When we start out in the world it's not our fault if we accidentally latch on to liking really bad stuff. Well, at least, that's the only reason I can come up with for owning Huey Lewis and the News' album Fore!
What early bad taste can you confess to?
( , Fri 10 Dec 2004, 13:24)
This question is now closed.

I too have been touched by the hand of shame that is Shakin' Stevens. It was the first concert I ever went to and I bought a mirrored badge in the shape of a guitar with the legends face on it. I wore it like a religious icon.
I can feel my face is burning as I type.
Seeing as we are in the zone, I might as well 'fess up to once having a mullet and highlights.
Somebody kill me.
( , Mon 13 Dec 2004, 11:08, Reply)

Yes, well, the shirts were trendy for a while.
But did anyone, apart from me, buy the shorts? Being heat sensitive, of course, is not a good idea on an area so prone to sudden heat changes. Potential for embarrassment: high.
I think the whole Global Hypercolour thing went out of fashion the very next day. I'm sureit had nothing to do with me wearing the shorts...
( , Mon 13 Dec 2004, 11:01, Reply)

I have inherited good taste both my uncle and grandad i have to say I have had good taste (not judged by me but from general consensus) but, there have been hiccups, like the addidas with poppers all the way up (urrrrgggg) and recording crap songs off the worst radio station ever (aaaaahhhhh- invicta, kentish people will know what i am talking about), also i have a friend who has the worst taste in anything ever, from the first spice girls album too his want for cheap tat from gadget shop. I have many friends who are like this maybe its like magnets opposites attract or am I wrong there, just what is good taste anyway
apologies for bad spelling and punctuation and the length
( , Mon 13 Dec 2004, 10:48, Reply)

My first album was by Martika (£2 out of a bargain bin).
I did however redeem myself with the purchase of my first single (7" from Woolies) EMF's incredibly cool Unbelievable.
Then I fucked it up again by buying a Jimmy "Nuts In A Vice" Somerville record.
( , Mon 13 Dec 2004, 10:32, Reply)

a pair of 'Pony' NFL sort-of-style trainers... they were mainly white but with girly purple and yellow higlights and an UNFEASIBLY large tongue that flopped out and covered your laces... i wore them to death till hours of playground (proper) football scuffed them to bits and the soles fell off. day glo socks too bought from Leeds market, 3 pars for a £1.
and a Campari sky blue/white HUUGGEE jacket for winter.... probably bought from C&A or somewhere similar.
i loved my 'frankie says relax' t shirt - also a Leeds market special... i have no shame for that!
but 'Pony' trainers. eeuugh.
EDIT : 'curtains' haircut, circa 1989. shoot me. shoot me now.
EDIT 2 : 'pony tail' haircut, circa 1992. i should be on the top 10 most wanted list for crimes against style and having a shit haircut.
( , Mon 13 Dec 2004, 10:29, Reply)

So I think I can own up to the fact that I have been a liar. I claim that the first album I ever bought was Automatic for the People, by REM. In fact, the first album I bought was by Right Said Fred. And I listened to it so much that the tape stretched and eventually snapped.
I also had a "LA Raiders" t-shirt made out of some sort of mesh material, over which I wore a denim waistcoat, and topped it off with a pork pie hat. And those black jeans with red material over the arse.
( , Mon 13 Dec 2004, 10:02, Reply)

Fluorescent pink ra ra skirt with black spots and the thickest waistband you'd ever wish to see. My cousin wanted it so much she had it handed down when I grew out of it. So at least it tortured others too.
Red pixie boots
Disturbingly patterned leggings
Some kind of hessian shoes with a 1.5 inch platform
Meeting (and being kissed on the cheek) by Trojan from the Gladiators. Sadly not one of the attractive ones. Then it wouldn't have made it onto here,,,
Oh, and I've been on stage with Jive Bunny and the Mastermixers. Actually I'm quite proud of that!
( , Mon 13 Dec 2004, 9:57, Reply)

but now I'm 33 I sometimes drive miles into the countryside to secretly listen to phil collins "susudio".
( , Mon 13 Dec 2004, 9:43, Reply)

barbie girl.
first cd, so ashamed i burnt it later on when i found it in the back of my cupboard.
now i listen to hardcore...
( , Mon 13 Dec 2004, 9:42, Reply)

Oh, and for about 5 years or so during the eighties, nothing would be allowed in my room unless it was white, red, grey or black. Obviously. Nothing wrong there then. At all.
( , Mon 13 Dec 2004, 7:46, Reply)

first record: 'snot rap' by Kenny Everett
Second record: 'hole in my shoe' by Neil from the Young Ones
then I started to buy crap.
I also remember going to a party in turned up jeans, converse allstars rip offs (multi colour) a bad tie and a waistcoat. (why?)
( , Mon 13 Dec 2004, 7:29, Reply)

Over my lifetime, though, I have owned albums from:
Matchbox Twenty. Before I became fantastically German, I started out as Incredibly Square German.
Limp Biscuit. I had a thing for a guy who liked them.
Godsmack...Again with the guy. I don't have bad taste in music, I've got bad taste in men, it seems.
Eminem. Oh gawd.
aaaaaand the Backstreet Boys.
When I was an elementary-schooler, I wore headbands, I had a standard Boston accent, and I was a Fundie (Wasn't my fault. It was the school! It was the school!).
A standard Boston accent is, I'd imagine, what the English do when they want to make fun of us.
( , Mon 13 Dec 2004, 5:45, Reply)

Second record bought - The Firm - Star Trekkin'
(I'm a professional DJ, by the way... for shame...)
I also recall wearing wearing corded trousers, some may say they are coming back in now, but there were most definitely out in 1989! I had a very girly side parting, and a penchant for carrying round a somewhat oversized "ghetto blaster". For maximum coolness, this would be perched on the shoulder, while hanging around the local shopping precinct, loudly inflicting my favourite Deep Heat album to passers by. What a gimp I was.
( , Mon 13 Dec 2004, 3:30, Reply)

OK long hair.
Not in itself a bad thing. Shame it made me almost indistinguishable from my sisters. At the time I thought I was cool and rebellious. Looking back on the photos. God no. Some people can, not me.
Would have been OK.
Shame I was 17 at the time.
Stil get laughed at every time I have to prove my age.
7 long years.
( , Mon 13 Dec 2004, 3:15, Reply)

I'm so sorry ....
Purchasing Russ Abbotts Album from his TV sketch show and playing it over and over again .... as pennance I still have the words to many of the songs imprinted in my mind .
Oh and dayglow tube socks , one green and one orange ! What were we all thinking about ?
( , Mon 13 Dec 2004, 3:06, Reply)

When i was 12 or so my whole family was mad into Gladiators. We would crowd round the telly every saturday night to scream and roar at it. things got out of control when my dad began to wake us up in the morning with a whistle shouting: 'contenders....ready!!!'......and we loved it!! oh the shame
Gladiators was often followed by the 'hilarious' Beadle's About...o god.
Also i used to wear bicycle shorts with a super long t-shirt so you couldn't see if i was wearing any shorts at all.
( , Mon 13 Dec 2004, 1:32, Reply)

i had long hair. my ded let me keep iy long.
i thought it looked cool.
i had a rattail hair style.
it was hidious.
[sexy hair beast]
( , Mon 13 Dec 2004, 0:14, Reply)

Hey boy
Sittin' in your tree
Mummy always wants you to come for tea.
Don't be shy, straighten up your tie
Get down from your treehouse sittin' in the sky.
Lyrics that truly do mean as much today as they did the day they were written. Genius.
( , Mon 13 Dec 2004, 0:13, Reply)

a mate(snigger)i notice a lot of rick astley shame.a colleague of mine at work is a massive fan.he got one of them big "3"phones,when they first came out,won it in a compo.he bragged long and loud about how how it was free for a year,no bills for me etc etc.a month later he fessed up to spending upwards of £50 trying to get a rick astley ringtone for it.i say trying cos he never got it!!!
he has just paid a bloody fortune for the 7 or 8 cd's from ricks back catalogue,from amazon, that he didnt already have.he once wore a pair of womens leggings to get into a nightclub to get round a no jeans rule and he also likes erasure.i think he is a closet gayer.
forgin longley...its you!!!
.,.;'''£!!"£*&^ just in case i missed any
( , Sun 12 Dec 2004, 23:29, Reply)

Justin Timberlake.
Anybody heard the album Justified? It's right fonky. I love it. Guiltily.
Besides, have you seen the man DANCE? He's awesome.
...I'm straight. Promise.
( , Sun 12 Dec 2004, 23:21, Reply)

but now i stick to more petty crimes.
( , Sun 12 Dec 2004, 22:11, Reply)

Many moons ago I used to like the microsoft windows operating system. Thank god linux came along.
( , Sun 12 Dec 2004, 21:44, Reply)

my first albumn was B*witched, I wore leggings and home made jumpers, I had a mullet with a wonkey fringe, and I used to dig up the garden with teaspoons. You know I was cutting edge.
( , Sun 12 Dec 2004, 21:10, Reply)

...and asking my hairdresser for a Json Donovan cut, because the girl I really fancied when I was 11 liked jason Donovan. I suppose being proper sad muppets, me and mymate have just watched transformers the Movie, whilst his 19 yr old g/friend was out (we are both 27) because he said 'she wouldn't understand'.
( , Sun 12 Dec 2004, 21:10, Reply)

I had several red and black dennis the menace jumpers knitted by my Gran, and several stripped jumpers (ie green and black, yellow and black etc) that she'd knitted on a similar theme to use up different balls of wool. I also tried to make my hair spike up like Dennis the menace, which never worked, and meant I looked like a 10 year old twat.
( , Sun 12 Dec 2004, 21:04, Reply)

I used to go to school dressed as a bee. black leggings, yellow striped shirt, antennae and even a stinger pinned on. Oh how cool I thought I was...my brother, on the other hand, wouldn't ride the bus with me.
( , Sun 12 Dec 2004, 20:51, Reply)

gameshow was my favourite as a kid...I loved watching the frumpy adults with the bad hair and ill-fitting tracksuits run around and fail on ridiculous puzzle challenges.
Oh well, I spose it’s time to return that Crystal Maze video to the library…
( , Sun 12 Dec 2004, 20:30, Reply)

but this was before Michael Jackson started getting into children.
( , Sun 12 Dec 2004, 20:22, Reply)

*gulp* tartan jeans. and psychadelic hooded jumpers. oh my god ! and i thought i looked so cool
( , Sun 12 Dec 2004, 19:40, Reply)
This question is now closed.