My favourite was a public loo in Oxford where someone had written a huge poem all down the cubicle door. Best bit? Someone else had added detailed literary criticism. Only in Oxford. Have you seen better? Worse? Do tell.
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 17:16)
This question is now closed.

Cigarette packets lined up on a toilet wall with sellotape.
Spot the democrat inscribed above them.
Smoking Kills
Smoking Kills
Smoking Kills
Smoking Kills
Smoking Kills
Smoking seriously harms you and others aroud you.
Smoking Kills
Smoking Kills
Smoking Kills
Smoking Kills
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 23:03, Reply)

Actually, this one beats them all in my mind, i was having a poo in the Dungeon style toilets in the basement of Croydon college a few years ago when I noticed scrawl everywhere in fineline marker pen. I found the beginning of this line and it simply said "follow this line" so my eyes spent ages following the line around the toilet cubicle, behind me, under the bog and then it went up and out into the main room, i wiped my arse and followed it out around the room and i'm not kidding - it took me about 5 mins to follow this line until finally it seemed to end under the washbasin where it said (in writing so tiny it hurt to squint and i had to use a lighter to read it)... "you cunt"
Brilliant - must've taken ages to clean off too!
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 23:03, Reply)

Whenever i had the misfortune of being driven down Beverly Road in Hull (luckily not all that often as I dont live there), id always laugh at that grafitti under the bridge where it reads:
"If we can lift it, we'll shift it"
(It was on that bridge where that cafe inside a train carridge is)
They got rid of it now, but when i remember it still makes me laugh
-Long time listener
-First time poster
(Length joke goes here?)
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 23:02, Reply)

Indeed, What are you gonna do bout it?
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 23:00, Reply)

in cambridge with jo brands face advertising some crap show..
"Fat Dyke"
Says it all really....
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 22:59, Reply)

"And lineker follows up on the rebound"
well fuck you cos i turned Goat Road into Cunt Road
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 22:57, Reply)

I once saw a piece of graffiti on a board outside a crematorium, it read "John Smith will be cremated here at 3:30pm on Sunday 25th February"
Someone had scrawled underneath it: "Can you please put him on slow-roast as I will be late?"
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 22:56, Reply)

Graffiti was spotted in Longwell Green, Bristol.
'Homos r Gay'
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 22:53, Reply)

The toilets at the Egg Cafe in liverpool;
on the right hand wall; "Look left"
on the left hand wall; "Look right; Toilet Tennis!!!"
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 22:41, Reply)

someone drew a picture of a man's anus being penetrated by a large, engorged, phallus, in graphic detail. Next to it someone wrote "I admire this kind of artistic talent".
I then wrote (I'm not proud of grafiti-ing, but couldn't resist) "Yes, I agree. The violence of the subject matter demonstrates a post-millenial angst that cries out against the enforcement of percieved social norms, while the piece's strong and aggressive lines denote the artists frustration at traditional gender rolls." To which the first guy then replied, a few days later, "Yeah, wot he said."
Oh, and on the toilet roll dispenser someone has written "JMU Degrees, please take one."
You get a more intelligent class of grafiti at universities.
Length? If it were real, seeing it would make your eyes water.
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 22:40, Reply)

From "Obstructing the doors can be dangerous"
To "Obstructing the doors can
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 22:36, Reply)

Recently I saw "show us yer front bum" inside a ladies loo.
And at the rehearsal studio the other half goes to, someone had daubed the word "CUNT" on a door. Another helpful chap had added the word "OX" afterwards.
Don't know what a Cunt Ox is, but it amuses me.
And near his old school, he tells me there was some stating "PAKIS GO BACK TO AFRICA"
Edit: And watching some police documentary on Sky 3, somewhere in Ireland there is graffiti saying "GAY DADS ON ACID"
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 22:34, Reply)

My GCSE's last year, there was quite a lengthy discussion debating about Rob Deans sexuality written on the table.
1.Rob Deanz a ledge!
2.Rob Dean's a fag.
1.Uh, no m8, U R gay.
2.Says the boy who showers with other lads on a daily basis.
1.I hav a grlfriend m8.
2.I'm fucking her.
1.Fuk u wanka!
2.She takes it up the arse, just like you cockboy!
1.Im gunna kill u!
2.With Cock?
1.Wiv my knife blud
2.Rob Dean Loves Frank Harrison forever.
1.Frank Harisson iz a nob m8, e as no m8s.
3.He's lovely and I love him, leave him alone.
1.Frank Dumped u bint, LOL!
3.You're such a bastard, I never loved him.
4.I*heart*ToAsT! RaNdUm LOL!
123. IDIOT.
Crazy Days
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 22:29, Reply)

Living in suburbia i dont see much graffiti on my daily trips to and from the bank to check the stocks.
However living in Clinton Road the road sign was graffitied.
It read 'Clinton Bill Road'
It wasn't the fact it was graffitied that annoyed me, it was the grammar. They should have at least put a ',' inbetween Clinton and Bill.
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 22:29, Reply)

This was the very frst bit of graffiti I ever appreciated:
There is a road on the way into Cambridge called 'Lady Margaret Road' and some bright spark had added 'IS B' to the sign, resulting in
Cambridge City council painted over the graffiti but if you looked closely you could still see it.... Maybe you still can, I've not looked for a long time.
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 22:29, Reply)

The best variation I've ever seen on the theme
was on a large white transit, and someone had written
'If you think this is dirty, you should see the video of me, your wife and the dog'
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 22:29, Reply)

School toilets. I'm sure I read about it somewhere too so obviously not original..
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 22:28, Reply)

Borrowed from New Scientist...
"Comments finger-written on dirty vehicles tend to stick to often-repeated phrases such as "Clean Me", "Also available in white" and "I wish my girlfriend was this dirty". Cycling around Cambridge recently, Michael Francis saw one that broke new grounds. On the side of a particularly filthy lorry parked near Jesus College was escribed the following phrase "Couldn't afford the TiO2".
Titanium Dioxide (TiO2), for those who are not industrial chemists, is a hydrophobic substance used to coat surfaces to make them resist both water and dirt, so they are "self-cleaning". Francis says he is pleased to see the expensive investment in someone's scientific education being put to good use."
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 22:26, Reply)

UDA UVF RHC no surrender!
'Well my father is head of the STFU, so I suggest you take his advice.'
Aye well u know hu my da is u bender?
'No. Do you?'
U fuckin better learn well u fenian basterd!!!
'I, for one, welcome our illiterate sectarian overlords'
Suck my dick, gayboy!!!
'Wouldn't that make YOU gay?'
Then the cleaner washed it all away. I still want to shake that anonymous wit's hand.
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 22:25, Reply)

"Discover //blahblahwhatever// Travel Arriva!"
"if it ever arrives" helpfully scrawled underneath.
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 22:24, Reply)

Who remembers the Benetton ad campaign of 1991? Huge billboard posters of a new-born baby all over the place. One clever person down my neck of the woods subverted it in the best way possible. Down at the bottom he'd added the logo of popular brand. And whose was the logo?...
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 22:21, Reply)

wrote 'UR GAY (im not)' in big bright purple paint on the wooden fence that runs past my folks house - right outside my bedroom window.
this is in the middle of white collar suburbia which made it quite amusing...
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 22:19, Reply)

Seen on a grubby blue securicor van by college.
Next to the "COCK", "I wish my wife was this dirty LOL" and "For a good time call Jenny on *brushed away" there is one that for some unbeknownst reason makes me smirk everytime.
"This van also available in Blue"
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 22:19, Reply)

untill i saw that bit of graffiti I didnt relise how bad having a average GCSE pass rate of less than 30pc affected a city
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 22:18, Reply)

I worked in a warehouse for a bit with a chap called Dave Burns.. Now Dave liked to enjoy his nights out and would frequently turn up with a serious hangover at 8am..
Anyway, in one of the toilet stalls was..
"Dave Burns the candle at both ends."
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 22:16, Reply)

...in a urinal, on the wall a note. "follow this line" The line wandered about the wall, along and over to the corner. The line points to another message.
"you are now pissing on you feet!"
Length? As i said it went to the corner!
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 22:16, Reply)

(I always check them out when invigilating exams, it is the most boring job on earth)
Don't Drink and Drive!
Smoke Weed and Fly
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 22:15, Reply)
This question is now closed.