I don't mean to be rude... okay maybe i do
but no one cares about ameraican (well no one important anywayys)
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Mon 30 Mar 2009, 20:50,
but no one cares about ameraican (well no one important anywayys)
I don't care about the Americans as such...
...but I am a *very* close relative of Karl Marx.
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Mon 30 Mar 2009, 21:31,
Karl Marx wouldn't be in that state of decomposer, he would be a complete skeleton.
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Mon 30 Mar 2009, 20:51,
Karl Marx wouldn't be in that state of decomposer, he would be a complete skeleton.
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Mon 30 Mar 2009, 20:52,
one does not simply rejuvinate karl marx and begin shagging him!
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Mon 30 Mar 2009, 20:56,
I think he would like
This probably why he was angry, he wanted to do lots of sodomy but the pope had taken it all
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Mon 30 Mar 2009, 20:58,
on what they embalmed him with
he'll either still have a fair amount of flesh on him, or be an incomplete skeleton
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Mon 30 Mar 2009, 21:39,
he'll either still have a fair amount of flesh on him, or be an incomplete skeleton
you do know that world war 2 is over and you don't have put tape on your windows anymore
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Mon 30 Mar 2009, 20:53,
or if you wish to be less conspicuous use "fablon" aka sticky back plastic - the clear stuff or even the opaque / stained glass stuff
wow did i spell conspicuous right?
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Mon 30 Mar 2009, 20:57,
I'm not american. This is not relevant to my interests.
I'm sure most people here wouldn't care even if all your crazy shit was true.
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Mon 30 Mar 2009, 20:51,
WTF Obama is no Marxist
although Karl Marx is remarkably well preserved.
So not only are you an anti capitalist you're also an anti Marxist *shakes head*
Your way is the way of FAIL.
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Mon 30 Mar 2009, 20:53,
So not only are you an anti capitalist you're also an anti Marxist *shakes head*
Your way is the way of FAIL.
Well you can be both but even Anarchists recognise Marx's Das Kapital
as a very accurate analysis of Capitalist Market Forces FFS even Capitalists have read Das Kapital to see where they have failed.
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Mon 30 Mar 2009, 20:57,
I don't know, my knowledge only goes as far as what I learnt of the schools programs on bbc and ch4, as I learnt more from them then I did at school
I like Russia, medieval Russia is more interesting
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Mon 30 Mar 2009, 21:01,
I know what I read in War and Peace, that's about the limit of my knowledge of Russian history and politics.
The crazy French loving aristocratic bastards.
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Mon 30 Mar 2009, 21:06,
Having looked at many of your images, I've realised that they have some strong homo-erotic undertones.
It's the bright, Latin colours, like something from a South American gay rights parade.
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Mon 30 Mar 2009, 20:53,
I'm sure those are attended just for the music
and the spectacle!
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Mon 30 Mar 2009, 21:02,
His picture sums it up
Obama is reviving Marxism - which is absolutely fucking cocknuggeting twat bollocks and that's putting it politely. Now he's definitely offended me as I consider myself somewhat of a Marxist.
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Mon 30 Mar 2009, 21:05,
I watched the first minute of the video, in which someone says Obama works for Wall St.
He's a Marxist! I mean, he's in with the bankers! I mean.. look, he's just bad alright!
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Mon 30 Mar 2009, 21:07,
even if you dont agree with his political views
you must admit his pics are class
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Mon 30 Mar 2009, 20:54,
He does do some very good pictures, yes.
And he has got very good responses when he hasn't tried to foist his lunatic conspiracy bollocks on everyone.
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Mon 30 Mar 2009, 20:55,
I think he's going to try to get banned before long
and then come back with an endless array of spare accounts to claim it was censorship.
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Mon 30 Mar 2009, 20:59,
Has anyone ever seen them in the same room?
It's a plot, I tell you!
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Mon 30 Mar 2009, 21:03,
I am still confused by his claims that he was banned and his threads were unviewable, yet I could see every single one of his threads.
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Mon 30 Mar 2009, 21:04,
I *think* a mod arranged it so only mods could see his posts, or something
Then the accounts went... For now at least.
He'll be back
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Mon 30 Mar 2009, 21:05,
He'll be back
I can't see it D:
My internet won't let me see photobucket, google, or bbc or gizmodo, probably not others as well, if I search for them.
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Mon 30 Mar 2009, 20:57,
If everyone to the left of you is a Commie,
everyone in the world is a commie.
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Mon 30 Mar 2009, 20:55,
I don't understand why you post this stuff here
At best it falls on disinterested eyes/ears.
At worst it causes annoyance.
The arguments that often ensue are worsened by your incredibly patronising attitude.
There are sites for things like this. Do you really think B3ta is a suitable place for this type of thing?
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Mon 30 Mar 2009, 20:57,
At worst it causes annoyance.
The arguments that often ensue are worsened by your incredibly patronising attitude.
There are sites for things like this. Do you really think B3ta is a suitable place for this type of thing?
What the beautiful lady said.
It fascinates me that people can see pics from b3ta, like dancing pants and maddie pics, and think, you know what? That would be the perfect outlet for me and my crazy shit about Obama being the antichrist.
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Mon 30 Mar 2009, 21:02,
he was extremely evasion to a very simple question yesterday and ended up being a total cock rather than take the opportunity to put his point of view across in a way that doesn't sound like some conspiracy nut having a 'special' moment.
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Mon 30 Mar 2009, 21:02,
From looking through his pictures (or David Dees' pictures :)
He's against (in no particular order):
- Mexicans
-Jews Zionists
- Airplanes
- Vaccines
- Capitalists
- Fat people..
he likes Ron Paul though. Oh very much so.
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Mon 30 Mar 2009, 21:08,
- Mexicans
- Airplanes
- Vaccines
- Capitalists
- Fat people..
he likes Ron Paul though. Oh very much so.
He's a Republican!
WTF how can a conspiracy nut side with a Right-Winger? Damn this Catnipppp is really fucked up.
He's probably some latent racist neo-nazi who uses the idea of anti-zionism to promote his anti-semetic view point. If this is Wrong Catnipppp fucking EXPLAIN YOURSELF!
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Mon 30 Mar 2009, 21:17,
He's probably some latent racist neo-nazi who uses the idea of anti-zionism to promote his anti-semetic view point. If this is Wrong Catnipppp fucking EXPLAIN YOURSELF!
I think he (catnippp) is mainly
Pro small-government (I forgot 'the IRS' in that list above) as that connects being anti- this supposed 'new world order'.
He's also anti-immigration (thus the Mexicans), pro-gun (more 'government interference'), a holocaust denier (basically all round anti-semitic)...
It's a real fun mix :/
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Mon 30 Mar 2009, 21:25,
He's also anti-immigration (thus the Mexicans), pro-gun (more 'government interference'), a holocaust denier (basically all round anti-semitic)...
It's a real fun mix :/
Yup he's a red neck neo-nazi
with a hard-on for alien abduction.
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Mon 30 Mar 2009, 21:29,
I quite enjoy it sometimes.
I realise I'm in the minority here
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Mon 30 Mar 2009, 21:03,
I do wish he'd come up with some more coherent ones though.
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Mon 30 Mar 2009, 21:11,
Even with the nastiness it brings?
Biting satire is great.
Mr D'or is testament to that but the difference between the two is humour.
I'm not saying that everything has to contain humour but this one seems to be shoving things down our throats.
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Mon 30 Mar 2009, 21:11,
Mr D'or is testament to that but the difference between the two is humour.
I'm not saying that everything has to contain humour but this one seems to be shoving things down our throats.
It's pandering to the side of me that loves arguing.
It's a dirty habit.
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Mon 30 Mar 2009, 21:12,
I love reading a good argument too
and sometimes even climb in.
But the arguments I am talking about are the same old thing, repeated time and time again.
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Mon 30 Mar 2009, 21:21,
But the arguments I am talking about are the same old thing, repeated time and time again.
You make a good point there, well done.
*subscribes to your newsletter*
/edit: but it would be too much in thinking he would actually reply here
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Mon 30 Mar 2009, 21:07,
*subscribes to your newsletter*
/edit: but it would be too much in thinking he would actually reply here
America being against socialism on principal
is pretty much the same as us English being against the metric system as we were for a good 300 years.
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Mon 30 Mar 2009, 21:00,
Still am, damn you.
Can you imagine the cost involved in changing all the road signs?
Can you imagine the outrage at getting less than a pint of beer at a pub for (what would almost certainly be) the same money?
Nowhere European that I've been to has sold 600ml (just over a pint) of beer. It's always 500.
Anyway, as you were.
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Mon 30 Mar 2009, 21:05,
Can you imagine the outrage at getting less than a pint of beer at a pub for (what would almost certainly be) the same money?
Nowhere European that I've been to has sold 600ml (just over a pint) of beer. It's always 500.
Anyway, as you were.
Nice pic, too big though
and Marx appears to have eaten Anti-Ready Brek
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Mon 30 Mar 2009, 21:01,
america needs to look up some words
as they get very confused about socialism when really their republic seems to be tending towards kleptocracy and grandma's favourite, good old fascism and not socialism at all!
those crazy americans! first they take the u out of all the words and then they make up new meanings for words :D
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Mon 30 Mar 2009, 21:01,
as they get very confused about socialism when really their republic seems to be tending towards kleptocracy and grandma's favourite, good old fascism and not socialism at all!
those crazy americans! first they take the u out of all the words and then they make up new meanings for words :D
Yeah it's a good benchmark that anything which claims to be socialist or a republic is usually loads of genocidal autocratic nutters
See National Socialist German Workers' Party, Republic of China, Republic of Congo etc.
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Mon 30 Mar 2009, 21:05,
yes, whenever it's "Peoples"
there's always been a lot of "peoples" dead for some great all knowning leader who is the light of all!
all those trite quotes are true, all that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing.
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Mon 30 Mar 2009, 21:07,
all those trite quotes are true, all that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing.
what about "People's Democratic Republic"
I'm sure we can add to this :)
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Mon 30 Mar 2009, 21:10,
I love
Former Yugoslavian Replublic of Macedonia.
They just can't let go.
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Mon 30 Mar 2009, 21:32,
They just can't let go.