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Ergh Illness is not FTW.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 7:53, 278 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Morning Ethel
I think I stayed up too late last night. Now I have my stupid finished uni by 10am Tuesday in front of me.

At work despite illness?
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 7:56, Reply)
I'm attempting to avert death from my warm bed.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 7:57, Reply)
Mr Nong
I'm hungover :(
I have to go to work :(

But I did a craft fair last night and made money :)
And people seem to like my compo entry :)
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 8:15, Reply)
I got distracted by flash games and now I must rush off. See y'all later on.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 8:18, Reply)
Best of mornings, all
It's a nice clear, crisp morning hereabouts. How is it for you folks?
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 8:21, Reply)
It is currently seen as, in professional terms, frigging freezing.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 8:22, Reply)
That's not good, Ethel
when you're ill.

But at least you aren't wandering around outside! It's frosty here, but nice. And I see the sun's starting to come up now, so that's improved matters.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 8:27, Reply)
*drums fingers*
Where IS everybody?
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 8:49, Reply)
Mr Nong
Sorry to hear you're ill Ethel :(

How is everyone else?
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 8:50, Reply)
I'm here
I feel good, but may carry bad news.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 8:54, Reply)
Ah, Mr Flaps
Morning, Lab. I'm very well. And I'm here, unlike almost everyone else.

And you?
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 8:54, Reply)
Morning All
Got my London tickets booked so I'm happy:D
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 8:55, Reply)
I'm well thanks, a little cold around the ears after a bracing walk to work, but that'll soon pass.

Himjim, what's the bad news? :S
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 8:56, Reply)
I'm ill too
and now I know who to blame.

I'm soldiering on at work though because I'm a girl and we're impervious to manflu.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 8:57, Reply)
Morning pickles!
Did everyone have a splendid weekend?
I hope so. And I hope that you all missed me terrible and pined a little bit. But I'm aware that you probably didn't.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 9:03, Reply)
I might not be able to come to the bash on Friday :$
My friend who's moving to Brighton soon might be moving on Sat now instead of mid December. *sigh*
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 9:04, Reply)
Morning all
It's what's termed as fucking freezing out there.

Been a great morning already though - it's only just after 9am and I've already reduced the gearbox of some exotic Italian machinery to a pile of iron filings spread over the track.

Starting to get excited about the epic London bash now...
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 9:06, Reply)
Hey Lucy *hugs*
I did have a lovely weekend, and of course we missed you terribly!

How was your weekend?
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 9:07, Reply)
Oh dear, rubberduck
I'll bet that's an expensive gearbox too! :)

Or at least it was.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 9:08, Reply)
Sorry to hear that Himjim :(
That sucks big baboon ballsacks.


YAY for LvP returning! *pulls a cord, causing ribbons, glitter and balloons to cascade down from the heavens*

Rubberduck, it does look like this Friday will be pure awesome!
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 9:08, Reply)
hey pickleface!
My weekend was good thanks, went to visit my sister in Swansea with Mr VP and has a general marvellous time.
But Mr VP has returned to London now :(

And it's my last week on the dole this week! I start work on Monday, WHOOP!
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 9:09, Reply)
Yay for Friday
I'm now at borderline hysteria levels:D


Wooo! Yay for new job.
*offers celebratory fruit pastilles*
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 9:09, Reply)
I should've expected it really
he changes his plans at the last minute pretty much every week. I just didn't think he could push it forward quite this much...
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 9:10, Reply)
Thanks Lab
I very much enjoy all things glittery.
However, I am going to stand very still and ask that somebody remove the balloons from around me. The squeaky balloon noise makes me all shaky and a little bit sick.
*has teh balloon fear*

Edit - Ooh thanks Beekers
*scoffles all the fruit pastilles*
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 9:11, Reply)
I'm feeling like shite! I really should not stay up till 2am chatting to people, who aren't B3tans, on the interwebs!

4 days to go Yay!

EDIT I have Babybel, this makes me sad because I'd forgotten how tasteless they are :(
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 9:12, Reply)
That blows goats...

You'll be missing out on the b3ta train ride of awesomeness too.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 9:16, Reply)
Apologies LvP!
I had no idea!

*releases the ninjas to silently remove all balloons*
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 9:16, Reply)
Bash you say?
Hmmm. Might be a little too late to get somewhere to stay :(
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 9:17, Reply)
There's still plenty around.

I booked mine last night on one of the lastminute.com 'top secret' deals and ended up in exactly the same hotel I stayed in last time when work were paying.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 9:20, Reply)
*stops having teh silent fear*

It's such a ridiculous fear to have. Nothing stops me in my tracks quicker than some doing those horrific balloon animals.
Oh god, the squeaking!
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 9:21, Reply)
I'd usually do the same, but work owe me best part of 3 grand, and a hotel has already locked me out of my credit card as they are a bunch of monkeys in red and white uniforms.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 9:22, Reply)
I've gotta go to London today for a site visit.

Then I've gotta be in London for a fancy meeting at ten tomorrow, then another site visit.

(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 9:22, Reply)
As I'm still fairly new to this *actually writing* lark - I've brought you all white chocolate chip cookies.

I have 30 mins to spare before I go teach the dog more slavery tricks.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 9:24, Reply)
Mornin' Psyche!
I can't eat before ten, so I'll save mine, thanks :)
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 9:25, Reply)
Just remember they're not the same without a decent cup of tea. Never forget the tea.

Oooh, oooh, I can see sunshine too!!
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 9:27, Reply)
*puts kettle on for tea*

For as everyone knows, tea makes cake EVEN better.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 9:28, Reply)
Will coffee do?
My memory is going in my old age, have we been introduced before, Psyche?
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 9:28, Reply)
Ta LvP!!
It's just what I need right now...

Kaol-- er, I sort of haven't really introduced myself to anyone yet.....

I just started talking hoping noone would notice.

But since I've now been caught out, then hello!! It's very nice to meet you all!!
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 9:30, Reply)
Hello Psyche :)
And thanks for the cuppa, Lucy :D
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 9:31, Reply)
On and off B3ta
For a looong time now. Since uni, in fact. Which is far too far behind me for comfort.

But I mostly lurked.

Now I have too much free time in front of a computer and b3ta has rushed to the rescue to save my sanity.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 9:32, Reply)
Hello Lab
Did you know there is a Labia street in Venice?

You just reminded me of it!
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 9:32, Reply)
Pleased to meet you psyche
I need to go and do some christmas shopping today. Blearg.
I might try and be organised and decide what I'm going to buy before I leave the house so I don't spend all day wandering around like a tit in a trance.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 9:34, Reply)
(All bar 3 christmas pressies sorted.)

And you don't even need to leave the house!!
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 9:35, Reply)
Is there? I'll have to go take a stroll up it if I ever go to Venice ;)
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 9:36, Reply)
I've been.
It's smelly. I didn't like it. But my ex wanted to go and have a 'romantic' ride in a gondola!
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 9:38, Reply)
I nearly took a stroll down it, but after a bit of lunch time vino completely forgot to. All best intentions of taking a photo. Ah well.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 9:39, Reply)
Morning folks
I've had my blood drained and now I'm at work. Fun times.

:edit: Hello Psyche. Nice to meet you.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 9:39, Reply)
Herr Dok
I always thought Venice would be smelly.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 9:40, Reply)
It wasn't smelly when I went
But it did flood.

The "lookie lookie" men as mr P calls them were floggin thick plastic bin bags for 10 euros a pop.

And then in the afternoon it un-flooded so it was all good.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 9:40, Reply)
The idea of Venice flooding
always makes me chuckle at the irony.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 9:43, Reply)
Good Morning Captain V
Nice to meet you too!
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 9:43, Reply)
Even though I hate Todger Moore
I've always wanted to razz around Venice in the Bondola.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 9:45, Reply)
Just a little blonde question
(although I am not blonde, well, I sometimes have blonde moments...)

The numbers that are after our names in our profiles - what are they?
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 9:46, Reply)
Aunty Lucy
Is the any tea left? I'd love a cuppa.

The height of summer is not the best tim to go to Venice, the sewage that's dumped into the canals becomes overpowering in the heat of the day!

There are much better, and more 'romantic' places to go to in Italy IMHO.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 9:46, Reply)
I love roger moore
He's my favourite.

Altho if I'm honest, he's a couple of decades too far into wrong now.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 9:47, Reply)
They are the member number, the smaller the number the earlier you signed up.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 9:47, Reply)
Thought it might be something glaringly obvious like that.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 9:48, Reply)
(and thanks!)
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 9:49, Reply)
It's the number of B3tans when you joined.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 9:49, Reply)
Most things are glaringly obvious
but we are all far too clever to think simply ;)
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 9:49, Reply)
Was lovely to meet you all
And thank you for the tea Lucy!

Off to train the Hound of Doom, then down to Londonville for the evening.

Hope you all have very nice days.

(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 9:50, Reply)
I quite agree - it's because I am a genius. Not the blonde gene kicking in at all...

Ok, must go now!!
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 9:51, Reply)
Bye Psyche :)
And hello Herr Dok! How are you?
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 9:52, Reply)
Of course there is! There's always tea on the go.
Tea rocks.
If I could've got my ideal job, it would either have been in a sweet shop or in a branch of Whittards. The idea of being surrounded by tea and coffee and pretty crockery is just my idea of heaven.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 9:53, Reply)
'ningles all
*distributes cake*

*runs away to paint theatre*
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 9:56, Reply)
I knew someone
who used to work in Wittards.

He said it was fucking torture
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 9:57, Reply)
Tired, and it's making my cold worse. I really need to get some more sleep than I do, But WoW keeps me from my bed!

Thanks aunty, I don't drink a lot of tea, more of a coffee man, I do like a nice cuooa every now and then, and this is lovely. *hugs*

Cake? Did I just see some pink pants flash by?
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 9:57, Reply)
No - it can't be true. Whittards is lush. Oh no, my dream is crumbling...
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 9:58, Reply)
Open your own tea, coffee and sweet shop then. We'd all frequent it. It'd be Full Of Win!
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 10:00, Reply)
Herr Dok
I would flipping LOVE to. If I were ever to win the lottery I would do just that. Maybe a tea shop that sells cakes and sweets etc.

I'd obviously eat all of my own produce and become fat as a house but I'd be rich so it wouldn't matter.

Or Mr VP and I have said we'd love to own a bar. But as we're never going to win the lottery it isn't going to be an issue!
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 10:01, Reply)
I think the location didn't help
it was on the edge of Lion yard and the market in Cambridge, and had the door open all the time, from September to April it was an ice cube!
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 10:01, Reply)
On the subject of being kept from bed
Hope you feel better soon Dok by the way. Did anybody else watch the drama come documentary about Roger Bannister last night?
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 10:04, Reply)
The bar would be a real good one, but it would have to be a B3taBar!

Captain, nope I missed that, and so do I, I hope to be 'better' by Friday for the bash!
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 10:07, Reply)
I've gotta go now :(
Look after the place for me...

I'll be back tomorrow night.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 10:08, Reply)
Laters Kaol
Have a good one.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 10:09, Reply)
Maybe old
But its a cat, so all of teh winning.

(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 10:09, Reply)
Good of the Morning, B3ta!
It's nippy out today. I think I'll just snuggle down in here, if it's all the same with you... :)
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 10:12, Reply)
Good morning you sexual faced lovely people.
The overseer's back today :(
But, she's going to be interviewing people most of the day and I'm going to the pub tonight! Yay!


Everyone ok?
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 10:15, Reply)
Hey DiT
Is indeed a bit chilly.

You making the bash Friday or a bit too close to your moving times?*

*May well have asked you this the other week
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 10:16, Reply)
Hi DiT and Lusty
Boo for the overseer, but yay for her not being in the office!

How are you too this fine summers morning*?

*wish it was
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 10:17, Reply)
'lo Dok
I'm ok, I actually slept for ages last night which makes a nice change annnnd I went shopping for tasty things to makes cakes with for Friday!
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 10:19, Reply)
With these cakes you are spoiling us!

Those last ones were lush.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 10:22, Reply)
Hi Miss crenne
You a jolly chapess today?
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 10:26, Reply)
Hello you lovely lady.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 10:27, Reply)
Morning all
I went to my lecture this morning, only to find out apparently the voltage in that building has increased, meaning all overhead projector bulbs have been blowing. So the lecture didn't happen.

So my uni day of 9am - 10am was even more pointless than usual. Great.

How are we all?
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 10:32, Reply)
Hello Lustyness!
*huggles and facenoms*

*huggles ancrenne*
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 10:33, Reply)
Little apple pies!
Ohhh they sound nomtastic.


Oh god I can't be getting this excited this early in the week. I'll only tire myself out like a toddler and fall asleep in my dinner :(
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 10:34, Reply)
Woo & Yay
Miss crenne is all of the productive. Me I'll be in bed if anybody wants me.

Boo I don't have time to make anything for the bash, I'll just have to bring myself.

*jumps into the huggle scrum*

(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 10:34, Reply)
ill-type Ningalings
to lustycrenne :P
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 10:38, Reply)
Hmm, I have just had an apple rice pudding, so apple pie would complement muchly :)
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 10:46, Reply)
Yo Beeks.
I'll be there on Friday, but not for long I don't think. Which is a shame, but moving in to the new home is my top priority right now!
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 10:53, Reply)
hello all
how are we today?
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 10:55, Reply)
I wish I could get motivated today, but I can't.

Hi Fleshy one!
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 10:56, Reply)
Well hello there, ancrenne!

Good to see you!

And, morning flesh!
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 11:02, Reply)
morning everyone
tis now afternoon here, and so almost time for a rather boring journey to the middle of nowehere.

Think I need a new book. Any recommendations people? I like things like Dean Koontz, Stephen King, James Patterson, Lee Child (horror/thriller/crime type things really)
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 11:06, Reply)
Ever read Everything's Eventual?
It is Stephen King's short stories compilation.

From a Buick 8 is typical King erm, head-issues style.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 11:08, Reply)
Lightning by Dean R Koontz.

Fantastic thriller.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 11:12, Reply)
Everything's Eventual no
but From a Buick 8 was my first King novel. Finding the books is going to be more difficult though - not much choice here in Spain.

Edit: Lightning I have also read, cheers Dok
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 11:13, Reply)
Have you read
The Stand and It by King?

Both of those are brilliant.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 11:15, Reply)
I was until relatively recently a fan of Dean Koontz
and Lightning is indeed a cracking read. As is Intensity.

But some of his new stuff is absolute bollocks. It's gone all religious and crap. The Taking in particular is abysmal.

I prefer crime novels these days. Harlan Coben especially.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 11:16, Reply)
The Taking
was as big a pile of shite as I have ever seen. The Odd Thomas books are great though.

Haven't read Harlan Coben in a while, there's an idea.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 11:17, Reply)
@ K2
Odd Thomas is pretty good by Koontz as a recent one. Lightning is very good!

Quite like Harlen Coben - have you seen the film of Tell No One? They've done it in French and it's really, really good.


Woop, flesh got there first with Odd Thomas.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 11:18, Reply)
Agreed, chaps
I enjoyed the Odd Thomas books, the first one especially.

I haven't seen the film yet, but my GF has it on DVD and hasn't watched it yet, and I'm visiting for the next couple of nights. So I may get a chance.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 11:20, Reply)
Hello again all
Just had a lengthy meeting, where the most ridiculous of 'security' points were raised.

I actually rolled my eyes four times in the space of five minutes.

If I keep acting like this, then the only security i should worry about is the 'job' kind.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 11:21, Reply)
The fourth
in the Odd Thomas series is out - Odd Hours IIRC.

And Boss, I will accept your shortbread, thank you
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 11:22, Reply)
@ K2
It's awesome - they changed the ending but Coben said the film's ending is actually better than his.

And Kristin Scott Thomas speaking flawless French made me feel a bit wobbly:)
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 11:22, Reply)
Has everyone gone?
*looks around*

*feels lonely*

*touches self to feel better*
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 11:41, Reply)
Hey up
I've just been getting small amounts of work done and watching Heroes. Awesome.

I feel this afternoon may be slightly less fun though. Oh well.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 11:48, Reply)
What are you doing?

(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 11:49, Reply)
I have
just woke up from having a kip at my desk!
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 11:51, Reply)
Doesn't Kristin S-T live in France?

But I agree, she is quite easy on the eye. I must watch the film now. If I get the chance...

(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 11:52, Reply)
I've been doing some investimagating
A middle-manager was asking us to be careful about what we say on t'internet, as we could be traced.

I've just found his details.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 11:52, Reply)
All you need is someone's name age and hometown and you can find out a lot. I know of a service where you text these details to a number and they text you back with random facts about the person of your choosing. It's quite stalkerish if you ask me!
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 11:58, Reply)
I agree! This manager type was saying how we ought to be careful on social networking sites, when my profile is completely locked down, and LinkedIn is remarkably open.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 12:01, Reply)
@ Lab
What was the security point? Locking pens to desks?
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 12:02, Reply)
@ K2
Yeah ok K2, we all know you're getting some!
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 12:02, Reply)
We're having a separate meeting to discuss all the new security points the new middle manager is raising.

I have a feeling that some will be worthwhile, some will be counter-productive, and others will be ridiculous.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 12:09, Reply)
*is having a midday crisis*
*noms lunch*

:edit: Dok, kipping at your desk? I thought you were at home today?
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 12:12, Reply)
Midday crisis? What's up, fellow Kart Addict?
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 12:13, Reply)
Don't know what you mean. I meant that I'll be too busy at the conference to have time for much else.

*nose grows a bit*
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 12:17, Reply)
@ K2
Yes, I believe you:)
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 12:19, Reply)
Howdy all!
I'm just off for lunch. Greggs I think.

How are all your beards coming along? Mine is beginning to resemble a sleeping mammal.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 12:23, Reply)
I wish I was. 4 hour's sleep is not enough, I'm kinda spaced out.

I have to go to the pub tonight as well!
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 12:24, Reply)
My little chin beard is coming along nicely, certainly satisfying to stroke while working.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 12:25, Reply)
Mine is a sleeping mammal!

Re Middle management

You are shite!

Herr Doktor.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 12:26, Reply)
I'd love to blame mario kart withdrawal but unfortunately that's not it (even though I've not played in a while).

I'm going through what I seem to go through everyday during the afternoon which is to have my head reach the brink of explosion thinking about packing in my job and going back to uni or carrying on working while I teach myself computer programming and get my own place and any number of other "oh my god what's the point of my existence I'm wasting my life but also completely unable to decide what I'd like to do if I stopped wasting my life" type thoughts.

By the time I'm home again I'll be quite content with my, in the grand scheme of things, insignificant and intellectually unchallenging existence as a 9 to 5 monkey.


As much as I like what is termed as depressive realism, for it is very enlightening, I sometimes long for the bliss that is ignorance.

*urges lithium to work better*
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 12:27, Reply)
@ Colonel S
Howdy doody - you going to keep up the growth til the Xmas Eve deadline then?

I have about 3 days stubble. Meh!
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 12:27, Reply)
BK - I think I may be the only one who is...

I'm looking forward to experimenting whilst chopping it off though. I'm gonna do a 'Jeff from Byker Grove', a handlebar 'tache (as best as I can) and some massive sideburns. Suggestions also welcome :)
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 12:30, Reply)
Aaaw Cap'n

I know that part of the problem is medical, how long does your medication take to properly have a positive effect?

I know it's the wrong time of year to be considering uni etc so maybe it would help you if you gave yourself a few things to focus on? I had a crappy patch about a month ago but I found that going to college and giving myself a goal really helped me. I might not need the qualification I hope to get, but it'll be there if I do, and it's something to be proud of.

It's a poo situation when you aren't happy at work so other distractions so that work isn't the focal point of your week might help.

I hope I don't sound patronising.
Have another hug.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 12:32, Reply)
Do a Jeff!

That would be awesome!

A big pairof Mungo jerry sidies would look pretty damn good too.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 12:33, Reply)
Ah yes...beards
I don't think I'll keep growing mine until the beard compo. It'd be far too long for my taste and I'm rather fond of the length it is now: Long enough to be nice and soft but short enough to avoid getting food stuck in it.

Also on the subject of beards; I was asked the other day what if felt like to receive cullingus from a man with a beard. Obviously because I possess a beard I must know what it's like. When I've finished going down on somebody the first thing I do, with lady juices still dripping from my soft, soft beard, is to ask "So, how is it to be licked out by a beard?"
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 12:34, Reply)
I quite regularly sport the Mungo's
and I've tried the Jeff once with some success.

I'm hoping my child-beard has thickened enough to allow it to join up in the right places this time (I may have had to resort to make-up last time, although it was for fancy dress...)
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 12:35, Reply)
I have taken to using shampoo and conditioner on mine now.

This may or may mot have anything to do with the fact that I dyed it!
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 12:40, Reply)
Alright OTers?

I'm a busybusybusy bee! Got my teeth right stuck into a personal project. My Great Big Adventure. I'm so excited!

How are we all?
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 12:41, Reply)
I would just like to take this opportunity to tell everyone that I just had a packet of Cheese and Onion flavoured Squares and they were deeeeelishus.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 12:44, Reply)
HI No3l
I'm tired, but hey it's my own fault!

So when's the Big Adventure happening?

EDIT Lucy, I've just nommed a huge bacon and egg roll.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 12:48, Reply)
Hello all!
Lunchbreak reporting in :D Frankfurters and potato salad. Om nom.

Mine is just about reaching full coverage from cheek to lip.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 12:51, Reply)
Hopefully I kick off in May or June.
Loads to get sorted before then and I feel that timetable might be a bit of a dream... I'm still completely overwhelmed!
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 12:54, Reply)
My beard
was a lovely bushy number, much like a Brian Blessed in his early years, that is, until it turned ginger overnight.

Bright ginger beard when the rest of my body is covered in dark brown/black hair, is not part of the winning team.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 13:02, Reply)
Thanks lucy
*accepts hugs*

Hopefully the meds should start having a more noticeable effect soon as I've been on it for, oh god trying to remember when I started is hard, erm, about 2.5 weeks.

I'm also going to a sort of assessment thing with a charity that do Computer CBT to check whether CBT is right for me before starting that. It's supposed to be very good so hopefully that'll help too.

I'm not really sure I want to go back to uni. I think it's just one of the ideas in the mixing pot of possible ways of defining my life. From a very young age I've always been told about how smart I was, how I'd go on to do great things etc. and when I was young I interpreted that using what I consider to be great things, achieving something amazing like Einstein or Roger Bannister or Marie Curie, rather than what I'm certain they really meant - going to uni, getting a good degree, earning lots of money and having a very comfortable life.

So I'm now stuck with the idea that I can do something amazing and believe strongly that if I have this gift I should be doing everything I can to make the most of it and make a difference. The problem is I've no idea whether it's just the way I feel because of miss interpreted praise received as a child or whether it's something I could genuinely do.

Unfortunately for several years I've just been letting my mind rot and underachieved somewhat during my SATs and massively during my GCSEs and A-levels before dropping out of uni twice.

My gut instinct tells me that yes I can do something great; becoming the next Einstein is obviously far fetched but I could do something very meaningful and worthwhile. Hell, being one of the top in my class when doing chemistry at uni, getting 90+ % on essays that were written in one night and doing so even after having let my mind "rot", spending next to no time working outside of class and dealing with some horrible episodes of depression and mania must all count for something.

Perhaps for now I should concentrate on trying to sharpen my mind back up while I wait for meds and therapies to help control my mood swings and purge some of the ambivalence, distress and impatience from my mind and THEN consider going back to uni to try and achieve something great. The more I think about it the more I feel it's something I AM capable of even doing something meaningful I just need to deal with my demons first.

I'm not going to proof read this as it'll drive me mad(der) trying to get all the grammar right and structuring the sentences nicely.

I also apologise for the dramatic rambling. The thought processes behind typing it have helped quite a lot and I feel like posting it now that I've typed it all

(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 13:05, Reply)
That's cool. Very cool. Ambition FTW!
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 13:12, Reply)
If you feel and believe you can do something, then you can do it.
If you're not sure what that thing is then don't fret. If you are going to do something, you will.
I am a firm believer in people achieving what they want to.
Positivity and ambition are good things. They don't have to be arrogant or deluded. I think a quiet strength goes a long way.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 13:15, Reply)
*Does the thread killer dance*
oh yeah.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 13:24, Reply)
Well baby steps me thinks
Demons first - solve world hunger and other such issues second.

Perhaps I could learn to summon demons...that'd be awesome.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 13:33, Reply)
Get the Demons
to do the world hunger for you.

Procrastination and ambition.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 13:36, Reply)
That's brilliant. I could summon demons to kill the unworthy and turn them into food for the more deserving. I could also get them to conduct experiments that a human would find morally questionable but it'd be ok because "they're just demons, they don't that what they're doing is wrong...awwww aren't they cute"
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 13:39, Reply)
A big woo
for cute little fuzzy demons

*expressive dance*
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 13:46, Reply)
*picks up tumbleweed*


It's quite around here this afternoon...
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 13:47, Reply)
They are all
in awe at my fluid skills.

*pardon the entendré
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 13:55, Reply)
Noon all
I just woke up shamefully enough. Think I needed the sleep, so I've now got a ton of stuff to do in a few short hours.

How is everyone?
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 14:01, Reply)
I'm back, not so tired now that I've spent an hour out of my warm office.

So what have I missed?
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 14:01, Reply)
Hey Becks
I feel you're allowed a long lie once in a while. I'm planning to have mine tomorrow.

I love lunch. It's awesome. And Wotsits: Orange, but amazing.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 14:04, Reply)
Hi Becky!
It is ferociously cold outside, must be at least minus twelvety!
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 14:04, Reply)
Happy Birthday Becky!

*does the happy birthday becky dance*

*whistles the happy birthday becky tune*

*removes the happy birthday becky pants*
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 14:04, Reply)
isn't wearing any...

Just waiting for the hot water to heat up so I can go shower and do stuff.

I agree, nothing wrong with a long lie in, but I had a lot planned to do today, feels a bit wasteful, but then I do have THE WHOLE WEEK OFF WORK to do stuff *giggles*
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 14:08, Reply)
pfft Beckamjig
Don't rub it in.

rub it softly
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 14:11, Reply)
I get my lie in
on Friday while poor Lusty has to get up for work!
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 14:11, Reply)
I am incredibly jealous!

Of the no-work thing, not the no-pants thing.

(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 14:12, Reply)
Hi Beck
So 21 today are you?

Grats on the long lie, just remember it's keeping your strength up for Friday!
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 14:16, Reply)
If it makes you feel any better
I do have some work related stuff to do tomorrow or Thursday and need to stop in at work for a bit on Friday morning. But most of it can be done from the comfort of my bed, so it's not all bad ,)
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 14:17, Reply)
How was Izzard?
is he still funny?
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 14:24, Reply)
'Lo all
How is everyone this cold cold afternoon?

Edit: Oh, who saw Izzard? I'm jealous, i couldn't find tickets for less than £200 a pair.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 14:36, Reply)
Hi Scarpe
Hows doings?

Becky saw him last night!
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 14:48, Reply)
Damn it's slow in here still
So slow that I'm considering doing some work. *checks temperature* And I'm not even ill!
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 14:55, Reply)
It's slow.

It could be worse though. I could be dead!
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 14:56, Reply)
It is slow. I buggered off again thinking I'd killed it.

Dok: Things could be better, but hey ho.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 14:56, Reply)
Good afternoon, good people of OT.
This just made by bottom go a bit funny.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 14:56, Reply)
No no no no no.

Not like!
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 14:59, Reply)
That was horrible. Very horrible.

But also kinda funny
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 14:59, Reply)
That arse story has brightened up my day so much, I decided to unlurk.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 15:01, Reply)
Guess who's back!
Me! Woo.

*hugs everyone*
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 15:01, Reply)
Hi Badger

How'd the interview go?

EDIT A spike up the arse! Serves the bugger right if you ask me!
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 15:04, Reply)
Hey Dok *hugs*
I think it went ok.

I used to work there when I was 16 and I saw the evil manager who made my life hell still there. Part of me laughed he was still there, the other part cried that I was going back. I'm hoping he didn't recognise me :s
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 15:07, Reply)
Hi Badger!
How are you?
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 15:07, Reply)
Hey Lab
Looking forward to the weekend? *waggles eyebrows* I hear you have been a spoilsport and bought PJs though :p
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 15:09, Reply)
Ah, there are people out there
Hello all.

The arse story has made me sit uncomfortably.

Not a happy scarpe.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 15:09, Reply)
He pobably won't remember you, as working for that length of time in that kind of place tends to rot the brain!
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 15:11, Reply)
Come on - that arse thing was funny. If I saw that, I'd cry with laughter and take pictures.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 15:11, Reply)
That arse thing made me snigger :p

TGB, of course I'm buying PJs! I'm a gentleman!
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 15:13, Reply)
Poor Scarpe :p
And I dunno Dok he looked at me a bit funny... he really hated me I think I have my own special folder in his brain file.

And I'm with Clendrix I would point and laugh and take pictures and hire a joker and a clown to stand either side of him and sing Stuck in the Middle to him.

Pft you keep saying that Lab I am starting to think you protest too much :p
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 15:13, Reply)
I honestly think I'd be sick.

Then take pictures.

Then be sick some more
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 15:14, Reply)
I'm back
And am eating the little jelly baby type people you get in haribo. nom.

I don't think i'm going to look at the bum story. It sounds like it would put me off my sweets.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 15:14, Reply)
I imagine he would laugh at someone else.
Two wrongs always make a right.

Look at the bum, Lucy! Look at it!
It's funny.
Might put you off the red jelly babies...
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 15:16, Reply)
that is horrific. I can't believe they showed those pictures.

(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 15:17, Reply)
I still have Haribo left from Halloween :D I'm being very good in not nomming the whole lot in a massive orgy of sweetie goodness
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 15:17, Reply)
Same here
I would be taking so many pictures that every news outlet in the world could have one, for free!
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 15:18, Reply)
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 15:19, Reply)
I think you should bring haribo to London for us to nom on the train! I still have no idea what the plan is.

I'm hungry now...
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 15:19, Reply)
The earliest train I can get is likely the 16:21, which gets me in to Larndarn just after 6ish.

I may bring sweets, I may just plug earphones in and entrench myself in a book, depends how the day at work has gone ;)
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 15:22, Reply)
I looked.

I wished I hadn't.


Lab - I still have some Easter Eggs left over. But sweets? No, sweets don't get left over if they are anywhere near me. That's some impressive will power you must have.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 15:22, Reply)
I thank you, I made teh funneh again

Badger the plan is, get on a train, come to London, meet us lot, and get royaly drunk!
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 15:23, Reply)
It's more a case of looking at myself in the mirror and crying every morning.

Nah, not really, it's because they are in the kitchen, which is two floors down from my room. Laziness always wins.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 15:23, Reply)
*watches Frankie Boyle*

He makes me loltime
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 15:25, Reply)
@ TGB & Dok
I'll be there well early by the looks of it. I may be tempted to see how pissed I can get before everyone shows up:D
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 15:27, Reply)
He makes me do loltime too.
I was gifted a copy of Michael McIntyre the other day. He am teh funneh too!
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 15:29, Reply)
By the looks of things I'll be out of here by 4pm and it's about a 10-15 minute walk to the pub.

So I'll be there early as well!
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 15:30, Reply)
Blimey. I would have definitely eaten those by now.

I have my Access test tonight at college. Databases officially are rubbish.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 15:33, Reply)
I suggest that would not be a good idea ;)
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 15:33, Reply)
Aw Drixy
Let the man have some fun if he wants too!

But yeah Boss, if you get too drunk you won't have as much of an AWESOME time, because everybody else will be sober:(
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 15:36, Reply)
If you play the 'lets see how drunk I can get before Lusty shows up' game I can assure you I will be playing the 'watching BK and laughing while he sleeps in the garden' game.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 15:41, Reply)
@ Dok
No, clendrix says that with good reason!

Have a *flex* for keeping me on the straight and narrow, lovely clenders:D

@ Lusty
I consider myself suitably chastised:)
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 15:42, Reply)
Yet another London bash. One of these days....

In other news, searching for patents online is rubbish. I've wasted an hour and found 5 relevant patents. Grr.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 15:43, Reply)
In other news
Found this anagram finder

Sir Alex Ferguson = Refusing Oral Sex!

(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 15:50, Reply)
Afternoon All!
After my morning of mind numbingly tedious work I've officially given up for the day so thought I'd swing by here and say hi to all my lovely fellow OTers.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 15:51, Reply)
It's OK I'll be there to keep you on the straight and narrow.

Drixy shut up now!

EDIT Anagrams


My B3taname comes out as 'Germlike, red-hot norm.'
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 15:52, Reply)
Shut up yerself unless you fancy a punch in the gob.

Beekers, you're a flexy genuis.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 15:55, Reply)
Oh Drixy
Getting all forceful are we?

I like it ;)
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 15:56, Reply)

*packs baseball bat*
*re-reads arse story*
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 15:57, Reply)

*blushy flex*
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 15:57, Reply)
Your 'in other news' is so much better than mine.

I came up as 'Up Hot Deafening".
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 15:58, Reply)
Hee hee
I'm "The Ideal Ogre"

Brilliant, I loves it. I loves it long time. Like a freshly shaved goat, covered in cream or a leather clad clendrix.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 15:59, Reply)
Dent Walrus
is an anagram of wanderlust. I'm quite pleased with that.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 15:59, Reply)
You think that's bad? I'm
Up Cleanly TV

(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 16:00, Reply)
You should see what my RLname comes out as!

Drixy, you know you'll end up crying*.

*Not a threat.

EDIT Al that fits you like a glove.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 16:00, Reply)
A few more
Gary Glitter = Try Get a Girl
Dale Winton = Into New Lad

Boss Keloid = Sob so Liked.

(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 16:01, Reply)
mine is
Hmm! Retard garbage.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 16:01, Reply)
TGB has the best one by far!

it's funny cause it's true! tee hee hee

*runs away*

(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 16:02, Reply)
My real one is:

Hi! Inviting Wake.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 16:02, Reply)
Labia Majora
becomes "A Jail. A Rambo."

Sounds like the plot to an awesome film.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 16:02, Reply)
I will end up crying...
with laughter, and I haven't got waterproof mascara on.

You're off the hook, Purple Loon.

Name's too short to do anything exciting with.
Nerdclix is the best I can do.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 16:03, Reply)
Thanks Al
My real name comes out as

'Harsh maggot.'

I don't like this game any more :(
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 16:03, Reply)
Boss & Lusty
Those are good ones.

Aunty Lucy, not so good, sorry *hugs*

Badger That's because the retards wouldn't know what to do with you! *hugs*
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 16:04, Reply)
Oh, real names?
Ms Ace Harlot
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 16:04, Reply)
@ Badger
Oh dear on both counts!


*feels bad*

(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 16:05, Reply)
My real name is...
Hot Cow Large Dear
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 16:05, Reply)
Harsh Maggot
Is lovely.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 16:05, Reply)
My full name
comes out as "Jail crippled, agile whine".
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 16:05, Reply)
Honey(s) I'm home!
And I'm nomming grapes and thinking about how much I wish it was Friday!
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 16:05, Reply)
Sorry TGB
your crown has been stolen by Clendrix's real life anagram.

It too is funny cause it's true

*bends over to receive appropriate punishment*
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 16:06, Reply)
ooh Lab
someone with the same surname as you ordered horsey stuff from PPDs today :p

So you may be getting horsey stuff from your least favourite uncle... :p

Clendrix, Ms Ace Harlot is awesome!
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 16:07, Reply)
Aw Badger
That's not a good one. I'm sad for you :( You can have *AWESOME HUGS*

My RLname goes to 'A gray throb.'

EDIT Drixy, that one is so cool!
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 16:07, Reply)
I'm not punishing you, Al!

Oops, yes I am now.

I have made one from Kaol's real name but I cannot post it without his permission. Shame, cos it's fucking funny.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 16:07, Reply)
Ms Ace Harlot FTW!
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 16:08, Reply)
I have no uncles with my surname, so there!

I doubt my Dad, the only other living male in my family with the surname, would buy horsey stuff.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 16:09, Reply)
I feel
some kind of badge is required to celebrate our awesome anagramtasticalness.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 16:09, Reply)
Username : An act VIP
Real name : Nerveless and on gent
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 16:09, Reply)
*dives in*
The one of my full RL name is boring:

I am hi-jacked, well-worn turn
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 16:10, Reply)
@ clenders
Me too. It is funny.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 16:10, Reply)
I don't know why
but I have just become hysterical at 'a gray throb'. It sounds like a sad, unloved passion.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 16:10, Reply)
That's me, a sad, unloved passion.

I've just thought that if somebody with a large amount of brain power stumbles onto this they would be able to work out our real names!

(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 16:13, Reply)
My brother's is:

Maim Jesting Show.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 16:13, Reply)
my full name
is 'Joy! Thrash gang anathema.'
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 16:14, Reply)
That's what I thought. Then I realised that I'm not that bothered if people know my real name. I'm sure if I were to meet people I'd tell them anyway!

Oooh, I'm so crazy.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 16:14, Reply)
That's much better!

Right, I'm off home now, have to take my Gramps and his girlfriend to the station :)
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 16:14, Reply)
that's so lovely!

*waves goodbye*
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 16:15, Reply)
Aunty Lucy
You mean that Lucy Van Pelt is not your real name! I'm shocked, how could you lie to us like that ;)

Badger, that one's much better.

Bye Lab.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 16:16, Reply)
Wait for it...
My full name is:
I'm a livid, warm cock lad.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 16:16, Reply)
Clenders is also
"Scrotal Ahem"

This website throws out loads and loads of anagrams for names.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 16:17, Reply)
Real Name: Stammer Prancer

Which somehow seems to describe me by the end of a bash.

B3ta name: Too short to work
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 16:17, Reply)
I'm afraid it isn't. And I'm not even a real life Aunty, just one of those "friend of your mum who she makes you call Aunty".

The illusion is shattered.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 16:17, Reply)
Thank you for choosing me, V!
Scrotal - I like it.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 16:18, Reply)
Come now do you thing we'd fall for that?
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 16:18, Reply)
@ bill
That's quality!
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 16:20, Reply)
Ok then
Here's the real link

(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 16:21, Reply)
All mine seem to be along the same theme!
A civil, warm, modal dick.
I'm a wild, mad rival cock.
I'm a valid, raw, mild cock.

I'm not sure what to think about that.

Edit: here's a booze one instead
Acclaim Wild Rim Vodka

I'd buy that!
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 16:23, Reply)
As usual,
I went back to the link once I knew what it was.

*dances in chair*
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 16:23, Reply)
I would mainly be thinking about your cock.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 16:24, Reply)
@ Captain V
Vintage Hi I Wink!

I like it.

And: Obelisk Sod!

(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 16:25, Reply)
*hearts clenders*
If only I could get away with putting it on and singing it at work ='[


*puts on the threadkiller hat*

(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 16:26, Reply)
That's better!
A Jilt Cad While Workmen Run

The mental images are slightly amusing.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 16:35, Reply)
*joins in the Threadkiller dance*

*with ribbons*
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 16:35, Reply)
ooooo ribbons
*dons clogs*
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 16:42, Reply)
*ties ribbons in al's hair*
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 16:43, Reply)
*imagines he's a mouse*

*living in a windmill*

*in old amsterdam*
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 16:44, Reply)
*sees Don's clogs*
*puts them on*
*struts funky stuff*

*struts off to pub*

(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 16:44, Reply)
thanks LvP, these ribbons make me look incredibly dashing.

*watches clendrix strut her stuff*

*gets funny feeling in tummy*

*adjusts pants*

*feels like a sneeze only better*
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 16:48, Reply)
Nights guys
I'm oof!

*clogs offs*
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 16:50, Reply)
Right Volken
I have to love you and leave you now as I have to go and have a drink in a drinking establishment*.

*May or may not be true.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 16:50, Reply)
Nice to see everything's normal in here :)
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 16:50, Reply)
Night all!
I'm off, have a good evening everyone.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 17:05, Reply)
I'm off to finally
see the new Bond! Wooooooooooo
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 17:24, Reply)
Anyone else
Done this riddle puzzle before?


Level 21 is annoying me somewhat.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 17:42, Reply)

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