Did you know that crabs wee through their eyes? That maidenhair moss is so called because Anglo-saxons thought it looked like pubes? That Albanians have 17 different words for moustache? Astound us with your utterly useless and obscure knowledge.
( , Thu 17 Mar 2005, 14:48)
This question is now closed.

Cheese is yellow because it reflects the light back at you (just like the water does with the sky).
( , Sun 20 Mar 2005, 18:20, Reply)

will have died while reading this sentence
( , Sun 20 Mar 2005, 18:16, Reply)

... and there is no evidence to suggest that the POSH post is correct. (Sorry to correct, but we want b3ta to be perfect, no?)
(edit) Ditto for quiz, below.
( , Sun 20 Mar 2005, 18:16, Reply)

The first animal in space, Laika, is the only living passenger ever to have been launched into space without the intention of retrieval.
( , Sun 20 Mar 2005, 18:03, Reply)

Bananas are the largest herb in the world....true that!
( , Sun 20 Mar 2005, 17:52, Reply)

When people used travel round the world in ships, it was fashionable to have pale skin. So to avoid the sun rich people would book rooms on the Port side Over and Starboard Home.....Port Over Starboard Home......POSH
( , Sun 20 Mar 2005, 17:51, Reply)

more bacterial cells in your body than human cells FACT
( , Sun 20 Mar 2005, 17:50, Reply)

It makes you wonder how people find these things out.
( , Sun 20 Mar 2005, 17:34, Reply)

we share 99% of our genes with that of a chimp, no surprise there, but we share 50% of our genes with a banana
( , Sun 20 Mar 2005, 17:33, Reply)

yeah, i saw him on the telly. In fairness though, they are both very very small.
( , Sun 20 Mar 2005, 17:31, Reply)

There is a man in Peru called Pepito who has two penises
At least, I think his name is Pepito
( , Sun 20 Mar 2005, 17:13, Reply)

Silva's post has just reminded me that the Daleks and Zippy from Rainbow were voiced by the same actor.
Makes sense when you think about it...
( , Sun 20 Mar 2005, 16:46, Reply)

...the one about it being physiologically impossible to lick your own elbow?
Some people can, although the vast majority can't, so that is not strictly 100% FACT see.
There is my fact - your facts are all wrong! Yay! hehe
( , Sun 20 Mar 2005, 16:35, Reply)

The idea that the World Series was named because it was sponsored by the World newspaper is a myth. It was named the World Series because it was considered a world championship (hey, it has Canadians in it!)
Useless fact: Grover from Sesame Street and Miss Piggy have the same voice.
( , Sun 20 Mar 2005, 16:31, Reply)

more people are killed by flying champagne corks than by poisonous spiders every year
cauliflower is the longest word that be spelt using all of the vowels once
( , Sun 20 Mar 2005, 15:53, Reply)

As blindmelon said earlier, ANP does a lot. But alcohol also inhibits the release of ADH (Anti-Diuretic Hormone), which is a control of fluid retention; if you have less of it, you pee more.
( , Sun 20 Mar 2005, 15:48, Reply)

The word "Quiz" was invented in a bet. A bloke bet his mate that he couldn't introduce a new word to the English language within 24 hours.
The other bloke went round all the streets in his town and wrote the word "Quiz" on all the walls. Within 24 hours all the town's residents were talking about the new word, wondering what it meant.
( , Sun 20 Mar 2005, 15:38, Reply)

In 1471, a chicken in Basel, Switzerland, was accused of being 'a devil in disguise' after laying a brightly colored egg. The chicken stood trial, was found guilty and burned at the stake.
( , Sun 20 Mar 2005, 15:37, Reply)

They don't have hands; they have paws.
Bear related: in order to help itself picking up that tricksy bamboo, the panda has evolved an enlarged radial sesmoid (wrist bone sticky out bit) to act like a thumb (which bears otherwise lack). Doesn't stop the farty buggers dropping those canes all the time though does it...
( , Sun 20 Mar 2005, 15:30, Reply)

4 people die by licking 9 volt batteries (the square ones with both contact points on the top) in the UK per year, on average... as we all know, it is a tingly way of testing battery power, but can be deadly.
also, pig ejaculations, elephants not jumping, dolphin sex, lack of rhymes with english words and left-handed polar bears have all been covered many times. pure fact, that one.
( , Sun 20 Mar 2005, 14:11, Reply)

land's end is commonly thouht of as the place to travel to from Jon O Groats, although it isn't the most southerly point on the british mainland
porthcurno is
( , Sun 20 Mar 2005, 13:47, Reply)

ome americans claim that "The U in colour really isn't necessary"
but the "u" is necessary if one is spelling the word so that is can easily be pronounced correctly
( , Sun 20 Mar 2005, 13:46, Reply)

micky dolense (from the pop group the monkeys)
his mom invented...TIPEX!!
( , Sun 20 Mar 2005, 13:42, Reply)

111,111,111 squared is 12,345,678,987,654,321
The international phone code for Russia is 007.
Adult male wild boar produce 0.5 litres per ejaculation. Their orgasms last for half an hour.
Left testicles usually hang lower than the right.
A crocodile can't stick its tongue out.
An ostrich's eyes are bigger than its brain.
All polar bears are left handed.
Elephants can't jump.
A sperm whale produces 60 litres of sperm and has a 12ft penis.
A cat has 32 muscles in each ear.
1 in 10 Americans don't know that the Sun is a star.
If all the people in China stood on a chair and jumped off at exactly the same time, they could knock the earth out of orbit.
When Coca-Cola first appeared in China, they used characters that sounded like "Coca-Cola" when spoken. Unfortunately, they translated as "Bite the wax tadpole". It did not sell well.
No words in the English language rhyme with month, orange, silver, or purple.
If you live in Michigan its illegal to place a skunk in your bosses desk.
Colgate faced a big obstacle marketing toothpaste in Spanish speaking countries because Colgate translates as, "Go hang yourself."
Almonds are members of the peach family.
Grapes explode when you put them in the microwave.
On average 100 people a year choke to death on ball point pens.
The average boy questions their sexuality at sometime between age 11 and 16.
In Florida it's illegal to have sexual relations with porcupines. Who the fuck tried?
Apologies for length, I inherited it from my dad.
( , Sun 20 Mar 2005, 13:34, Reply)

was first used in Star Trek back in the 60's, and thats how they got their name. The actual descriptive term is Quantum Singularity. Yawn.....
( , Sun 20 Mar 2005, 13:02, Reply)
This question is now closed.