screaming to our parent's room, but we didn't
As it was over 25 years ago, my memory of it is a little fuzzy but there are 2 things that make me think it couldn't have been real.
1. The UFO looked just like ET's ship
2. Why would a big flying saucer be hovering over our garden in Faversham?
The thing is, my brother also insists that he has the same memory. Of course, he could just be pissing me around.
Maybe they abducted us, anally probed us and wiped our memories. Crikey!
( , Fri 4 Jul 2008, 8:37, 3 replies)

Newbie - my writing leaves a lot to be desired, and I have yet to learn to make things fun to read, but bear with me please....
10 years ago we bought a beautiful old house here in Johannesburg.
From the moment I first walked into the house, I knew it had to be mine, I felt such peace whenever I walked in the door. Hubby however, has always said that he felt uneasy and a strange, almost menacing vibe.
Various things happened all those years ago to make me - a true cynic - relook at my belief in the unexplained.
Hubby fast asleep in front of the TV - me in bed - he is woken up by a very hard blow to his shoulder - one which caused a bruise - and there was no-one there when he opened his eyes
Half asleep hubby making his way into the kitchen to organise baby’s midnight feeding when he looked up and saw a woman standing in the doorway in front of him - she disappeared after he blearily blinked...
I have had issues with lights turning on and off on many occasions - once was alone in the house - walked down the passage to switch off a light - as I got to the end of the passage, all the hairs on the back of my neck raised and I had a terrible feeling of being watched, when I reached out to turn the light off - the bathroom light at the other end of the passage turned on - this happened in reverse when I went to switch off the bathroom light too - the other light turned on
Also would hear strange sounds - like light laughter or snippets of conversations at odd times - mostly when alone
Winter: child’s swingset placed in the sun-room - heard noises from there - went to investigate and the swing was swinging back and forth - now this was inside the house - no wind etc. and the security gate (this is Johannesburg after all) to get to the swing set was firmly locked
Kitchen cupboard draws and doors would open and close on their own - even when I was in the room
My daughter - from about the age of 1 would have long happy babbling conversations with something in the corner of her bedroom which only she could see - she would frequently look over my shoulder and grin with recognition when I was changing her nappy etc.
Now, I have never been much of a believer in anything supernatural, but these things truly happened and opened my eyes to the fact that there is something out there - something that tries to make contact with us.
About 6 years ago I started to feel distinctly uncomfortable in the house - which I never had before despite all the strangeness - and had a Sangoma (African Doctor) cleanse the house - never a problem since.
( , Fri 4 Jul 2008, 8:19, Reply)

when i was younger and living with my dad, i came home pissed up one night and decided to make a snack. my dad was in bed so i had to tiptoe around the kitchen in order not to wake him and get a good crack round the head. i made a beef and tomato pot noodle and went upstairs with it. i decided to have a slash before i got into my bedroom but the 15 thousand beers i'd had earlier made me lose my balance and fall in the bath. it was like an eternity trying to unwedge myself and stand up but when i finally did it, could i find the pot noodle? could i fcuk! i couldn't even find it in the morning. must have flown out of the skylight in the bathroom!
( , Fri 4 Jul 2008, 7:59, 1 reply)
This question is now closed.