This will cure your hangovers
Look at them one at a time -which direction is each spinning in, clockwise or anticlockwise?
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Sat 1 Jun 2002, 16:41,
Look at them one at a time -which direction is each spinning in, clockwise or anticlockwise?
frame rate needed[1] before this question can be answered.
[1] without changing the rotation speed.
( ,
Sat 1 Jun 2002, 16:50,
[1] without changing the rotation speed.
i think the point is
that they can look like they are turning either way
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Sat 1 Jun 2002, 16:52,
Yeah but..
I'm an awkward sod..
I'm not even hung over. I've been up for, umm, a while, and acheived loads today like, umm, reading b3ta, buying food, erm reading b3ta again...
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Sat 1 Jun 2002, 17:16,
I'm not even hung over. I've been up for, umm, a while, and acheived loads today like, umm, reading b3ta, buying food, erm reading b3ta again...
Yeah that's just it you can use the power of your mind to make them go in whichever direction you want.
They start to look a little like swastikas after a while though.
( ,
Sat 1 Jun 2002, 16:52,
I'm not responsible
for any ill-effects resulting from this.
Stare at the spirally thing for a minute (sit about half a metre back), then look at your hand.
For me it worked better in reverse, but you might find otherwise.
(edit: If you're running some sort of Unix, does the same thing much more effectively (compile it yourself or if you're running FreeBSD get it from ports/games/gru).
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Sat 1 Jun 2002, 17:39,
Stare at the spirally thing for a minute (sit about half a metre back), then look at your hand.
For me it worked better in reverse, but you might find otherwise.
(edit: If you're running some sort of Unix, does the same thing much more effectively (compile it yourself or if you're running FreeBSD get it from ports/games/gru).
i really didn't expect anything to happen, but hark, thats quite bizzare
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Sat 1 Jun 2002, 17:52,
Good Morning everyone.
woah, living in a time spaz and shaking like a leaf
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Sat 1 Jun 2002, 16:33,
what that grey spinning one?
I need no help in that department.
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Sat 1 Jun 2002, 16:47,
Blimey! I'm probaby safer sealed in there for the time being.
I've got a right old slap head going on in that picture!
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Sat 1 Jun 2002, 17:09,
I've got a right old slap head going on in that picture!
What if I ordered
some seeds? Can I be assured they all come through safely?
Love it.
( ,
Sat 1 Jun 2002, 17:28,
Love it.
atternoon fowks. Right. Here we go.
I'm creating b3TV - a one stop shop where people can choose Drama, Games, Music etc. with links to some of the best b3ta Flash movies, quizzes etc. It's just at the beta (boom boom) stage at the mo clicky here . What I need is a 4 note sig tune for the opening screen which just has me plinking 4 notes on guitar at present. Anyone got something?
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Sat 1 Jun 2002, 16:18,
Fantastic Sir Boab !!
That is a velly great idea, well executed !!
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Sat 1 Jun 2002, 16:58,
i just saw the porn to be mike thing throught that - nice one dude, but i didnt know you'd be using pictures of me.....
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Sat 1 Jun 2002, 16:24,
neither did I until I started making it. Bit of a rush job so I just used you for the porn guy instead of looking for one which I didn't really fancy doing.
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Sat 1 Jun 2002, 16:32,
I think the pics of mike made it extra special
but the sound didn't work properly for me. I couldn't make out any of the words.
( ,
Sat 1 Jun 2002, 16:35,
Cool i want the woo and yay buttons to do things
Giant Bee needs to be there somewhere.
Also, that makeashorterlink think for the weather isn't really necessary now.
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Sat 1 Jun 2002, 16:35,
Also, that makeashorterlink think for the weather isn't really necessary now.
yes Giant Bee will be there
and thanks. any other suggestions welcome.
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Sat 1 Jun 2002, 16:37,
oh cool good idea
i'll give the 4 notes a go, and upload it if i come up with any thing decent
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Sat 1 Jun 2002, 16:28,
kinda spacey kinda cheesy
dunno if this is the kinda thing ur after?
4 notes
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Sat 1 Jun 2002, 16:59,
4 notes
Not 4 notes but
I made this using the little tiny keyboard and drumkit in last weeks newsletter.
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Sat 1 Jun 2002, 16:29,
cheers fnord
and ta for the colourful b3ta logo wot I nicked. Ta everyone and I'll pop back soon for any 4 note things.
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Sat 1 Jun 2002, 16:34,
that's weird but it seems the mp3 didn't encode properly
there's only 3 notes and it cuts off before the full 2 seconds has elapsed, it happens when i'm encoding them during streambox it cuts out the last half a second or so.
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Sat 1 Jun 2002, 17:22,
Never let it be said that I dont jump on the bandwagon
The Ballad of the Lonely Lumpy.
( ,
Sat 1 Jun 2002, 16:04,
The new song "I'm your mum" is here. Lyrics by Rob, with a few additions by Koit. This song is truly classic but as usual, I need someone to host it for me.
Can anyone on Broadband spare 3.15mb to host this ? - if so, let me know your mail address
Cheers all.
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Sat 1 Jun 2002, 15:59,
Can anyone on Broadband spare 3.15mb to host this ? - if so, let me know your mail address
Cheers all.
i'd love to but i've had a freindly e-mail from blueyonder letting me know i'm nearly out of webspace.
I could try and put it on a dial-up account if you can't find anyoen else.
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Sat 1 Jun 2002, 16:37,
it might be lost in the spaz somewhere... =/
spacefish at glastonbridge dot co dot yookay?
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Sat 1 Jun 2002, 17:10,
spacefish at glastonbridge dot co dot yookay?
just checked all - defo right addy. Deffy sent. Blueyonder was being all slow the last time I mailed one to fnord.
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Sat 1 Jun 2002, 17:23,
i sent some test stuff and that's not come through yet. if the tests come through but the file doesn't, i'll let you know!
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Sat 1 Jun 2002, 17:26,
I just tested my mail
and it is what's going on is anyone's guess.
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Sat 1 Jun 2002, 17:33,
New gif about the heat
Made this for the fuck of it, it's NOT optimised at all, it's hyooj (500kb) but i've not the time to work on it at the moment, when i do i'll post it on here properly.
( ,
Sat 1 Jun 2002, 15:59,
bloody hell.
My eyes!!
Not mine
EDIT: If you're hung over, this will fuck you up.
( ,
Sat 1 Jun 2002, 15:54,
Not mine
EDIT: If you're hung over, this will fuck you up.
[thinks...Now if only animated gifs were as easy as that to make.]
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Sat 1 Jun 2002, 16:21,
[thinks...Now if only animated gifs were as easy as that to make.]
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Sat 1 Jun 2002, 16:21,
Good afternoon ingrates.
How the Tutankahmen are we this afternoon?
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Sat 1 Jun 2002, 15:45,
i am in a world of pain
feels like my brain is trying to escape through my eyes
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Sat 1 Jun 2002, 15:53,
my head really hurts
When travelling through the timespazz i noticed I had managed to post the word 'shitfaced' before I passed out last night. No memory of this.
I woke up on the sofa
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Sat 1 Jun 2002, 15:44,
When travelling through the timespazz i noticed I had managed to post the word 'shitfaced' before I passed out last night. No memory of this.
I woke up on the sofa
hummusing ability
severely diminished.
I might have to start drinking again soon.
( ,
Sat 1 Jun 2002, 15:52,
I might have to start drinking again soon.
if only there were some pictures of quo with a guitar already...
( ,
Sat 1 Jun 2002, 15:45,
Can the quo play guitar?
I thought they got session musicians in for all their complicated backing tracks.
( ,
Sat 1 Jun 2002, 15:47,
Inspired by
The earlier post by Priestess.
The Ballad of the Lonely Coo.
( ,
Sat 1 Jun 2002, 15:24,
The Ballad of the Lonely Coo.
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