Found a problem on B3ta? Want other features that we don't currently offer? Type your ideas here with your finger-mouths. (We don't promise we'll act on any of it, but we will read it and your words could even prompt us into action.)
( , Wed 1 Nov 2006, 11:48)
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Or an explanation of what happens if you vote multiple times for something. At the moment, I carefully click the links in my profile so I can check what I have voted for, just in case multiple votes cancel the first vote out.
( , Tue 7 Nov 2006, 19:01, Reply)

Im sure after all these years the Ginger One must be seriously thinking: ive got all these users, growing media attention/notoriety and while the site still gives me a laugh there must be some physical law limiting the amount of cdc/brian blessed/quo variations, so why not try and cash in and turn it into some web 2 monster? I could start putting more ads on the newsletter and front page, and use my users output as some free source of content for other companies ad campaigns, shit, there must be hundreds of ways to squeeze money out of this site........
But its that sort of thinking that will gradually turn the site into a sterile ugly turd, and drive off your good-looking, anarchist contributors to someplace better. And then where will your money come from, huh rob? Carol vorderman fucking get-into-more-debt ads
( , Tue 7 Nov 2006, 18:48, Reply)

For when drunken arseholes post porn on the main board.
Or at lease the "I Don't Like this" button getting rid of that post/ image in that post (but maybe not the replies-- they're all of the funny).
Edit: TGA, mebbes we could make a wiki on your idea just below...
( , Tue 7 Nov 2006, 18:38, Reply)

with content supplied by other B3tans. Thinking mainly of the vectors and suchlike, but anyone
who is prepared to produce a small tutorial on any image manipulation topic might help new members
get to grips with photoshop, animations etc. Little tips, tricks etc, instead of trawling the net for help and guidance,
depending on the program you use, everything from paint to flash (which I would like to learn but have no idea on)
have a little 'tips and tricks' section as an offshoot of the FAQ perhaps?
( , Tue 7 Nov 2006, 18:38, Reply)

perhaps with a little bigger size limit, there are some lovely b3tan RPS's but they just don't fit in with the board.
Also a little icon for winning the contests and QOTW
Not being able to start a thread without a picture (is that a double negative?)
A logout timer so I will actually work on my essay and get a degree :(
( , Tue 7 Nov 2006, 18:22, Reply)

a third of it is just a big empty grey space at the moment!
( , Tue 7 Nov 2006, 18:19, Reply)

collapsable threads.
i.e. you only see the first post of each thread, but with the click of a [+] button, all the replies would reveal themselves for the respective thread.
i say this because, sometimes, some pics can get swamped by the surrounding replies.
( , Tue 7 Nov 2006, 17:58, Reply)

An archive of front pages and popular posts.
OK that's two, but you know what I mean.
( , Tue 7 Nov 2006, 17:52, Reply)

So that people can't hide their true post count, etc. I don't like having to view source in order to find out more about someone.
No limit on annoying flashy backgrounds though...
( , Tue 7 Nov 2006, 17:45, Reply)

In the 'chevron' space, so we can see which post is being replied to.
Maybe it could be triggered by a certain 'depth', i.e. if there's more than 10 lines between a post and a reply.
( , Tue 7 Nov 2006, 17:42, Reply)

would be nice, if you can manage the extra bandwidth - no more broken pictures while timespazzing.
And maybe combine this with archives of said feeds. Actually that's the sort of thing someone else could easily make using RSS. Stick this in the newsletter :)
( , Tue 7 Nov 2006, 17:34, Reply)

for replies to posts.
Good stuff often gets reposted as a reply, and gets a much better reception the second time around.
( , Tue 7 Nov 2006, 17:27, Reply)

oh fiddlesticks.
With a pen and a mirror.
Writing twunt on your forehead with a mirror is frankly stupid and leads to all kinds of Manson like nastiness
( , Tue 7 Nov 2006, 17:14, Reply)

At the moment it can be difficult to keep track of who is replying to what when a thread gets busy.
Would mostly be of use on /talk, but could find uses elsewhere.
Also a /photos board so the RPS crowd can fuck off somewhere else and stop boring everyone.
( , Tue 7 Nov 2006, 17:13, Reply)

As a complete and utter luddite, a more user friendly setup would be appreciated.
Also a little less Woo, but a tiny bit more Yay would be nice.
Do you know how difficult it is to write twunt on your forehead using a mirror?
Im waffling again.
( , Tue 7 Nov 2006, 17:12, Reply)

it was a beetle. he was sleepy, so i took him home and put him in a jar, but my cat ate him.
everything i thought of has been said. wider fp, and replace the fun shit button with the links bored, or something.
*feels better for making input to society*
( , Tue 7 Nov 2006, 17:10, Reply)

Horrible suggestions on this page:
Incorporating the QOTW with /talk. People who go to look at the QOTW probably don't want long periods of us talking bollocks in between stories, and I'm sure /talkers don't want to be continually interrupted with the day's seventh version of some urban legend. I do like the idea of being able to reply to stories, though.
Limiting image size/format. I realise that some people still have shitty connections, but really, is it that awful to wait a minute or two before all the pics load? Once you've seen them once you've most likely cached them anyway, so loading the occasional 300KB monstrosity really isn't that bad. It can be a little annoying, yes, but I think it's worth it for some of the wonderful larger images we get. As for only allowing .gif and .jpg - why? In particular, why choose those two formats? .png is far better than .gif anyway.
Limiting the way that noobs can post is silly. I don't even like the L plates much - I think it makes new people too obvious a target. I would suggest removing them again. I've certainly noticed that noobs who wait until their plates are gone before posting tend to get a far less harsh reception than those with L's intact. Adding further limits will only serve to discourage people from joining in, and I'm sure that nobody wants that. I don't really understand the idea behind only letting them post after getting a certain number of replies - most posts, even harmless or interesting ones go unreplied to. In fact, it's generally inflammatory or offensive posts that get the most replies - this only makes the system harder on genuine noobs while inconveniencing trolls not at all.
I think an "I don't like this button" is quite a good idea, but awarding icons (such as a dunce hat) would only encourage people to try and get it.
Seeing the number of people who've viewed your profile and have clicked "I like this" also seems OK, but seeing who it was who has voted for you is surely bad, as it makes people feel they have to reciprocate. Far better to just have people clicking based on how much they actually like a picture or story.
( , Tue 7 Nov 2006, 16:55, Reply)

How about a compilation book of all the Best stories from the QOTW?
I did start copying the Best stories pages to a Word document a while ago to browse while quiet at work, but then the b'stards decided that B3TA was Tastless and Offensive, and has since been blocked. :(
/edit - reminds me. I'm sure i remember alternate URL's for B3TA, that dumb office filters don't know about. Does that even work? I use 4RTHUR to check the Front Page, but could there be a seperate URL for board images \ the popular page?
( , Tue 7 Nov 2006, 16:53, Reply)

Since the introduction of the "Live Preview", whenever I get as far as <img src=" I get a prompt popping up saying "Enter username and password for "" at http:/localhost
I'm using Firefox, if that matters.
( , Tue 7 Nov 2006, 16:42, Reply)

ie Hello new person. Please read our FAQ. Cheers. or ~ignore~ stuff like that...a link to all the past FP's
and making the FP bigger so a picture can be fp'd, whatever its size!
( , Tue 7 Nov 2006, 16:39, Reply)

you could change the background colour of posts that have been FP'd and those which have made it to the Popular page.
It would help them stand-out, and would let people know the happy news without them having to go check. :)
( , Tue 7 Nov 2006, 16:19, Reply)

Some nice work gets squished down just so they qualify for an FP. (Not everyone bothers with a CFB link).
I seem to remember a wider front page being tested out a while ago.
( , Tue 7 Nov 2006, 16:16, Reply)

our popular links page is always fantastic, so why not keep it forever. at the moment when im bored i go through the regular links arcvhive but a lot of these are shit. i demand you to do this or i will kill a puppy.
( , Tue 7 Nov 2006, 16:09, Reply)

And also, who clicked the I Like This button to make your picture/talk board comment/QOTW answer popular.
( , Tue 7 Nov 2006, 16:02, Reply)

but there are many like myself who are a bit sketchy with html, how about a small toolbar at the top of the message posting box, containing shortcuts for html to insert images, bold/strikethrough/smaller text as these seem to get used frequently. this might also save on the amount of redexing that occurs.
and possibly something that prevents glasscockage on the links board after, say, the 3rd or 4th time? maybe a pop up saying where to find it previously, because I know it's easy to forget to check
( , Tue 7 Nov 2006, 15:57, Reply)
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