B3ta's very own Fraser was once a cycle courier. On one job out to docklands his radio gave out, so he had to find a public phonebox to ring back to base.
He'd just located one when it began to ring. Picking it up, it was (obviously) a wrong number, but Fraser recognised the voice. Turned out it was a mate of his he hadn't seen for ages.
What spoooky* coincidences have you encountered?
* spoooky should always have three o's. 100% fact
( , Thu 8 Feb 2007, 14:07)
This question is now closed.

and at the exact same time my mate i was calling had rang, i picked the phone up before it made a noise. spooky!
( , Fri 9 Feb 2007, 14:18, Reply)

Years ago I remember seeing a film trailer for a movie about a boy who was fantastic at maths and needed to be protected by Bruce Willis – not a lover of his films particularly, but this film looked really good.
I didn’t catch the name of the movie but each time I popped into Blockbusters for years, I would have a look to see if I could find this film.
I would ask people if they knew the film I was talking about, but all to no avail.
Anyway, I was chatting to a friend on MSN the other night and they happened to say they were watching this really good film – Mercury Rising.
I’d never heard of it, but it involved an autistic child being protected from the CIA and the ending was very sad.
I thought no more of it until today; as it’s Conspiracy Friday on the Links page I thought I’d go see what conspiracies I could find online…and up popped details of this film, Mercury Rising.
It’s got Bruce Willis in it…it’s the film I’ve been trying to find for nearly the past decade.
( , Fri 9 Feb 2007, 14:17, Reply)

I got my 1st pack of tarot cards when i was about 17 years old, and decided to practice on my mates in the pub.
i gave the best reading ever (never been as acuarate since that 1st time)..
Tonya's reading: the cards told her that something she would normally get away with,wouldnt happen today, and she should be careful around legal situations.
** Tonya and her friend were about to go on a train to somewhere, and do the normal thing of not paying for their tickets as they never normally got asked to see it..
I later heard that when they had got to the station the place was surrounded by security and thinking of my tarot reading, they decided to buy a ticket.. which was good as it was checked by more security at their destination!
Bens reading: all the way through the reading it kept on saying 'kids' and expect a new family, new changes etc...
* we all laughed about it...until 2 days later when we found out bens ex girlfriend was 2 months pregnant. Ben was not happy with me! ... wasnt my fault!! I was just warning him!
many other freaky things happened.. i gave about 20 readings that day, all with freakishly scary outcomes..
i never did group readings again. scared the hell out of me.
( , Fri 9 Feb 2007, 14:12, Reply)

I was on a long-distance bus travelling in the remote north western corner of China when it broke down. By an amazing coincidence, another bus had broken down at the same spot. We were hundreds of miles from the nearest habitation and I mused poetically that not a soul in the world knew where I was. Then, as I stared off towards the mountainous horizon, I heard a rustling in some road-side bushes.
It was my mother having a piss. Unbelievably, she had decided to take a solo holiday in China and had caught the wrong bus, ending up in the same remote spot! Well, I had to pinch myself.
"Do you know each other?" asked a fellow traveller. We turned and saw ... my Uncle Darren! He'd been on the same bus as me for twenty hours but I hadn't recognised him because of his new beard! Holy shit! We couldn't believe it.
"Fancy meeting you here," piped up a familiar voice. It was the driver, an elderly Chinese man ... who worked down our local takeaway!! He was driving the bus as a favour to his eldest son, who lived near the Nepalese border. At that very moment, Cilla Black's rendition of "Surprise Surprise" came over the bus radio. We laughed until we coughed up blood.
How were we rescued? Well, a coach was coming from the opposite direction and it stopped for us. Only - you're not going to believe this - it was our pub darts team on their Asian tour! Holy mother-fucking Christ!
I got on the coach and slumped into a comfy seat. But there was something under my left ass cheek. I reached down and dug it out ... only to find the Action Man helmet I'd lost in Sheffield twenty years earlier. It still had my name written on it in marker.
"Oh, you've found my helmet," said a voice. "My name's Frankspencer - what's yours?"
I just filled my pants with soft and incredulous crap.
( , Fri 9 Feb 2007, 14:03, Reply)

I have just found that Mr Joe Bangles lives in the same town as me...
what a coinky dink
( , Fri 9 Feb 2007, 14:03, Reply)

in a boozer in london, near putney bridge.
Had a few, a bit tanked - in this state I talk to all sort of random people, as you do.
Standing at the back of the bar in a quiet corner with missus and friends.
Guy walks past me in a "rhodesian rugby" shirt, I proclaim loudly "oh, rhodesian rugby, you from zim(babwe) then ?"
"yeah" he replies.
"I used to live in zim, many years ago, went to school there"
"Oh really - which school"
"courtney selous"
"so did I - what class were you in ?"
"the feller with the beard, mr robinson"
"me too. he ended up being headmaster. what year were you born?"
"me too. whats your name?"
"pregnantfridge, yours ?"
"random bloke"
it turns out, the guy was my best mate when i went to school there in 1984.
He was trying to use the emergency exit to get out of the pub, which was the only reason he went past me.
in a city of 20 million people, in a country completely foreign to the one where we met, after my moving around the globe (lived in 15 different countries over the years), to run into your best buddy from 20 years ago ??
suffice to say i spent the rest of the evening acting like i had shellshock and even to this day i find it difficult to believe.
now thats a spooky coincidence...
( , Fri 9 Feb 2007, 14:00, Reply)

Everytime i check the QOTW i see a new answer by Frank Spencer, weird huh!
Not that i don't like his stories mind
( , Fri 9 Feb 2007, 13:56, Reply)

I saw on television that Gingers are dying out.
Each year there are fewer and fewer are born until eventually they'll go the way of the dodo.
I think we can all take comfort knowing this.
( , Fri 9 Feb 2007, 13:55, Reply)

Once my sister and I both shouted out the word pink in unison. Unfortunately I was in the middle of a lecture at Uni and she was on a train, I told her about my strange outburst and she said she had done exactly the same thing at the same time.
Nothing to do with anything but the other day at work I said out loud 'I always have ferrets and birds on my arm'. Not sure whey I did this, I must check with my sister. Colleagues are wary of me.
( , Fri 9 Feb 2007, 13:55, Reply)

Four years ago there was this bloke called Russell who I was good friends with. He once asked me to the cinema (I thought as friends - he thought otherwise - took a lot of explaining) and after that we didn't talk much...
Four years and two somewhat mental boyfriends later I hook up with the delectable Mr Spazzcat, not-fantastically-recently broken up from a 10 year relationship. We meet up in town one day with his ex's little brother. We have a banter and I mention I'm from Carlisle, whereupon he says "Oh, I used to go out with a girl from Carlisle." Jokingly I reply "Haha, anyone I might know?"
"Do you know someone called Judy F******?"
"Erm....does she have a brother?"
"What, Russell?"
*Fifteen minutes of hysterical laughter*
So, yeah - three years ago I accidentally went on a date with my future boyfriend's ex-wife's brother's girlfriend's brother.
Bearing in mind I've been in Cumbria my whole life and Mr Spazzcat lives in Manchester.
( , Fri 9 Feb 2007, 13:54, Reply)

I recently had a premonition that I posted first on the question of the week.
( , Fri 9 Feb 2007, 13:48, Reply)

Almost every night I go home, open my front door, climb the stairs and walk into my bedroom. Then, exactly 1.7 m NW from the bedroom door, I fall asleep. By a fantastic coincidence this is the EXACT location I keep my bed.
Now thats freaky!
( , Fri 9 Feb 2007, 13:38, Reply)

And does exactly what I did in sending a letter bomb!
( , Fri 9 Feb 2007, 13:38, Reply)

First day of 6th Form College sat in an induction meeting. Doing the whole I am a closet psycho and when I grow up i want to be an Emo thing ... when across the room from me the cute blond girl I'd been eyeing up says
"I'm Sally 3in7, I'm doing Maths, Computing and when I grow up I want to be a pilot ..."
"Fuck! Me with tits" I though - so I did (eventually)
Length? 2 years only :(
( , Fri 9 Feb 2007, 13:30, Reply)

I dreamt that my heavily pregnant friend had waddled up to me (sorry Nat) in a dream and was said something about having the baby on Wednesday at 4 in the morning. A couple of weeks go by with us joking each Tuesday night. The last Wednesday before she would've had to be induced arrives and she goes into labour at half four in morning. She was not happy with me at all. Oh no.
I also had fun winding up my friend's mum's pikey friend Sue.
She'd been out on the piss and met the love of her life. She wouldn't tell us his name so I had a little fun...
Me: His name's David but everyone calls him Dai.
Sue: Wha..? How did you know?
Me: He drinks cider doesn't he? Stongbow.
Sue: Yes! Do you know him?!
Me: Nah. He also has a tattoo *points* on his arm there.
Sue: Oooh, will you do my cards?
What she failed to grasp is that describes 90% of the male pikeys in Caerphilly.
( , Fri 9 Feb 2007, 13:29, Reply)

A wise man once said: "The biggest coincidence in the world would be if there were no coincidences".
*in-take of breath*
I believe it was Professor Xavier. Or a monk. Any monk.
( , Fri 9 Feb 2007, 13:28, Reply)

I went to Vietnam a couple of years ago, then went on a boat trip to a little island. Went into a little pub at night and heard a scottish accent, so thought I'd go and introduce myself to my kinsman. After some discussion he asks exactly where I'm from, on reply he says he's got a friend who stays there....who just happens to be one of my best friends and when hearing my nickname it turns out he'd heard of me. Quite the coincidence indeed, travel all the way to vietnam to meet someone who knows of you.
( , Fri 9 Feb 2007, 12:59, Reply)

having decided to crash my aircraft into one of the twin towers, imagine my surprise to find someone else had already had the same idea. still, at least i didn't have to choose which one to aim for.
( , Fri 9 Feb 2007, 12:58, Reply)

Used to live in Camberwell, near the Prince of Wales pub. Went to India for a month, walking along beach in Goa. There's a big party in a shack - someone's hired a boat for his birthday and is barbecuing their catch. We get invited to join in.
The birthday boy was the landlord of my local pub. Not a word of a lie.
( , Fri 9 Feb 2007, 12:46, Reply)

My brother and I both went shopping on the same day in different cities about 30 miles apart. We both purchased exactly the same item of clothing, same colour everything.
( , Fri 9 Feb 2007, 12:35, Reply)

My first proper job after film school was at a telly company in West London. Out for a drink with my workmates and one of their wives begins talking about people I used to go to school with. Instead of burning her as a witch, I asked how she knew these names and it turned out she shared an office in local government somewhere with a bunch of my old schoolmates.
Still strung her up as a witch, though. Just to be sure.
( , Fri 9 Feb 2007, 12:34, Reply)

Years and years ago me and folks went away on holiday and after 2 weeks away we came back to find that our cat, Tom, had gone missing after about a week. 3 months passed and we feared the kitty was dead.
Anyhoo, I had a dream about pussy one night. Next day I got up and went to school. I returned later that day and (wonders behold) our kitty had returned. Is that spooky enough ?
( , Fri 9 Feb 2007, 12:34, Reply)

I used to live in the south of Spain, and was at a little after party in my house, having picked up a few stragglers on the way back from a local festival. I'm sitting on the roof with my feet in the paddling pool chatting away to these two lads from Birmingham that I'd met. I'm pretty mad-out-of-it and the subject turns to big vaginas.
Says I "Jesus, I was once with this girl, and her fannie was fucking huge."
Quick as a flash Johnny goes "Her name wasn't Lucy by any chance?"
I almost fucking swallowed my tongue. I'd had sex with this girl 3 years previously in Dublin when I lived there, she'd somehow ended up holidaying in the town that I lived in in Spain and he'd fucked her the night before!
Length? Nevermind that, it didn't even touch the sides.
( , Fri 9 Feb 2007, 12:12, Reply)

A couple of years back, I was due to start a new job. As far as I knew I was the only one being hired. The night before I was due to start my new job, I had a v bizarre and detailed dream about starting the job and there being a cute guy called Alex joining at the same time. When I woke up I thought "hmmm how strange" and toddled off to my new job. When I got there what do I find but a cute guy called Alex who had just started ..........
( , Fri 9 Feb 2007, 11:57, Reply)

Some friends of ours were going through a rocky time in their relationship.
The girl is the sister of our bestest mates, and hence my GF knew that said girl was going to split up with BF of 5 years.
She had arranged a flat, got everything prepared and the poor sod of a bloke never even new.
Anyway, the day came (Twas a Sunday as it happens) that she was telling him, "I'm off, Ive got the keys to my new flat, see you around"
My GF knew this was going to happen around dinner time...At exactly 13:00 on sunday were sat in the living room watching Tv when we both hear a loud CRACK.
It was the vase that the couple had got us for chrimbo the previous year.
This was a big oval chunky thing with a 2 inch base
It had split straight down the middle. Perfectly in half!!!
I turned to the GF and said, "shes told him then"
She had
As it turns out the blokes a twat anyways.
apparently no length, girth or will
( , Fri 9 Feb 2007, 11:46, Reply)

On a bus with school friends, a girl had a deck of Tarot cards. She told me to select one from the pack and it would tell me 'who I was'. I chose the 'Fool'. Not satisfied with this, I asked her to shuffle and I chose again: the 'Fool'. Then I picked it three more times after that. After a final shuffle, I got 'Death'.
I stopped then.
( , Fri 9 Feb 2007, 11:39, Reply)

...and no one was there to see it (to paraphrase Homer Simpson)
I'm sure at some point many people have tried in one way or another (usually when bored) to do a trick shot in sport (such as scoring a goal with eyes closed etc) Well, I was teaching on a summer camp in Poland this year and was a bit pissed off to be in the middle of nowhere, with one pub selling shitty beer, 50 teenagers running arround destroying the place and an incompetent boss). Also was missing my girlfriend like crazy and as already stated bored as hell!
Any how, was on my own messing around at the basket ball hoop killing time taking shots. Decided to try the trick of throwing the ball over my shoulder at the hoop. As you can guess, I was missing every time! I suddenly had the thought 'if my mobile beeps now, and it is a message from my lady, then the ball will go straight into the hoop'. So I threw the ball over my shoulder. As soon as it left my hand my phone beeped. It was a message from her and I just had time enough to turn around and see the ball drop straight through the hoop! Stood there well chuffed for a bit, then realised no bugger was there to see my triumph!
Appologies for length.....but never for girth!!!!
( , Fri 9 Feb 2007, 11:32, Reply)

"[no filth gents, do you instantly buy a new shirt and vomit or masturbate upon it?]"
Fuck - now that's a spooky coincidence...
( , Fri 9 Feb 2007, 11:28, Reply)

Hamas are racist, war-mongering nutters - and Israeli settlers are racist, war-mongering nutters!
I'm sure the innocent dead find that incredibly amusing.
EDIT: it's not a coincidence - it's a benevolent God's way of insuring that two lots of people are condemned to eternal war and suffering, rather than four.
( , Fri 9 Feb 2007, 11:27, Reply)
This question is now closed.