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Are you a QOTWer? Do you want to start a thread that isn't a direct answer to the current QOTW? Then this place, gentle poster, is your friend.

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What tricks do you use to get you through the mind numbing boredom of working?

What the fuck is wrong with you? No really. Go and look in the mirror

Office pololotics. Apparently people are now booking holidays deliberately to inconvenience other. Wha gwan in yo' place?
(, Thu 8 Aug 2013, 14:55, 155 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
Sorry to drag the subject back up again
but you know those Bazooka pills, yeah? If they don't work - what does? One of my, ah...friends wants to know.
(, Thu 8 Aug 2013, 13:53, 112 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
Where is the line drawn?
Are there any subjects or insults you would consider 'too far' when posting on here?
Have you ever been eye-arr-ell upset and/or angry at words you have seen here?
Talk about your feelings, it's healthy to let it all out.

Alt: Clay birds?
(, Thu 8 Aug 2013, 12:35, 306 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
OK OK so it turns out Bazooka pills don't make your penis bigger.
What else is a lie?

Alt: what's true?
It seems it's certainly true what they (by which I mean 'I') say about computer bods: metro.co.uk/2013/08/07/man-jailed-for-vicious-attack-on-four-year-old-boy-who-sighed-during-doctor-who-episode-3914948/
(, Thu 8 Aug 2013, 10:40, 225 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
What tricks do you use to get you through the mind numbing boredom of working?
What the fuck is wrong with you? No really. Go and look in the mirror

Office pololotics. Apparently people are now booking holidays deliberately to inconvenience other. Wha gwan in yo' place?
(, Thu 8 Aug 2013, 10:39, 2 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
What do people believe about you that isn't correct?
Alt: my iPad keyboard is really starting to fuck me off. What technological elements of your life annoy you?

yes, I know it's not the best of threads, but it's got to be better than the one below.
(, Thu 8 Aug 2013, 8:36, 190 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
Ah the morning is here
I would like to start the day by saying good luck to young Battered...

(, Thu 8 Aug 2013, 8:12, 10 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
Battered is a fucking idiot. Discuss.

(, Wed 7 Aug 2013, 23:29, 4 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
Chorizo is overreacted. Discuss.

(, Wed 7 Aug 2013, 21:14, 18 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
Can't be arsed to read the last one.

Or this one probably. Maybe I'll just yawn languidly like a bender in an Oscar Wilde play.

What are you doing tonight? I ent doin NUFFINK. I'm broke as a mutha already this month. Bah.
(, Wed 7 Aug 2013, 17:38, 73 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
You know what you don't see much of in pubs anymore?
Pool tables, that's what. I like good game of pool down the boozer. What do you look for in a pub? Has your local boozer been shut down/full of 'city' tossers/unchanged since the dawn of time?

Alt: If you've got a drink would you share it with someone else or consider that giving some of your stuff away in exchange for some spit in your drink?

Altalt: I was on at old MIncey Bonce the other day about his attitude, with it being 'Typical Mince'. What do you do that someone would say 'Typical [CUNT IN QUESTION]' and roll their eyes?
(, Wed 7 Aug 2013, 14:39, 205 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
Lunchtime thread... Collecting things - good hobby or crap idea?

Alt. Racing pigeons - Do they know they are racing? What other "sports" aren't sports?

Alt alt I'm still a noob on this board. What's your best insult.
(, Wed 7 Aug 2013, 13:04, 163 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
who starts the worst threads on here?
alt: so the gypsies are still camping on park lane. the local council has tried paying for their flights home, evicting them, pleading with romania to take them back, but they're still there. what would you do - help them or get rid of them, and how?

altalt: lunch? i have sushi or sandwiches.
(, Wed 7 Aug 2013, 11:36, 245 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
I defrosted my freezer last night using one of those creme brulee blowtorches and a hairdryer.
When did you last defrost your freezer?
(, Wed 7 Aug 2013, 10:09, 161 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
Good morning

Going to see the Partridge film? Are you a cinema goer or a morally justified non-stealing internet borrower? Perhaps like me you find most films embarrassingly poor and couldn't give a shit if you don't see one for months.

Perhaps you are a compulsive onanist with a degenerative spinal condition? Perhaps you are a belgian chocolatier with the world's largest Action Man collection.

(, Wed 7 Aug 2013, 7:46, 198 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
Good morning, how's ther internet today?
I is of to Blackpool for the week today, for this.
4 days of punk, really looking forward to it. Never been to Blackpool, apparently it's a shithole, the chavviest of resorts. What's you up to?

Alt, blimey, do you think Nigel Farage will kick him out? Should he? Or promote him?
Should we spend less on foreign aid, more or keep it at the same level?
(, Wed 7 Aug 2013, 7:41, 4 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
That thread's shit, let's have a new one.
Al is a cunt. What other Internet Facts can you tell me?

alt: pricks.
(, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 20:15, 206 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
Enough of that. Evening thread.
How are we?

Anyone discovered/tried anything new lately?
Sweet and Salty popcorn is very addictive.

Alt. Celebrity Cheeses.
I will start with Paris Stilton.
(, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 18:05, 37 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
So, watched nay telly that isn't for children lately?
Alt: Christ I feel like shit. What do you feel like?

Altalt: Dogs in pop music - songs or artists - Bruce Springersteen.
(, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 16:51, 129 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
Read any good books recently?
Please make some recommendations.
(, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 15:03, 124 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
The cut of your Gib.
Shit is getting MAD REAL regarding Gibraltar. What's to be done? I say a war with Spain is long overdue, and that we should start shelling them immediately. £43 to cross the border? 7hr customs delays? Cheeky dago cunts.

Argentina can get tae fuck and all. And the Chinkies. Don't get me started on the ungrateful shits in India. Mumbai? YMbai MORE LIKE.

Who else could do with a good bombing - HAHAHA NOT BUMMING, BOMBING!!!!!!! Rhodesia for one, the smelly cunts.

Alt: how cool is Nige Farage? He sounds like an exotic aftershave and he's always on the piss. He'll sort out these Euro-prats and no mistaking.
(, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 13:41, 141 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
Salted peanuts and fruit woes
Afternoon all

Bit dead in here innit......I've spent the morning clearing out the cellar, so far I have chucked two PC's a 48" TV a Dennon Receiver, a Sony double tape deck and a NAD radio (all working as far as I know) amazing how shit piles up yet you know you're never going to use them again
(, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 12:47, 91 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
Emergency 'anything but waki place names' thread.
What do you think the next think will be that Hipsters will wear ironically? I'm going with tank tops.

Alt: What sub-culture should Monty embrace now that he's been kicked out of The Steam Punks? I vote that he should be a Juggalo.

ALTALT:post a picture of a dog. or not.
(, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 12:37, 32 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
I have just discovered that Connecticut has a town called Mianus
I'm sure kids get a real kick out of living in Mianus. There's actually a "Wee Burn Country Club" in the area which is also causing me childish amusement.

Stupid place names, anyone?

Alt: I'm hungry. Are you hungry?
(, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 12:06, 59 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
I tend to think you get a certain type of person here on /ot
Now, I'm not going into political leanings and class and all that shite because I find most of your views fucking repugnant and you'll all be first up against the wall come the revolution.

Outside of that, do you assume everyone on here (apart from sportscow, obviously) is white?

Alt: Tanning woes. Why do you feel the need to slow roast your own skin to look like a darkie?

Altalt: Favourite ever QOTW poster. I like that Uglywife fella, he knows his oats.
(, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 9:54, 162 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
I am rather tired today
This is due to sleeping on my son's bedroom floor last night so I could see him off on holiday to the states this morning.

When ere you last very tired and how did you cope with it?

Alt: I can think of few places I'd less like to go to than America, tell me why I'm wrong/right.

ALtAlt: Beards a good or a bad thing?
(, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 9:53, 94 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
Morning all
Enough about our very own Superman BP who selflessly didn't leave a sick and injured man to his fate.

What was the last altruistic or selfless thing you did, and were you dignified and quiet about it or did you undo your good work by crowing about it crassly to make sure everyone knew how great you are?
(, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 8:06, 127 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
I deserve a medal.
On my way out, found a guy collapsed, having a fit, with head injuries. Phoned the meat wagon, waited with him until they arrived and kept his head from banging into the ground. How fucking nice is that? I'd fucking marry me I would.
(, Mon 5 Aug 2013, 21:37, 13 replies, latest was 12 years ago)

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