This was in the village next to ours. Supposedly a very respectable village. Apparently shoving his girlfriend into me and calling me a fat cunt wasn't enough, and when told where he could shove his insult, he punched me in the face. I now resemble a red-headed chipmunk. Well, half of my face does. No, I didn't hit him back. Part of me wishes I had but it'd have done no good apart from making it harder for me to press charges if he's caught.
I have been fussed over by the other women at fat club, the police have been called and I have given a good description of the cunt that hit me, as well as his girlfriend. I've never seen either of them before. I don't know who they are. The chances of the police finding them are slim to none.
People saw this happen. Grown adults. They saw me get hit, and they saw me assaulted and abused, and they turned and walked away. They didn't even check to see if I was ok. My faith in human nature is currently pretty low, and it would be non-existent if it wasn't for the women at fat club, who went out of their way to help me.
So yes. Shitty day.
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 20:15, archived)

You are a BAD MAN BbbBBBbbRrrrooOaaddDSSSwwooORrrddD!!!!
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 20:43, archived)

I have a fucking MASSIVE bruise. Badger is well chuffed, as he can tell people he had to tell me twice for AGES.
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 20:21, archived)

( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 20:23, archived)

( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 20:26, archived)

He could have given it to someone nice.
He's never even met me.
It's mental.
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 20:27, archived)

and some decent psp games I got from hong kong if you're interested
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 20:29, archived)

But feel free to write "baldmonkey" on the games and put them in a post box. I'm too famous to need an address.
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 20:31, archived)

one's Need for Speed Underground2, Coded Arms (shooter), Some musical puzzley tricky thing and the other's Armoured Core, but insanely complex
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 20:34, archived)

( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 21:06, archived)

People are awful, one of my colleagues has epilepsy, and quite often has fits on the train on the way in, or at the station. No one ever, ever helps her.
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 20:22, archived)

You're a stronger person than I am, I'd have had a sense-of-humour failure and thrown myself at them.
You could always have laid into them and then claimed self-defence?
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 20:27, archived)

I can't rely on self-defence, especially as his girlfriend was there and could easily lie.
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 20:29, archived)

and the police would regard the girlfriend as a non-independent witness.
Shoulda-woulda-coulda's in any case. You going to be okay?
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 20:31, archived)

There's no lasting damage, just a very very painful cheekbone.
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 20:34, archived)

did everything go really quiet and start ringing in your nearest ear?
Some bugger pinned me and clocked me in the side of the head repeatedly, felt like a bell was going off right next to me D:
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 20:39, archived)

His girlfriend dragged him away and they legged it. I asked for help from the people who'd seen what happened, and they walked away.
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 20:41, archived)

Fingers crossed for some justice to come out of it.
Pepper spray for your next impulse-buy :)
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 20:50, archived)

and every single time I wish I hadn't, the most recent event very nearly destroyed what little chance I would have had to become a solicitor
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 20:37, archived)

It's like regular frisbee only you have to rap whilst doing it, and someone gets TOLD.
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 20:37, archived)

One of my friends once street frisbeed so hard, his wrist hurt a bit for hours. He got a slightly sore throat from the rapping, too.
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 20:42, archived)

I throw forehand discs so hard this weekend that I hyperextended my elbow, loosened the tendons and now have to ice, compress and anti-inflammatory the shit out of it for the next 3 weeks.
Old injury, too
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 20:53, archived)

It's all disappointing really. Last time I really destroyed it I had to wear a brace.
Very silly-looking
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 21:08, archived)

They play it in the states, but they basically have 2 teams standing opposite each other, blasting it as hard as possible at the other side, and you have to catch with one hand :S
comme ceci
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 20:43, archived)

( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 20:45, archived)

( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 20:57, archived)

I thought it was someone who wasn't a wanker I was replying to, so I thought I'd contribute a little more.
But that's a good tip though, I'll make sure that I don't try to educate (edit: you) about my sport
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 21:04, archived)

( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 20:43, archived)

please don't become a supervillain
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 20:27, archived)

( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 20:30, archived)

Wicca'd would be an ACE Supervillian.
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 20:46, archived)

At least when I got set upon a couple of weeks ago I was armed with a bottle of wine and the ability to run faster than a bunch of stoned chavs. Had you looked at his pie funny or something?
Hope you're ok, don't stay in the house all scared like I did
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 20:31, archived)

He called me Emily. He thought I was someone else I think. It's no excuse though.
It's a disgrace. I lived in a shitty, rough council estate and it would NEVER have happened there.
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 20:59, archived)

Followed by crying, followed by great ideas about what you should have done, followed by sleep, followed by striding manfully on
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 21:05, archived)

I know if I see him again, I'll kick seven shades of shite out of him. Job done. I will sleep.
Hopefully no black eye, no split lip, and no broken cheekbone.
I'm nails me.
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 21:09, archived)

not to me, i mean, if i was there, i'd have made him very scared.
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 20:32, archived)

Let that be a lesson.
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 20:33, archived)

Hope they catch the cunt. But you really should have twatted him back. The shame of being beaten up by a girl may have driven him to suicide, and the world needs less idiots like him in it.
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 20:40, archived)

Is there CCTV in the area or anything?
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 20:45, archived)

I was going to make my sister a table of the elements cake for her birthday, but I might just make one with writing on it with the letters you gave me. What should I write on it?
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 20:51, archived)

( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 20:57, archived)

( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 21:08, archived)

He was about 18, had dark short hair, and wore a blue t-shirt. He was drunk. No tattoos, no birthmarks, no unusual features.
It doesn't really narrow it down much. It's a small village, but not teenytiny.
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 21:15, archived)

see who says 'Oh shit, she's back!'
There's your man.
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 21:18, archived)

Don't worry, someone will find him. There's only so many pubs in Melford that he will be able to drink in given his age and general lack of brain.
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 21:24, archived)

and surname. How many fingers did he have? That might narrow it down.
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 21:24, archived)

and see if they have CCTV. He probably went in there.
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 21:30, archived)

you've had a rum do and no mistake, but not everyone is like that, as i've said over on board the only think i hate more then someone who hits women is a nonce.
hope the plod catch up with him and give hime what for, be good to see him get 6 months for an unprevoked GBH/ABH combo, but fear it'll be the usual community order.
he needs sorting out mind, maybe a word in his shell like from some heavies.
the cunt.
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 20:46, archived)

maybe one made by honda
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 20:48, archived)

can't believe people didn't step in, you bet your arse I would have!
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 20:47, archived)

je suis a little tired, drunk and bored - thought I'd drop by
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 20:54, archived)

how have you been? has the missus been treating you well? Any motorbike adventures? :)
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 20:54, archived)

I hadn't been riding much for the last few years but I resolved to change that this year, bought a newer and bigger bike and have a done a bit on that. I was planning on riding to Copenhagen in August (and stopping in to see mr Lonewolf on the way) but I think funds are conspiring against me :/
Just nipping for a ciggy - brb
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 20:59, archived)

but I googled for it - very nice! :) Life is all good with me thanks, got my hoodie business and my cr3 :)
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 21:30, archived)

It's worth getting punched to see you post here :D
*applies hugs*
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 20:53, archived)

I was most jealous of your France trip - I miss you lot :'(
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 20:54, archived)

( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 21:01, archived)

I'm pretty well thanks - how's life treating you?
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 20:56, archived)

I'm officially the tiredest person in the world right now, I'm seriously considering a half nine bedtime. ROCK AND ROLL.
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 20:59, archived)

not a good start for a Monday ^_^
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 21:00, archived)

It's like people don't think that other people are real, like it's just on the telly or something.
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 20:49, archived)

Some homeless guy was murdered in America recently. It's on CCTV, shitloads of people saw him being stabbed up and did nothing.
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 20:53, archived)

i'd be thinking "holy fuck he's got a knife and oh my god he's stabbing him and i should do something but the knife the knife and that could be me holy fuck oh my shoes need polishing yes very much and look at those laces."
this does, effectively, make me a bad person.
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 21:04, archived)

But then, you can never really know until it happens to you.
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 21:07, archived)

everyone was just walking past like they didn't even notice. He didn't respond when I tried to speak to him, I didn't know what to do so I went round the corner to the police station and told them.
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 21:11, archived)

but other than that i'm soft pathetic manchild number one
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 21:26, archived)

but I really can't understand how you could blank something out like that.
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 21:04, archived)

It's how its done.
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 21:11, archived)

You don't have to be a hero, just give some semblance of a fuck for a fellow human being.
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 21:16, archived)

it probably helps that i worked in quite a rough pub, but not all the fights i've broken up were there.
of course, it helps being the biggest person in wales.
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 21:36, archived)

( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 21:39, archived)

I want to go with you into the hardest pub, sepporatly, start a fight on someone, then you can come to my rescue. We'll act like strangers until you break up the fight, where I buy you a drink. By the end of the night you can hold me in your arms, we'll propper queer it up, I'd feel so safe in your arms, yet so frightened, at the same time.
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 21:42, archived)

That's not on. Hope you find him later and beat him with your handbag.
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 20:52, archived)

had to pay for treatment for my fucked up eye and buy new glasses. I didn't get any money because I hadn't been beaten up enough, it seems.
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 21:13, archived)

my brother got money for being punched in the face once, and he only had a bruise.
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 21:16, archived)

Sorry to hear that. Having been told to fuck off by a woman that had just been hit for trying to stop her boyfriend from doing it again and him taking a swing at me I can understand why people don't get involved, especially if they don't see all of the incident. I'd still like to think I'd try and stop it on seeing that but I know I'd think twice.
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 21:13, archived)

find the mugshot of the guy wot slapped you, or someone similar
post a photo of him on all the lamp-posts with a message "THIS MAN HITS WOMEN"
*line break*
( , Mon 28 Jun 2010, 21:14, archived)