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This is a question Image Challenge suggestions

We think a good challenge idea is like the opening line of a joke, say "If ads told the truth... Guinness would say 'It makes you fat, and your shit turn black.'"

Maybe you have other ideas.

We're going to leave this thread open, so feel free to add ideas at any time. BTW: Please use the "i like this" button. Your voting really helps the good ideas bubble-up, and the very best will be used in the Image Challenge itself.

(, Thu 21 Oct 2004, 13:55)
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(, Thu 18 Jan 2007, 15:49, Reply)

(, Thu 18 Jan 2007, 15:49, Reply)
baby kisserz
Challenging all pedophilephobics.
And all...

(, Thu 18 Jan 2007, 10:47, Reply)
Celebrity Offspring....
take two famous people, and use your shopping skills to show us the resultant offspring
(, Wed 17 Jan 2007, 16:45, Reply)
The hills are alive with the sound of bleeping...
Musicals based on computer games.
(, Wed 17 Jan 2007, 15:26, Reply)
Let's do the TimeWarp...
What would have appeared on b3ta if it had been about in the 90s? or the 80s? Who would we have been making jokes about? We all know that the technology, the will and the hummus is here now, but what if it had been about then?
(, Mon 15 Jan 2007, 22:35, Reply)
What would your spaceship look like?
would it be nuclear or some fancy alien thing? you decide
(, Mon 15 Jan 2007, 22:13, Reply)
You can't b33t b3tans
What the interwebs would look like if popular sites were run by b3tans.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 22:18, Reply)
World Leaders...
...Or political figures.
And how things would be different if they had super-powers.
Show us Dubbya Bush with super-intelligence, well, maybe not.
But how about Mr. Blair with Spiderman's abilities?
Or how much more fun would Saddam's execution have been if he were akin to The Hulk?
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 16:41, Reply)
Saddams hanging
As we all saw, Saddam Hussein's execution was ruined by hecklers and was a typical boring hanging you see all the time, and definately not befitting such a tyrant.

But how should he have been executed?
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 20:23, Reply)
chuck in the chintz
Comet, Currys and all high street electrical stores are the dullest places on earth. White goods and household electricals don't need to be soulless streamlined bits of tin and plastic, it's time to put the kitch back into kitchen, the fun into form follows function. The world is ready for Taj Mahal freezers, hedgehog irons and tellytubby 'er tellys. Give us your quirky design ideas to liven up the living room and show white, white goods the door. The boffins can work out where to stick the fuse.
(, Thu 11 Jan 2007, 20:19, Reply)
TV for real

TV is for the most part a surreal and made up business. But what if it was all frighteningly real, and none of the punches were faked?
Shop your favourite TV show in the harsh light of day, where Mallet's mallet finishes with a trip to A&E and Paddington Bear discards his Marmalade Sandwiches to eat the Brown family instead.
(, Thu 11 Jan 2007, 11:44, Reply)
new tv for 2007
seeing as it's so dismal so far i'm sure we can all come up with much better shows they should be showing.
(, Thu 11 Jan 2007, 10:25, Reply)
Doing a "Gillette"
I've just watched the ads for the new "Fusion Razor"... Seems that these people can't think of anything new..."just add more blades, that will keep them happy..." Christ! What next? The new ford Focus with 7 wheels, 5 windscreen wipers and 4 petrol caps.....
(, Wed 10 Jan 2007, 18:47, Reply)
What sort of freak would sleep with Russell Brand?
The women at work have just been discussing him. He's apparently some sort of sex symbol but they seem to have reached the conclusion that it's only the newspapers (and himself) who think so.

So....crack open Photoshop, find some good source pics and photoshop the sort of subnormal freak-woman-creature who would actively want to sleep with Russell Brand.

If your stomach is strong enough, perhaps you could even photoshop the possible offspring of such an unholy union.
(, Wed 10 Jan 2007, 9:48, Reply)
Brian May - Space Adventurer!
What planets would he visit? What sort of adventures would he have? What sort of aliens would he discover and possibly destroy? Which Queen song would he be singing as he did so?
(, Wed 10 Jan 2007, 9:41, Reply)
If I had a Time Machine...
What period in history would you visit? What sort of havoc would you cause? Would you change any major events for a laugh?
(, Wed 10 Jan 2007, 9:40, Reply)
What's REALLY in Area 51?
What are they trying to hide? I bet someone on b3ta knows.
(, Wed 10 Jan 2007, 9:38, Reply)
Amploone - a completely made up word...but what does it mean?

A character? A company? A new sport? An as-yet undiscovered new emotion? A TV quiz show? A new swear word?

Open up photoshop and show us what it means.

PS it is actually quite difficult to come up with something that sounds like a real word but has no Google hits.
(, Wed 10 Jan 2007, 9:30, Reply)
"Britain May Go To The Moon"

What ? The whole country ? According to the BBC's Video and Audio Section ...

What would that be like ?
(, Wed 10 Jan 2007, 7:53, Reply)
Anything to do with them. What do they get up to when we're not looking?
(, Fri 5 Jan 2007, 17:47, Reply)
Effective Anti-Smoking Messages
Scientists have proved for ever and ever that anti-smoking messages are not working. Design a really effective anti-smoking campaign that doesn't rely on tired old here-is-your-lung-on-tobacco imagery.
(, Fri 5 Jan 2007, 2:13, Reply)
If Animals Ruled The World...
How would they make life hell for their human inferiors?
(, Thu 4 Jan 2007, 14:30, Reply)
A challenge that simply answers any 'How...?' question ever asked. How did the dinosaurs really die? How was the Ice Age caused? How did George Bush really get elected? And so on...
(, Wed 3 Jan 2007, 19:17, Reply)
JK Rowling squatting over a notepad

(, Wed 3 Jan 2007, 16:08, Reply)
If Evil was Good and Good was Evil for a day...
(, Wed 3 Jan 2007, 12:51, Reply)
Robots shall rule the world!
The age of the robot is coming - we're probably going to have a robot doing pretty much every menial labour job in the world before long.

So what robots do you see coming? What would they do? What would they look like? Would they have a Trade Union?
(, Wed 3 Jan 2007, 11:42, Reply)
You are: AIDS
Ever taken one of those quizzes on the Internet which tell you who you are? Without the Internet I wouldn’t know that I am an mp3 or a Fedora. Go ahead and create some quiz result of your own people didn’t post on their myspaz yet.
(, Tue 2 Jan 2007, 20:51, Reply)

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