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I think you lot have a lot of repression on the go, so just let it all out right here. Say the things you've always wanted to say and be free!

ALT: Where is the best place for a salad? I think alongside some baby beets, a pork pie and a pint of mild.

ALTALT: How on earth can a magazine specialising in bass fishing keep going? What magazines do you buy you fucken freaks?
(, Tue 6 May 2014, 13:39, 164 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
shut up jason
alt: in the sun,by the sea in teh South of france

Altalt: I sometimes buy GQ
(, Tue 6 May 2014, 13:41, Reply)
I am NOT Laurence Fishbourne

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 13:46, Reply)

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 13:47, Reply)
i is not jasum

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:49, Reply)

Alt: in the bin, to make space on the plate for more meat.

AltAlt: I tend to access pornography online these days.
(, Tue 6 May 2014, 13:41, Reply)
heart attack by 40^

40 45
(, Tue 6 May 2014, 13:46, Reply)

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 13:46, Reply)
What I don't get right is, yeah', when you see MPs who are cault out watching porn on Freeview.
I've got nothing against people watching legal porn, I might even do it myself from time to time, it's just that you have to be completely out of touch with the modern world in order to access pornography via the TV. Not that I've done it before, it might be that it's proper great stuff, but I just can't imagine it furfilling all the niches that one might have.
(, Tue 6 May 2014, 13:48, Reply)
Viz and Private Eye are the only magazines necessary.
All else is window dressing.

Altaltaltalt: Stand High Patrol - nice digidub.
(, Tue 6 May 2014, 13:47, Reply)
Alt: depends what the salad consists of
Rocket & watercress or GTFO

Just ate leftover scotch bonnet-fest from Sunday night. Am now sweating like Nakers at a spelling bee
(, Tue 6 May 2014, 13:48, Reply)
Go home Religion. You're drunk!
alt. Somewhere with a salad bar. Maybe Waitrose?
altalt. No. All online.
(, Tue 6 May 2014, 13:49, Reply)
God hates fags

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 13:50, Reply)
It is bad for your health.
Strikethrough colon
(, Tue 6 May 2014, 13:54, Reply)
If anything I could do with being a little more repressed and keeping more thoughts to myself
Alt: On the side of the plate, or fill your plate with it after you've eaten the rest.

Altalt: I get a music magazine, but I'm finding it increasingly pointless.
(, Tue 6 May 2014, 13:51, Reply)
shit off

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 13:56, Reply)
(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:12, Reply)
Yeah alright then

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:14, Reply)
Well this is a triumph

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:13, Reply)
Is everyone suffering today, or is the tedium of internet based procrastination finally at its peak?
All doom and gloom in the news so nothing to share there.
Though it does seem to be paedo week. Old Rolf is asking them what it is, stuart Hall has admitted to one and freddie Starr got off with it.

Dirty bastards.
(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:15, Reply)
Proper busy today

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:15, Reply)

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:15, Reply)
Rebekah Brooks Is Pedo

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:17, Reply)
I'd have a go on her
It would be like riding an angry bull, I think
(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:18, Reply)
Yes, it is like that.

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:19, Reply)
Pixar's Brave => kids movie => star based on Rebekah Brooks

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:27, Reply)
She's a Sideshow Bob cunt.
As is any of them who said that the didn't know phone hacking was illegal.
(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:01, Reply)
I rather like a good salad. A wilted cucumber, limp iceberg, tasteless tomato and harsh raw onion does not a salad make. Needs MOAR potato/egg/olives/chilli/other tasty stuff

There are loads of really specific magazines, especially in industry. I buy no magazines
(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:18, Reply)
alt alt
Pwhoar look at the RJ45 on that one monthly
(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:20, Reply)
My step daughter used to edit a magazine for the rail industry and another for the oil/gas industry
(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:22, Reply)
Using the mention of your step daughter to flush Rory out of the long grass, I see.
Good work Sporters. If he's around he won't be able to resist.
(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:53, Reply)
I have a half hour programme to watch on a twenty minute tube journey. Bit annoying.

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:19, Reply)
I ate my lunch whilst watching the latest Game Of Thrones
Technology FTW
(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:20, Reply)
I watch more telly on trains than at home I reckon.

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:22, Reply)
Me too

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:23, Reply)
do you project it onto the slide of them?

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:25, Reply)
What the fuck are you talking about dickhead? Fucking slide!

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:26, Reply)

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:27, Reply)
Yes I knew you meant that and didn't really mean those horrible things I said.

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:28, Reply)
yer you did :(

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:31, Reply)
Fine be like that

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:32, Reply)
maybe i will

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:33, Reply)
You always do this

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:36, Reply)
MAYBE if you were a little more sensitive

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:36, Reply)
You've been looking for an argument all day

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:38, Reply)
Oh, here we go again, stop being such a martyr little man

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:40, Reply)
You need to start treating me right or you're going to lose me

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:42, Reply)
I'LL lose YOU!
don't make me laugh, you could never leave me. You'd have to explain your "problem" to someone new and we both know you don't wanna do that
(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:45, Reply)
My only "problem" is you, I'm a strong confident woman and I can do better than you!

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:48, Reply)
wait hang on, you're the woman?
I may have worked out where we are ging wrong
(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:51, Reply)
Typical lesbians

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:52, Reply)
Ahhhh Gotcha! Okay everything should be better from now on.

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:52, Reply)
*clam jousts*

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:54, Reply)

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:55, Reply)
half the dudes on here are gay, based on their ill-repressed lust for jason
alt: i just had an extremely tasty salad at the apex hotel. nice.

altalt: none. unless i run out of book and have a tube journey, in which case heat or grazia or something intellectual.
(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:39, Reply)
i shoved my heat up your mum last night and she said Grazia

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:41, Reply)
that's just nuts
do you live in a zoo?
(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:41, Reply)
Zoo living is very in Vogue

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:42, Reply)
That's a loaded question

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:43, Reply)
it's blue Sky thinking that will get you to the Penthouse

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:43, Reply)
this sub thread has really hit Top Gear

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:48, Reply)

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:10, Reply)
One of Bella's FB friends is unbelievably fit
made my winky all tingly. AA will back me up on this.

Alt: On top of a top-end burger to make you feel like you have a balanced diet.

Altalt: When Saturday Comes.
(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:42, Reply)
this seems HIGHLY unlikely

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:43, Reply)
Probably a lezzer though

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:44, Reply)
Even better
they all just want converting AMIRIGHT LADZ...


(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:54, Reply)

changed it for a bigger one
(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:55, Reply)
Hmm, judiciously edited photo there.
What does the rest of it look like?
And from another angle?
(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:57, Reply)

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:59, Reply)
Lighty is quite old and probably hasn't had it in a long time.

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:01, Reply)

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:02, Reply)

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:10, Reply)
Fantastic. The time just flew by and the food was awesome.

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:21, Reply)

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:36, Reply)

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:02, Reply)
Have you seen Bella?

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:02, Reply)
I don't think so....

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:03, Reply)
Seems she knows my cousin too...

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:07, Reply)
Hai photoshop!

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:09, Reply)
she looks like her minge stinks

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:16, Reply)
As is one of PJ's.
People in knowing other people shocker.
(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:47, Reply)
I think that's his Mrs

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:18, Reply)
How was your time with the new bird at the weekend? Did you get a shag?

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:14, Reply)
Ended up doing the date last night, still in the getting to know each other phase
She's excellent.
(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:19, Reply)
So in other words you didn't get laid.

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:22, Reply)
In other words I don't think with my dick

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:25, Reply)
^ upset

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:26, Reply)
+ and cry wanking alone... again

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 16:03, Reply)
Screw that
I need a cure for stomach cramps. Help.
(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:46, Reply)
cut your stomach out

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:47, Reply)
I'm getting there, bakers, I'm getting there.

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:48, Reply)
human stomach stuffed with liquid shit is probably a delicacy to you French heathens

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:49, Reply)
Stuffed stomach is the realm of the Scotchists

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:56, Reply)
I haven't had a wee in twelve hours
Because nothing's getting to my bladder :(
(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:11, Reply)
have you tried shoving a straw up your cock end and forcing liquid directly into your bladder?

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:16, Reply)
You should probably get some dioralyte into you

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:21, Reply)
After my accident I went about
36 hours without a wee with fluids being pumped in to me. I couldn't pee lying down and couldn't stand on account of the smashed up leg. It got so painful I was given the ultimatum, stand up long enough to piss or we give you a catheter. I stoop up. It was agony, and I broke a record filling 3 of those funny cardboard hospital piss bottles. I don't what my point was going to be now. Probably something about a catheter.
(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:22, Reply)
I like Canterbury Catheter

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:24, Reply)
I had to have a catheter a few years back. The most painful part was the removal. One of the most painful life experiences ever.

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:25, Reply)
No one but MEATSNAKE puts anything up or down my wonky.

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:27, Reply)
Thankfully I was under a general anesthetic when it was fitted.

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:28, Reply)
It's like a winky, but funny lookin'

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:31, Reply)
I'm chalking that up as more WIN

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:32, Reply)

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 14:59, Reply)
Afternoon Krohnsey

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:50, Reply)
very good

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:52, Reply)
I do sometimes get a fillum magazine for long transport journeys now that they do them in a condensed size.

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:03, Reply)
chuttanooga choo choo

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:08, Reply)

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:09, Reply)
I'm seriously fucking uncomfortable today, does that count?
Left my co-codamol at home, now my neck just aches from this fucking sling. Ugh.

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:08, Reply)

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:12, Reply)
So, Metallica, right
Were they always utter dicks, or did success change them?
(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:13, Reply)
Still less of a dickhead than Mustaine, and their music is 10x better.

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:15, Reply)
Mustaine really is a prime piece of cock meat isn't he.
I get the impression Metallica were always a bit wankery. They come across that way.
(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:17, Reply)
That's totally why they chucked him
It wasn't all the heroin, it was that they already had two epic bellends in the band and G'n'R complained that three was "a bit much even by our standards"
(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:18, Reply)
And yes I know that the chronology of Mustaine's exit from Metallica makes the above suggestion even less valid than it already was

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:19, Reply)
Aye, absolutely
So are most musicians, sadly. Thankfully, we don't tend to like them for their personalities.
(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:22, Reply)
I don't think claiming a band is better and less dickish than Megadeth is any kind of defence
Mustaine is the Russell Brand of crap, annoying frontmen
(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:17, Reply)
They should all have been killed in that bus crash

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:20, Reply)
No, they should all have been killed in a bus crash in 1989
Much as Oasis should have been. Same year.
(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:22, Reply)
I have nothing repressed,
I don't think so anyway. Maybe I should get a therapist to tell me how I really feel. Do you know a head doctor?

Alt: on a plate. Or in a bowl.

Altalt: Fortean Times which I enjoy mostly and the Morris minor owners club magazine, but only because I forgot to cancel my subscription. Stupid Morris minor direct debit.
(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:15, Reply)
Further to McBeef's earlier beef with smart arse knob ends desperate to display a broad vocabulary in hip-hop
Here is an analysis of the vocabularies of various hippy-hoppers*

*I'm assuming this is what they call themselves
(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:20, Reply)
i love that!

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:22, Reply)
Its hippety-hopmen, I believe.

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:22, Reply)
I can't find Willheim Schmidt

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:24, Reply)
I'm going to get on that chart
by writing some hippety hop about my volcanus
(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:29, Reply)
hip hop is shit

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:39, Reply)
wong again sweetcheeks
it's a bit of a theme with you
(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:44, Reply)
oh come on, it's all garbage

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:55, Reply)
they were more mid-atlantic indy rock

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:56, Reply)

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:56, Reply)
The budgie disagrees.

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:49, Reply)
the budgie is 8 weeks old. it doesn't know that it is alive.

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:55, Reply)
He liked the 'flavas' I was putting down for him, he says 'fucking bent' when you play your gay eurotrance

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:56, Reply)
I love gay Eurotrance

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 16:06, Reply)

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 16:22, Reply)
Well, I do love trance.
I did like a lot of Euro stuff back in the 90's and early noughties.
So, yes.
(, Tue 6 May 2014, 16:25, Reply)
Im aware that trance music is
"fucking shit"
copyright Dozer. King of music.
(, Tue 6 May 2014, 16:25, Reply)
A hypnotherapist once offered to "put me under"
to get to the bottom of why I can't stand the sound of wine being poured. Neither can my sister and neither of us have any idea why. So he suggested it might be a repressed memory, and offered to help me find out.

I told him to get fucked. If I've got any repressed memories they're repressed for a reason.
(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:20, Reply)
^^ Molested at communion

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:22, Reply)
^ alcoholic paedo parents

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:30, Reply)
the sexiest of all parents

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:35, Reply)
You'd drink heavily if you'd been molesting that

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:41, Reply)
I was quite the ugly ducking, no diggity
The blossoming into a beautiful swan part is well overdue
(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:48, Reply)
you are one bent looking swan

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:49, Reply)
they are pretty bent looking to start with
there are 2 ducks that have moved into the fountain at inner temple. at first i thought they were stupid - no food in a fountain. now i've seen how many barristers and security guards feed them. fucking clever ducks.
(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:54, Reply)
+ necrophiliac rapists

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:56, Reply)
i miss badger and his tales of watery death bumming

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:56, Reply)
What's happened to him?

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 16:08, Reply)
He got bummed to death in a pond

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 16:08, Reply)

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 16:10, Reply)
Barrymore duck is right bastard

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 16:19, Reply)
You think I'm a SWAN
:-) :-) :-)

I like you now
(, Tue 6 May 2014, 15:58, Reply)
+ fucking bent

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 16:04, Reply)
Well yeah that goes without saying
but you obviously think I'm pretty, whilst being fucking bent, as well as being pretty fucking bent.

You lovely man.
(, Tue 6 May 2014, 16:05, Reply)
SSRI overdose^

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 16:19, Reply)
how does he know what you look like?
has he been stalking again?
(, Tue 6 May 2014, 16:23, Reply)
says the woman who outed me to Meatsnake

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 16:24, Reply)
She didn't, it was Tangiers

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 16:25, Reply)
My pics are all over my profile
You call them "the moisteners"
(, Tue 6 May 2014, 16:25, Reply)
Never been a fan of Stephen King, myself.

(, Tue 6 May 2014, 16:29, Reply)

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