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Are you a QOTWer? Do you want to start a thread that isn't a direct answer to the current QOTW? Then this place, gentle poster, is your friend.

(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Open up your gaz box, show and tell the class your best ones. Here's my one, although I still don't know what he's on about. Sorry about your shit shark Naked Ape
Actual response:
but just so that know (am i feeling charitable tonight or what?) in spite of the potential malice my paranoia keeps insisting on pointing out "shut up paranoia, there's only room for so many voices in here", this is pretty much how i feel about the last few weeks or whatever here on /qotw.
shambo took a dislike to me yonks ago voicing my displeasure at him being all trolly.
I was probably being a boring, medicated, drunken toss-pot.
He was doing his thread-deleting and editing/re-posting trick and I called him out on it is all. He then spent time and effort stalking me and raking up whatever personal info he could find about me and gazzed it to me (clearly trying to impotently menace me).
I politely (obviously in hindsight a mistake on my part) gazzed him back asking for a change of tack but all he could manage as a response was to post highly edited versions of my gazzes (i think pm means private or personal message?) on /talk.
Which is probably bad forum form?
And then one thing led to another.
I commented to another poster, in a later thread that the french phrase they had posted lacked, to my knowledge, a definite article and shambo disagreed strongly. considering his recent form, I responded in the manner I saw fit and he got utterly wanky with me. apparently his mrs is french and he has access to t'internet and is "fluent" in french himself and has a few french dictionaries in the house so obviously he (and only he) can be right. yeah, whatever. i've got hand-me down french dictionaries, novels, technical manuals and all other sorts of stuff too, from my sister (st andrews' 2:1hons french) however he tangented (is that even a word?) rather splendidly and, ignoring the fact that my source (not my sister in this case cos my sister barely uses her french these days, but a good pal: French father, Vietnamese mother, 54yoa (55?) professional translator for 30-odd years, very dear friend, never shagged her or got bumhole pictures. She never paid my mortgage either but I must owe her about a thousand jars of rillettes by now) had merely commented that in her freelance professional world (some academic, a little eu, but mainly publishing and industrial stuff) that the form without the definite article was generally perceived as an indication of yokelness. She did not (nor I) ever suggest that it was not an acceptable form, merely that it was a bit yokelish.
He backed up his rant with google stats (but what exactly were the search criteria?) whereas my point was based on discussion with an individual who knew intimately the texts from whence the phrase originated.
and that was about that until i got naughty stepped for waging a war on shambo. fuck it, i was in the mood for a rumble, i guess that's what happens when you knock the meds on the head!
but he's still at it. i guess it pays to be buddies with jonti and cr3?
incidentally there never were any bumhole pictures, not with her nor wbm/rts either :(

and there you have it, i guess.
thanks for listening and goodnight,
( blaireau69 is the yardstick you measure cunts by., Thu 26 May 2011, 02:24, ignore, delete, archive, reply)
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:26, 319 replies, latest was 13 years ago)

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:28, Reply)
i've opened my soul up here, now it's your turn

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:30, Reply)
I don't have any mental gazzes from anyone

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:38, Reply)
I've got loads, I'm well cool

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:42, Reply)
Cor his names Al, just like the other Al

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:29, Reply)
god that's so dull, i didn't make it halfway through

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:30, Reply)
it finally solves the mysteries of the bumhole

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:31, Reply)
it just seems ramble-y

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:34, Reply)
it's because he's drunk (again) and on lolmental stuff

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:37, Reply)
i just finished reading it and i still don't get it

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:39, Reply)
manolith being weird:
re: please ban yourself
right-o. play it your way. hope it works out for you.
( manolith - modomite, Wed 12 Oct 2011, 10:56, ignore, delete, archive, reply)
in reply to:
Sent To manolith:

re: please ban yourself
(Quentin 15 ignorning me now? maybe more, can't remember, Wed 12 Oct 2011, 10:52)
in reply to:
re: please ban yourself
what's this all about, eh?
if you want to come back and join us, you can, but don't make a big song and dance about it.
( manolith - modomite, Wed 12 Oct 2011, 10:51)
in reply to:
Sent To manolith:

please ban yourself
you have been bullying me horrendously and I dislike it very much so


(Quentin 15 ignorning me now? maybe more, can't remember, Wed 12 Oct 2011, 10:48)
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:32, Reply)
I won't post the contents, but this is me gazzing mmps to do the tick thing
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 mark morrisons prison shoes tick
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 mark morrisons prison shoes tick
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 mark morrisons prison shoes tick
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 mark morrisons prison shoes tick
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 mark morrisons prison shoes tick
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 mark morrisons prison shoes tick
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 mark morrisons prison shoes tick
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 mark morrisons prison shoes tick
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 mark morrisons prison shoes tick
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 mark morrisons prison shoes tick
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 mark morrisons prison shoes tick
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 mark morrisons prison shoes tick
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 mark morrisons prison shoes tick
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 mark morrisons prison shoes tick
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 mark morrisons prison shoes tick
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 mark morrisons prison shoes tick
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 mark morrisons prison shoes tick
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 mark morrisons prison shoes tick
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 mark morrisons prison shoes tick
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 mark morrisons prison shoes tick
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 mark morrisons prison shoes tick
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 mark morrisons prison shoes tick
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 mark morrisons prison shoes tick
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 mark morrisons prison shoes tick
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 mark morrisons prison shoes tick
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 mark morrisons prison shoes tick
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 mark morrisons prison shoes tick
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 mark morrisons prison shoes tick
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 mark morrisons prison shoes tick
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 mark morrisons prison shoes tick
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 mark morrisons prison shoes tick
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 mark morrisons prison shoes tick
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 mark morrisons prison shoes tick
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 mark morrisons prison shoes tick
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 mark morrisons prison shoes tick
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 mark morrisons prison shoes tick
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 mark morrisons prison shoes tick
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 mark morrisons prison shoes tick
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 mark morrisons prison shoes tick
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 mark morrisons prison shoes tick
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 mark morrisons prison shoes re: Oh dear.
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 mark morrisons prison shoes re: Oh dear.
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 mark morrisons prison shoes re: Oh dear.
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 mark morrisons prison shoes re: Oh dear.
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 mark morrisons prison shoes re: Oh dear.
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 mark morrisons prison shoes re: Oh dear.
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 mark morrisons prison shoes re: Oh dear.
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 mark morrisons prison shoes re: Oh dear.
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 mark morrisons prison shoes re: Oh dear.
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 mark morrisons prison shoes re: Oh dear.
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 mark morrisons prison shoes re: Oh dear.
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 mark morrisons prison shoes re: Oh dear.
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 mark morrisons prison shoes I hope this is amking you feel popular, you fat shit
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 mark morrisons prison shoes TICK
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 mark morrisons prison shoes TICK [nt]
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 mark morrisons prison shoes TOCK [nt]
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 mark morrisons prison shoes TOCK
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 mark morrisons prison shoes TICK
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:33, Reply)
I'm struggling with the drunken, rambling style a bit.
I'm not sure there is a point being made.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:34, Reply)
I hate it when people say "is all".

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:30, Reply)
Is that from you gaz box?

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:32, Reply)
No, I only have gazzes from people I like.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:36, Reply)
OK, now I only have gazzes from people I like
and one from somebody I don't mind.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:38, Reply)

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:39, Reply)
I've got loads
( baldmonkey DJ Phat Ballb4g, Thu 16 Dec 2010, 10:06, ignore, delete, archive, reply)

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:33, Reply)
It's that baldmonkey caring about being the main thing

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:36, Reply)
I'm sorry, I don't understand this gaz at all.
Is it in some sort of English I've yet to master? Even when I'm drunk I don't write like this...
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:38, Reply)
Not enough cobbers and galahs in it for you?

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:39, Reply)
No, I mean, I understand the words, I just don't understand what his point was?

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:41, Reply)
Something something "I don't like Shambles" something something
as far as I can tell.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:41, Reply)
Can you guess which spastic sent me this?
I just remembered just now about that "deleted 'cus arguing with a mong" thing, that was 'cus [name deleted to protect the innocent] got the hump about it and asked me to delete it. It's the first time she's gotten the hump with my over-the-top little brain-farts, as normally they're meet with lols. I didn't simply just delete it 'cus that would make eaither me or her look bad, and [as is natural in comunties, being friends with some and aquantances with others] it was a better option to make it look like you were the bad one.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:39, Reply)

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:41, Reply)

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:41, Reply)

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:44, Reply)

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:46, Reply)
you gazzed yourself?

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:47, Reply)
Not this time.

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:50, Reply)
I guess they're American
from the use of "cus" instead of "cos"?
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:48, Reply)
Or illiterate?

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:58, Reply)
The dismal spelling suggests Foggsy.

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:58, Reply)

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:03, Reply)

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:07, Reply)
not difficult

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:09, Reply)
I can't be arsed reading all that.
Summarise it please, in one sentence.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:42, Reply)

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:43, Reply)
I can't be arsed clicking all that.
Just tell me please.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:44, Reply)

re: I like breasts.
Thanks. There my best feature.
(snugglesacks, Wed 27 Jan 2010, 10:22, ignore, delete, archive, reply)
in reply to:

Sent To snugglesacks:

I like breasts.
I thought you should know.

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:43, Reply)
where her best feature?

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:44, Reply)

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:44, Reply)
She's not what we would call a "thinker"

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:46, Reply)
well all the blood supply goes to her massive norks, I'm not surprised.

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:48, Reply)

i am a heron. i ahev a long neck and i pick fish out of the water w/ my beak. if you dont gaz this to five other b3tans i will fly into your kitchen tonight and make a mess of your pots and pans.

(I helped save b3ta! cr3, Wed 15 Sep 2010, 12:42, ignore, delete, unarchive, reply)
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:44, Reply)
How did you help to save it?
Was it really worth it?
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:45, Reply)
everyone got this one at some point

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:46, Reply)
Hello Rory.
The Fall Guy is about to start.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:48, Reply)
brill, you're a beacon to us all

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:49, Reply)
I wish Magnum PI was still on.
Coolest man in the world.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:50, Reply)
dallas followed by falcon crest used to be a firm favourite at rory towers during my 'uni' phase

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:51, Reply)
Santa Barbara followed by Saved by the Bell.
All through a fog of hot knives and tequila. The good old days.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:53, Reply)
Saved By The Bell was ace.
Hot knives too. Not done for ages.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:57, Reply)
we just didn't know that life couldn't ever get any better
what fools we were
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:59, Reply)

b D
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:51, Reply)

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:53, Reply)
I didn't.
I feel so left out.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:48, Reply)
I've got a corker from Foggsy but you can't see it, soz.

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:48, Reply)
Today there is no sanctity of the gazbox

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:49, Reply)
Soz Rory, unlike that snivelling little Wilf Lunn prick I can be trusted with private information.

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:50, Reply)
blank out the personal bits

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:51, Reply)
_____________________________ the fuck _________
cuntstuffing _______________________ twatmangle ___________ my own grandmother

I hope this helps.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:53, Reply)

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:56, Reply)
twatmangle- lolz
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:14, Reply)

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:52, Reply)
At least print it off and bring it with you when we have a beer next week.

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:51, Reply)
It's all about
a) falling off bikes whilst high on Lithium, and
b) going round the world within an 80-day timeframe
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:52, Reply)
I'm glad you clarified things,
I was going to ask was Lithiu was.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:13, Reply)
They're like lithium pills but slightly smaller.

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:55, Reply)
Don't you mean "high off Lithium"?

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:27, Reply)
I don't know - do I?

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:38, Reply)
I'm not going to violate the sanctity of Gaz
which is a shame, as I've got some properly weapons-grade menkle ones. that, and all the titgazzes, natch.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:51, Reply)
shut up, post gazzes or GTFO
can we stop with this 'oh they're all so private but i've got some great ones' bollocks
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:52, Reply)
no, we can't

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:53, Reply)
I'm deleteing this thread

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:54, Reply)
I have a couple of corkers too. Not mental ones, just, interesting, ones.

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:55, Reply)
Of course you do.
I'd be prepared to bet you have several brought to you by the words "sweaty" and "handed", too.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:56, Reply)
ahahaha yep!

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:57, Reply)
I had a two page rant from someone who claimed I was EVIL
and HORRIBLE because I didn't like children who are annoying. This infuriated someone enough to spend ages writing to me to tell me all about how he was a credit to his single mother who brought him up really well (but obviously not well enough to learn about mistakenly taking the Internets seriously). Srsly, huge gaz, had to page down twice.

I think I replied with "oh, yes, you're probably right".
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:57, Reply)
Ahahaha oh god I'm laughing already. PLEASE post it.

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:57, Reply)
I was told:
"And how dare you compare a living being to a fucking lifestyle choice. A child is a developing human being, just like yourself, not just some decision like going on a diet or changing your mortgage."

I have a child now. It was definitely a lifestyle choice. Sure, it was an unplanned one, but I still made a choice.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:07, Reply)
Oh, I know you have a child! She's gorgeous.
But I agree. Definitely a choice!
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:13, Reply)
He probably thought he could teach you to be a better person
via the medium of placing his winky in your foof, but was approaching it in a very cunning way. Because everyone knows that telling people they are wrong, online, is the best way to get into their pants.

He's probably still distraught about his plans failing now. Probably danks himself to sleep at night over it.

I hope you're proud of what you've done.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:00, Reply)
It contained the line:
"The vast majority of criminal scum of this world are childless." (There was no citation.)
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:03, Reply)
see, you'll never get to fuck an academic without at least referencing your sources.
he just didn't think it through.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:05, Reply)
For that length of gaz I'd be expecting subheadings and a bibliography before he could buy me a drink.

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:06, Reply)
haha, 9.6/10
Fucker could have just written a proper abstract and saved you lots of time, too.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:08, Reply)

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:57, Reply)
There are no limits to what some people admit in a gaz.

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:58, Reply)
Given some people are prepared to admit to fucking their own relatives on the board
I'm sure the privacy of Gaz is a remarkable copurnica.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:02, Reply)
I really shouldn't have laughed at that, but I did.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:12, Reply)
there are at least two pricks not cooperating, rory
gaz the mods
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:58, Reply)

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:59, Reply)

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 14:59, Reply)
i signed up on calendar for something once
I'll give you a hint.
I doubt very much that either myself, BeatsWork or anyone else who turns up/rings in will so much have even considered your existence on the day.
(Grassy Knowle rated ringofyre a "1" on, Thu 21 Jun, 08:53, ignore, delete, archive, reply)
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:03, Reply)
I have received a gaz entitled 'why is Al such a cock hole?'. Ha ha.

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:03, Reply)
at least half of all known gazzez involve al

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:05, Reply)
i also have many many gazzes about al

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:37, Reply)
the problem is
they take too long to find, waaaaaaaah. i have random sleaze, random buttering, utter filth, requests for legal advice, people bitching about other people... pick a category and i'll pick a gaz.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:04, Reply)
people bitching please

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:06, Reply)
Yeah this one!

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:09, Reply)
Utter filth please.

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:06, Reply)
this little peach came out of the blue one day
maybe not but you'd do wonders for morale. that's morale not moral, oh definitely not moral.......
(XXXXXXXXXXX Fri 23 Nov 2007, 12:17, ignore, delete, unarchive, reply)
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:31, Reply)
How the fuck is that utter filth?
If your standards are hovering around 1956 somewhere, no wonder you claim to have loads of it.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:37, Reply)
ah, yes
*clicks on 'kroney' file*
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:47, Reply)
Just a bunch of
"urgh, get away from me grotbags", I expect. I am virtuous.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:57, Reply)
don't tempt me, sunshine

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:59, Reply)
And so the world ends
three times over.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:06, Reply)
Could I have an "utter filth", please Bob?

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:07, Reply)
Request for legal advice please!

*crosses fingers*

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:10, Reply)
bitching pleaze

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:13, Reply)

nice try dickhead

(ThunderCuntTheVenerated impressed you on, Wed 20 Jun, 19:46, ignore, delete, archive, reply)
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:06, Reply)

That's probably your only gaz you sad git.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:46, Reply)
I got gazzed once.
True story.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:07, Reply)
Nobodies taken this new age of the gaz being in the public domain terribly seriously

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:13, Reply)
Everybody's got enough material on everybody else
that if someone does post a gaz, there'll be retaliation and before you know it the world's been destroyed three times over.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:16, Reply)
I'm teflon tony in the gaz world

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:19, Reply)
this is so true
i have some really nuclear ones, but it takes soooooo long trawling through the archive of 7 years of messages.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:30, Reply)
Send me your password and I'll look through them all for you.

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:35, Reply)
that's not creepy or pervy sounding at all Bats!

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:36, Reply)

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:38, Reply)
you'd drop dead
i just found some filth that makes me want to run across the road to boots, buy a needle and thread, and stitch my clunge and my mouth shut. shuuuuuuddddddddeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrr.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:37, Reply)
ahaha I've been wanting to do the same reading through some of the stuff I've been sent!

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:52, Reply)
probably from the same retarded fuckwit

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:06, Reply)
I have deleted it unfortunately, but had one from that wanker Wormulus almost begging for a job. As he 'really wants to get in to marketing as I'd be amazing at it and could write really funny adverts'.
I recall telling him to fuck off.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:17, Reply)
can you get me a job pls?
I am CIM qualified, in both senses.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:19, Reply)
What's the other sense?

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:30, Reply)
Chartered Institute of Marketing. Come In Mouth.
Either way you end up sucking cock.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:33, Reply)
ask google

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:34, Reply)
Something to do with marketing
rather than getting Mark in
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:35, Reply)
bit harsh that

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:20, Reply)
If you'd met him you'd realise what a twat he is.

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:21, Reply)
He's talking about the deletion.

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:26, Reply)

If you tell me who you are
I will not tell a soul. Honest guv.
( Monty Boyce 'Bacon sandwich please chef', Thu 29 Mar 2012, 15:53, ignore, delete, archive, reply)
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:07, Reply)
How can you be al if he's in York !?!?!
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:09, Reply)

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:09, Reply)
Guess which "will dish it out but throws a spak if they get the slightest bit back" mental ex-poster this is?
re: If you have some problem with me
It's been more than once and you know it. I don't appreciate it, but thank you for the apology. Not in the mood for jokes at the moment, so I might be more sensitive than usual.
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Wed 29 Apr 2009, 14:34, ignore, delete, archive, reply)
in reply to:

@ re: If you have some problem with me
I sniped once and I picked you as the least likely to be considered big old or deformed and hence the most likely to take it as the joke it was intended. If you were offended I apologise.
(I helped save b3ta! The Light in Chains Utterly Custard Groovy, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:24)
in reply to:
@ If you have some problem with me
then just say so. Otherwise stop sniping.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:26, Reply)

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:27, Reply)
I'm sure he was thicker-skinned
he'd pretty much have to be.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:31, Reply)
Although there is a connection between bert and this poster

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:35, Reply)

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:38, Reply)
Bert's sister?

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:39, Reply)
Having exchanged gazzes with a few other people I discovered she'd send that sort of thing whenever anyone had a pop at her.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:42, Reply)
lol I got that
blub blub blub blub
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:48, Reply)

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:39, Reply)
somewhat hypocritical given how she posted (and her antipathy towards HSH threads)
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:51, Reply)
She really was a tedious bellend.

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:57, Reply)
I had a nice chat with her via gaz
Maybe it's just you (and everyone else)
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:58, Reply)
She apologised to me once.
that was a good chat actually.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:59, Reply)
She told me all about Bert being a bit "special"

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:01, Reply)
I'm pretty sure I knew a long time before anyone else aside from Becky knew.
He kind of gazzed me to talk about it. I say kinda, he did. And I didn't say anything because it wasn't my place to say anything.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:09, Reply)
time to bust that bad boy out

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:13, Reply)
I really shouldn't.

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:14, Reply)
besides I'd have to trawl through about 5 years of gazzes to find the right one, and I'm not doing that.
there were a LOT of gazzes from him.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:15, Reply)
but we'll all love you for it, and he's gone, and everyone knows about it now anyway

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:15, Reply)
I feel like a bad person as it is just admitting I knew and didn't tell anyone.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:18, Reply)

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:23, Reply)
By posting it here, you would be righting that wrong.
Then your conscience will be clear.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:24, Reply)
I vote in favour of leaking the Bert files

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:25, Reply)

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:28, Reply)

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:15, Reply)
You REALLY should

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:15, Reply)
^ This ^ x100

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:19, Reply)
^this^ x100

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:25, Reply)
We're up to 10,000 thises now
Surely that counts for something?
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:27, Reply)
^ This

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:14, Reply)
it would have been easier to guess if you'd left their name on the copy and paste

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:29, Reply)
That's where the guessing comes in

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:30, Reply)
the stig

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:31, Reply)
it's the whining that gives it away

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:32, Reply)
Some say...

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:39, Reply)

re: what happens when I gaz you?
Try switching the computer off and going for a walk.
( God - smiting mortals since 4004 BC, Thu 11 Oct 2007, 15:09, ignore, delete, unarchive, reply)
in reply to:

Sent To God:

what happens when I gaz you?

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:27, Reply)
he's my favourite mod
he totally smote ryan bury
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:30, Reply)
I have clearly been wasting my time here on the front end of the site.
I should have been getting drunk and gazzing everyone my thoughts.
Sorry, I'll try harder in future.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:36, Reply)
I have some that would destroy some people personas

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:37, Reply)
I only get nice gazzes
No fucking tit ones
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:38, Reply)
If I push my pecks together and take a really close up photo it looks a bit like a hairy fanny
shall i send you a picture of that?
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:39, Reply)
No need
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:41, Reply)
Are you referring to missives of undying love from Mr Boyce?
It's obvious that his "hatred" of you is all a front for his true feelings.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:39, Reply)
It's more than one person, and the one i'm thinking of isn't actually from Monty at all

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:40, Reply)
You've given so much away now that you might as well post it.

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:42, Reply)
it's the cocktease that I'm disappointed in most
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:44, Reply)
It's nothing but love for Nakers on the gaz

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:46, Reply)
I find that very hard to believe.

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:49, Reply)
He has yet to post any proof.

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:51, Reply)
I know the truth in my heart and that's enough

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:54, Reply)
My first gaz (I think) was from Monty
You have impeccable taste,
I congratulate you.
( Monty Boyce 'Bacon sandwich please chef', Fri 29 Jan 2010, 11:52, ignore, delete, unarchive, reply)
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:37, Reply)
He meant to write testes.

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:39, Reply)
I thought so too
*examines scrotum*
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:39, Reply)
*looks more closely*

I think you should get that checked out cow.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:59, Reply)
You think?
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:00, Reply)
Y'know, the little message bar at the top of my screen turned red saying I had a gaz.
And for one horrified moment I thought you really had cock gazzed me.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:06, Reply)
I can't find my camera
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:23, Reply)

amera ock
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:26, Reply)
My first gaz was from The Riddler
I'd commented on his QOTW entry about proposing to his fiancée at halftime at a football match, as I was at that match. The need to comment was what got me to sign up in fact.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:39, Reply)
I don't know who he is

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:42, Reply)
he's some bloke that proposed at halftime in the middle of the pitch at The Hawthorns

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:52, Reply)
Were you there?

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:54, Reply)
I was, as it happens.

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:21, Reply)

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:28, Reply)
Here you go folks. A sweaty handed one from 2009.
Hullo you sweet young thing
Fancy a date with a REAL man?
A real OLD man?
I could perve you up really good, I could.
And to paraphrase Rolf, "Do you know who it is yet?"
No more clues, but don't tell anyone who I am. This persona could be fun.
(Donkey Hotay Tilting At Windmills Since, Fri 24 Jul 2009, 11:51)
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:41, Reply)
Could be Noel, but needs more racism

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:42, Reply)

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:44, Reply)
In what way is Noel racist? Have I missed something?

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:53, Reply)
He's listed as a fan of the EDL on his facebook

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:54, Reply)
I heard that he punched a Pakistani for being too inefficient.

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:57, Reply)
Oh yeah, that was me.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:46, Reply)
It's true - he sent virtually the same message to me when I joined.

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:46, Reply)
I do it to a lot of people
Don't feel special, treacle.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:47, Reply)

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:49, Reply)
He wishes.
It was Porkylips.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:51, Reply)
I don't know who that is.
But a quick search reveals a very sexy profile pic: b3ta.com/users/profile.php?id=58722
I can see why you were unable to resist his charms (I'm assuming you didn't resist, here)
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:55, Reply)
it was a horrified kind of laughter.

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:57, Reply)

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:58, Reply)
He was a weirdo.

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:22, Reply)
Nup. Not him either.

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:47, Reply)
"I could perve you up really good"
*Adds that to the b3tan book of dating I'm writing*
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:16, Reply)
My first ever gaz
I took the liberty of translating your binary for you:


(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:42, Reply)
Its just like the Matrix

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:42, Reply)
'you are not the father of that child'

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:43, Reply)
Here's me being a friend to the stars
for the comment, bud. Will try n post more shite on here asap. All the best, Ryan
( SpankyHanky, Wed 23 Feb 2011, 03:52, ignore, delete, archive, reply)
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:42, Reply)
You should be Ryan Lyon

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:43, Reply)

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:43, Reply)
Are you saying Spanky, answers all of his "fan mail" in an attempt to accumulate more clicks?

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:43, Reply)
He got so much he had to employ a secretary to respond on his behalf.

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:45, Reply)
With sexy results!

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:46, Reply)
Needless to say...

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:46, Reply)
I wrote a stupid comment on one of his stories
as it didn't entail 'fuck off prick' he obviously took it as a hidden compliment.

It's a drunk gaz judging by the time
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:46, Reply)
I assume your comment was laoded with sarcasm not picked up by Mr hanky?

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:47, Reply)
yeah, soz

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:49, Reply)
You should have befriended him, met up with him and done the rest of humanity a massive favour by punching him to death.
You've let us all down here Rory. I hope you're sorry.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:48, Reply)
his manors tufnell park, if I see him round there I'll mount the pavement

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:50, Reply)
I fail to see how you'd get any sexual gratification out of that..

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:55, Reply)

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:56, Reply)
that was so shit.

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:58, Reply)
Come on!!

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:58, Reply)
No, I don't think I will thanks..

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:04, Reply)
*shakes fist*
Meddling kids
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:04, Reply)
You sir, are a git.
A colossal one.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:05, Reply)
My work here is done
*swishes cape*
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:06, Reply)
yeah it means to drive over him
that might make my willy stiff
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:57, Reply)

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:59, Reply)
Depends on the diameter of the drains

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:57, Reply)

None of THundercunts gazzes are that interesting, or suitable for main page posting, and I don't know where my ipad is so can't check the others. Shall I just fuck off?
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:53, Reply)
Just because you weigh the same as three people
doesn't mean you should refer to yourself in the third person
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:54, Reply)

ThunderCunt disagrees.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:56, Reply)
Yeah well everyone else thinks it makes you look like a right cunt.

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:57, Reply)

Haven't you read my name? ThunderCunt is a cunt.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:59, Reply)
There she goes with the bullying again.

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:59, Reply)

The Antipodean bullying mach-I-An
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:01, Reply)

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:02, Reply)

re: Bullying
What an ungrateful horrible little turd. That is really really disgusting, Swipey!
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:58, Reply)
needs less xxxxx

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:59, Reply)
What the world needs now, is love, sweet love

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:01, Reply)
Just reading about the RSA wicketkeeper who got hit in the eye with a bail and came across this gem of a phrase:
"When the eye ball bursts open some of the contents of the eye are spilled out. He may have lost the lens or it may have separated. "
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:58, Reply)
I read that earlier
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:59, Reply)

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:00, Reply)
the best of the lot
is the toolrag doctor (no, not edmund) who started chatting me up. then his sister got hit by a drunk driver and was in a coma. lots of emails/messages flew around. before something made me suspicious.

bit of internet sleuthing later...... he was a mobile phone salesman. with a fiancee. who never had a sister. he turned up at my office to meet one of my friends with a big bunch of flowers. on the basis that he was pretending to be his own mate. when my friend queried this, because it was so screamingly obvious he was shifty, he said that his "mate" was a real doctor, honestly, he had delivered the "mate's" baby in a snowstorm by the side of the road....

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:03, Reply)
Your mate is Mary?

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:04, Reply)
Leave the Internet.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:05, Reply)

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:05, Reply)
not my mate
his fictitious fucked-up mate maybe
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:05, Reply)

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:05, Reply)
Or little donkey.

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:05, Reply)
On a dusty road?

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:06, Reply)
*releases heavy load*

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:06, Reply)
I think probably best not to ever meet anyone from the internet

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:05, Reply)
I met most of you lot and I escaped unscathed.

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:05, Reply)
PTSD can take quite a while to kick in, so don't be complacent yet,

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:10, Reply)
Maybe I have that stockholm syndrome thing, cos I actually miss a fair few of you fuckers.

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:12, Reply)
I'm sure it's ok to meet some of them
But I don't think you have to have sex with them, which I think is where 'Swipe appears to be going wrong.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:07, Reply)
You don't *have* to, but it can be *fun* to.

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:08, Reply)
Are you grooming me?

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:09, Reply)
As soon as you're aked she'll bully your genitals

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:10, Reply)
Clamp the testicles and tie them up, and then leave them there all day while I go shopping with their credit cards.
I'd say that's a good way to bully genitals.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:11, Reply)
yes, having sex with people from a website known for attracting mentally ill people sounds like a right laugh

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:10, Reply)
+ fat
+ sweaty
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:10, Reply)
it wasn't
it was embarrassingly shit
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:16, Reply)
She only fucks the gayers. So NA should watch out.

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:08, Reply)
this is a statement that I can really get behind

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:07, Reply)
I am, so far, with you on this one

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:11, Reply)
You two should meet up for drinks or something.

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:13, Reply)
yeah sure!

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:14, Reply)

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:16, Reply)

AWESOME no way I'm turning up
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:17, Reply)
What was it that made you suspicious?

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:07, Reply)
The internet, man.

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:08, Reply)
When are we going drinking again?

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:09, Reply)
You free Saturday?

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:14, Reply)

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:15, Reply)
Hi, I'm Stunned.

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:21, Reply)
Building my shed.

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:15, Reply)
I've got a free pass on Sat night.
Not sure after that.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:23, Reply)
I am around in the evening. Will gaz you.

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:26, Reply)
Looks like I am :o((((((
Rather do Friday though.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:30, Reply)
Did either of us invite you?

Friday works a bit better for me too.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:33, Reply)

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:34, Reply)
Ohh man.

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:36, Reply)
You great big Mary.
First round is on you.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:37, Reply)
It really is.

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:47, Reply)
You said you'd never tell them about that.
massive sadface, online, right here.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:35, Reply)
i went away for a bit
but i'm back now
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:25, Reply)
Oh thank god.
the internet was falling apart without you.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:25, Reply)
innit doe

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:26, Reply)
send me the gazzez and I'll post them, that way you didn't do it

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:26, Reply)
Hmmm let me think.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:30, Reply)

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:32, Reply)
You all love it you bunch of slags.

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:33, Reply)
Ok, how about you gaz then to a sockpuppet I'll set up[, that way everyomne will simply think they are my gazzez?

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:39, Reply)
It's a big call
re: Bobby V Rory
Fuck knows mate. I can tell you that should Bobby and Rory ever be in the same room together, one of them is leaving in an ambulance, and my money is on Rory.

(xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Tue 14 Jun 2011, 17:18)
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:38, Reply)
i wish i hadn't come back now, this is really BORRING

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:39, Reply)
I know
start a new thread Q it's the only way
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:39, Reply)
last thread of the day?
you mental? no-one ever likes the last thread
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:42, Reply)
I do they're my favourite

(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:42, Reply)
i already on talk
i ain;'t no tention seeka
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:44, Reply)

What is this about?
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:49, Reply)

I've only gone and started a new thread. Yeah it will be shit I know.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:46, Reply)
I miss Ding. :(
re: No need
Dont self-indulgely do some wrongness actually you wouldnt like to do just for a kind of feelings!
Because in fact some kind of wrongness once you did has no way to be made up in the rest of your life indeed;and some sorrow/scar you got you would never forget too.
You have no reason to make life be so miserable
intentionally,its said:yan li you shi,san jie zhai;xin li wu shi,yi chuang kuan.
=when theres annoyance in your eyes,then the problems even come from your preexistance,this life and eternity;when theres no annoyance in your mind,even though you sit on your bed,you still feel its so wide as if travelling through.
Really it is so,really.
(Nur wenn du versteht wirst,du bist einsam nicht mehr., Fri 20 Apr 2007, 05:27)
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 21:49, Reply)

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