What new bit of language are you hearing at the moment? We want to hear words and phrases, with definitions and where it's being used. We're interested in marketing speak, stuff from kids in playgrounds etc.
( , Sun 1 Feb 2004, 14:00)
This question is now closed.

I belong to a select group of nerds that play a magical card game, complete with it's own slang. I shall demonstrate.
Janky - bad, irritating, and sometimes something that shouldn't work but does. (see Janky Tech)
Janky Tech - something that shouldn't work, but does
Mise - From "might as well" the act of pulling something off with very little chance of doing so. "Wow, I totaly mised winning that match" etc.
Random - normally a new/bad player. also a good nerd insult. "did you see that guy? what a random" I hate that one.
I should probably develop some sort of life away from this card game (Magic: The Gathering if you didn't know) but there you have it. there's more slang too, but I can't be arsed writing it.
( , Wed 4 Feb 2004, 8:36, Reply)

and the best one is the profanisaurus is driving the porcelain bus whilst doing some psychedelic yodelling - being sick in the toilet.
( , Wed 4 Feb 2004, 7:58, Reply)

"mouth-breather" to describe some form of cretinous stupid-face (after the manner in which they wander around with mouths agape when not spitting in the street)
"oaves" to describe a group of the above. Not so much slang as the rarely-used correct plural form of "oaf"
"crikey fuckballs" and "fuck my best badger" were handy exclamations at school though I use them rarely now...
"spunnet" to describe someone of the nature or manner of a spong™...
"numpticulate" to describe someone with the characteristics of a numpty...
Current workplace wank-speak includes such things as "dirty" for processes with too many "waste" steps in which don't "give value" (sic) to the customer (which are discovered through "check" { the process of studying a department and their entire range of tasks in order to build up a picture of the customer demand for the area}).
There's also the classic "have you tried logging out then back in again" or "switch it off and leave it for ten seconds then try again" which translate roughly as "I'm an incompetent fuckwit who can't be arsed to try and find decent solutions to problems"
( , Wed 4 Feb 2004, 6:56, Reply)

My man Tom has been pulling out this brilliant one... Chips in the bag! Used to describe a situation in which you receive an unexpected bonus i.e. I was pulled by this hot swede, went back to her place and found she had a nympho roommate who had just taken delivery of her jacuzzi... chips in the bag!!!
( , Wed 4 Feb 2004, 6:25, Reply)

My mate, being a bit of a lay-deez man, swears by the following chat up line:
“Can I shit on your stomach and slap it with a plank?”
Supposedly it works like a dream!
( , Wed 4 Feb 2004, 4:59, Reply)

My all time favourite has to be an eloquent alternative to "camel toe/mumbler", and is simply called “a teddy bears smile”.
Think about it.
( , Wed 4 Feb 2004, 4:57, Reply)

my boyfriend's brother invented calling very annoying people "dumpy bitch". it's taken well.
around here, we like the word face. we answer the phone with "what's your face ?" and we ask friends "how's your face ?"
the penultimate term for a jerk remains "asshat".
( , Wed 4 Feb 2004, 3:37, Reply)

Don't know how this one started.
Fish (1) : can be used instead of any other noun, especially while drunk.
Fish (2) : appended to someone's name as a greeting, ie, "Gday, Dave" = "DAVEFISH!!"
This is based on the noise a water buffalo makes (although I have no idea who knew that or how it started):
"Meh..." : sort of a high pitched grunt, (long 'm', short 'eh'). Usually means "I don't really care but it sounds allright".
We also use a lot of 'woo', 'owned', etc, having spent too much time on the internet.
( , Wed 4 Feb 2004, 3:32, Reply)

Oh, and another thing.
For the past 3 years, my little sister (really little...she's 8 at the mo) Has been repeatedly calling me - and i quote:
"Stupid Idiot Fat God"
I think this maybe just be a regional thing, down at the incredibly hardcore TROWELL C of E PRIMARY SCHOOL in Trowell, Nottingham.
The pain and agony of being called "Stupid Idiot Fat God" Started when we first moved here, and my sister joined the dreaded C of E School.
It's been pain every day since.
I agree with the "Stupid Idiot" part, but i am neither fat, nor am i a God. Which upsets me.
Tut tut.
( , Wed 4 Feb 2004, 3:04, Reply)

The best piece of slang is and will forever be:
The bo just adds that little bit of a kick.
( , Wed 4 Feb 2004, 2:57, Reply)

This is of course the Blaccent:
Junk in the Trunk- a girl with a big ass
the rapper 50Cent- 2 quarters
Pimped out- over the top, extensive
Bling- gold, diamonds, any REAL jewelry.
Ice- diamonds
Pig, PoPo, Fuzz, The Big Bear, snake in the grass- Cops, Police, etc.
Mug- face, i.e. "Look at the mug on that guy"
Grill(bad)- teeth i.e. "Look at the grill on that chick...ew."
I hope that I can't think of anymore.
Sorry for posting so much, but the more I notice the words I use the more I realize how much of it is slang.
( , Wed 4 Feb 2004, 2:37, Reply)

The kids in Tad Williams' "Otherworld" series (scifi-ish books, for the unfamiliar) used "seen" in that way.
( , Wed 4 Feb 2004, 2:22, Reply)

...I was told by a friend that way back in shakespeare's times, boobs were called 'bibblechunks', and I have since tried to use that word as often as possible.
( , Wed 4 Feb 2004, 2:05, Reply)

"Praise the Lard Cheesus Crust"
At college we would go to the "Gary to do a "Brad"... explanation.. Gary Glitter=shitter(toilet) to do a Brad Pitt=shit
Likewise anal sex would be refered to as "take it up the gary"
( , Wed 4 Feb 2004, 1:57, Reply)

noticed not from kids or market wanks , but from fresh mil. vets the propensity for saying something that sounds like ' INSHALLAHHH' instead of the old f*** you ot kiss off, i imagine therefore that is what the 'new' word means.. said in either disgust or as an afront..
( , Wed 4 Feb 2004, 0:51, Reply)

...phlegm hanging off a wall
'Council' when used to describe someone or something "those big gold hoop earrings make her look so council"
Engaging in hand-to-gland combat / Five knuckle shuffle / Cranking one off
( , Wed 4 Feb 2004, 0:39, Reply)

"gents" - is a favourite by one teacher at my school. he said it 117 times in 80 minutes once.
"goon" - used by the last head of our CCF to describe any one of us.
"moron" - used copiously by a bloke in my class
"sillyhead" - used by the army when talking to cadets and not being allowed to swear. :D
"fuckwit" - unoriginal and still one of my favourites.
( , Wed 4 Feb 2004, 0:16, Reply)

front wedgie on the ladies... (see mumbler/camel toe)
I first heard this from my friend and I'm not sure if she made it up or not. Suffice to say it's a Canadian thing.
( , Wed 4 Feb 2004, 0:00, Reply)

vaginarian-eats vagina
vagitarian- see above
which ever floats your boat.
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 23:51, Reply)

..an acronym, meaning 'Bum Attack (in the) Style of Hollyoaks'.
"That bloke deserves a Bash" therefore, is to wish a particularly vicious bum raping upon someone.
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 23:48, Reply)

(no meanings given - should be easy to guess)
"I'm still queuing outside."
"Yes I can tell. Ouch! Stop Pushing!"
"It's OK just relax."
"Ouch. No! No, it's no good. You'll have to have a word with the doorman."
"*sigh* OK"
(a couple of mins pass by)
"OK now"
"Yeah. Ow! Christ not so hard!"
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 23:07, Reply)

the best insult ever. As in that fine, nurturing Edinburgh sentence: "Don't talk sh*te, ya choob".
Regional differences can be puzzling. A Yorkshire mate of mine once anounced in a pub that he was going for a wazz. Apparently, he meant a pee and not the act we'd always used "wazz" for, viz and towhit shaking hands with Lord Hutton.
Another favourite: face like a bulldog licking piss off a nettle.
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 22:30, Reply)

is from our old Head of Sixth-Form who was very fond of
'let's be professional with a small p, people'
In fact, he'd end any sentence with 'people'. Even if the number of persons within the locale of the conversation amounted to 'you and him'. Twat.
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 22:15, Reply)

I've recently been enjoying the phrase "she had a coupon like a plasterers wireless"...
Bearing in mind 'coupon' is Scottish for face, this is a sight that can be witnessed on websites less urbane than this.
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 21:57, Reply)

When going to the bathroom, one will aslo be dropping some kids off at the pool.
I love that one.
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 21:47, Reply)

The linguistic term for 'new word' is neologism and I am hearing more and more of them every day! People are abbreviating words and phrases (the newest one is 'Shuuupyea?' - in place of 'Shut up yeah?') So, if you're looking for new slang just change long euphuistic phrases into one sentence like
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 21:33, Reply)
This question is now closed.