My pal inspects factories for a living, and I shall take his expert advice to the grave: "Never eat the meat pies". Tell us the best advice you've ever received.
( , Thu 20 May 2010, 12:54)
This question is now closed.

...take viagra then get arrested and spend a night in the cells.
It's also shit getting searched while you've got a hard-on.
( , Thu 20 May 2010, 15:02, 4 replies)

always take a basket. Even if you think you only need a couple of things, you always need a basket.
( , Thu 20 May 2010, 15:01, 4 replies)

"don't shit where you eat" - aside from the obvious interpretation, this phrase has reminded me to keep work and personal relationships well separated and helped me avoid trouble in my naughty hacking days. And probably lots else besides.
( , Thu 20 May 2010, 14:59, Reply)

“Never play cards with a man called Doc. Never eat at a place called Mom’s. Never sleep with a woman whose troubles are greater than your own.” Nelson Algren, A Walk on the Wild Side (1956).
( , Thu 20 May 2010, 14:57, Reply)

Eat all, sup all, pay nowt.
Hear all, see all, say nowt.
And if tha ever does owt for nowt, do it for thee sen.
( , Thu 20 May 2010, 14:56, 2 replies)

Life is hard, but it's harder if you're stupid - The Friends of Eddie Coyle.
If not now, when? - Primo Levi
Take what you want and pay for it, says God - Trad. Spanish.
Always shoot them shitting or eating, it's bad for morale - my granddad.
All mushrooms are edible. Some mushrooms are only edible once. - Anon.
( , Thu 20 May 2010, 14:55, 4 replies)

During an art lesson when I was in year eight one of the kids, Martin, divulged me this
My mom said if you dont know the words to a song, just hum it!
( , Thu 20 May 2010, 14:53, Reply)

Always remember that one hole is bigger than the other....
That is all.
( , Thu 20 May 2010, 14:49, Reply)

I had one lesson, and one bit of advice. It's the advice which has seen me through.
"Every body on the road is a bloody idiot."
I'm also acutely aware that this also applies to me at times.
Thanks Dad.
( , Thu 20 May 2010, 14:44, 2 replies)

I met a mate in a pub a few years back and he was a mess. He had two black eyes, stitches where his ear had been sewn back on, a broken nose and sundry bruises. This surprised me a bit as he was well known as a hard man who could look after himself.
"What the fuck happened to you?" I asked. His answer has stayed with me over the years and has kept me from making some dreadful mistakes.
"I was talking when I should have been listening......"
( , Thu 20 May 2010, 14:43, Reply)

Always go for a piss, even if you think you don't want to.
saves alfresco peeing
( , Thu 20 May 2010, 14:38, 2 replies)

just make sure he doesn't have BOTH hands on your shoulders.
( , Thu 20 May 2010, 14:32, Reply)

Alright, so it's unwise to live your life by one specific mantra. Even so, I still feel some sort of kinship with the following statement:
"I swear by my life and my love of it, that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine"
If anything because understanding that statement certainly helped me to think about my motivations in life, and start to get through a fair few issues I have with my past.
( , Thu 20 May 2010, 14:29, 2 replies)

I've lived my life by that rule.
He also said that you shouldn't play "let's see who can fall out of the window the best" when you're drunk. Especially not on the 18th floor.
Best Regards,
Nicholas Parsons
( , Thu 20 May 2010, 14:23, 3 replies)

When I was about either 11 or 12. We were sitting in his dining room with the rest of the family present.
Nutter - "You see Jeccy boy, I was looking at all the family photos last night and I suddenly realized that you are the last member of the family to carry our surname."
Me - "Am I?"
Nutter - "Yes...so I want you to get out there and get fucking."
Thanks for the advice you fucking old perv.
( , Thu 20 May 2010, 14:16, 1 reply)

"He who expects nothing will not be disappointed."
Trust me.
( , Thu 20 May 2010, 14:12, 6 replies)

In fact, just fuck off to somewhere hot and get married on a beach. Make sure there is a baby elephant as part of your wedding procession too
( , Thu 20 May 2010, 14:12, 1 reply)

It was a throwaway comment in a conversation with a guy named John during a protest march against the invasion of Iraq, Edinburgh edition. I was there for a day off school mostly, and when I asked him what he hoped the march would achieve, he told me something really obvious that I remember every time I'm feeling lethargic, and I really would like to have as part of my eulogy.
"If you don't try to make a difference, you never will."
( , Thu 20 May 2010, 14:07, Reply)

Directional and dietary advice in one hit!
( , Thu 20 May 2010, 14:04, 1 reply)

(which I'll get out the way now, before someone else does)
The cake is a lie.
( , Thu 20 May 2010, 14:04, 4 replies)

Never trust meat you can shave, especially when it looks not dissimilar to a dead man's leg.
( , Thu 20 May 2010, 14:01, Reply)

well, advice, anyway.
never hug soot
never iron a bomb
never knock a nail in with a duck
never immac your pubes
never try to make instant mash with chicken soup instead of hot water
remember, you are never too old to storm a bouncy castle
live for the day, scare a toddler
a clean house is a sign of a wasted life
( , Thu 20 May 2010, 13:56, 11 replies)

Volts jolt, but mills kill.
He's dead now.
( , Thu 20 May 2010, 13:53, Reply)

Get drunk and stick a loo brush too far up your arse. It might get lodged there for 3 years and you will end in being deaded. Look at the daily mail.
Or offer your french teacher M&S caramel bites - unless you really really like them.
( , Thu 20 May 2010, 13:51, 3 replies)
This question is now closed.