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Annoying traits
Yet again, I'm into non-sleeping mode and it fucking boiling my piss. Been up since 4:30am two days in a row

What are you annoying traits? What are others most annoying traits?

Is it too early for lunch? I'm fucking starving
(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 10:36, 158 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
I had sandwiches and crisps for my lunch.
I ate them at 8.30, and am now planning a takeaway. Sitting on your arse builds up an appetite.
(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 10:39, Reply)
I'm sold

(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 10:44, Reply)
Chips and curry sauce I think.
They stopped doing mushy peas due to lack of demand. I fucking demanded them.
(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 10:47, Reply)
Mushy peas are for fish and chips, not just chips

(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 10:56, Reply)
They stopped doing pickled eggs too.
So I pickle my own.
(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 11:00, Reply)
You lay eggs?

(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 14:51, Reply)

(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 11:23, Reply)
Poor timekeeping annoys the fuck out of me.

(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 10:40, Reply)
"punctuality is a virtue of the bored"

(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 10:45, Reply)
It is always best to be the last to arrive, then you don't have to sit around on your own for ages.

(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 10:46, Reply)
AND it means people miss you and are really happy to see you

(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 10:47, Reply)
You are a fucking idiot.

(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 10:48, Reply)

(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 10:48, Reply)
(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 10:52, Reply)
I couldn't give a shit.

(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 10:54, Reply)
god i wish this were true
it would stop you from telling us all about them, in painful detail
(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 10:55, Reply)
No it isn't, it's fucking basic manners and terribly selfish. The late motherfucker is usually oblivious to the fact that their actions have a knock on effect for others.

(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 10:47, Reply)
people who are consistently late are annoying, selfish cunts.
(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 10:53, Reply)

(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 10:53, Reply)
I think everyone has one friend/acquaintance who has no sense of time
Mine is known as 'The late Gerry'. He's not dead, just late for everything.
(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 11:16, Reply)
I'm always punctual. It's polite.

(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 11:19, Reply)
Phoning me up to sell shit
I realise this is more of a job than a personal trait, but seriously, fuck off.

Alt: There's some rubbish cakes doing the rounds here for some pleb's birthday. I might have a bit to keep me going.
(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 10:40, Reply)
I ate two cakes and now I feel a bit sick.

(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 10:55, Reply)
My daughter's birthday cake was one of the nicest cakes I've ever eaten
Its all gone now :o(
(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 11:20, Reply)
my most annoying trait is being very good looking

(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 10:42, Reply)

(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 10:44, Reply)
i think you'd look good in a coffin

(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 10:44, Reply)
I must disagree.
The medical term is "uglyitis", and the hat doesn't help matters.
(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 10:45, Reply)
it does if he pulls it down over his face

(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 10:45, Reply)
Good point.
How'd your skiing go? Break anything?
(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 10:49, Reply)
although I did fall off the drag lift because I got my ski stuck, and fell into the MASSIVE snow drift at the side of the nursery slope, where they sweep all the snow. it must have been eight feet deep. I thought i'd never get out :(
(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 10:51, Reply)
Did people laugh and point?

(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 10:52, Reply)
my boss nearly cried because he didn't have his camera

(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 10:53, Reply)
One of my patients goes skiing several times a year. She needs a medical for her insurance, due to her weight.
27 stone. Im amazed the lift can cope with her. She's had 13 different accidents too, the most serious being fractured vertebrae. God knows how some peoples get through the day.
(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 10:57, Reply)
what exactly are you implying here???
(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 11:01, Reply)
He is your doctor

(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 11:01, Reply)
That you fell off the lift because of your fat hairy arse.

(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 11:01, Reply)

(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 11:07, Reply)

(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 11:08, Reply)
you don't ski in jeans
I had extremely nice bonfire salopettes that my friend lent me, ACTUALLY.
(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 11:10, Reply)

Sorry wasn't an implication at all! Just skiing/accident related conversation.
(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 11:08, Reply)
YM hates it when I shoot my load over her face.

(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 10:45, Reply)
This is due to your "man"hood being such a disappointment
You should see a Doc....or a Grumpy, etc...
(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 10:47, Reply)
i hate not being able to sleep
esp as you inevitably fall into the deepest, softest, best sleep ever - 20 mins before the alarm goes off.

I can be a bit impractical at times.

alt: yes. I have a cup of soup for today.
(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 10:46, Reply)
Perhaps if you ate a balanced diet you would sleep better?

(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 10:51, Reply)
how will that stop me from worrying about things?

(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 10:52, Reply)
If you were asleep you wouldn't be able to lie awake worrying.
The egg came first.
(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 10:53, Reply)
what if you fall asleep
and then wake up worrying? we don't all rely on marijuana to knock us out, you know.
(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 10:54, Reply)
Perhaps you should.

(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 10:54, Reply)
god no
stoners always look as if they need a damn good wash
(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 10:55, Reply)
i'm very groomed, thank you very much.
Mind I'm more of a weekend stoner.
(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 11:24, Reply)
This weekend flew by.
I woke up to the alarm very confused, thinking I had another day off.
(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 11:21, Reply)
I annoy people just by staying alive.
I find people who don't get to the point or those who 'communicate by hint' teeth-grindingly annoying. If you want me to know something just fucking tell me, don't expect me to wheedle the information from you. See also - 'vaguebooking'
Alt: It's never too early for lunch. Today I shall be having Heinz oxtail soup.
(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 10:56, Reply)
You can't have that long left now, surely
You're well old
(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 10:58, Reply)
Yeah - I'm staring down the barrel of my 54th birthday in a few months
Mind you, the heavy drinking is surely shortening my lifespan so, silver lining and all that.
(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 11:00, Reply)
so, women then?

(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 11:00, Reply)
If only this were so
Unfortunately I know some men who communicate by hint AND some that 'Vaguebook'! They don't talk to me much due to my less than polite way of dealing with their fucking useless communication skills. Normally by shouting 'GET THE FUCK ON WITH IT OR SHUT THE FUCK UP'.
(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 11:04, Reply)
I think I'm a little bit too optimistic.
Always look to see the best of a bad situation. Not necessarily a bad trait but I can see where it would annoy. Especially when friends expect me to be biased to suit their agenda
(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 11:16, Reply)
^ upset

(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 11:17, Reply)
Fuck you!

(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 11:17, Reply)
lols all round

(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 11:19, Reply)

optimistic upset
(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 11:17, Reply)

biased upset
(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 11:21, Reply)
GJs first proper meme!

(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 11:22, Reply)
I'm not even bothered...

(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 11:25, Reply)

not even bothered upset
(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 11:26, Reply)

(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 11:26, Reply)
Far too early for lunch but I have Mediterranean chicken with pasta, Chorizo and Pepperoni.
Fatty fatty fat fat!
(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 11:17, Reply)
That sounds fucking NOM

(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 11:17, Reply)
It smells it. Can't wait!

(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 11:18, Reply)

earl upset
(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 11:28, Reply)
Drunk people when one is sober are shit.

(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 11:23, Reply)
oh this^
(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 11:25, Reply)
Yes. Especially when one co-habits.
I don't any more, thank God.
(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 11:27, Reply)
Why on earth are you sober?

(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 11:29, Reply)
It IS 11:30am
(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 11:30, Reply)
^Good point^
*opens meths*
(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 11:33, Reply)
I find those who don't know how to queue annoying.
There is a certain British etiquette that eludes the young and the old.
(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 11:28, Reply)
Indeed this
Old people are the worst. Fucking old cunts
(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 11:31, Reply)
At least they're easy to shove out of the way

(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 11:32, Reply)
I like it best when you hear the hip bones crack

(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 11:33, Reply)
You shouldn't withhold the c-section option, worst doctor ever

(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 11:46, Reply)
They have all week to shuffle about at a snails pace too.
Still they choose Saturday to shop.
(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 11:34, Reply)

(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 11:35, Reply)
Speaking of which, how is Monty?

(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 11:36, Reply)
:( RIP

(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 11:42, Reply)
We had a right laugh on Saturday.
He is well. Soon to move.
(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 11:44, Reply)
Back to B3ta?

(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 11:45, Reply)

3ta NP
(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 11:54, Reply)
Where is he off to?

(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 11:59, Reply)
And the foreign.
Especially the Germans.

I might have one of those noodle soup deals from Abokado and some veg slice crisps.
(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 11:35, Reply)
In a similar vein
if I am in a queue with a large trolley/ basket full of stuff and someone behind me has 1 item I often let them through first. However old cunts in the village coop will glare and carry on regardless of the fact that it will take them more time to get their shopping through than the entire queue behind them
(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 11:52, Reply)
I was in a supermarket before and they opened the till next to the one I was queueing for
Guy in front of me left to join it, only to be told trollies only so came back to where he was. Old guy behind me was incensed.
"You were before him!! he left the queue"
Calm down dear.
(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 12:04, Reply)
I hate being right all the time

(, Mon 20 Jan 2014, 11:41, Reply)

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