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If you are a blasphemy to the death of the animal, they kill you with curse. They will come even if you can not believe.
Death is the Eternal I have not my ally ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 17:49,
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we didn't do that to the cat
the cats owner did. I suggest you write them a stiff letter instead of taking your hate out on us
HappyToast Groat froth ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 17:51,
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Them Post have desecrated the death of the animal.
Death is the Eternal I have not my ally ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 17:58,
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Welcome to the internet.
An Eagle in Your Mind ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:02,
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If the Internet is allowed their conduct(curse).
Death is the Eternal I have not my ally ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:05,
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the owner of the cat did that to his own pet
according to what I read when it first appeared a month or so ago, he is celebrating its life and giving it the chance to fly and catch birds. I think it's quite a sweet concept, if a little horrific in appearance.
HappyToast Groat froth ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:05,
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Yet another example of what might be considered acceptable or normal in one country, not translating too well when displayed overseas.
A bit like ... oh
drimble he'd been white, he'd been black ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:06,
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I can't believe this is a cultural thing
they do incredibly fucked up shit to animals in Japan
HappyToast Groat froth ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:07,
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I can't watch all of Oldboy any more because of this :(
drimble he'd been white, he'd been black ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:13,
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None of the other stuff in Oldboy disturbs you?
Is it Japan or Korea (or both) where they eat live octopus, dont remember...
bovine intervention ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 20:47,
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All of the human violence and death was simulated, and no matter how fucked up the other content, none of it was real.
Several octopus, though, were killed and eaten for real in the takes for that scene. It was unnecessary and I don't see that this sort of thing has any place in a feature film, any more than a few seconds footage showing a live cow being disembowelled in a slaughterhouse would.
drimble he'd been white, he'd been black ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 20:56,
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Superstition isn't rational, neither is anthromorphism nor denial.
People who like animals and are upset at their maltreatment, still eat meat.
FeralCatMan Unusual disease collector. ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:36,
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If I were his pet, I do not want to be like that. Exposing the shame of human beings.
Death is the Eternal I have not my ally ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:08,
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you do not want
but you are not him, or his pet He is showing his love of his pet, it's just a carcass anyway, not like he was the one that killed it
HappyToast Groat froth ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:10,
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It is his own self-satisfaction. Self-satisfaction is not a requiem.
Death is the Eternal I have not my ally ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:16,
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ALSO: Shock value was the whole motive, not a design choice to formulate a message.
Tahkcalb ω∞ for sigs ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:25,
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I agree shock not art.
FeralCatMan Unusual disease collector. ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:27,
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Death is the Eternal I have not my ally ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:30,
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I agree.
mofaha ┐( ˘_˘)┌ ʅ(́◡◝)ʃ ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:40,
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I'm still waiting for someone to do it to a plastinated still born baby
discomeats This canoe ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:22,
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I don't get why more people don't have relatives stuffed
or made in to cushions. just their faces so you can cuddle up with all your mates. that'd be nice. You could put those microwave bags in them so they are all warm for winter nights
HappyToast Groat froth ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:24,
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unintentional lol, when you translate the page from japanese to english, your sig says "Dredd was waiting for the trailer"
Ham o' Shatner -.-- --- ..- .-. / .- .-.. .-.. / --. .- -.-- ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:26,
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he probably is
everyone else is
HappyToast Groat froth ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:31,
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How does that work with vegetarians?
FeralCatMan Unusual disease collector. ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 17:52,
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vegetarians are best fried in olive oil
discomeats This canoe ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:18,
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no offence mind
FeralCatMan Unusual disease collector. ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:25,
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no offence mind
discomeats This canoe ,
Fri 8 Jun 2012, 0:21,
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Breeding animals just to chop them up and eat them, I don't think there's any fate more humiliating.
You might as well sell taxidermised poodles as spunk receptacles.
drimble he'd been white, he'd been black ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:29,
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Just so you know..
A) The cat was already dead. B) We didn't kill it.
Captain Howdy ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 17:53,
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But however, we are glory to maker of helicopter by posted his face many time.
drimble he'd been white, he'd been black ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 17:55,
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posting post of complaint in aniamtion is truest glory
Maria - face eat must own we I
HappyToast Groat froth ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 17:58,
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I still have no idea what the catcopter's owner looks like.
He started off with Rick Parfitt's face, then bore an uncanny resemblance to Flando Smoothie.
Captain Howdy ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:00,
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drimble he'd been white, he'd been black ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:05,
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Looks like an Aryan Chris O'Dowd.
Captain Howdy ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:07,
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The fuhrer's perfect situation comedian
HappyToast Groat froth ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:08,
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You wrong.
A and B are not applicable to the problem. I said it was blasphemy of dead.
Death is the Eternal I have not my ally ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:29,
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animals don't go to heaven as they have no souls, so it's ok.
the other options are to bury it in the garden and then leave it when you move house or burn it in a huge furnace.
Thor_sonofodin has done things, terrible things on ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 20:56,
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Apart from dogs, obviously.
All of those go to heaven.
drimble he'd been white, he'd been black ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 21:00,
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only animated dogs
and even then heaven is only a constructed metaphor created to control the masses with fear and hatred via the church with no scientific grounding.
Thor_sonofodin has done things, terrible things on ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 21:10,
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Stump running is the only cure!
Hang on...
Wobbly Bloke Hello, did I miss anything on ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 17:55,
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needs more carrot
augsav forgot about B3ta ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 17:56,
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It was already dead.
www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PIU3iPcu74 I mean, when I die, they're going to dress me up as Superman and drop me out of a plane, over a heavily populated area.
Bourbon Fox Bourbon is a moron ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 17:57,
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I'd pay to see that (from behind a very thick perspex shield)
HappyToast Groat froth ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 17:58,
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FeralCatMan Unusual disease collector. ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 17:59,
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Only unpleasant. -_-
Death is the Eternal I have not my ally ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:00,
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To be fair, we've mocked worse things than a taxidermy helicopter on here.
Bourbon Fox Bourbon is a moron ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:05,
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The Way that is not correct. There was a better way. NEVER want to see it again. -_-
Death is the Eternal I have not my ally ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:13,
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taxidermy helicopter sounds like a character in a really really odd childrens tv show
discomeats This canoe ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:19,
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*scribbles furiously*
Bourbon Fox Bourbon is a moron ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:20,
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Please do not be unnecessary.
You might fall victim to them.
Death is the Eternal I have not my ally ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 19:14,
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Yeah, Foxy wouldn't like that
Mu Dinofiddler ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 19:34,
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size zero will never catch on
pzyko Query failed. ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 19:38,
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Taxidermy doesn't bother me...
I mean, if the animal wasn't killed for it, if it died of natural causes or otherwise. The fur trade, however, when millions of animals are farmed and murdered for fashion, I am strongly against. I mean, uhh...
Bourbon Fox Bourbon is a moron ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 19:38,
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I just liked the amazing taxidermy job on that one.
Isn't that how you would want to be remembered?
Mu Dinofiddler ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 19:40,
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machine guns for arms would be nice
pzyko Query failed. ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 19:41,
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Fucking A.
Bourbon Fox Bourbon is a moron ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 19:43,
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My idea's got a bit more splatter.
Bourbon Fox Bourbon is a moron ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 19:41,
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I wanted say
change to the stuffed animals is a free will of his owner. However, it is deviating from the normal course. I don't feeling to love of master from the helicopter. Because that is Arrogance and complacency.
Death is the Eternal I have not my ally ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 19:43,
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He wanted to do something different and unique, now his cat can still chase birds.
Mu Dinofiddler ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 19:46,
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Sorry, I NEVER accept.
Death is the Eternal I have not my ally ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 19:51,
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drimble he'd been white, he'd been black ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:26,
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FeralCatMan Unusual disease collector. ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:28,
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drimble he'd been white, he'd been black ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:30,
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or chips?
discomeats This canoe ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:29,
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I hate such art. This is not art. YOU MUST DIE WITH CURSE.
Death is the Eternal I have not my ally ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:32,
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I'd say B3ta isn't the place for you if you're easily offended.
Or offendable at all.
An Eagle in Your Mind ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:36,
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yeah ok whatever go tell it to devart
pzyko Query failed. ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:44,
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Tahkcalb ω∞ for sigs ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:38,
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The fact that it's a sketch further intensifies the surrealism.
Do it again!
Extinct Jesus Dossier "...I think it counteracts Hitler's magic..." ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:42,
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I thought it might have been filtered, but...
Bourbon Fox Bourbon is a moron ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:43,
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I wonder if it's possible to make something so offensive (yet still 'legal', as it were) that I get IP tracked and arrested?
Hmm ...
drimble he'd been white, he'd been black ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:42,
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On b3ta the sky is the limit so fuck up that sky and nuke it from orbit, it's the only way to be sure.
maiden is filmed before a live studio audience ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 19:07,
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Shop on a bomb turban and you're pretty close.
Mu Dinofiddler ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 19:08,
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hahahahahahahaaha this made my day
pzyko Query failed. ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:43,
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hahahahahaha fucking hell!
this ticks all the wrong boxes
alpaca muffalo bozzerella ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:46,
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^ This
Wobbly Bloke Hello, did I miss anything on ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:47,
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haha :D Now this is B3ta well done Drimble
maiden is filmed before a live studio audience ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 19:02,
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Love you Drimble.
Mu Dinofiddler ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 19:02,
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A miracle of rare device
macroscian (1 like) ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 20:37,
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Truly amazing
Butters and his titanium codsocket ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 21:14,
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chiiiips :D
maggenspies mayhaps ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 21:21,
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my word.
The Doveston haunted by the memory of his own amnesia ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 23:18,
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heffalump said 'Yes' again on ,
Fri 8 Jun 2012, 0:05,
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this pegs the "fucked up" meter
Mark of Sore-o writhing in agony on ,
Fri 8 Jun 2012, 10:38,
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animal/human hybrid is biggest blasphemy
Ham o' Shatner -.-- --- ..- .-. / .- .-.. .-.. / --. .- -.-- ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:00,
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They just became the form of an animal.
They are NOT animal/human hybrid.
Death is the Eternal I have not my ally ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:03,
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cat just became helicopter
they are NOT cat/copter hybrid
HappyToast Groat froth ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:06,
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Desecration of the dead.
Death is the Eternal I have not my ally ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:15,
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blasphemy evidence of bestiality.
FeralCatMan Unusual disease collector. ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:04,
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HappyToast Groat froth ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:06,
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that's wonderfully freaky
Ham o' Shatner -.-- --- ..- .-. / .- .-.. .-.. / --. .- -.-- ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:07,
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the finger could be better
but his eyes still make me smile
HappyToast Groat froth ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:08,
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Death is the Eternal I have not my ally ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:20,
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That scares me...
* Wonders of for a wank
Wobbly Bloke Hello, did I miss anything on ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:33,
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Ha! Ha!
"I'll get you, Butler.."
Jabberwoc misses D.R. and Quinch ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 22:02,
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Zombies should only be drawn, not made real?
Maria: ??? ... bu-bu-but I thought I was real!!! Waaaaaaaa!! Tahkcalb: Stop wiggling. I have to stitch your ass back on.
Tahkcalb ω∞ for sigs ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:02,
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Maria: We are not real. But we can curse. ...You know? :3
Death is the Eternal I have not my ally ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:24,
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this give me an idea, but I don't think I can pull it off in paint
discomeats This canoe ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:23,
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If you are a blasphemy to the death of the animal anime, they kill you with curse.
Rattlehead all time with the gay, forever touching ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:26,
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Death is the Eternal I have not my ally ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:36,
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Don't be hate b3ta again.
b3ta good. world bad.
atomic A-bomb-a-nation ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:45,
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In a world of political and military horror, natural and unnatural disaster, poverty, starvation and disease
it is only by laughing at adversity and mocking those inescapable tragedies that could impact on any one of us at any time, that we make it through the day with a spring still in our step. *gets off soapbox*
drimble he'd been white, he'd been black ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:51,
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OK. I know very well. BUT
Death is the Eternal I have not my ally ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:52,
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The cat wasn't hurt.
It was already dead. Dead cats feel no pain. Dead cats don't care if they're helicopters. They're dead.
Mu Dinofiddler ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 19:28,
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yeah ok whatever go tell it to devart
pzyko Query failed. ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:46,
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I already did it.
Death is the Eternal I have not my ally ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 19:02,
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pzyko Query failed. ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 19:19,
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Good for you.
Death is the Eternal I have not my ally ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 19:28,
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TheSundaeLunch I'm a fucking shrub, alright? ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:52,
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Death is the Eternal I have not my ally ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:57,
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It's a cat. It's dead. It doesn't care.
Human values don't mean shit to animals. It ate, slept, licked itself and terrorised small garden creatures. Do know what cats do with do dead things? They play with them. Also, if cats had any sort of higher intelligence, which they don't, they'd be the first to think that being a helicopter was awesome.
Mu Dinofiddler ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 19:06,
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eat you....
Death is the Eternal I have not my ally ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 19:09,
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I don't think it'd particularly artistic. I don't even think I've seen it described as art, only that his owner was an artist.
I do think it's awesome though. I'll say it again, cats do much worse to the bodies of small dead animals than turn them into kickass flying machines.
Mu Dinofiddler ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 19:14,
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Cat's are dicks. They deserve everything they get.
Mu Dinofiddler ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 19:18,
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I don't hear to your thinking.
I just think stop the dead cat helicopter art. It was a really unpleasant. I wanted to stop the art. I'll reshape your body into a helicopter if you say "The art was awesome".
Death is the Eternal I have not my ally ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 19:23,
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I'd love to be a helicopter.
Mu Dinofiddler ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 19:27,
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I'll not see it.
Death is the Eternal I have not my ally ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 19:35,
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Mu Dinofiddler ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 19:37,
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Fucking hell, now I see why Fingerbobs was cancelled after a while.
Bourbon Fox Bourbon is a moron ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 19:40,
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I have question.
What do you want to get from me?
Death is the Eternal I have not my ally ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 19:48,
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I'm trying to figure out what you find acceptable, and not.
Finger puppet mice = ok Helicopter cat = I'LL SET MY ZOMBIE CANNIBAL RABBIT NUN ON YOU!
Mu Dinofiddler ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 19:51,
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I like artificial plush than stuffed. I feel guilty for the dead bodies of animals.
Death is the Eternal I have not my ally ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 19:57,
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Do you wear leather?
Take medicine? Wear make-up? Eat meat? Use anything plastic? Drive a petrol/disel car? The human race is built on the backs of a trillion, trillion dead animals.
Mu Dinofiddler ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 20:09,
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It is necessary for human life. I don't accept Remodeling unnecessary the carcasses of animals . For example, helicopters do not have to do that.
Death is the Eternal I have not my ally ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 20:17,
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leather, meat, petrol, plastic and make up aren't neccesary.
Mu Dinofiddler ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 20:18,
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If we do not need to kill the animals, there is no need to kill. But helicopters are not required. I NEVER ACCEPT.
Death is the Eternal I have not my ally ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 20:28,
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I'm also enjoying myself.
Mu Dinofiddler ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 19:52,
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seriously, who could resist that seductive gaze?
pzyko Query failed. ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 19:54,
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Looks pretty fed up. I guess I'd be too.
Have this one from a few years ago which was also taken from a taxidermy photo. Got an FP it did. My only one so far.
Bourbon Fox Bourbon is a moron ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 19:59,
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pzyko Query failed. ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 20:01,
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I'd buy that for a dollar!
pzyko Query failed. ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 19:28,
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he's selling it, 12000 euro or so i read...
don't think he cared that much about his *beloved* cat this lady is significantly more interesting..... jessicajoslin.com/jessica/ ;)
maggenspies mayhaps ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 21:25,
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Wait, you cut up the body of a rabbit and made it into a nun.
Who the fuck are you to talk?
Mu Dinofiddler ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 19:15,
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Death is the Eternal I have not my ally ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 19:24,
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*Random word*
Mu Dinofiddler ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 19:30,
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"You will look like this." Specimen.
Death is the Eternal I have not my ally ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 19:39,
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I've found Maria a boyfriend - MOUSEPOPE!
Mu Dinofiddler ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 19:42,
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I can see this being the feature of Moggy's next drawing.
Bourbon Fox Bourbon is a moron ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 19:45,
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It's making me giggle.
Mu Dinofiddler ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 19:47,
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I might have a go, actually.
Drawing it, not making it. I'd make one dressed as Michael Jackson in Thriller.
Bourbon Fox Bourbon is a moron ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 19:57,
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Mu Dinofiddler ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 19:59,
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I've yet to see one of these in a bar.
Bourbon Fox Bourbon is a moron ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 20:06,
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They only made 12 and they were £500 each.
Mu Dinofiddler ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 20:10,
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Probably explains why. XD
The most I've seen is in a bar in Manchester; a load of bull heads on the wall dressed as the Village People.
Bourbon Fox Bourbon is a moron ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 20:12,
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I have question.
This is also stuffed?
Death is the Eternal I have not my ally ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 19:49,
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Mu Dinofiddler ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 19:50,
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I prefer artificial plush...
Death is the Eternal I have not my ally ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 19:53,
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easier to get the cum out of, eh?
pzyko Query failed. ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 19:55,
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Can't get fluffer than this.
Mu Dinofiddler ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 19:56,
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look like something appear in horror movie.
Death is the Eternal I have not my ally ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 19:59,
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Clueless Egg Cunt ...of course i'm beach ready! ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 20:15,
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^ Would.
drimble he'd been white, he'd been black ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 20:45,
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mediocre ha ha ha, you're reading this ,
Thu 7 Jun 2012, 22:19,
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