An old, old friend of mine will not eat/drink any hot liquid. Tea, coffee, soup etc do not pass his lips.
Which would be odd enough if he wasn't in the Army. He managed to survive a tour of duty in the Serbian mountains in winter without a brew.
Who's the pickiest eater you know? How annoying is it? Is it you?
( , Thu 1 Mar 2007, 13:11)
This question is now closed.

if i am trying to be healthy but still can't resist chocolate i'll buy something like a raisin club. raisins/currants/sultanas are all evil. and don't get me started on figs/dates etc, which are just everything i hate most about the first category made big.
anyway, the point is you can nibble all the chocolate off the edges of the club and throw the evil squashed fly cemetery shit in the bin afterwards and save about 200 calories.
meaning you can eat 4 more!
( , Tue 6 Mar 2007, 14:22, Reply)

I personally refuse to each peas - they look like satans bogies. Mushy peas are even worse. they should be labelled as 'Satans Vomit' I won't eat kidney beans either but I love chilli. I spend about 5minutes sifting through and making a little pile of beans before I start eating.
My dad has a banana phobia - won't touch them let alone eat them!
( , Tue 6 Mar 2007, 14:17, Reply)

I'm not picky as I rather like looking at the fishes - I've had this opportunity ever since I was put in the water.
Jimmy Hoffa.
( , Tue 6 Mar 2007, 13:56, Reply)

My wife's step-brother won't eat anything but ground hamburger fried into a patty. No spices, salt, pepper, mushrooms...nothing! He is top on my list of prime candidates to become a serial killer or child molester. What type of freak only eats plain hamburger?
( , Tue 6 Mar 2007, 13:55, Reply)

I have a nut allergy (all of them) that will kill me if i breathe in the smell... a little bit wont kill me, like when i walked past costa yesterday and started choking! bastard nuts...
Im also lactose intollerent/allergic... the smell doesnt get me on this but if i eat a trace of it it blisters up my mouth and throat so... no milk cheese ice cream butter most crisps and ready meals... ( you wont believe the amount of stuff its added to in supermarkets!!)
also im allergic to avacado, thats quite a recent addition, and am working my way up the latex allergy list.
im sensitive to fruit thats getting abit old as my gums itch, and cant go near to the core of fruits with seeds like apples or stones like peaches plums mangoes ect...
pasta and semolina makes me violently sick!
now my picky eating habits... i dont like potatoes they make me feel abit sick, and i dont like eating refined carbohydrates and am very wary when it comes to eating wheat... what do i eat u cry!? rice, sweet potatoes corn.. quarn products, lots of stuff from health food shops, love pearl barley.. lentils.. beans, and no i dont go to restaurants very often because i am also a vegetarian (most meat has butter or nut traces anyways if you look on the allergy list at restaurants) i end up eating salads... and when i do go out instead of heading to a table i have to head to the kitchen door to ask the chef to make me something special... normally salad to start, and fruit salad for afters lol!
length? well thats the point isnt it....?
( , Tue 6 Mar 2007, 13:47, Reply)

i am a fussey eater,
veg is a nono
loadsa foods are the same
but sand is yummie
( , Tue 6 Mar 2007, 13:46, Reply)

But i don't like:
Most other green veggies
I've only recently trained myself to eat:
Best food on earth? A really ripe Gorgonzola
( , Tue 6 Mar 2007, 13:41, Reply)

Unstabledan has made me think of this* - My family (specifically the males) on my Dad's side have a history of (generally fatal) heart problems.
Now I like bad food - Especially fatty foods A Lot. Perhaps it's high time I was more picky about that sort of food stuff....
Vive le bad food :-)
* Ok, it's a bit tenuous but there you go
( , Tue 6 Mar 2007, 13:31, Reply)

my nan hated chocolate.
but she always asked for, and recieved, a large box of walnut whips every christmas.
loved 'em she did.
she's dead now.
( , Tue 6 Mar 2007, 13:21, Reply)

I shall save the bulk of my exchange trip to France for future posts...it contains a lot of boardworthy material. However, to the point...
The French family I had gone to stay with in Bordeaux decided that they would host a dinner party, there's about 12 of us sat round the dinner table, all looking very French and sophisticated asides from me in my C&A black denim christopher biggins jeans and waistcoat with a not very tasteful luminous aztec style trim - (note to self: You are quite clearly traumatised by this - move on) it was 1989.
The soup comes out and it's some sort of bland tasting watery crap, but after a couple of spoonfuls I notice some crunchy bits, I look down and there, in my soup, are tiny little white (maybe blanched?) 6 legged bugs!
Queue my best "12 year old trying desperately not to heave face" whilst watching everyone else around the table chow their own soup down! Ewww
Is this some sort of French delicacy?
They also ate horse.
( , Tue 6 Mar 2007, 13:14, Reply)

I don't cocking believe it. The woman sat opposite me at work is tucking into egg mayo sandwiches and is trying to make polite coversation. I am trying not to gag at the smell. She knows I cannot stand egg or egg may. This is pure torture and there is nowhere I can go.
Could I take her to an employment tribunal?
( , Tue 6 Mar 2007, 12:59, Reply)

This is one of those tales I heard about but have never investigated to see if it's true. Even if it never happened, it should have.
And it's almost on topic as it involves food. And it should be allowed as it also involves a cat and B3ta and kittens go together.
Anyway, there was this student, living in shared accommodation, who had a reputation as a major pisshead. Every night he'd go out and get slaughtered and then pass out in the living room.
So one night, two of the other students came in from a night out and found him passed out, again, in the living room. So they went in the kitchen and grabbed the giblets from the chicken they were having for dinner the next day and pulled the pisshead's zip down and left the giblets poking out of his fly like a skinned cock. Then they went giggling to bed.
The next morning they heard a terrified scream and a crash and they legged it into the living room to find another member of the house unconscious on the floor. And sitting on the pisshead’s lap (who was till snoozing away) was the house cat, daintily nibbling on the giblets....
Like I said, even if this story isn't true, it should be.....
( , Tue 6 Mar 2007, 12:54, Reply)

easy, just eat your cats.
then you dont have to worry what they want to eat, and you are no longer a picky/fussy eater.
you now like cat.
*may have misconstrued*
( , Tue 6 Mar 2007, 12:51, Reply)

Don't be telling me that cats can get enough protein from your squashed-up beany crap in a can, so they 'don't need' to eat meat. You know damn well they'd prefer it, and be healthier on it. Because they are carnivores.
(Besides, you know every time you let poor Tiddles out he'll be decimating mice and wild birds in a desperate, hunger-fuelled murderous frenzy, so don't kid yourself.)
Seriously though, if your moral beliefs outweigh your ability to feed your cat a proper, healthy diet - you're not fit to keep one. For god's sake. Get a budgie or something.
Slightly off topic, I know, but it really fecks me off.
PS anyone who has ever used the phrase 'what I choose to put into my body' is almost certainly a prize twat also
( , Tue 6 Mar 2007, 12:37, Reply)

Apart from having to check that there aren't any fresh strawberries in my food, I'm not picky, but when I was younger I did use to have wierd habits:
I used to only drink water or milk, as I hated squash, and fizzy drinks scared the bejeezus out of me (seriously, when all the little bubbles were popping away on the surface of the liquid, I got terrified that the lemonade was about to attack me).
I used to quite happily chow down on catfood (both the dry nibbles and the wet tinned stuff). In fact, I preferred it to most of the food my mother (who is an ace cook) cooked for us. It made me vomit every time, but that never stopped me.
( , Tue 6 Mar 2007, 12:24, Reply)

While not quite as freakish as some of the people on here, my bro in law who now lives with us is very odd in eating habits.
Basically if it isnt pizza (with all the topping scraped off) or garlic bread or ketchup then we have trouble.
A lot of this goes back to being allowed to not eat food when he was small apparantly, when his mum would cook, cook and re-cook different food until he stopped throwing paddies. So scroll forwards 17 nearly 18 years and its still the same, things have to be homogenous and unrecognisible (or scraped like bald pizza) or he will spit then out(irrespective of company, place etc)
Eating out is a nightmare as until recently only Gammon would do, and then it has to be covered on ketchup and salt.
I guess we are lucky that he has 'evolved' to eat curry sauce now...but only providing there are no chunks, no chillies, no onions etc etc.
Woo first post, apologies it isnt sexy (unless you are into your vegetables, but thats another thing entirely :-) )
( , Tue 6 Mar 2007, 12:20, Reply)

Fortunately I have mellowed as I have got older.
1. The yolks on fried eggs, cue me eating around them in a perfect circle without causing the dreaded yolk to break, because if it did, I had to stop eating.
2. Fish (and in fact all seafood) As a child I was forced to eat a helping of some strange red fish and after my complaints fell on deaf ears. I forced it down and then proceeded to vomit continously, I still have a gag reflex at the smell of seafood. I tell everyone I am allergic now.
3. Most vegetables, I grew up eating peas, carrots & corn and anything else was looked at with great suspicion. The first time I tried anything else was when I left home.
4. Olives, Mushrooms, Capers etc (but now I love them)
5. Chicken ala King - I cant explain it but as a child this was my worst - stems back to when my sister and I were told we had to finish to get Ice Cream (and I love Ice Cream) and my sister hid hers in her napkin and then threw it down the toilet while I took about 2 hours to force mine down, otherwise I am sure I would have had it for breakfast.
6. Fat - Anything with fat on it, I will not touch (as an overweight child I was convinced that is what caused my rolls)
( , Tue 6 Mar 2007, 12:13, Reply)

The fact that we still have two days to go before a new QOTW is posted is leaving a sour taste in my mouth and I am finding it hard to swallow.
Does this make me picky?
( , Tue 6 Mar 2007, 12:05, Reply)

I'm OK with most foods, not a mad experimenter though (I'd have to be quite drunk to have Octopus and the like) but I do loves me some spicy foods.
Anyway, my main hate is Roast Dinners. Urgh - why would you want to roast a perfectly good bit of meat? It's just wrong. Roasted vegetables are foul too. Roasted potatoes are decent, mind.
Oh, and Cauliflower. Sprouts are fine with a liberal amount of sauce, but Cauliflower is just nasty, even when soaked with cheese.
( , Tue 6 Mar 2007, 12:05, Reply)

apparently had a v. bad stammer as a kid and got round this by adding N to very word....one day as he apporoached the dinner ladies every kid in school stood up to shout: N'Bangers N n'mash!
no wonder the poor bloke ended up with a flea circus, potty time and the peruvian secret forces (but if I know about em-are they that secret???? discuss)
er, vaguely topical: food, picky and unfunny...
( , Tue 6 Mar 2007, 11:57, Reply)

There was a kid at our school who used to chuck a proper mental whenever anything was put on his plate that constituted, according to the singular functioning of his wonky little brainbox, 'dots'. And we're talking 'dots' of literally any size - thus his hatred was extended not only to peas, rice, raisins and the like, but he was also defiantly opposed to grapes, maltesers, salt, and pretty much any vaguely circular foodstuffs you care to dream up in between. Furthermore, if any other items on his plate happened to be touching the 'dots', they would automatically be blacklisted too - we lost count of the number of fish fingers and slices of luncheon meat that were catapulted untouched into the gargantuan scraping troughs because they'd had the rank temerity to share a border with a ladleful of baked beans. His anguished, implausibly hilarious howls of "argh...dots! DOTS!" echo through the corridors of my mind to this day. I think they later found out he had Aspergers. But not beefburgers, obviously. Dots, innit.
( , Tue 6 Mar 2007, 11:37, Reply)

Jack Spratt could eat no fat
And she could eat no lean
And so between the two of them
They died of starvation.
( , Tue 6 Mar 2007, 11:33, Reply)

couple of non travellerers near me decided their dogs would be veggie too (thankfully without the not quite right coloured clothing to match their own) and fed their 57's on some cereal type stuff which on exit created himalayan cloured & proportioned mounds all along the lane....the dogs not being so picky found a greening dead deer and took all of a week to reduce it to well chewed bones.
Mr Pikey later came to ask me if I'd put down slug pellets as his dogs had been poisoned...that week the himalayas lost their snow caps and could be smelt from 10yds away: rank venison. not touched venison since.
( , Tue 6 Mar 2007, 11:30, Reply)

Just seen pervy mikes's message about dog meat.
I was on holiday in Greece a few years ago with some mates. Found a cracking kebab house where the food was gorgeous, but the owner wouldn't tell us what meat it was. Didn't care too much as it was so nice.
Walking down the street a few different people told us it was dog. Not believing them we asked a tour rep and they confirmed it.
Went back to the kebab house the next night and asked the guy serving what meat it was again, this time he confirmed it was dog - looking at the spit you could actually see he was right.
My mates were disgusted and walked away. I was happy to tuck in again though as it was really really tasty.
What didn't go down too well was returning home to find my mates boxer dog had to be put down. He was upset, but not as upset as when I asked him if we could barbecue it.
Waste not want not :)
( , Tue 6 Mar 2007, 11:19, Reply)

Frankspencer is totally right about cats NOT being fussy eaters. People waste their money on super-premium Sideburns* cat food. I have watched many times, in abject disgust, cats puking up and trying scoff it all back down again while trying to fight off other cats who have the same intention - eating another cat's puke.
*may be referring to a known brand
( , Tue 6 Mar 2007, 11:12, Reply)

In the Czech Republic some ten years ago, my eyes were drawn to a dish on the menu of a disgusting backstreet restaurant which translated to English as "Chicken, Bacon & Dog Stew".
Naturally I ordered a large portion of said delicacy and waited happily. The service left a little to be desired, but eventually a steaming plate of yellow muck was thrown in front of me. True to their words, I identified two meats as being particulalrly poor cuts of chicken and bacon, but the third was unlike anything I had experienced before in both taste and texture. It was, quite frankly, delicious. Now i like dogs, but I couldn't eat a whole one...
I'll try anything once, but strangely enough I won't go near egg unless it balancing on or dripping from a sausage.
( , Tue 6 Mar 2007, 10:56, Reply)

An ex GF - a vegetarian - had been given a kitten. She was determined that it, too, would be a veggie, despite my protestations.
Strangely, it didn't go much for beans, rice, fruit etc., and she decided that it was a 'picky eater' and would 'have to learn'.
FACT: cats need a diet consisting mainly of meat or they die.
It was easier to sneakily feed the cat dried cat food and chuck most of the rotting veg over the fence than argue.
Of course, Tiddles (not his real name) and I got caught red-handed one day. The GF went bananas. Much shouting ensued. Eventually I got the idea across that a vegetarian cat is a dead cat, and she calmed down. Tiddles got a massive feast of that stinky canned stuff, and the GF and I had to have several bouts of make-up sex.
Two happy pussies. Result!
( , Tue 6 Mar 2007, 10:48, Reply)

When in Italy for Christmas 1998 (flew the day after Lockerbie) I was staying with my bosses parents. My boss being quite the hunter went out shooting and came back with a bunch of birds for that nights dinner. So we sit down to dinner. A big wooden board covered with polenta and a sauce made from the birds he had shot that day. The birds he shot where thrush, wrens and anything else that came into view.
Didn't like the sauce but the thought of it still makes me wretch.
Also tried some sort of testicles when on holiday in Turkey. Barbied, they tasted kinda like what I imagine intestines to be like. Chewy with not much flavour.
( , Tue 6 Mar 2007, 10:31, Reply)

I've also just remembered this. My family (all french I might add) declared that they all hated turkey a lot of years ago.... Bastards. I don't think they'd even bothered trying it, or they just cooked it badly or something.
Anyway, we used to go to France annualy for Christmas - something I unilaterally hated becuase they didn't like me and my sis and blah blah blah. (I've not been for 14 years now and I'm never going to go ever again).
And breathe.
Anyway, my Dad wasn't the best cook in the world, but boy he could do Turkey. He could bone a turkey without breaking the skin, then stuff it and then wrap it - it was a work of art. When it was done, it looked nothing like a turkey at all.
That was Christmas dinner this one year - We were in on the gag, but noone else was (there were about 25 people there) - everyone hoovered it up, had seconds and all loved this fabulous meat. They assumed it was pork or something and we didn't let them think otherwise.
At the end of the meal, Dad asked if everyone really enjoyed it, of course they did, and he then announced that it was Turkey - they were not amused. Suddenly they announced that they were just being polite and they didn't like it after all - this, after having massive portions AND seconds.
There's a lesson there, but I'll leave it to you to deduce.
I don't talk to that side of the family any more (haven't done for 13 years) and not just because they're french
( , Tue 6 Mar 2007, 10:19, Reply)

...is in cuba learning spanish.
Good luck with the vegetarianism there i said...
( , Tue 6 Mar 2007, 10:15, Reply)
This question is now closed.