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This is a question Personal Ads

A somewhat shocked friend writes, "I did not realise it is considered de rigeur to send a cock shot with the first email."

Welcome to the world of personal ads. How deep down the rabbit hole have you gone?

(, Thu 13 Sep 2007, 15:01)
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Attention whoring?
Miss_A If that's fugtacular, then, I'm Darth Vader and you know it!
(, Mon 17 Sep 2007, 20:57, Reply)
The shame
I was already on Hot or not... my pic is a billion years old, i look about 12. Some lovely looking betans though!


Anyway i have a boring story, i met a boyfriend online once... i was 15 he was 21... he was a boring virgin with no social skills. I ran. The end.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2007, 20:53, Reply)
Sorry no story this week folks.
As i've never done the whole personal ad thing, but i am doing the whole rate b3tards thing now, so if anyone could invite me to the poll, please do!

my username is 'justforyoulove' (can't link as not been adminified yet)


(, Mon 17 Sep 2007, 20:37, Reply)
Attention whoring?
Peeps, don't be put off by some of the comments here. About half the people I know met the loves of their lives on dating sites. It does work. For some, anyway.

The behaviour that baffles me are the ladies who contact me out of the blue just to tell me how hideous I am and how they wouldn't go out with me in a million years. Hmm, thanks for that. Attention whoring or something?

Also - Jim the Cat: Get yer own username! ;)

Also also - For people who are so crude, sick and misanthropic down to their black and withered souls, B3tans are a surprisingly fine looking bunch. :D
(, Mon 17 Sep 2007, 20:04, Reply)
Looked at HoN
And it appears female b3tans range from nice to ravishing.
I won't put mine up, as the group average could suffer. However, I do have an impressively sunken chest.
And a story to justify: When I was little, I played on Starsphere, an online nerd game. As did everyone in the school. One day, my mate said attack this planet, its some weedy kids. I did, and was a little surprised when the weedy kid was actually 6ft tall and built like a brick outhouse. Not funy at the time.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2007, 19:42, Reply)
BTW, as I voted last night for the b3tards, it kept kicking up other random photos as the next one. Some were quite nice looking, but others...

...well, let's just say that I was tempted to re-write "Eleanor Rigby"- AAAAAIIIEEE! Look at all the ugly people! *stringed instruments being abused*

For instance: hotornot.com/r/?eid=R8GRBYK-SYB

Fucking hell!
(, Mon 17 Sep 2007, 19:08, Reply)
You bet it has! Of course, I am not a part of that clique.

However, to make me feel better about myself and my lack of cliqueness, please visit my HoN profile and vote for me?



(, Mon 17 Sep 2007, 18:57, Reply)
An Also Ran
Yep. I've fallen in line with the rest of you sheep! I've put myself on HoN

As to the original question - Yes, I have. No it was not a pleasant experience. Quite, quite mad. One ended up being known as the Folkestone Strangler (amongst my friends, not by the police and media). The other was a psychiatric nurse...yes, it's true they are hard to tell apart from the patients.
Will I again? No.
Sorry, not much detail from me...I still bear the scars.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2007, 18:52, Reply)
Talk boards or QOTW: Whats the difference?
Good to see an actual response to the question. Makes a change. QOTW has been getting a bit cliquey recently. It's pretty shit.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2007, 18:50, Reply)
4.9? *goes all emo*
(, Mon 17 Sep 2007, 18:17, Reply)
Sorta on topic...
Earlier in the QOTW, before the b3tard Beauty Contest took over, I posted this answer: www.b3ta.com/questions/personalads/post89731/

I see, in my profile, that it's climbing the list as people are voting for it. Also, I've received some truly lovely messages from people on here in regards to it. So I just wanted to say to you folks who liked it: thank you, very much. My girlfriend is flattered and pleased as well.

You've made our week a bit brighter.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2007, 18:13, Reply)
When it's a good idea to come clean
and say that the picture you posted on a dating site isn't actually one of you...could well be when you're actually going to meet them and you have to explain away the fact that you're actually 5 inches taller than you described, a different ethnicity, you have short hair instead of the flowing locks attached in said photo and are actually called Dave instead of something far more exotic...I laughed...then ran.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2007, 18:00, Reply)
Mr Average
Glad to see my score rise slightly during the day, and now I'm right on the average mark for a B3tard.

I'm in the opinion that this HoN debate is more entertaining than the original question!
(, Mon 17 Sep 2007, 17:48, Reply)
Oh, and this is me BTW...


Now how teh feck do I get on that chart? Someone mail me the answer PLEASE - It's doing my nut in!!!
This was the only semi-reasonable pic I have at work, at a works do, and yes, I am pissed.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2007, 17:43, Reply)
I'm not playing...
You're all going to have to continue to imagine my strange and unnatural beauty.

There isn't a photograph of me in existence that doesn't make me look like the boss-eyed bastard offspring of Jenny Eclair and a spoon.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2007, 17:37, Reply)
Another time...
...I had a 'relationship' with a Nurse that was entirely conducted by telephone..

Before the nutbag I mentioned earlier, another respondant to my paper ad was a lovely sounding nurse. We would talk for hours late into the night, really got on amazingly well - But whenever I tried organizing a date, she was always working a shift. This went on for about 2 weeks until I just gave up...

If you dont have the time for a boyfriend, dont waste mine in the process! All I ended up with was a fecking HUGE phone bill... :(
(, Mon 17 Sep 2007, 17:26, Reply)
My first go at personals was a newspaper ad. It led me to a two year relationship with a MANIC depressive (I foolishly thought I could help, after a previous session on happy pills myself - She'd had a really bad history and I was to be the knight in shining armour) whose mother incidentally was part of the Nazi Ubermensch programme - I shit you not.

Bred from a Govt. Official Father, Doctor mother and removed to a training camp in Czechslovakia in prep for the 3rd Reich new world order - A born Nazi, she would regularly come over and complain about the place (ran finger over dusty doorframes) and did random things like physically change the side the fridge door opened because she preferred it that way.

She actually wanted the daughter to dump me and get with another guy she knew, solely on the basis that he earned more money(despite being a transvestite who took regular Thai holidays, which she didnt mind at all).

After a while, I'd hear the (always unnanounced) arrival of the car in the drive and I'd jump the back fence and piss off to the bookies (out of character for me) for a few hours, hopefully until she'd left.

Still, I had 2 beautiful cats there and they kept me around far longer than I should have otherwise stayed..

I have MANY a tale of woe in my time with that woman, as even though the Mum was bad - The daughter was worse. A liar, a cheat, sex mad for about a fortnight, then seemed to give up on the idea, mystery phonecalls taken in other rooms, even called me by her Ex's name at the point of climax once (its the only time I nearly reflex punched a woman)... argh makes me mad just thinking about it. She was like some kind of soul vampire, even worse when she would voluntarily decide that she didnt need her medication anymore and not tell me - My hair went prematurely grey in patches and I blame her entirely for it. Um, so whatever you do - Dont do the paper personals - Some people are single for a very good reason!

Apologies for the length, but it was still like the last hotdog in the tin...
(, Mon 17 Sep 2007, 17:17, Reply)
Girls are freaky as well...
So I gather the current trend of conversation has been degenerating to wild HotorNot voting orgies, but I did think of another story this weekend...and this one's about a girl! Yes--I had a lesbian stalker in addition to the rest of the freakshow.

This girl:

- Was a cheerleader, and eversoslightly thick. I'm not saying all cheerleaders are dumber than red-orange, rectangular building materials, but she certainly fit the stereotype...
- Would punch, bite, flying-tackle, and lick--yes, lick--anyone she thought was her friend.
- Would not answer to anything aside from the character names she chose from her favourite anime. (Cringeworthy...and people wonder why I distance myself from the fandom...)
- Tried to act 'cute'. You have to understand that the mindset of almost any person who watches Japanese cartoons is inevitably warped by their weird, Asian standards of what 'cute' or 'acceptable' is. This means she tried to act like a cat, complete with meowing, being patted on the head, etc.
- Would follow me around holding on to my arm and snarling "MINE" at anyone who dared speak to me. Gulp...
- And lastly, not only would she follow me places, but would sit at my feet, no matter where we ended up.

And that's the story of how I've ended up more or less asexual. The end.

Edit: And after looking at you people, I really can't show my face on HoN--not that I was going to anyway--errr, maybe that's part of my problem...
(, Mon 17 Sep 2007, 17:10, Reply)
13th still ??
Grr - I might have to create a few accounts to rate me a 10 - hang on, I've got a life.

Actually, I don't.

This HoN is FAR better than the original QOTW! Mind you, I'm sure we'll all bore of it shortly....

Edit - not sure I deserve a 1...
(, Mon 17 Sep 2007, 17:07, Reply)
I'm last of the people who actually have points!!! Should probably be less proud but I think that's a worthy achievement.... no really...
(, Mon 17 Sep 2007, 17:06, Reply)
b3ta beauty contest
I've added myself to 'Hot or Not' but not sure if it worked. I think it has but how do I know it's added to the b3ta bit?

I used my usual signin (spikeypickle) as a user name so you can all gaze at my adoring features.

Vote high people, I'm worth it :-)

Edit - 73rd!!!!!
(, Mon 17 Sep 2007, 16:54, Reply)
I'm too afraid...
To post my pic on HoN...I'd scare people :o

As for on subject. A good few years ago, I posted my profile on a site called IseeQ.co.uk (or something like that) a personals site for ICQ users. At the time I'd just split up with the mrs, so I was kinda lonely.
Met up with this girl from Woodford in London called Julia.
She was a great girl, the sex was awesome, and I really liked her.
But then the guilt hit me, and I ended up getting back with the ex and probably pissed Julia off a lot.
Sorry Julia, you were right though, I was just afraid of change and going back was a big mistake.
Ah well...
(, Mon 17 Sep 2007, 16:51, Reply)
What Horgy posted
Cat-bum mouth-pose pics should never be allowed on personal ad pages EVER.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2007, 16:49, Reply)
The b3tard beauty contest
is a brilliant name for this HoN thing.

Sadly I can't check on the progress from work- apparently this company considers HoN to be pr0n or something, because it's VERBOTEN! (I work for a German company. And actually, the word is Unzulässige.)

As it is- don't take it too seriously, folks. Last I checked I was officially hotter than rachelswipe- and when a guy in his 40s outranks the QOTW Goddess, you know something's seriously wrong.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2007, 16:48, Reply)
that's how many people have given me a 10.
you're all blind ! **

** that's a joke obvs.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2007, 16:40, Reply)
is there any way....
....of voting for someone and then having the NEXT person appear to also be a b3tard?
(, Mon 17 Sep 2007, 16:36, Reply)

(, Mon 17 Sep 2007, 16:31, Reply)

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