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Breakfast, anyone?

( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 8:36, 166 replies, latest was 17 years ago)

slowly waking up. got a dull day of work ahead though which is a shame.
mildly annoyed on behalf of my gf. she had an appointment last night at quarter to 5 at home, so we left work early to get home for it, only to find that the stupid bint who the appointment was with had emailed earlier in the day to confirm and as she hadn't heard she didn't turn up.
surely if you are going to do something like that as a general practice you might use the phone number with which you were provided?
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 8:53, Reply)

People become reliant on e-mail. They don't think to maybe phone and check, just in case the e-mail has become lost in the aether or the recipient hasn't had a chance to check it or reply.
It's a nice sunny morning here. Too good to be working inside. Unfortunately the lab windows don't open, so I can't even get some fresh air. :(
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 9:02, Reply)

how to put the urgent flag on an email. I said you don't, emails aren't urgent and that is what the phone is for.
it is far too nice a day to be inside. particularly when you fly a desk like I do. our windows don't open either (damn air con) but that is irrelevant because I don't even sit by a window....
edit: morning Al. have a good day out
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 9:07, Reply)

I've broken free from it though. usually several weeks will pass between cups of tea for me now.
did you drink a lot?
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 9:11, Reply)

Tea contains more caffeine than coffee, although not so much is actually extracted from the leaf as from the coffee bean, so there's less caffeine in a cup of tea. But there is still a significant amount, so the answer to your question is yes.
Enjoy your day.
My e-mail program doesn't display e-mails as urgent or otherwise. I read them all in order anyway, so it wouldn't make much difference to me.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 9:11, Reply)

The only window I have in my office looks onto the shop floor of the factory. My office is cold in the winter and hot and stuffy in the summer.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 9:36, Reply)

the only saving grace with our air con is that I have been put in charge of it.
everyone else's comfort can go to hell as long as I'm fine :-)
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 9:38, Reply)

I have a fan which just blows the warm air around. For the winter I have a crappy heater and a fleece.
And we get flies in the kitchen in the summer which means you have to bat them out of the way as you make your lunch.
Engineering factorys *pah*
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 9:41, Reply)

I can't seem to get in on time this week, bit rubbish.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 9:43, Reply)

looking out onto
We do have some sort of air handling system, but it's only heated, not cooled. So sometimes it gets stuffy in summer, and is often freezing in winter as it breaks down a lot. It is also quite noisy. You don't really notice it normally, but when it fails you realise how deathly quiet it has become!
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 9:43, Reply)

one of my old school friends had a baby girl about 2 weeks ago, which is very exciting.
however, saw a mutual friend last night, and was told that they have now found the baby has a hole in the heart and narrow aorta. poor little thing has had several cardiac arrests, is on a drip in intensive care, is all swollen with water on the brain, and is facing open heart surgery at 2 weeks old on fri. i'm so upset for my friends and the poor baby, can everyone fluffeh please please keep their fingers crossed for her??
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 9:44, Reply)

Maybe you should try going to bed the same day that you get up.
@BGB - We had a plague of flies here a couple of summers back. We killed dozens in a few days. I suspect something may have died in the roof space.
Edit @Rachelswipe - That's terrible. Hope the operation is successful.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 9:45, Reply)

that's not good news. hopefully everything will be fine.
good friends of mine are due any day now...
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 9:46, Reply)

You know, I was always a little skeptical about Real Life (TM), I thought it was some kind of fairy tale to scare the kids, but last night, I actually met two lovely b3tans, if very briefly, and I may be becoming a convert! (Hi there Clendrix & Herr Doktor). Still not 100% convinced it wasn't all a dream, but I live in hope (that's oop North tha' knows).
Anyway, back from a gruelling 2-day training course in t' Big Smoke - back to my peaceful desk. May have to plough through e-mails before checking out what you good folks have been up to.
See yer later.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 9:48, Reply)

If I go to bed to early I don't sleep. At all.
Bit rubbish.
On the plus side, if I keep turning up at half nine, they might start to believe that's when I start...
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 9:52, Reply)

A hole in the heart is surprisingly common, however. Most people that have one don't even realise. But this sounds a bit more serious - I hope all is OK.
Now then, breakfast you say? I quite fancy a nice juicy sausage slid firmly between two floury baps.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 9:53, Reply)

I rarely get insomnia but when I do I loathe it as it reminds me of all the times I used to spend laying in bed trying to sleep after copious amounts of amphetamines. It's like getting flashbacks.
Edit - giggles at DG's rudeness.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 9:55, Reply)

*sizzles stuff in frying pan*
So, do you want some butter on those baps? I find it improves things.
Edit @Kaol - if you force yourself to get up early, you'll soon want to go to bed earlier too. It's just that your day has been displaced a bit.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 9:59, Reply)

*crosses fingers*
That's it... Nearly half way to another weekend and now only three months til holidays!
ALSO: If you live in a ground floor flat, and the people upstairs stamp around at all hours of the night keeping you awake, is it acceptable to commit murder?
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 10:02, Reply)

I've tried everything, just have to adjust to it.
Anyway, it looks like the guy I share an office with isn't here today, so no issues with cruising b3ta all day *grins*
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 10:05, Reply)

I don't think you'd get let off with murder. But it is more than acceptable in my book to get up early in the morning and turn up your music very loud.
Or realise that you have a big job to do on your light fittings at 6am, which involves the use of hammers and power drills.
(I just realised that 'DiT' reminds me of the kind of badge you see on the back of turbo diesel cars, BTW)
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 10:05, Reply)

Hope your morning is going better than mine.
I'm sat at my desk in my cycling gear, the reason being that someone has defiled the only toilet in my office with a stinky poo of eyebrow bleaching nastiness.
I'm waiting for the background radation to dissipate before I get cleaned up and changed.
Sorry rachelswipe, I just read your post. Sheesh... I'm sure the little one will pull through.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 10:09, Reply)

Hope everytrhing is OK with your friends baby.
*crosses everything*
Morning all.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 10:12, Reply)

@swipe - fingers, eyes, arms, legs etc all crossed.
Well, I did a 14-hour day yesterday and got home to an empty flat. The most exciting thing that happened to me last night was witnessing a wasp burn itself to death on the uplighter and then having to light millions of incense to get rid of the stench.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 10:16, Reply)

I don't like wasps. They are made of Evil. Wasps can just fuck off.
Bees however, are made of win.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 10:23, Reply)

Bloody hornets, coming over here, stealing our wimmin'...
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 10:27, Reply)

but I wish they would just fuck off somewhere else and not in my flat.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 10:27, Reply)

It's always sad when something takes it's own life.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 10:33, Reply)

As they go 'woof'.
/terrible joke.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 10:38, Reply)

So nothing bad? Yay!
*grabs petrol and zippo*
*wanders happily off*
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 10:39, Reply)

a wasps' bike (wasps' nest, if you're not Scottish) and disposed of it with the assistance of an old biscuit tin, paraffin and a match.
The papery stuff burned well, but the larvae didn't half create a stink.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 10:51, Reply)

C'mon people! We can't let these kitties burn because I made a bad joke!
*sprays liberally from his hose*
EDIT: I like your style, K2k6!
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 10:51, Reply)

I've not read it, but this seems topical:
The Wasp Factory
I'm damn sure I've heard them being called wasps bikes before... I spent three months in Aberdeenshire as a ten year old, so it's either that or my addiction to IPC Publishing comics as a child that taught me that one.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 10:56, Reply)

*drinks lots of Irn Bru*
*waits a bit*
*commences firefighting*
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 11:00, Reply)

is awesome
@k2k6: what is it with you scottish and using the wrong* words for stuff
examples: bike =nest
messages = groceries
*wrong is meant in a tongue-in-cheek kind of way
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 11:00, Reply)

just different words.
For example, a London-based Scottish friend of mine was telling me that she had staved her thumb and nobody at her work knew what she meant. I replied that it's just as well she hadn't chacked it.
stave, v - to injure a digit of the hand or foot by blunt trauma to its end, cf English 'stub'.
chack, v - to trap (a body part etc) in a compressive manner, such as in a closing door.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 11:05, Reply)

We had a dinner party last night: I provided the puddings (banoffee pie and a berries/prosecco jelly) which were ace, and then we sat up till the wee small hours playing Gogol Bordello and drinking mead.
I have a bit of a headache this morning, but am otherwise chirpy. Interested to see that Woodside Industries has managed to rile an awful lot of people in a fairly short space of time though.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 11:12, Reply)

Wearing your new clothes today?
I have no idea what Gogol Bordello is but it sounds like saucy fun.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 11:20, Reply)

Covered in bike oil (and I need to fix my back tyre later before I can go home, so liable to get even dirtier).
Gogol Bordello is a gypsy punk band: mostly Ukrainians living in NYC. Pure genius. Like a gypsy version of Flogging Molly, but with more accordion and swearing.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 11:22, Reply)

Because I've been in a union meeting about pay.
Buttery baps would be lovely, thanks.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 11:26, Reply)

*passes buttery baps and sausage to DG*
Sorry, your sausage is a bit shrivelled as it's been sitting for a while!
@Bob - Ah, sorry. I thought it was some sort of parlour game!
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 11:31, Reply)

believe me, sitting in a union meeting about pay is enough to make anything shrivel.
An hour of talk about how shit the latest offer is, followed by a recommendation to reject and re-enter into protracted negotiations. Which will result in pay rises being awarded in Novemeber / December instead of August, and the imposition of what the Agency management have recommended we accept in the first place.
Why do I pay union fees again..?
*EDIT* The union's motion to reject the offer and go back to the negotiation table has been disregarded by the CEO, and the Agency's preferred option (worth about 2%) imposed. Oh well. At least I'll get it next month as opposed to waiting 'til Christmas.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 11:48, Reply)

play this frankly brilliant online game!
And ning to all those who have turned up since last I posted!
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 11:49, Reply)

Not Unison is it?
£3.50 per month goes to fund the Labour Party... Which is in dire need of bailing out thanks to £21m of debts and a membership list falling faster than Bradford and Bingley share prices.
It's not fair to blame public sector workers for the rise in inflation, as the Treasury seems to be doing right now though. Here's hoping that the union can negotiate a decent deal.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 11:52, Reply)

Nah, it's PCS. I've never been in a union before now. I only joined beacuse of all this uncertainty around restructuring. but the pay negotiations always seem to follow the same bloody pattern. PCS have been trying to get rid of the non-consolodated performance bonus for the last three years, and the Agency always comes back with 'it's ringfenced and part of the overall deal'. I'd be interested to know how many staff actually get a share of this, and whereabouts in the structure they sit. 'Cause I'm willing to bet my left testicle that it's not anyone on less than £40k a year...
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 11:56, Reply)

that is a pretty awesome game. I got 8420, pretty rubbish. Cna't hear the music either, as I don't have a sound card.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 12:06, Reply)

Well, you know the music anyway.
The Fancy Pants Adventure is a good lunchtime killer too.
/spends waaay too much time online...
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 12:09, Reply)

I've never been in a union either, and while I did think of joining recently when my job was less than secure, I figured it might be viewed a bit like joining the AA after your car's broken down. So I didn't.
But I would object to a chunk of my union fees going to the Labour party. I'd rather the fees were used to fight my corner, not to bribe politicians. I don't support any political party, but if I did, I'd give them the money if I wanted to.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 12:18, Reply)

just played a brilliant one called StoneAge Sam
good fun
also, the Shift games are good
or Endless Zombie Rampage
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 12:50, Reply)

Now. What will attract people back?
Maybe that won't work. Who knows?
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 13:02, Reply)

My plan worked!
but now I suppose I have to make with the willies. I'm sure Bert will be around soon...
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 13:19, Reply)

What you going to offer to keep me here?
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 13:22, Reply)

I've been here 5 minutes and haven't seen any yet.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 13:27, Reply)

if you'd been spying on me in the showers about ten minutes ago, you'd have seen mine, and probably some other blokes' too.
You weren't were you?
Are universal empresses omniscient?
Edit - that first sentence doesn't read right. I was merely showering after swimming, as were the other chaps!
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 13:28, Reply)

I'm sure that some people probably regard me as a bit of a cock, if that helps...
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 13:32, Reply)

I have been sorely misled. My willy-senses were tingling, so I ran here from the other side of t'internet, only to be confronted with a sad lack of willies.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 13:42, Reply)

They promise you willies and what do you get.......fuck all.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 13:45, Reply)

but I am unclad here, without even a hat.
Actually, I'll need to pinch my hat back from HLT, as people are pointing and laughing.
At my bald spot of course.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 13:46, Reply)

I'm afraid the zoom on my camera isn't that good sadly.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 13:50, Reply)

Howzabout that then!
[psst. Little Che? Where are you?]
Sorry folks, he's shy today.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 13:51, Reply)

I'm sorry, I didn't realise that was your willy. The sheer, gargantuan immensity of it made me think it was a flesh-coloured homing missile.
I do apologise. Yay for willies!
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 13:57, Reply)

with a girl who was a bit nervous and not that experienced. She insisted on putting the lights out before we got down to action.
So we're fumbling away below the covers and she suddenly exclaimed, "Oh K2k6, that's the biggest one I've ever encountered!"
Thinking she was having me on, I replied, "Ach, don't be daft, you're pulling my leg!"
*may not be 100.000% true*
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 14:06, Reply)

I had a nice half day and a lie in, and it's dead quiet here:)
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 14:06, Reply)

Still no news on the job-interview front. How's everyone else?
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 14:10, Reply)

They're taking their time, aren't they? Do they not know who you are? Hehe...
I have just eaten a yuummy BLT, and am reading BBC HYS. A finer stream of bile and hatred I have never seen.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 14:12, Reply)

It's like a morgue here at the moment. The mention of willies brought BGB and Empress Bob out of the woodwork, but only briefly.
Poor show on the interview front, spakka. That's actually pretty rude of them not to have told you anything this late in the day.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 14:12, Reply)

I'd be willing to forgive them on the interview front if they're willing to forgive me for my b3ta addiction.
Even if I get no interviews, I still get to go to two QOTW bashes and explore the cities of Bath and Bristol.
EDIT: Maybe I should resume my naked dancing if it brings the ladies out the woodwork.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 14:19, Reply)

It is a bit dead in here.
Time is dragging and I want a cigarette:(
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 14:25, Reply)

I think it's time for you to drop your drawers and dance on the table, to see if it attracts the ladies!
It might also put BK off his cigarette craving.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 14:27, Reply)

* dances on table *
Hey BK - that is not a cigarette.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 14:31, Reply)

I'm crouching in the shrubbery, waiting for the famous naked dancing men of the b3ta plains to start their hallowed and time-honoured dance.
*hides in bush, does David Attenborough stuff*
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 14:32, Reply)

Just think how good food will taste in a couple of weeks!
I really miss smoking.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 14:35, Reply)

*drops kecks*
*pogos a bit*
*feels vaguely awkward*
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 14:35, Reply)

It's on fire!
* pisses to put out fire (hey, there was no fire-extinguisher or tap handy) *
* realises he can't stop *
* spots a nearby bush and finishes *
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 14:36, Reply)

*climbs onto table*
*starts dancing too*
Bit draughty though...
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 14:39, Reply)

It's a veritable orgy of male expression with dance.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 14:42, Reply)

that Balloon dance...
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 14:46, Reply)

My little sister was born with holes in the heart and other problems. After a few weeks of doing pushups in a humidicrib (I kid you not) and some medical japery she was, and has been for 16 odd years, right as rain.
It's unfortunate but may likely turn out allright. Best wishes.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 14:50, Reply)

that Spak has even tried to get an interview. I think he just wanted an excuse to visit us, but is making it look like a business trip so we don't all get smug about our immense appeal.
Edit: Ed, nice post. Glad she's doing OK.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 14:50, Reply)

Odd that you should turn up at such a significant milestone moment!
Care to get your willy out and join us in our 'attracting the ladies' dance?
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 14:58, Reply)

Yes it's true. It's all part of a conspiracy to bring down your egos.
But you're all still soft and cuddly
EDIT: afternoon Kaol.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 15:05, Reply)

would be the legendary Helicopter.
*resists urge*
Afternoon all, how's tricks?
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 15:26, Reply)

I was once privy to seeing a stripper with tassles on her nipples make them rotate in opposite directions.
On that day, I knew I had become a man.
Alright, Wookie? Not too bad meself, thanks!
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 15:30, Reply)

I can do my tassles in opposing directions. I actually find it harder to make them both go in the same direction.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 15:37, Reply)

Gone a bit quiet here. Usually, it doesn't go quiet here for at least another 20 minutes.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 15:39, Reply)

I wish to present to you:
DiT's B3tan of the Day Award
It's very prestigious, you know...
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 15:40, Reply)

Do I get a badge, or just the warm feeling of an award well-earned?
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 15:47, Reply)

Cor! I've only encountered that at the end of Elvira: Mistress of the Dark.
On a vaguely-related note, did you hear about the chap who died in a strip club when a metal star detatched from a stripper's nip mid-jiggle and shurikened him in the head? Genius. And not, as far as I'm aware, an urban myth.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 15:48, Reply)

Much better ;P
Edit - This week's coolest-sounding medical procedure: Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 15:50, Reply)

there isn't anything that I want to buy in the near and not-so-near future that I haven't already pre-emptively shopped for...
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 15:52, Reply)

I shall make some kind of certificate. And yes, you may also bask in the warmth of an award well-earned.
It's all in the shoulders, is it? Hahaha...
@Wookie... Shurikened to death in a strip club? Well, there's worse ways to go, I suppose...
EDIT: Is it gadgets on your list, V? I can always talk gadgets. And swirly nipple tassles.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 15:54, Reply)

I'm trying to decide what sort of guitar delay pedal to get to improve my sound.
the leaders in the race are the Boss DD6 or the Line 6 Echo Park, with the Line 6 currently ahead by a short length.
any help would be appreciated!
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 15:57, Reply)

But then bear in mind that I can't even play guitar, and I know nothing about this sort of thing.
Christ, I shoukd work for Which? magazine with advice like that!
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 16:03, Reply)

would you care to make up a reason why I should go with that one?
you never know, it might confirm what I'm already thinking
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 16:04, Reply)

has a more effective pseudo-cosmic antimatter transperambulator.
How's that?
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 16:07, Reply)

it definitely seems like the way to go. it will suit the prog rock odyssey on which I am about to embark.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 16:09, Reply)

being the foremost of the snarkly nines, has at least (if not at most) the correct dimensions to create some wicked bad delay.
(also, it is compact, the controls are user friendly (but watch out for the double switch) and it works well as part of a small set up. But, like I say, I know nothing about guitars. Either way, I hope you rock hard!)
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 16:18, Reply)

I have caved in and had a cigarette, out of boredom and being a bit *meh*.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 16:23, Reply)

*hugs BK*
*falls asleep on shoulder*
why you all meh?
edit@all of us this side of the wall - and I just had a Tunnocks teacake as well.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 16:25, Reply)

I'm tired and it's got randomly busy and I can't be bothered and nicotine withdrawal is making me grumpy:(
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 16:27, Reply)

Don't you have maintenance chaps to do painting and stuff for you? Or is it one of these 'everybody mucks in' type of places? Which is good in a way.
Tunnocks teacakes FTW!
By the way, can I have my hat back? I'm naked without it and my head's getting sunburnt.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 16:29, Reply)

*hugs again*
*is fluffeh*
sorry, I'm so tired I can't think of anything esle, but *hugs again*
off now, ahve to finish putting office back together...
edit@k2k6 - erm, I need to wash it before you can have it back, it's got paint on it (like the rest of me). i've got a hanky though, you could tie knots in the corners and use that as a hat if you like.
right I really am going now before I get too comfortable. I MUST put the office back together before I leave tonight!
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 16:32, Reply)

*proffers Mr Kipling individual carrot cakes, which have turned out to be distressingly good*
I'm going for a smoke. Take that, quitters!
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 16:33, Reply)

What colour did you paint it?
@BK: Boo!
* still feels the burns *
EDIT: @WGW: Boo!
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 16:37, Reply)

*ties knots in corners*
*becomes suspicious of small hard green bits*
*places on head anyway*
That's better.
See you tomorrow everyone. I'm off now.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 16:42, Reply)

I'm just bitter about the non-functioning lungs, the expense, the smelling bad and the addictive behaviour.
Or did you mean that you didn't want a cake?
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 16:52, Reply)

Kudos for Elvira, Mistress of the Dark. haven't seen that for years - you've just brought back very happy
Bob, you're not going to do that at the August bash are you? i don't think we could cope...
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 16:55, Reply)

@WGW: Was talking about the smoking. But I'll gladly accept some cake.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 16:56, Reply)

I can safely say that I won't. I can be quite shy when the mood takes me, and I'm certainly not going to display my "skills" to a bunch of people I've never met before.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 16:57, Reply)

his lungs appeared to be functioning and he didn't smell.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 16:58, Reply)

Hows things today? What's the talk been about to save me reading back?
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 17:02, Reply)

I am alone in the office till 6 and I'm bored so I thought I'd stop in and say hello!
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 17:16, Reply)

It's pretty quiet here...it's that time between people b3taing on their work computers and b3taing at home.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 17:18, Reply)

I had actual proper work to do earlier (sort of) so I couldn't join in the fun then.
Oh well, at least there's still a few of the cool kids knocking about!
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 17:21, Reply)

So now I'm here, waiting for dinner as I had lunch at 11am, which was fun.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 17:21, Reply)

proper work sucks! and now you're stuck there until 6pm.
@PoD - why 11am? That's when I had breakfast!
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 17:23, Reply)

And the other person who started with me had a doctors appointment at half 11, so I was made to go first, even though she was finishing before me today.
As a result, I am rather hungry and look forward to dinner quite a lot.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 17:24, Reply)

Some of my friends are coming over tonight so I'm cooking. One of them is bringing a surprise dessert.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 17:25, Reply)

Boss Keloid tried to start a fire. It still hurts. Basically, things are normal today.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 17:25, Reply)

truly does make ploddng through the day worthwhile.
What are you cooking, Ms Lust?
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 17:26, Reply)

I have to lurve you and leave you (I'm such a cad).
Work time is over, and I'm outta here!
BYE! *waves*
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 17:27, Reply)

with home made sauce and vegetables roasted with olive oil and garlic.
Hopefully I won't burn anything!
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 17:28, Reply)

Try to attend the Bash on Tuesday!
Wanderlust - sounds lovely! And surprise dessert too!
Very pleased at thought of meeting you next week.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 17:29, Reply)

Just got an e-mail from the company that's been dithering about me for the past 2 weeks. They've decided they're not going to interview me afterall.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 17:30, Reply)

Am still here - just. Heading off shortly.
Good post, by the way.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 17:31, Reply)

I am afraid I must away, there is buy-one-get-one-free in the pub and it would be rude not to go...
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 17:32, Reply)

What a bunch of idiots.
*administers a we-still-think-you're-fab hug*
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 17:33, Reply)

I was a bit worried that people might think I was a whore.
@spakka. That is rubbish, but at least you still get to meet lovely b3tards. Hurrah!
EDIT @DG, your comment about the soggy biscuit made me choke on my tea as I was laughing so much. I hope you're proud of yourself.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 17:34, Reply)

They just decided they weren't recruiting at the moment. Needless to say, I'm not waiting around until they are. Still, I've been through worse experiences when jobhunting. As soon as I get back, I'll be applying for jobs in London.
On the plus side, it means I don't have to prepare for any interviews (unless the other three companies make a response).
Aw thanks! * hugs back *
That's just what I was thinking as well. Looking very forward to it. Two bashes (or 3 if CHCB still wants to meet me in Bristol) more than make up for the disappointment.
* starts excersising hug muscles *
BTW: Interesting story. No need to worry about anything.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 17:43, Reply)

*hurries back after reading already infamous post*
Fab! If people think you're anything other than lovely, then no need to give them a second thought. I think it was an interesting and ballsy post.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 17:47, Reply)

Thank you! What with all the recent flaming that's been going on I was worried about posting it.
I'm glad I did though, I feel like I've gotten something off my chest.
@Spakka I'm muchly looking forward to next week. Pub with lovely people = good times!!
EDIT: Home time for me now.
Night all!
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 17:53, Reply)

How is everyone?
I'm randomly down but nothing is wrong:(
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 17:55, Reply)

And on that note, I'm off to get my din-dins.
I'll catch ya's on tonight's evening chat-thread. Bye.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 17:58, Reply)

Now if you were of the womanly persuasion, I would suggest hormonal wanderings. But this is unlikely to be the reason.
Anything to do with giving in to the call of the smoke?
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 18:09, Reply)

Don't think so, had one at 4pm which should be enough.
I'm just annoyed and a bit sad at a lot of things which don't matter much. Just get like this sometimes:(
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 18:12, Reply)

not that's it's much help, but I do know exactly what you mean.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 18:17, Reply)

*returns hug*
Maybe some lasagne will sort me out.
Had some plans for the weekend fallen through and feeling proper *meh*.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 18:18, Reply)

And lasagne FTW - I love it!
I have a hen-weekend in Bath planned - luckily it won't be one of those trashy affairs, and we're all going to the Spa on Saturday afternoon. Can't wait!
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 18:29, Reply)

Probably - off to see my all-time favourite band tomorrow and can't work up any enthusiasm at all.
Lasagne is good though:)
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 18:33, Reply)

Maybe you'll feel differently tomorrow. Hope so.
I'm pottering in and out - still here but responses might be slower. Go and sort out your lasagne!
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 18:39, Reply)

Mmm - lasagne was good!
Bored now though, which makes me want to smoke:(
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 18:55, Reply)

Smoking's a way to pass the time, for sure. But do you want to give up? If you do, you're going to have to develop strategies to deal with times like these.
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 19:01, Reply)

What happened? I didn't see it.
I know, I may have another cup of tea!
( , Wed 16 Jul 2008, 19:21, Reply)
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