When I was 14 I had a really scary dream about being run over. A few days later, as I gently bounced off the front of a volvo who seemed incapable of indicating, I found this vaguely reassuring.
Last week 'emadex' managed to respond to this weeks question a good five days ahead of time, so it would only be courteous to ask: What spooky premonitions have you had?
( , Thu 18 Nov 2004, 19:52)
This question is now closed.

I dream of mundane things that happen weeks in advance, usually converstions. I can be halfway through a conversation and ask "havent we had this talk before?"
I freak people out
( , Fri 19 Nov 2004, 10:27, Reply)

the night Chernobyl went pop, I dreamt that Sellafield was having a nuclear meltdown.
Maybe I'm psychic, or maybe I'm a child of the 80s and was generally terrified of nuclear disasters.
I do remember that in my dream I wore some really funky boots and had a whole cool post-apocalyptic mad-max style life-style.
( , Fri 19 Nov 2004, 10:23, Reply)

Back in middle school I had the uncanny ability to not only predict, but trigger fire drills at will.
However, rather than using brain powers of any sort, I simply excused myself during class and placed my index finger on the third sink in the men's room.
I have no explanation for this, but every single time (about five or six), the fire alarm sounded whenever I touched that tap. I had seen plenty of other people use it, and nothing happened...
Weird, eh?
( , Fri 19 Nov 2004, 9:46, Reply)

I had a premonition that a load of halfwits would make up some bullshit, mix it in with a helpful dollop of coincidence, then post messages implying they were psychi...
Oh, right.
( , Fri 19 Nov 2004, 9:42, Reply)

not so much these days, as I'm married and don't get to see any of my old chums as often as when we were teenagers...but I can still freak my wife out when it does happen.
but, more often than not, when the phone rang, I would know who was calling. It would freak them out a little when I picked up the phone and said "hi...(name)"
*climbs back in the box marked 'lurker'
( , Fri 19 Nov 2004, 9:38, Reply)

A couple of weeks ago me and my girlfriend where talking about our friend paddies uncanny impression of Lorain kelly we finished talking and turned on the telly and flicked onto have i got news for you, spooky thing number one... larain kelly was one of the guests on the show, spooky thing number 2 the answer to one of those newspaper clippings where they blank out a word was lorain kelly.
thats the day my girlfriend decided she had super powers...well not decided exactly she just had more proof apparently
(apologies for anyspelling mistakes its nine in the morning)
( , Fri 19 Nov 2004, 9:03, Reply)

You are so right. The blindfold thing really adds to the intimacy level and when used in conjunction with a pair of handcuffs, an electric toothbrush and a just-defrosted chicken it works a treat.
( , Fri 19 Nov 2004, 3:39, Reply)

Sometimes the best way to heighten your senses is to render one useless. A blindfold can add a degree of intimacy and trust in your partner that other things cannot. Remember to talk to your partner about how they feel about using one before actually doing so.
( , Fri 19 Nov 2004, 3:29, Reply)

Since he was due to get on a train that very morning, I warned him of this, and he laughed at me.
He wasn't laughing when a broken down train shunted the carriage he was in and broke the windows.
Oh how I laughed.
( , Fri 19 Nov 2004, 3:13, Reply)

This story's been told to me a few times, so I'm pretty sure it's accurate, but I was too young at the time to actully remember it.
When I was about three, I woke up from a nap crying. My mom asked me why I was crying, I explained that today was my birthday, and nobody remembered. I also described a farmhouse in detail, and was convinced that it was where I lived.
My mom retold this story to my dad, and he was shocked. Not only did I give an exact description of his father's childhood home (who had died before my parents met, and my mother had no knowledge of the house), but that day was also his birthday.
And, just to top it off, I was named after my grandfather.
Yes, I know it's not exactly about the future, but it is still quite spooky nonetheless.
( , Fri 19 Nov 2004, 2:47, Reply)

I seem to have the unfortunate talent of guessing when I'll never see someone again.
A few instances-
I was about to leave my grandfather's house,he lived very far away, and I had this feeling that I wouldn't see him again. Understandable, he had three types of cancer at the time. I went back in to say goodbye again, and I left. Before I saw him again, he had a heart attack and died.
With my grandmother, she was already in a coma, but I had this feeling that I wouldn't see her again. I went in to see her, and then I was sent off to a relatives because my parents didn't want me around, and I didn't see her again.
Those are a couple of less fortunate instances, but there have been others.
Oh! A hurricane was about to hit my city (I'm in the states) and my parents were convinced that my chickens would survive in their chicken coop, which was very sturdy. I was convinced that it would be blown into little tiny pieces, however, and at the last minute shut the chickens in the barn. The chicken coop was flattened, along with anything still in it, and a tornado tore the roof off of the barn and the birds were blown out, but they lived.
( , Fri 19 Nov 2004, 2:28, Reply)

dream of dying, James Bond Stylee.
But then, I play Goldeneye a bit much.
( , Fri 19 Nov 2004, 1:13, Reply)

...once excitedly told us how he watched the news in the morning and realised he'd dreamt almost every story... we reminded him he'd gone to sleep with the radio on.
( , Fri 19 Nov 2004, 1:04, Reply)

How everytime a celebrity who is recognised by millions or people dies; someone, somewhere in the world, dreamt about their death the night before?
( , Fri 19 Nov 2004, 1:02, Reply)

this is like a free counciling session :)
i was sitting in the canteen in middle school and had a really strong dejavu scenario of a boy coming into the hall with broken glasses, holding them... i said to the boy next to me, "theres going to be a boy walk through that door with broken glasses in his hands" and it then proceded to happen right in front of us! I was as freaked as the kids around me but nothing like it has ever happened since, it almost seemed like that damm school was built on a grave yard or something simular!
( , Fri 19 Nov 2004, 0:52, Reply)

one of my social science classes had us sit in pairs of two. I was teamed up with their rather uppity girl who was part of the schools equestrian team, and went well out of her way to remind you of it. One day, she was absent (and thus left me to my own affairs throughout class). Someone behind me goes "Hey Nick! Where's Judy at?" and reply "She probably got bit in the face by her horse!" The next day, she shows up with some scabs all across her face. I exclaimed "Good lord! What happened to you?" She sheepishly looked at me and said "My horse bit me in the face." I broke into a guffaw, much to her displeasure.
( , Fri 19 Nov 2004, 0:50, Reply)

my mum years ago lived in holland, and she swore that she heard on the radio about a ferry that had capsized that night. nothing in news at all, then a week later the zebrugge disaster happend. she still today is sacred shitless by that night.
in a ligher note, i used to be able to predict the storyline of that nights simpsons on sky one. i even won a nights worth of drinks for predicting it a week in advance.
( , Fri 19 Nov 2004, 0:17, Reply)

I have random and rather mundane premonitions, such as seeing sausages and lettuce on the side in my parent's kitchen, to opening the toilet door, albeit in a flat i had never been in, and wouldn't even see the place for long time after.
These usually have me stood in shock, trying to remember what happens next, but its usually that the premonition had ended thus leading me to believe either the world was going to end or I would die, but neither have happened yet...
( , Thu 18 Nov 2004, 23:58, Reply)

Feeling of impending doom is actually noted down in some medical books as a symptom/sign of heart attacks and pulmonary emboli. Never knew it was actually true though!
( , Thu 18 Nov 2004, 23:49, Reply)

All about really stupid things. Once I had a dream about meeting some girl with a really uncommon name - Tabitha. I've never met anyone called that at this point. The next night I'm out with a mate and we bump into some of his friends. He introduces me to a friend of a friend - her name? Tabitha. I was pissed and told her it was fate and god knows what else.... She ran off.
Another time, I had a dream Aqua were going to be playing on god knows what Saturday morning kid's TV show (think it was Live 'n' Kicking). Woke up the next morning and what's the first thing to greet me? Aqua playing on Live 'n' Kickin....
If only the lottery numbers would come to me now...
( , Thu 18 Nov 2004, 23:46, Reply)

I have had some incredible Deja Vu moments, which I can't discribe. They usually stem from very odd dreams, and are usually totally irrelevant things. I remember having one the other day that made me just stand still shocked for a minute, it was really odd - but I can't remember what it was.
I did once have a dream about going out with this random girl, then a week later a girl just like her came to my school. Although we never went out.
( , Thu 18 Nov 2004, 23:32, Reply)

and am used to telling people things that only they know about (can be quite fun if they have been having an affair). I haven't done a reading in months.
I was on holiday with my (then) boyfriend down in Cornwall at the beginning of October. Wonderful holiday, apart from Tintagel Head being closed. Blissful walks in the Tamar Valley, sunset at Polzeath Beach, and also a lovely visit to Padstow to see the three shops that are not owned by Rick Stein. We got on very well, it was all very romantic and we were enjoying every minute.
Towards the end of the week I had the oddest dream.
I was in a swimming pool when someone (their face was unclear) told me I should hide because death was coming. As I swam down to the pool filter, Death walked by. Death on this occasion was wearing the body of a woman (aged around 35-40). As I swam, I was aware of her walking through a garden touching Hydrangea bushes, causing the flowers to bloom and die within seconds.
I swam through the pool filter and out the other end. I was in a wonderful park or garden and wanted to stop for a while and enjoy it. The person I was with was not happy about this and kept telling me to run, to hurry. I was
dragged along when I saw a cottage. Pulling free from the person who was dragging me along, I entered the house. In a rocking chair by the fire was my nana. She died of a stroke about 7 years ago. She was the same as I last
remembered her, in hospital. The only way I can describe it, is that she re-animated. She told me that I could not trust the surroundings, that they were someone elses vision and that I did not belong there. It wasn't real, and someone was misleading me. She told me to trust my instincts and not my
guide as they were trying to trick me with was a red herring. Then, as quickly as she had 're-animated' she was comatose again.
I left the house and was immediately dragged elsewhere. I was sitting on a sofa with Geoff (my bloke) next to me. He was hanging upside-down from the ceiling with his head on the sofa. Behind me stood his mother (I'd never met
her) and she was telling him off for something, as though he was a teenager.
He was perfectly compliant, and childlike (which is very unlike him).
I woke up, and could not shake the dream. I put it down to Cornish Pasty over indulgence, and continued with the holiday. I couldn't shake the uneasy feeling that followed me, and when I got back he ended our relationship.
Apparently he did not see a future for us and now he is getting married to his ex girlfriend.
Now Death is a tarot card that indicates change, and the Hanged Man is a person stuck in limbo, and must make a difficult decision to get on with their lives. The Hanged Man card is a young male typically shown as hanging upside down.
( , Thu 18 Nov 2004, 23:23, Reply)

None of which I can rememeber.
Except that one time, where it really came true! I remembered that one.
Wow, d'ya think I'm like, psychic?
( , Thu 18 Nov 2004, 23:20, Reply)

Everyday I wake up and know exactly what is going to happen, just as I did the day before and the day before that.
You don't need a third eye, you just need to have no life
( , Thu 18 Nov 2004, 23:10, Reply)

but my patients. Several times I've had someone call me into the room, say "Nurse, I know this is silly, but I have this feeling of impending doom." and then they drop dead. I guess it happens a lot with heart attacks and pulmonary embolii.
( , Thu 18 Nov 2004, 23:06, Reply)

Okay, so a few years ago, I decided I would like to pick the winner for the Grand National. so I decided to dream an omen of which horse would win, the night before.
In my dream, my brother and I were were walking down a country road when he suddenly stopped and said "there's your omen". I looked where he was pointing and there was a house (or home, if you will) with a giant stuffed Minnie Mouse toy hanging outside the front of it.
That was the year that Minnihoma won. Impressed the hell out of me.
( , Thu 18 Nov 2004, 23:06, Reply)

For all those vaguely interested...
"Deja-vu" is actually a minor brain malfunction.
It happens when something goes awry with the electrical signals in the brain and your perception suddenly splits, taking in two copies of the same thing at once - because the mind can't cope with this duplication, it immediately relegates one set of information it's receiving into the memory part of your brain, so you *think* you're recalling something you've experienced before, when in fact...you're just experiencing it in stereo.
( , Thu 18 Nov 2004, 23:05, Reply)
This question is now closed.