There are hundreds of unfortunate people out there with silly names desparately coping with the evil their parents perpetrated upon them at birth.
So far, I've met a woman called Rusty Tharp, a child health consultant called Peter Files and have the business card for "Fab Boolaky" on my desk.
We'd like you to tell us about the people you've met or work with that have silly, inappropriate or frankly wierd names.
( , Thu 26 Aug 2004, 10:54)
This question is now closed.

...and we were recruiting for a new engineer. Said software company used parallel hardware keys to protect the licence.
The engineer we HAD to hire... Dong Le
( , Thu 26 Aug 2004, 23:29, Reply)

Wayne Kerr Instruments
google it, I dare you
( , Thu 26 Aug 2004, 23:28, Reply)

I went to school with her. She used to walk with her headed titled to one side.
( , Thu 26 Aug 2004, 23:15, Reply)

...a guy called Stefan Le Bolloq.
His room-mate was Billy Kidd.
After initial mistrust, the police had a good laugh when the pair were arrested drunkenly stealing reg plates from cars.
( , Thu 26 Aug 2004, 23:15, Reply)

who for some reason liked the "Headmaster Bate" sign on his office door...
I also knew a boy when I was in Scouts called Ian Brown. Not overly funny, but when the register was called, with the second name before the first initial, it became
"Brown, I"
( , Thu 26 Aug 2004, 23:07, Reply)

named his daughter Moon Unit
p.s. Im naming my first son '!'
( , Thu 26 Aug 2004, 23:04, Reply)

my 'food tech' teacher was called mrs tucker in england no one seemed to get it
( , Thu 26 Aug 2004, 22:59, Reply)

There was a guy at school called Caleb Greathead, a dentist near where i live called Peter Sutcliffe and I used to work with a guy who's a bit of a movie buff who'd named his son Harrison Fox Brown....
Re: Porn names - Mine would be Max Paradise!!!
( , Thu 26 Aug 2004, 22:54, Reply)

I know this doesn't really count, but it's fab anyway.
Porn names, for those of you that don't know, are where you take the name of your first pet and the first road you lived on in order to create the name you ought to use if you ever became a porn star.
Mine, for instance, would be Blue-tac Mawson (rubbish, I know).
My friend's is Pussy Cockburn. I love it. I might steal it for my own one day...
( , Thu 26 Aug 2004, 22:47, Reply)

Many have told of the famous Alan Key who worked for an Electronics company somewhere in the North West. He would always introduce himself thus:
"Hello, I'm Alan Key. Like the hexagonal tool!"
One person apparently replied:
"Oh yes, I'm Stanley Knife."
He wasn't though, he was just a great big tease I think.
I always thought that an ex-colleague was born with his very own porn-star name: Phil Chambers.
There used to be a woodwork teacher at my school called Mr Woods.
I had a succesion of amusingly named Physics teachers. They replaced Mr Tryfell with Mr Girdley. They both had beards and I think they may have been the same person.
I mustn't forget Edwin Loverseed as it has a poetic beauty all of it's own.
( , Thu 26 Aug 2004, 22:46, Reply)

but for reasons best known to himself he goes by the name of Dick Strain
In five years of working in shops and reading peoples names on their credit cards I've never matched that, the best being Betty Broccoli. She was buying a vegetable peeler.
( , Thu 26 Aug 2004, 22:45, Reply)

are cruel to their children.
One of my EX-boyfriends (for good reason...) had a sister named "Christencia"
pronounced: "Chri-STENCH-ah"
...she turned out to be a model Christian girl, pregnant at 16 and now the unwed mother of about 4 screaming rugrats all with different fathers...GO JESUS! I blame the name. This is apprently the best name the braindead mother could think of after three miscarriages...seems to me like you're spending too much time in church and not enough time with the obstetrician, lady. *probably going to hell*
( , Thu 26 Aug 2004, 22:43, Reply)

yes, twigs. still can't figure that out
( , Thu 26 Aug 2004, 22:38, Reply)

called Phil Mcafferty. Guess he should have been a dentist. Another famous brass player, ex-solo cornet with Black Dyke, Phil McCann. maybe he could audition for the part of the beggar on the B3TA home page.
( , Thu 26 Aug 2004, 22:32, Reply)

A girl named Usnavy, after the ship his father sailed away.
A guy named Yoni Mamo, meaning something like "I don`t even suck"
( , Thu 26 Aug 2004, 22:28, Reply)

author of the Hitch Hikers Guide...
his daughter is called Polly Jane Rocket.
i bet she's delighted.
( , Thu 26 Aug 2004, 22:17, Reply)

he also has the same birthday as me
( , Thu 26 Aug 2004, 22:16, Reply)

A wee girl in a (primary school) class I helped out with for Work Experience is called Penny Lane. What lovely parents.
( , Thu 26 Aug 2004, 22:14, Reply)

Not a porn star, but makes Guitar Instruction videos.
I wouldn't trust them if I were you.
( , Thu 26 Aug 2004, 22:11, Reply)

...with a girl who was called Crystal Mayes. Although she was born well before Richard O'Baldy came up with the idea, she understandably hated her parents by the time she reached the age of 12.
( , Thu 26 Aug 2004, 22:11, Reply)

.....I've worked with at my current company-
Kit Chen
Giant Wang
Kit Chen cracks me up every time.
( , Thu 26 Aug 2004, 22:09, Reply)

was called Marquis, due to my great-grandfather not being able to spell Marcus or maybe looking in the wrong section of the dictionary, either way he used to get sent a lot of gold credit card application forms
( , Thu 26 Aug 2004, 22:01, Reply)

his name is hawken down
middle name sky
( , Thu 26 Aug 2004, 21:51, Reply)

An old school friend had the fortune of being named Holly. Holly Wood.
( , Thu 26 Aug 2004, 21:37, Reply)
This question is now closed.