My favourite was a public loo in Oxford where someone had written a huge poem all down the cubicle door. Best bit? Someone else had added detailed literary criticism. Only in Oxford. Have you seen better? Worse? Do tell.
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 17:16)
This question is now closed.

I wounded my knee, and my own girlfriend(!) graffiti'd this delightful picture around it...

( , Mon 7 May 2007, 21:34, Reply)

located on the outside wall of the cockpit, leeds. in the tunnel. might not be there now, mind. apologies if you are in the piccy.
( , Mon 7 May 2007, 21:27, Reply)

Driving into Carlisle one day last year, the sign on the road in from the M6 had been altered to read "Welcome to ar s e"
It made me chuckle anyway. Simple is best.
( , Mon 7 May 2007, 21:16, Reply)

I had all but forgotten about this! Remember the bumper stickers described a few posts below that read "I (heart) My (fill in the blank" that usually meant "I Love My German Shepherd" or "I Love My Cat" or whatever?
A woman I knew got hold of some bumper sticker material and made up a bunch of little patches just the same size as the heart on those, and in them was drawn a picture of a wood screw. She cut them out and would put them on bumper stickers all over the place. Never before or since have there been so many public declarations of bestiality...
( , Mon 7 May 2007, 21:14, Reply)

In our bar on campus someone has neatly penned in black marker on a white wall "generic graffiti". Classic
( , Mon 7 May 2007, 21:07, Reply)

Of course, everyone's seen those vans that say, "I wish my girlfriend was this dirty." However, when you see one that replaces "girlfriend" with "mum," it's a pleasant change.
( , Mon 7 May 2007, 21:00, Reply)

About to leave a toilet cubicle, i laugh heartily as i read.....
"Some come here to take a shit, i come here to leave one"
to this day i have never seen graffiti i like more (apart from some of that insane science defying stuff that is 10ft high on walls will no conceivable way up =S)
( , Mon 7 May 2007, 20:56, Reply)

I've just never noticed it in quite the same light as now. Just spotted a local "Boot Boys" thing chalked on a fence a few mins ago, couldn't resist changing it to "Bot Boys". Golly I am a hoot.
Edit: Unless of course it's already somewhere amongst the billion other posts, they seem to be being repeated about 3 times each on average.
( , Mon 7 May 2007, 20:54, Reply)

In a bus shelter in North Baddesley was the delightful claim 'Lisa B**** is a fuck like a bag of chisels'.
She was in my year at school, considered harder than most of the blokes & apparently she was quite proud of being thus described.
25 years later I still feel intimidated enough by her to not include her full name.
( , Mon 7 May 2007, 20:52, Reply)

"Ben you knob" with an excellent picture of a cdc underneath.
The part that made me chuckle was that it was written in the dirt on the outsideof the window, but it was written in reverse so that when the curtains were opened the person in side (presumably ben) would see the message but wouldn't be able to get it off.
( , Mon 7 May 2007, 20:46, Reply)

For over 10 years, foot-high white letters on a fence in my home town proudly proclaimed "Hebo is a wanker". They were only removed when the fence was replaced. I finally met Hebo when I was working behind the bar at one of the local pubs, and confirmed the accuracy of the claims.
( , Mon 7 May 2007, 20:45, Reply)

In the 80s you could buy bumper stickers proclaiming your love of just about anything. From 'I 'love' New York', (cute red heart instead of 'love')to other place names, vehicles etc. All in the same font, black on white with the heart in bright red.
On the back of a car somebody had written 'I 'spade' my cat'. (Black ace of spades instead of 'spade'.) Drawn by hand, but a good likeness of the font, same size etc.
Just tickled me, for some reason.
( , Mon 7 May 2007, 20:39, Reply)

graffiti vandalism at its best
( , Mon 7 May 2007, 20:37, Reply)

From the University of East Anglia library 1992-1995 (REPLIES IN CAPS):
The true self is within. There lies the light. There lies the truth. So go there and rot.
Question: Do ginger girls have ginger pubes?
I am a genius and you sitting at this pokey little desk, you are a stupid wanker.
Face it, you're not doing anything here - go and have a cup of coffee you useless cunt.
Philosophy stinks. Or does it?
Wish Tim dean was here. He knows all the answers.
Why are men so selfish? All I want is an orgasm.
Another scone, Sir Henry?
I lost my virginity on 27th December 1985 at 1.30 pm.
How many arts students does it take to change a lightbulb? Two: One to change the bulb and one to have an activities fortnight.
( , Mon 7 May 2007, 20:17, Reply)

Petersfield train station toilets, door on the right if your interested.
( , Mon 7 May 2007, 20:00, Reply)

someone had drawn around their hands on either side of the cubicle, and written:
'In case of emergency, place hands here.'
gave me a chuckle.
( , Mon 7 May 2007, 19:34, Reply)

"art is crap"
with a sad the scream style face next to it
( , Mon 7 May 2007, 19:11, Reply)

I really hope no-one has already posted this otherwise I'll feel like a right idiot, but then someone really should have done. The rumour goes that before The La's became The La's they were known as Pies. To gain notoriety they graffitied their name on one of the ventilation towers for the Mersey tunnel, an image of which can be seen here, on the far right: www.alandunn67.co.uk/spies.html
That's now been removed but you can still see 'PIES' written on a wall next to Edge Hill station, also pictured on that link (second from the left).
Also, so my female friends informed me, The Egg cafe in the centre of town used to have an extensive debate on the subject of 'cake vs sex' in its women's toilets. I think they said cake was winning.
( , Mon 7 May 2007, 18:29, Reply)

A lot of stories mentionning CDC's appearing all over the place; what significance does the Centre for Disease Control hold for graffiti-ists? Can someone explain?
( , Mon 7 May 2007, 18:22, Reply)

All over the city there is just "MANMAN". They have clearly been painted with a roller brush and are about 10 foot high.
Whoever is doing them is a genius.
( , Mon 7 May 2007, 17:56, Reply)

looking for a piece of paper for a band to sign for my friend a few years back, I chanced upon several computers all with the slightly puzzling sign, "Computers down. Apologies for any impotence caused"
the band (the Cribs) proclaimed it "the weirdest thing we've signed today" and given that 2/3rds of them were drunk, wrote things like "too much beer, apologies for any impotence caused". it was very funny, we stayed chatting to them there for ages.
but afterwards, my friend only went and lost the damn piece of paper!
( , Mon 7 May 2007, 17:49, Reply)

On the side of a cliff face on the North Island of New Zealand: 4 foot CDC. Why the hell didn't I get a photo of it? It brought tears of joy to my eyes.
( , Mon 7 May 2007, 17:33, Reply)

written upside down on the back of a door in the toilets of the student union bar in Bradford...
"help I'm upside down"
( , Mon 7 May 2007, 17:16, Reply)

Someone wrote above the gap on the bottom of the cubicle door Beware the dreaded limbo dancer.
( , Mon 7 May 2007, 16:56, Reply)

'Free Arthur Fowler' written in the dirt on the back of a white van near my house a couple years ago, classic!
( , Mon 7 May 2007, 16:50, Reply)

Tested to British Standards. Underneath someone had written "So was the Titanic"
( , Mon 7 May 2007, 16:23, Reply)

Written underneath the sign at the railway station. Circa 1978
( , Mon 7 May 2007, 16:21, Reply)
This question is now closed.