There you are innocently going about your day when suddenly a particular song transports you back to a specific time and place.
For me, Animotion's Obssession instantly brings back the fear and nerves of school exams. And you? Tell us all about it.
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 10:56)
This question is now closed.

Flashback - 1991
Fell completely in lust with a Spanish student during my first term at Uni, without doubt one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen. It was November and my Birthday and I was sadly wandering around the shops in Ealing where she turned up everywhere I went - so eventually I asked her if she wanted a coffee. Coffee and much talking later I offered her a lift home, after driving around the back streets of Ealing for ages she tells me to park.
I ask which house is hers - and she replies
"None of them" - and climbs through to the back seat pulling me with her.
I had my brains shagged out in that road all afternoon and evening and the only song I can remember was the re-release for Temptation by Heaven 17 playing over and over on Radio 1. I still get loin stirrings whenever I hear it.
No apologies for length - just feel the girth
But apologies for anyone who may have witnessed my hairy arse in a white SAAB 900, South Ealing, November 1991.
( , Wed 30 Mar 2005, 14:46, Reply)

"I use the best, I use the rest..." The perfect recipe for success. I was 10, but I knew nothing would ever be the same again. Learning hypnosis helped, of course...
( , Wed 30 Mar 2005, 13:52, Reply)

My brother commited suicide when he was 22 (I was 18)...we were talking about some special music to play at the funeral and had settled on "MLK" by U2...one of his favourite bands...we went to see him at the undertakers the next day - a harrowing experience, but beautiful as well. I was not sleeping so well and started awake at 2:58am with the radio playing next to my bed....the song they played was Pink Floyd, On the Turning Away, closely followed by Learning to Fly....no guesses to what we played at the funeral - PF was my brothers real favourite and Momentary Lapse of Reason was never out of his tape player in the car....
Two magical songs which still make me grin like a fool with tears in my eyes!! 13 years on...
Sorry about the length - it's hereditary
( , Wed 30 Mar 2005, 13:16, Reply)

Chris Isaak "Wicked Game" - a happy few months with possibly the most beautiful woman I've ever known (God knows what she saw in me)
Guns 'n' Roses "Appetite for Destruction" - the summer after my A levels, travelling on the bus to see my girlfriend, who was laid up in bed with glandular fever
The Georgia Satellites "Hippy Hippy Shake" - first year at Uni, several blurry nights in the Old Union Mill.
The Vengaboys "Boom Boom Boom Boom" - a drunken night in a lodge in Lukla, in Nepal, watching our sherpas getting legless on cheap plonk and dancing like it was the greatest music they'd ever heard. OK, so I may have joined in...
( , Wed 30 Mar 2005, 12:18, Reply)

One sad and one happy; lets get the sad one over with first.
East 17, Stay Another Day reminds me of one of my best mates who was killed in a car crash far too young. Such a waste. They played this song at the funeral, and every Christmas when it’s on, it reminds me of him.
The other is Sandstorm by Darude. When I hear this I’m transported back to the Gatecrasher Summer Sound System in 2000. A superb hot day, England beat Germany in the football and an incredible line up of DJ’s. 16 hours of spikey haired, flourescent dancing, chillin’ and generally being stoopid with my mates in the heyday of clubbing. I remember this tune particularly – must have been about 2.00am when it dropped, in a tent with about 5,000 people; some dancing, other standing, sitting or dribbling in a corner. I have no idea who the DJ was though. An incredible day.
( , Wed 30 Mar 2005, 12:15, Reply)

Well any yellow card song takes me back to July last year, speeding along the motor way at gone 1am towards Portsdown hill which is 20 mins on the motor way from me.
Why is that important?
First major split from girl friend wanted to go somwhere to think and stuff.
Pity i didn't have a licence, MOT or Road tax on my car. Still took the car though!
good thing parents were away!
( , Wed 30 Mar 2005, 12:12, Reply)

I had chronic migraines as a kid, couldn't eat, sleep, move for weeks at a time. To give you an idea of how bad it was the pressure in my head would get so much the blood vessels under my eyes would burst.
Anyhoo my parents used to close the thick curtains in the sitting room, cover the glass door with binbags and play 'Songs In The Key of Life" for me at the very lowest setting.
Hearing "If It's Magic" always reminds of being in a dark room, no light but the hi-fi panel, my parents sleeping on the setee or the floor and me just lying there trying to think about anything but the agony in my head and this song always helped a little.
( , Wed 30 Mar 2005, 12:10, Reply)

"Paddy McGinty's Goat", Lonnie Donegan "My Old Man's a Dustman", Burl Ives. Not hip listening material but they take me back to childhood Saturday mornings in the early 1960's listening to Childrens' Favourites on the BBC Light Service. Happy innocent days.
( , Wed 30 Mar 2005, 12:09, Reply)

Whenever I hear Do You Remember The First Time by Pulp, I inevitably remember the first time I had sex since Do You Remember The First Time by Pulp was playing in the background the first time I had sex.
( , Wed 30 Mar 2005, 11:54, Reply)

I have a few of these…
After about 2-3 months of casual relationship my now fiancée gets wasted and tells me she loves me and in a balls out drunken blur I announce that the next song to be played by the band will be “Our Song” – Wonderful Tonight – Eric Clapton. I was secretly hoping for Star Trekkin’
Every time I hear Brainbug – Nightmare I remember the first time I went to Ibiza (97). We were in Kaos (Now Eden) when this tune came on. They turned all the lights out and used a strobe in time with the sinister string noises it was an amazing moment.
There are a few funeral ones that I like now that I didn’t before. Closer – The Carpenters and Changes – Kelly and Ozzy. In a smiley nice remembrance kind of way not a nasty way.
My all time favourite moment was when I was about 12 on the train to Glasgow to see my Uncle Joe. REM – Everybody hurts was just out (shows age!!)and I fell in love with it on Radio 1. My Uncle has probably the biggest collection of music in the whole world and as soon as I got there I asked if he had heard it. He had not only heard it but had it on CD already!!! Bearing in mind I probably didn’t get a CD player for another 5 years from this point this was super cool!!! It is probably still my favourite track of all time!
Sorry for length…
( , Wed 30 Mar 2005, 11:34, Reply)

It was 1996. We were both 17 and totally in love (he was a gorgeous but thick Kurt Cobain lookalike). We'd been together for a few months and had decided we were ready (seizing the opportunity of his parents being out.
Bit of light groping and general foreplay (involving some inept attempts at oral sex on both our parts).
We were both naked in front of each other for the first time and about ready to go when the CD ran out (which I believe was some chill out CD with The Orb's Little Fluffy Clouds on it). He quickly leans over and grabs the nearest CD so we can muffle the sounds (his little brother was in even though his parents weren't).
He penetrates me and we pause totally lost in the moment - then the CD starts and the opening bars of Cowboys from Hell start.
You can't beat class like that.
We only lasted a few months after that. The sex was surprisingly good for the first time. On reflection it's made me think that I should get hold of the CD again....
( , Wed 30 Mar 2005, 10:53, Reply)

sean Paul- Like Glue to the request of a former girlfriend in a mates car, last song we heard before some drunk cunt rammed us into a wall, i still have the scars down my left arm!
Behind the mask by Eric Clapton always makes me think of another former girlfriend now, always had Fat bottomed girls by Queen when i was sleeping with her though!
See also Pretty when im drunk by the Bloodhound Gang for another night of fun..... it's true, just shut your eyes and think of someone attractive!
The Hamster Dance song, backed it for UK Christmas No1, cost me a fcuking fortune! Bought 10 copies as Christmas presents, i didnt even like the song/warble/squeek!
And last Christmas, sitting in pub, having gay bloke chat me up (im totally heterosexual by the way) and having Erasure hits and Gay Bar by Electric Six coming on the jukebox, couldn't make it up...... only remember because someone threw me a pack of condoms to get him excited, my bastard mates!
Apologies for boredom, if you're still reading
( , Wed 30 Mar 2005, 10:44, Reply)

Playing the whole way through the loss of my virginity to someone twice my age.
Evil Woman? too bloody right!
( , Wed 30 Mar 2005, 9:57, Reply)

Nothing to do with a gay bar, just memories of a night that went horribly wrong (or right depending upon your point of view) when I managed to sleep with 2 women that I shouldn't have
( , Wed 30 Mar 2005, 9:54, Reply)

Four of us went on a driving holiday to Barcelona back in '91 (I think). One of the lads had a tape with a Danny Rampling set from Glastonbury that he had recorded off Radio1 - excellent tunes the whole set, which we listened to many times (after chipping in to buy a new car stereo!).
One time springs to mind in particular:
Heading towards Barcalona on the toll road doing 100, passed by a Porche, caught up with the Porche, then one of the lads opened up the window to take a pic! Queue all paper etc blowing round the inside of the car like mad. After taking the pic, all of us (inc driver) looked forward to see a concrete barrier dead ahead, with the road splitting left & right! Disaster avoided (just) & continued on our way listening to kickin tunes.
I have since converted the tape to cd to preserve the memories. I even left the news clip on it: "John Major has warned the Tory rebels to stop rocking the boat, unless they want to cost the party the next election..."
( , Wed 30 Mar 2005, 9:12, Reply)

Pretty much anything from Radiohead's "OK Computer" reminds me of some fun times driving in New York (Manhattan) - though I think "Electioneering" most reminds me of flying up 6th Ave, beating a few cabs on a quiet night, putting a big ol' grin on my face.
"Let Down" sort of stuck with me after the end of my last relationship. Added to that would be REM's "She Just Wants to Be" and "I'll Take the Rain." I have grown a definite distaste for REM (it was more her thing than mine), but I've left those 2 alone in iTunes.
The more amusing association I've noticed is with a few songs that ended up in a random playlist of mine ages ago, namely those by Linkin Park and Staind. All I know is that when I hear them, I think of killing Nazis - that playlist seemed to crop up more frequently when I was playing Return to Castle Wolfenstein.
When hacking code, I tend to like listening to various bits of things, with trance surfacing a decent bit. "Hacking is not a crime in the Netherlands" is also something that I think of routinely when working on stuff, being a rather amusing track, and well done, at that.
The only association I'm kind of wondering about now is for "Punchup At a Wedding" - a cousin of mine is getting married soon, and I'm kind of partial to that tune for no terribly good reason...I have a funny feeling it'll run though my head during the reception.
Otherwise, I don't have any really vivid flashbacks to songs...I'm much more of a visual person than aural.
Oh...then again, there's Santana, playing in the background while I was in the darkroom with some friends, making prints, and someone uttered the line forever stuck in my mind, "Whose foot is that?" Oddly enough, that all came back to me the other day when I was configuring a Smoothwall (and did the association of "Smoothwall" to the song "Smooth," which was playing at the time).
( , Wed 30 Mar 2005, 6:38, Reply)

i used to like "Drops of Jupiter" by Train until it was decided that it would be the wedding song with my ex-fiancee... now every time i hear that song on the radio i immediately change the station because it reminds me of the psychotic bitch that was my ex-fiancee.
Most earlier Def Leppard tunes (Hysteria, Pyromania and Adrenalize) provoke mental imagery of Final Fantasy on the old NES because when i was younger i would mute the TV and listen to my mix tapes while playing, which at the time consisted of dangerously high levels of Def Leppard.
Most Van Morrison tunes transport me back to working in the high school cafeteria where we used to listen to Van Morrison almost daily, ditto with the Beatles and the Doors.
INXS: Never Tear Us Apart reminds me of a post street festival party at a karaoke bar last year when i was bribed to sing a song in exchange for a pint of beer. I chose to sing Never tear us apart and i dedicated it to the ever lovely MorpheusRiot =)
( , Wed 30 Mar 2005, 4:12, Reply)

The Orange Theme - Brings back the memory of driving in a maniac fashion around the backroads of darkest Ayrshire before going to The Aquarium (nightclub). I take this opportunity to apologise for any inconvenience caused by roaring exhausts and blaring trance coming from a shiny black sports car most fridays and saturdays back in the summer of '98.
( , Wed 30 Mar 2005, 3:46, Reply)

Way back when this were all fields, and I was a student, I shared a house with - amongst other long-haired reprobates - a couple who insisted on shagging as loud as possible. Maybe it really was that exciting, maybe they were showing off. Who knows?
One afternoon a couple of housemates and I were nattering on the landing when a familiar sequence of panting, grunting and thumping noises drifted down from the attic. We blinked, looked at each other, and realised that it sounded not entirely unlike the rude noises in the middle of Led Zeppelin's Whole Lotta Love. In the interests of Science, we queued a tape of Led Zep II up to the appropriate moment on a handy ghetto blaster, cranked it as loud as possible and waited until they noticed.
I can no longer hear that song again without hearing the pounding stop, a woman yell "BAAASSSTAAAARRRDS!" down the stairs at us, and a bunch of hairy rockers giggling uncontrollably.
( , Wed 30 Mar 2005, 1:26, Reply)

Brown Girl In The Ring (fortunately not something I hear often) takes me back to a fairground ride at the age of about 4 or 5 that i shouldn't have been on as it terrified me to my very core.
also I can't remember where I was the other day but a CD of early 90's 'dance' music (such as S-Express and all the other stuff that fairground rides used to belt out to psych you up) took me back to my early teens and reminded me of several inverted-g vomiting experiences.
if anyone cares, i'm over the whole fear of fairground rides and am a complete adrenaline junkie now.
( , Wed 30 Mar 2005, 1:11, Reply)

...whenever I hear that word I think of MC Hammer
( , Wed 30 Mar 2005, 0:47, Reply)

School disco, I was about 15, some lad, older than me asked me to dance to this, was only after, I realised he'd done it for a bet..got him back...couple of years later told his g/f that he once caught crabs from the school slapper.
( , Wed 30 Mar 2005, 0:12, Reply)

Thats Bloodhound Gang - The bad touch ;)
hmm that reminds me of driving my car into the back of a woman in a fiesta whilst looking for my sunglasses.
( , Wed 30 Mar 2005, 0:05, Reply)

There should be a law against listening to this while driving. I'd just passed my test and with this blasting out managed to narrowly avoid going over the high side on the Buxton to Bakewell road. Even now I think back and feel a small surge of blood chemistry when I hear the opening cries. Me, a Volkswagen Sirroco and too much open road.
That said I heard of a couple who'd used the same tune as their wedding march, so it's horses for courses I suppose.
( , Tue 29 Mar 2005, 23:46, Reply)

lets just say i was with a mn friend who i now hate with a very strong passion. i put the californication album on and we were fooling around (draw your own pictures) and we decided to go for it when that song can on. funny at the time, but it hurts now. and he was crap.
( , Tue 29 Mar 2005, 23:30, Reply)

Makes me think of last week when I was alone with this girl I’ve fancied for about 2 years and we were having a great conversation, perfect opportunity to ask her out and I let it slip through my fingers...
( , Tue 29 Mar 2005, 22:57, Reply)

Music by anyone with a Swedish or thereabouts accent makes me think of the wierd time when our neighbors, a sporty young couple with a little boy-child (Since, another baby) who were obsessed with the band ABBA. I mean, obsessed. Listening to it, about 24/7. And now I like it too. Eeeeurgh.
( , Tue 29 Mar 2005, 22:35, Reply)

conjures up memories of messing about on a skateboard in our garage with the radio on full blast, only to crash into (and crack) my mum's big old ceramic flower pot. I felt really bad. But she didn't like it anyway, so it's all good
edit: btw scarylion, sorry. i am teh n00b
anyway the song sucks , it's a bad memory : (
( , Tue 29 Mar 2005, 20:33, Reply)

It was the Joshua Tree Tour, thousands of cigarette lighters lit and twinkling around a dark Wembley Stadium filled with anticipation. The atmosphere was electric ..... unforgettable.
( , Tue 29 Mar 2005, 20:29, Reply)

Whenever I hear that song, or football chants sung to its tune (one someone someone, theres only one someone someone etc.) I am reminded of how much of a gimp I can be when drunk.
It was a couple of years ago and I was meeting my then-girlfriend's parents for the first time, I went out for dinner with the gf first so I verywisely decided to get very drunk. "An utterly foolproof plan" you might say. You would be wrong.
My gf was half Mexican and she had some of her non-english speaking Mexican relatives over so they were in a Mexican restaurant with music and dancing and stuff.
Although I can't dance for toffee, I decided to profit from my inexplicable feeling of self confidence and make up for in exuberance what I lacked in co-ordination, grace, and general skill on the dance floor.
After subjecting my girlfriend to some frankly bizarre dance moves (some slightly lewd) and twirling her about excessively to the latin beats, I took my seat next to her Mexican aunt. Non-English speaking. Now, I can't speak Spanish but I do happen to know the words to the song "Guantanamera". What could be more natural than to make use of this knowledge and serenade the aunt, thereby simultaneously impressing her both with my grasp of the Spanish language and culture and my pleasant singing voice?
This was what I was thinking in my poor drunken state. So I sang it. To the Aunt. And the Mother. Oh and a cousin. And everyone else at the busy family gathering.
To this day I involuntarily curl up into a little ball of cringeing shame when I hear that tune. And who can blame me?
I am so sorry for everything.
( , Tue 29 Mar 2005, 19:40, Reply)
This question is now closed.