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( , Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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How is everybody? What are you up to tonight?
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 18:07, 167 replies, latest was 12 years ago)

Meal and vino , then a DVD and relax, I think .
Nice day today, almost didn't rain. Tidied the garden, rock and roll...
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 18:11, Reply)

At this very moment though I'm doing a poo
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 18:19, Reply)

and couldn't text at the same time?
How did we cope???
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 18:28, Reply)

Been out shopping in Leeds all day. Got a pair of DCs, a t shirt by The Hundreds, the new albums by The Twilight Sad and GY!BE and a JG Ballard collection.
I saw some very nice hats as well.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 18:23, Reply)

The Twilight Sad.
Glaswegian band. I saw them supporting Mogwai a few years ago and was impressed.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 18:36, Reply)

( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 18:46, Reply)

Are you saying that there is something bad about homosexuality?
Homophobia is a very unappealing trait.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 18:47, Reply)

Are you opposing legal equality for homosexuals? Bigotry and homophobia are very unappealing traits to have.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 18:49, Reply)

( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 18:50, Reply)

The words 'humour vacuum' come to mind.
And I despise homophobia as much as I despise racism. Hence the distaste at your attempts at humour.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 18:52, Reply)

Maybe Peter Sutcliffe could donate his, I'd rather spend time with him than you.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 18:54, Reply)

Interesting that your defense against accusations of homophobia is to jump to the old 'moral high horse' position, rather than either admit that it was piss poor and you shouldn't really have said it, or state your reasons for thinking it's OK to use someone's sexuality as an insult or as a reason to discriminate against them, but no, it's just 'moral high ground' being taken.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 18:58, Reply)

Unable to form a cogent line of reasoning so the piss-poor comments take centre stage.
No wonder people think you're a weird old prick.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 19:01, Reply)

I’m going to celebrate my Saturday evening shut in by not posting on here
Wait…………………ohhhhhh shit I fucked up didn’t I
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 18:39, Reply)

Can't get good curry in Poland.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 19:08, Reply)

And seeing as there's only Battered and me here apart from you, you can't do your normal trick of starting conversations with everyone to try to push me off the page.
Plus it would be pandering if I really preferred Chinese, seeing as I don't it's called 'agreeing'. Maybe you shouldn't judge everybody else by your own standards.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 19:15, Reply)

( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 19:20, Reply)

( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 19:13, Reply)

Funny that, isn't it?
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 19:16, Reply)

I will be spending the evening tidying up powerpoints and handouts and things. Great.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 19:16, Reply)

( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 19:19, Reply)

I have no irritating children. This is just fine by me.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 19:32, Reply)

i think its got to the top spot of the best soups list.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 19:20, Reply)

( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 19:25, Reply)

But I was unsure if this would be seen as me being deliberately 'edgy' and alternative, seeing as how Chompo here has expressed a liking for something else.
I'm just not sure any more whether I'm a panderer, or 'alternative' on purpose.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 19:25, Reply)

Is there a better sight in football than an unhappy Sir Alex Ferguson ?
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 19:25, Reply)

waaaaay too mainstream for you.
sadly the World Kaabaadi Championship wasn't on.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 19:27, Reply)

I was always into books and stuff rather than playing football.
If I was truly alternative then I'd support someone like Kettering Town or something.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 19:29, Reply)

See how alternative Kettering Town would be?
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 19:34, Reply)

Surely a little known sport so hip as to be inaccessible to those not "in the know " would be the thing?
Such as Kaabaadi , or camel racing?
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 19:40, Reply)

I was doing (or thought I was) with fitba teams what some people just assume I do with music- picking someone that is far removed from the mainstream (premiership) and going with them instead.
I wasn't just picking a 'random' or distant town.
The only two sports which I will actively watch are snooker and skateboarding. I also watch big football matches (like World Cup final and that), but purely to appreciate the flow and the skill. I find the whole supporting a team thing just really weird. I also find it fucking stupid how some football fans refer to the team they support as 'we'.
I don't know any professional footballers, but know plenty of people who do that. So when I go and see a band, I always say that 'we' played a great gig, it's our best gig in ages etc.
Same principle applies.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 19:47, Reply)

The wife’s finally ready so I’m outta here
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 19:30, Reply)

I can post pics now, I only learned how to do so last night.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 19:52, Reply)

Mash made with Rosemary enthused milk, carrots boiled them finished with butter and carroway seeds*, venison fillet, a damson gin and chocolate sauce.
And I've managed to get ma's sky working here too. All in all, not bad saturdayolgizing
*ok, Heston did the seeds, I did the boiling and buttering
And once I've finished eating it, I'm going to get the violin out and see if I can learn a tune by christmas.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 19:53, Reply)

Are you sure you don't aggravate it?
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 19:56, Reply)

Whatever I say I've cooked you claim would keep you up all night, if I said I had a bowl of cereal, you'd say the same thing.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 20:04, Reply)

I have no beef with you, I genuinely think that your diet may adversely affect your Crohns, just as your smoking probably does.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 20:05, Reply)

It's just that in light of this, should you truthly believe such a meal would give you toilet problems, perhaps you could say what bits would?
Also, I don't know if it helps you, but a lot of the time, I like to cook something to just try it or for the love of creating something. Hence me being on the internet right now with 3/4 of the plate still there.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 20:15, Reply)

If you had kidney troubles and were always posting about the amount of ecstasy you take I'd say the same thing.
And the venison wouldn't agree with me, I'm vegetarian.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 20:17, Reply)

It's not quite the same thing; what with food being a requirement for life and ecstasy being an iligel drug.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 20:22, Reply)

If you have healthy kidneys then there's no problem with it.
Meh, it's none of my business anyway.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 20:25, Reply)

( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 20:29, Reply)

And also compared to alcohol and tobacco.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 20:31, Reply)

( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 20:36, Reply)

Tablets which make dogs work are no good for anybody, except lazy dogs.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 20:37, Reply)

It is none of your buisness, but you've already bought it up. I'm just correcting you where you are wrong.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 20:33, Reply)

( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 20:42, Reply)

You'd fart less and have a firmer stool.
Once you got used to it, like. But who really cares. Enjoy what you like.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 20:26, Reply)

He sure does seem to have a thing for me.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 20:06, Reply)

Between buying the violin and today, I've had my health take a bad turn (and turn back to good now) and my kitchen has ment that I've been living on a building site for the last 4 weeks... my flat is finally back straight today. So I'm considering tonight the first night I've started, fresh start, so I should be playing a good tune soon !
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 20:19, Reply)

You probably have.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 20:31, Reply)

( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 20:38, Reply)

I found out today that one of my favorite series of books came out on kindle this month; K-Pax. That's next on the list.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 20:44, Reply)

Does the book clarify if he is actually an alien or not?
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 20:52, Reply)

Just remember, music is just another language, just like all that coding that you find so easy.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 20:39, Reply)

Yup, thats a good way of thinking about it, although a keyboard is quite a bit easier to navigate.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 20:43, Reply)

Then again, I played saxophone for 7 years too and I got to grade 8.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 20:50, Reply)

There is usually quite a step up between grades 7 an 8 as well.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 20:57, Reply)

haven't played in over a decade though.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 20:58, Reply)

evening Al.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 21:15, Reply)

( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 20:27, Reply)

But I hate it when I'm accused of stuff that I haven't done.
I'm sure Al doesn't like it much either.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 20:39, Reply)

( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 20:40, Reply)

Getting accustomed to being a Saturday night shut-in eh?
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 20:37, Reply)

now we're watching downloaded telly and I'm gonna order a new laptop
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 20:39, Reply)

It's seriously impressive, i've got Sky through it on my Ma's account. There are loads of really new on-demand stuff in HD that I just press a button and it works. I even got a telly-style remote and something called "SmartGlass" on my iPad.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 20:52, Reply)

I was watching the Rugby on a live stream on my computer, and obviously the picture was a bit shit and I was sitting on a chair in front of my computer instead of the telly.
And my telly has an ethernet input, so would it be possible to watch live streams through the telly direct or would I have to use something like an Xbox as an inbetween thing.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 20:57, Reply)

It has a HDMI connector so I just plugged it into the computer and voila. Good stream quality, too, as long as I didn't do much on the laptop.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 21:17, Reply)

( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 21:29, Reply)

How far away is your computer and your telly? Even if your computer doesn't have a HDMI out, it'll have a VGA/DVI Out, so you can use your computer as a second monitor that way. It might not do sound though, so you'd have to think about some speakers with a long cable. Or if you have a sound-system, you might be able to plug into your soundcard from there.
I bought one of these that I've attached to my PC, that I'm resonably pleased with (might be a different model, but same principle)
- www.ebuyer.com/395464-acer-revo-l80-nettop-pc-dt-smgek-002
- www.ebuyer.com/395455-acer-revo-rl80-nettop-pc-dt-smbek-006
With some wireless mouse and keyboard, and my telly can now do anything that a basic computer can do.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 21:31, Reply)

( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 21:32, Reply)

it was fine for connecting my laptop to my TV in the lounge. 10m now, I can arrange the room how I like.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 21:34, Reply)

My new laptop will have HDMI so that'll do sound as well as picture right?
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 21:35, Reply)

But if you pick up a second hand old 360, then it wouldn't hog up the laptop, no wires around the room, and you'll get access to a much nice/easier system.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 21:39, Reply)

( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 21:43, Reply)

£115 seems to make it a good buy. You can connect one of your hard drives to it
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 21:50, Reply)

I don't want to run a cable over to the telly so wireless would be ace, and I also want a 360 so I can play assassins creed.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 22:01, Reply)

and when the two are connected "HDMI" shows up as an option. Then there's usually some fiddling to stop the TV taking over as the main monitor.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 21:40, Reply)

Basicly, its turning your ipad into a controller for the xbox, but its like a second screen for the xbox, so I can look up information such as who's on the screen at that point in time, or get football stats of whoever's playing. Load of stuff really.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 21:25, Reply)

I have had a few beers and am now into the wine after a memorable day of premier league football action. I anticipate the rest of the evening will involve more wine, Match Of The Day, maybe another beer and possibly something from the spirit shelf.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 21:01, Reply)

Not your nancy-boys-in-helmets 'American football'.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 21:17, Reply)

I shall wait with bated breath for MOTD pundits to blame it all on bad decisions by the Chelsea manager and poor performance by their players. Heaven forbid one of them should suggest that we were actually pretty good.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 21:19, Reply)

I am pretty stoked about beating the European Champions though. I need to roll around in it as much as possible as it can't possibly last.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 21:36, Reply)

I am into the wine too after a very forgettable day of English cricket against what appears to be the India Paperboys second XI.
And 14 hours of work which I'm still not finished on.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 21:24, Reply)

I don't really follow cricket unless it's spectacular e.g. England are whupping Australia.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 21:37, Reply)

I've been getting up at daft-o-clock to catch the last session and I'm not bothering tomorrow.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 21:44, Reply)

( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 21:36, Reply)

I've run out of mulled wine, and the pub is full of cunts.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 21:36, Reply)

the others will then respect you and leave.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 21:39, Reply)

I remember the caterers mixing a load up in bottles and leaving them in hot water, it was great, just wandering round the woods with swords in one had and swigging from warm bottles of mulled wine from the other. Like classy, anachronistic tramps.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 21:49, Reply)

Armed tramps in our cities is not what we need.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 21:57, Reply)

I want mulled wine now
I've decided I've done enough work for today
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 21:46, Reply)

after 2 or 3 glasses you'll find you do want brandy after all.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 22:12, Reply)

The money we can charge for it, vs how much it costs to make is hilarious. Except when I got a bit trigger happy with the brandy.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 21:57, Reply)

( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 22:02, Reply)

I worked in a pub for a couple of christmases and the only thing we ever did was change the sell-by dates on bottles of Babycham and Barley Wine that were left over from the previous year.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 22:05, Reply)

I have half a bottle of cheap wine left, then it's bed.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 22:01, Reply)

I asked for one fucking bottle of ale and nooooo she didn't order it but she did order a £4 pack of strawberries for herself and 2 packs of cheese when we already have two. Also three tins of fish which she orders every week but never eats which is why there are now 18 tins in the cupboard. 5 legs of lamb?!!!! ok they are on special but 5? 3 chickens, 3 packs of pork loin steaks, 2 packs of chicken wings but no fucking bottle of ale, its the only thing I was looking forward to tonight as well. Fuck it, I'm off to fuck the oven glove.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 21:56, Reply)

You might not want a cat but it'll eat the tins of fish.
( , Sat 17 Nov 2012, 22:09, Reply)
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