(BTW, Mr Toast, did you see John Wagner's comments on the Dredd film?)
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Mon 28 May 2012, 15:32,

Dunno about a rollercoaster of a film - it's proving a rollercoaster of a frickin' build-up, this is. :-/
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Mon 28 May 2012, 15:37,

The only other word I've heard on it is from an investor and he's not likely to say it's shit, even if it is. Going off the plot details, it was never meant to be a mega epic anyway. So long as they get Dredd right and it doesn't look bobbins. I hope they do something with that bike, maybe CGI some Firerock tyres on it!
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Mon 28 May 2012, 16:17,

it was made on considerably less budget than your average Hollywood comic book movie.
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Mon 28 May 2012, 15:37,

I'd make some Ferraris look cheap outside my cheap-looking mansion, whilst eating cheap smoked salmon and drinking cheap champagne and entertaining cheap women.
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Mon 28 May 2012, 15:48,

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Mon 28 May 2012, 17:39,

I will be celebrating in my own way*
*by doing nothing out of the ordinary, though possibly a bit of Minecraft if it's raining. Got a nice tower and some farmland, looking to build a railway to connect my various estates.
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Mon 28 May 2012, 15:40,
*by doing nothing out of the ordinary, though possibly a bit of Minecraft if it's raining. Got a nice tower and some farmland, looking to build a railway to connect my various estates.

Which is about 3x more than what the Government was giving them in the first place.
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Mon 28 May 2012, 15:41,

For example, the Crown Estate produced £200 million for the Treasury in the financial year 2007–8, whereas reported parliamentary funding for the monarch was £40 million during the same period,[102] and republicans estimate that the real cost of the monarchy including security is between £134 and 184 million a year.
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Mon 28 May 2012, 15:48,

they get grants and tax breaks. It's not like they can go and be royal anywhere else though, is it? Not like the good old days.
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Mon 28 May 2012, 15:56,

The Crown Estate covers that and does a hell of a lot more paying for us.
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Mon 28 May 2012, 16:00,

I assume tourism alone makes them worthwhile.
I just have a problem about them being where/who they are because they were "chosen by god"
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Mon 28 May 2012, 16:03,
I just have a problem about them being where/who they are because they were "chosen by god"

But not quite right. "Ancestors being in the right place when other people were being really good with swords" is probably more accurate.
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Mon 28 May 2012, 16:40,

rather them than me. Whatever money they get, you would have to give me more to live their lifestyle. Imagine beng told what, where and when you eat, sleep, live, travel, drive, say, date, marry and believe from the day you are born to the day you die. And no posting drfivel on B3ta either.
They can keep the money.
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Mon 28 May 2012, 16:23,
They can keep the money.

see prince andrew, edward, etc etc etc
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Mon 28 May 2012, 17:35,

I think tourism is the tip of the iceberg in terms of benefit. It's the fact that -- from other nations' perspective, not from our cynical selves -- they impart our failing little country a perceived air of decency and status which we don't deserve.
We can all see that we don't make anything any more, our streets are full of chundering hags and fighting charvers of a Saturday night -- yet if you walk into a Chinese business (as I have done), you will be immediately taken for a decent gentleman if you are British. You get an advantage. I believe that "branding" (horrid word) is due to many subtle factors, and the Royal Family is almost certainly one of them.
When the royal marriage happened last year, newsstands across the globe, from Japan to Alaska, were emblazoned with simple, innocent images of love, tradition and decency (which people do latch on to), from a couple who were not fighting for re-election of hiding an agenda. You just can't put a price on the power of that positive message! My friend Kirby, a Filipino programmer living in Malaysia, says his wife's village held a party and got a big TV out to watch the event, and adorned it with British flags. My colleagues in Singapore -- a city state developing 100 times faster than ours -- all expressed an envy of all things British. Do you think they would they have done that for the wedding of a German statesman or even the US president? I personally doubt it.
I used to be very cynical about the Royal Family, but the more I travel, the more I see how it affects the way the way the world interacts with and regards our failing nation. I believe they bring us value and status it's simply not possible to measure.
If they were't there, we'd have an elected nobody who'd change every four years after politicking his way around the world -- who no-one would give a shite about -- and we would gradually begin a descent until we found our true place in the world's pecking order -- right down at the arse end of it.
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Wed 30 May 2012, 0:26,
We can all see that we don't make anything any more, our streets are full of chundering hags and fighting charvers of a Saturday night -- yet if you walk into a Chinese business (as I have done), you will be immediately taken for a decent gentleman if you are British. You get an advantage. I believe that "branding" (horrid word) is due to many subtle factors, and the Royal Family is almost certainly one of them.
When the royal marriage happened last year, newsstands across the globe, from Japan to Alaska, were emblazoned with simple, innocent images of love, tradition and decency (which people do latch on to), from a couple who were not fighting for re-election of hiding an agenda. You just can't put a price on the power of that positive message! My friend Kirby, a Filipino programmer living in Malaysia, says his wife's village held a party and got a big TV out to watch the event, and adorned it with British flags. My colleagues in Singapore -- a city state developing 100 times faster than ours -- all expressed an envy of all things British. Do you think they would they have done that for the wedding of a German statesman or even the US president? I personally doubt it.
I used to be very cynical about the Royal Family, but the more I travel, the more I see how it affects the way the way the world interacts with and regards our failing nation. I believe they bring us value and status it's simply not possible to measure.
If they were't there, we'd have an elected nobody who'd change every four years after politicking his way around the world -- who no-one would give a shite about -- and we would gradually begin a descent until we found our true place in the world's pecking order -- right down at the arse end of it.

I can see it being like the royal wedding, only less people care about it.
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Mon 28 May 2012, 15:45,

I LOVE THE LEADER! *vacant stare*
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Mon 28 May 2012, 16:14,

(I'll be off anyway. If anything, it's a hindrance, I imagine a lot of shops will be shut.)
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Mon 28 May 2012, 16:19,

Its nice to do that once in a while when the weather is sunny.
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Mon 28 May 2012, 16:20,

I always find it weird to see people wearing next to nothing walking about a city like Manchester, even when the weather's as nice as this.
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Mon 28 May 2012, 16:22,