(irongibbonshaolin butter finger, Sat 5 Mar 2011, 5:36,
through my one eye (the one that can focus wile drunk) ive just noticed
its massively out of sync....oh dear
(irongibbonshaolin butter finger, Sat 5 Mar 2011, 5:42,
You are pissed at this time of the morning?
Did you put gin on your cornflakes and was it tasty?
(pissflaps.FSPW, Sat 5 Mar 2011, 5:47,
Nicely done.
Nice shout out to Tex Avery with the limo too.
Takes a while to get going though.
(Thrill_My_Chinchillais old and unimproved, Sat 5 Mar 2011, 8:19,
verrry nice animation
and the voice acting is good n all ;o) although I found the muffled microphone when the girl talks a little distracting, I know its probably deliberate but it jars a little IMO. Still, bloody good stuff!
(wideeyeslightly pickled, Sat 5 Mar 2011, 11:12,
Fuck me!
That's good!
(..wil, Sun 6 Mar 2011, 0:14,
possibility of seeing a goat
I apologise in advance as this has probably been linked before but a quick search came up with nothing. I shall now continue my lurking. x
(semi pro : explorer, Sat 5 Mar 2011, 1:47,
I did spot a previous post that mentioned an advert that came dangerously close to finger bum rape. A bit of a theme here I see
(semi pro : explorer, Sat 5 Mar 2011, 1:57,
it's a bit of a stretch...
(Ol' Ginger Bastarda role model for the children, Sat 5 Mar 2011, 2:27,
A lovely bedtime anarcho-punk love songNSFW
My housemates are all away for the weekend and because it's a detached house I can play my guitar as loud as I like! So I'm sitting in front of the fire with a keg of Gem and learning Against Me songs :) NSFW for a couple of swears or for people who work for financial institutions :)
Pints of Guinness Make You Strong
Amazing song, would suggest that you make it the next on your list of Against Me! songs to learn.
(jaytoothetee, Sat 5 Mar 2011, 1:45,
already on there :)
Tonight's project: POGMYS, Cavalier Eternal & We laugh at danger and break all the rules
(Magnus, Sat 5 Mar 2011, 1:51,
Oh and Richard Beckinsale *sigh*
(Herb Alpert's Taxi DriverI have very beautiful lips, Sat 5 Mar 2011, 1:13,
My Life in Film - Butch Cassidy
Anyone watch this when it aired? Was late night kind of fare that should have been prime time, back when before Kris Marshall chucked his career in to flog broadband...
Yes i did!
The entire thing was brilliant with each episode paying homage to a classic/well-known film. I'm sure the entire thing is probably up on the internet somewhere. The Top Gear one is pretty ace.
(pobotAll aboard the Skylark!, Sat 5 Mar 2011, 1:06,
Who the fuck is that tosser?
it's not you is it?
(hieronymus boschpcmechanic 4ver in ar harts, goodnite sweet angle, Fri 4 Mar 2011, 22:24,
no silly. he is a hot new talent...
This video is not indicative of that, no. But he is!
(RBFesquireI shit badgers for breakfast, Fri 4 Mar 2011, 22:27,
It's not healthy to have a fear of rejection
You don't have to play these games. Just admit you're a ginger wanker, you'll feel better for it.
(hieronymus boschpcmechanic 4ver in ar harts, goodnite sweet angle, Fri 4 Mar 2011, 22:31,
*dances to kylie*
Not me...
(RBFesquireI shit badgers for breakfast, Fri 4 Mar 2011, 22:32,
Hot new talent????
The guy is a fucking waste of oxygen. He even makes Katie Brand and James Corden look funny.
(Flash_Bastard, Fri 4 Mar 2011, 22:48,
nooooo, he does the best tina turner impression EVER!
(RBFesquireI shit badgers for breakfast, Fri 4 Mar 2011, 22:50,
i asked him where his fuckin jaiket is
he's dancing to Kylie, this suxcks
((|D[ekionplexisB3ta.com: fictional child porn is OK, Fri 4 Mar 2011, 22:29,
i asked for shoe on head!
Nothing! He does reply to my tweets though, which is cool.
(RBFesquireI shit badgers for breakfast, Fri 4 Mar 2011, 22:45,
are all scotch people like that?
For all we know he could be sitting/bopping on the rotting corpse of our maddie!
(mr.dogshitThe world's premier anthropomorphic canine faeces, Fri 4 Mar 2011, 22:37,
And he is...
(RBFesquireI shit badgers for breakfast, Fri 4 Mar 2011, 22:43,
There is
only so much pissed Scotsman dancing to Kylie I can take.
(Bajdoes Minecraft - http://www.youtube.com/w92baj, Fri 4 Mar 2011, 22:38,
would you belive that his sketch show is VERY funny?
(RBFesquireI shit badgers for breakfast, Fri 4 Mar 2011, 22:44,
No it isn't
I'm from Glasgow and feel embarrassed every time I see even a clip of this guy.
(Flash_Bastard, Fri 4 Mar 2011, 22:49,
More of a Gary tank kinda Guy.
I am prolly on a bit of a Scottish high and riding the fumes. Just finishing some Douglas lyndsay books ordered some Colin bateman and digging Christopher brookmyre. He just seems to fit into my mind set at the moment I suppose.
(RBFesquireI shit badgers for breakfast, Fri 4 Mar 2011, 22:55,
In parts
Doesnt change the fact that my quota for drunk Scots dancing to Kylie is small - and full up.
Plus I want to go round with some felt-tips and colour-in his wall
(Bajdoes Minecraft - http://www.youtube.com/w92baj, Fri 4 Mar 2011, 22:56,
name one show (except fawlty towers) thats consistantly funny?
/awaits flaming
(RBFesquireI shit badgers for breakfast, Fri 4 Mar 2011, 23:02,
Arrested Development?
Curb Your Enthusiasm? The Office (whatever you think of Gervais)? Cheers? Ideal? Peep Show?
(Ol' Ginger Bastarda role model for the children, Fri 4 Mar 2011, 23:21,
yes no yes no no
Makes two. Man am I wrong.
Edit: I missed arrested development: no
(RBFesquireI shit badgers for breakfast, Fri 4 Mar 2011, 23:28,
although, not technically sketch shows,
And neither is fawlty towers.
/rethinks argument
(RBFesquireI shit badgers for breakfast, Fri 4 Mar 2011, 23:29,
The Golden Girls
(mr.dogshitThe world's premier anthropomorphic canine faeces, Fri 4 Mar 2011, 23:22,
i always fancied the old one...
(RBFesquireI shit badgers for breakfast, Fri 4 Mar 2011, 23:32,
I did something similar with a UV biro.
Had loads of fun drawing beards, cocks and scrawling "FAKE" on all the money in work's till.
(cortexstack, Sat 5 Mar 2011, 1:19,
I think he should try talk.
they're very welcoming.
(hieronymus boschpcmechanic 4ver in ar harts, goodnite sweet angle, Fri 4 Mar 2011, 22:06,
I'm there right now. I'm nice me :-) I can't vouch for the other cunts though.
(Herb Alpert's Taxi DriverI have very beautiful lips, Fri 4 Mar 2011, 22:07,
We should create an inside joke that those fuck cunts won't get
start trollin dem or sum shit.
(hieronymus boschpcmechanic 4ver in ar harts, goodnite sweet angle, Fri 4 Mar 2011, 22:17,