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» Feb 2008 «

Big uber massive Sheffield bash

Cunningly arranged for the day I get paid! We shall be starting off in the Howard, and then at about 8pm moving onto a pub crawl into Sheffield itself to whatever club looks likely. Heck, even the Corporation. So what are you waiting for?

Directions: dead centre of Sheffield, right across from the train station. Piece of piss to get to.

More details to come as we get closer to the time. People that can provide crash space please GAZ me and I shall put the details on here.


I can provide crash space for up to 9 people, so gaz me if you need some!

1/ bearpookie Unfortunately dropped out
2/ Woodside Industries
3/ Non-b3tan by the name of Ian
4/ Sea Tramp
5/ The Doctor
6/ Ttssattsr

::Second update::
MadadamUK has three spaces, but it's BYO sleeping bag.

Currently the only criterion for crash space is first come, first served.

(, Sun 16 Sep 2007, 23:34, Reply)
I'll put me down as a more than likely to turn up.

(, Sun 28 Oct 2007, 11:12, Reply)

(, Tue 30 Oct 2007, 9:53, Reply)
Guaranteed to be the worst night out you'll ever have.

(, Fri 2 Nov 2007, 3:32, Reply)
Only if you turn up

And depress us all with your particular brand of curmudgeonly misanthropy.

(, Fri 9 Nov 2007, 10:34, Reply)
I might go

if I remember.

(, Sat 3 Nov 2007, 14:03, Reply)
Cor I used to drink in the Howard as a poncy student.

I will see what I can do, it would be good to finaly turn up to a bash!

(, Tue 20 Nov 2007, 20:02, Reply)
They can be rather good

Although do watch your head on the ceiling.

(, Tue 20 Nov 2007, 20:18, Reply)
I'm really rather short!

(, Wed 21 Nov 2007, 11:33, Reply)
oops, foprgot to sign up the minute I got home from Blackpool

count me in. (and-a-1-2-3-...)

(, Sat 24 Nov 2007, 19:09, Reply)

My ex is having her carpal tunnel drilled so I have to go and be Dad in Cornwall on this weekend, which previously I would not have had to be.... FUCK! SHIT!!........FUCKSHIT!!!!!

hope to see many of you at Dr When's the for'night b4 though....

(, Mon 28 Jan 2008, 18:12, Reply)
I may be there,

depending on how badly snowed-under with work I am by then.

(, Sat 1 Dec 2007, 16:58, Reply)
I am intrigued.

I have lived in Chesterfield for 9 years, and have never been out in Sheffield for the night.

However I now live in Bristol, but i would like to come

(, Fri 7 Dec 2007, 10:50, Reply)
Might be there.

If it happens to coincide with a Peekaboo burlesque night, then "Might" gets escalated to an "Almost Certainly".

(, Mon 17 Dec 2007, 14:48, Reply)
Ooh Excellent

I know there is a Spearmint Rhino just down the road... however I fear this may be a little downmarket for your tastes. Incidentally I shall be dragging a fella who is very much into English longbow along and also makes his own, should you want to meet him.

(, Tue 25 Dec 2007, 1:26, Reply)
tuesday nights

We often go as a group of students on the tuesday night as it is student night and free entry, along with cheaper dances, cheap beers too, so is all good! A good third of the people in there on average are female customers btw

(, Fri 4 Jan 2008, 21:23, Reply)
Are you insane?

Downmarket my eye! I love Spearmint Rhino... the only trouble is my wallet doesn't these days. Bit different to Burlesque, mind you!

I'm keen to turn up, strip club or no - we'll just have to see how bad my finances are in a week or so.

(, Tue 12 Feb 2008, 8:59, Reply)
Let us hope they are top notch then

And if they are, drag SeaTramp with you, would you?


(, Thu 14 Feb 2008, 19:50, Reply)

Yay, a sheffield bash, I'll be thar!

I live at some halls about 3mins walk down the road from the howard/train station, i could provide a living room space for maybe 3 or so people to crash if wished, althoguh not got tons of warmingy-duvet type stuff.

EDIT:: I now have a spare bedroom, so it won't all be just floor space, means i can maybe provide another 2 extra spaces! (Big spaces - don't want cramped people)(5 spaces altogether)

(, Fri 4 Jan 2008, 21:22, Reply)
Would they be the ones

Just above the Hein Gericke?

(, Fri 4 Jan 2008, 22:04, Reply)

I'm at the Anvil, its about 4mins walk from the howard. Past leadmill/sainsburys and across those two roads, then its a few hundred yards up a road. Brand new this year too!

You do realise the Howard serves an absolutely awful pint don't you? The globe just up the way is far better, i hope we end up visiting the devvy cat and corp too :-p

(, Sat 5 Jan 2008, 0:12, Reply)
The Howard

Is just a starting point for wherever we end up. I fully intend to be in Corp at the end of the night :)

(, Sun 6 Jan 2008, 3:45, Reply)
I know where I intend to be at the end of the night

(, Mon 7 Jan 2008, 16:38, Reply)
Get in there, my son.

(, Wed 23 Jan 2008, 22:34, Reply)
What's that place in the city centre with all the theatre posters over its walls?

I've have a few in there, it wasn't bad.

(, Tue 8 Jan 2008, 16:51, Reply)
That would be the Brown Bear fella

Excellent little pub, not sure if it's still undergoing a refurb though.

(, Fri 11 Jan 2008, 11:39, Reply)
went in there once

as a naive, shy fresher and got hassled by the locals for drinking lager

never went back... too scary

(, Wed 13 Feb 2008, 20:07, Reply)
Oh they were just winding you up

Yorkshire people can be like that. You'll be fine with a bunch of us! We can celebrate my quarter century and lay a couple of demons to rest at the same time.

(, Wed 13 Feb 2008, 23:16, Reply)
its closed now :(

changed hands i believe

(, Mon 18 Feb 2008, 23:01, Reply)

Oh buggery bollocks. Well, we can always check on the way, the Old Monk is ok-ish.

(, Tue 19 Feb 2008, 16:16, Reply)

(, Mon 7 Jan 2008, 5:20, Reply)
I'm in sod it.

Is the Frog and Parrot still going?
Last time I went out in Sheffield, bloody hell, 20 years ago.
And some crash space would be appreciated, I'm coming over from the land of Mancs.

(, Wed 9 Jan 2008, 20:56, Reply)
I think the Frog and Parrot is still going

I avoid the place like the plague though, full of southern students. And Gilgamesh... stop stalking me!

(, Fri 11 Jan 2008, 11:41, Reply)
Definately still going

Has some good music on some evenings, has a couple of good beers on tap, kinda little and not always full of southern students, sometimes i am in there and i'm a midlander with scouse mates

(, Fri 18 Jan 2008, 23:38, Reply)
Nothing to say we can't have a look-in on the way through

But it is a little out of the way.

(, Sat 19 Jan 2008, 12:12, Reply)
I'm not bothered

whether we do or not, wherever is fine by me, but its not really anywhere out of the way if we are indeed going to corp, its less than 30 seconds walk from there.

(, Mon 21 Jan 2008, 3:27, Reply)
I only remember the Frog and Parrot,

cos it was the first pub I met my mate in when I went through for a gig, (Billy Bragg, and the Sid Presley experience 20 odd years ago, fyi).
They used to have a parrot which called time!
It's a real ale boozer, at least it used to be when part of the Firkin thing, but as I drink wine and lager, I'm not fussy.
In separate glasses obviously.

(, Mon 21 Jan 2008, 16:17, Reply)
does anyone know if they

still sell roger and out?

(, Tue 12 Feb 2008, 17:35, Reply)
I sez yeah!

Unless munneh tells me no. Won't know 'til nearer the time, though. Put me down for one of those deep pits in yr basement, though.
Can provide own lotion.

(although if going to a 'club' is compulsory, you can fuck right off)

(, Mon 14 Jan 2008, 22:17, Reply)
Tis not a standardy club

tis a heavy metal/indie/rock club, none of that pesky normal dancey stuffs!

(, Fri 18 Jan 2008, 23:39, Reply)
Once I get my passport sorted I'll be back in Sheffield for a couple of weeks.

Hopefully around this time so I'll pop along if I'm around.

(, Tue 22 Jan 2008, 11:52, Reply)
More the merrier!

(, Tue 22 Jan 2008, 23:57, Reply)

need a passport to enter South Yorkshire?

(, Fri 8 Feb 2008, 7:28, Reply)
Nah, he's coming over from Froggyland.

(, Fri 8 Feb 2008, 12:42, Reply)

(, Wed 23 Jan 2008, 0:06, Reply)
Then ...

will parrott be attending also?

(, Wed 23 Jan 2008, 1:07, Reply)
It's his decision

Parrott and Woodside don't exactly count themselves as best buddies.

(, Wed 23 Jan 2008, 13:34, Reply)
I doubt it.

People as important and popular as him don't deign to attend such plebeian events as b3ta bashes.

(, Wed 23 Jan 2008, 22:34, Reply)

are we knowing whom is whom? Are you going to sit in the corner with something written on your forehead or something? And what time are we looking at? Maybe a mobile number of someone to be gaz'd to others incase they turn up late or something and want to know what pub we're in...

(, Fri 25 Jan 2008, 20:22, Reply)
Don't worry, I have it covered

But yes, you're right.

(, Fri 25 Jan 2008, 21:25, Reply)

I had stupidly gotten it into my head that this was somehow today! I'm not very good at thinking of stuf fplanned miles away on dates further on - I'm a student! Planning - what planning!

(, Sat 26 Jan 2008, 14:02, Reply)
It will be sorted...

(, Sat 26 Jan 2008, 21:40, Reply)
yeah okay okay

i'll go...

(, Sat 2 Feb 2008, 0:34, Reply)
I have to cancel


(, Mon 4 Feb 2008, 17:19, Reply)
A bugrit...

(, Tue 5 Feb 2008, 1:03, Reply)
I could actually make this... If a young flexible 19 year old would be allowed to come, that is.

I can drink you all under the table I suppose. I'll be on the table drinking, of course - there's more room there.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2008, 19:50, Reply)
You're more than welcome fella

The more the merrier!

(, Tue 5 Feb 2008, 23:47, Reply)
Well, I've a mate at uni at Sheffield and I always said I'd trek up and see him. This sounds like a perfect excuse to go up there!

I'll chat with him about it asap. Until then could I bagsy a place on your floor?

(, Wed 6 Feb 2008, 9:13, Reply)
Yeah sure!

(, Wed 6 Feb 2008, 23:48, Reply)
if you fail we've got a space to crash to

(, Mon 18 Feb 2008, 22:51, Reply)
You'll have some stiff competition.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2008, 23:51, Reply)
Hmm the Howard

Being in there as an away supporter at a Blades match was a fun experience.

Alas, I'm not around so can't come - but will keep an eye out for another!


(, Tue 12 Feb 2008, 12:44, Reply)
sounds like fun

count me in

(, Tue 12 Feb 2008, 17:37, Reply)
Do crack on

More the merrier.

(, Tue 12 Feb 2008, 20:00, Reply)
First timer

Never been on a b3ta bash before.
How will I recognise folks?

(, Thu 14 Feb 2008, 13:49, Reply)
Just look for the bunch of social misfits in the corner of the pub :)

Failing that we usually occupy the sofas next to the bar.

(, Thu 14 Feb 2008, 19:48, Reply)
I reckon this should...

..be fun! I'll certainly be along!

(, Thu 14 Feb 2008, 16:01, Reply)
As I have said before

More the merrier. Rebel's may have gone, but the Wapontake lives on in the form of the Casbah!

(, Thu 14 Feb 2008, 19:49, Reply)
I'm hoping that I'll be attending

and I promise to offend everyone unintentionally.

(, Sat 16 Feb 2008, 21:22, Reply)
Don't worry

That happens to me, often enough!

(, Sun 17 Feb 2008, 19:00, Reply)
Offend people deliberately.

Saves a lot of time and trouble.

(, Sun 17 Feb 2008, 21:21, Reply)
Gianthead might be there.

Only kidding, don't panic yourselves.
Can't be bothered with catching 3 trains or whatever it is, even to see such a distinguished crew.

(, Sun 17 Feb 2008, 17:58, Reply)
From Chester?

It's not so bad... just the one train, direct from Liverpool Lime Street or Warrington Central, whichever is closest.

(, Sun 17 Feb 2008, 19:01, Reply)
I seem to remember Crewe and Stockport being vital last time l went to Sheffers.

Which means 3 trains and 2 waits. Anyway l couldn't walk to Liverpool or Warrington.

(, Sun 17 Feb 2008, 20:56, Reply)
You're in Chester, right?

You can get a train from there to Manc, IIRC, and then from there, to Sheffield. So, not so bad. Or is my memory fubar?

(, Sun 17 Feb 2008, 23:42, Reply)
It's quicker to change at Stockport.

(, Thu 21 Feb 2008, 22:48, Reply)
i'll be there i imagine

i'm in sheff after all =D

(, Mon 18 Feb 2008, 22:50, Reply)

I guess you have bearpookie's seat then.

(, Tue 19 Feb 2008, 16:15, Reply)
Work stuff means having to cancel.

Pity, I fancied a night on the piss in God's own country.
Have a good night :)

(, Tue 19 Feb 2008, 10:25, Reply)
So it goes fella...

Oh well, next time round perhaps!

(, Tue 19 Feb 2008, 16:15, Reply)
Just a bit of a warning

Sheffield Wednesday are playing Cardiff that day and there is a long history of trouble between Sheffield teams and Cardiff.
The police do shut The Howard from time to time if they think there is going to be trouble in the area.

(, Tue 19 Feb 2008, 18:11, Reply)
this almost makes me want to go

and sit back and watch whilst a bunch of lonely nerds get hospitalised by group of thugs.

(, Tue 19 Feb 2008, 18:28, Reply)
I can imagine

That they are more likely to kick you in.

(, Tue 19 Feb 2008, 19:21, Reply)
That's rich, coming from Mister "oh god my life is so empty I have to be a bitter misogynist, homophobe and racist on the internet!"

Oh, and whatever happened to your old viewpoint - namely: "I really really really wish I could have come to this, but I was too scared?"

Did you suddenly abandon it because it became unfashionable on /talk?

Go back to wanking over the kids at your nursery, you abominable waste of flesh.

(, Tue 19 Feb 2008, 19:37, Reply)
Cheers for that fella

Oh well, no worries, plenty of other pubs about if it does get closed. We can always stick a note on the door!

(, Tue 19 Feb 2008, 19:20, Reply)
Red Lion around the corner is good on Charles St

as is The Rutland further along Paternoster.

(, Tue 19 Feb 2008, 21:04, Reply)
unfortunatly allthe good pubs i know are in broomhill and crookes

(, Sat 23 Feb 2008, 14:14, Reply)
Alas, even though I will be 400 miles away

I will be thinking of all of you. And going 'piss, shit and damn!'


(, Wed 20 Feb 2008, 8:42, Reply)
I will certainly try fella

No doubt TuTT will see to that.

(, Wed 20 Feb 2008, 20:19, Reply)
I may turn up

Depending on whether or not I can get hold of a ticket for Megadeth

(, Wed 20 Feb 2008, 21:31, Reply)
I got hold of a ticket for Megadeth

(, Thu 21 Feb 2008, 22:01, Reply)

Well done fella.

(, Thu 21 Feb 2008, 22:47, Reply)
Slight downer....

...turns out I'm doing the music session at Fagans, but I'm gonna be down for the first hour :-)

See you all in a bit!

(, Sat 23 Feb 2008, 15:24, Reply)

» Feb 2008 «