There are hundreds of unfortunate people out there with silly names desparately coping with the evil their parents perpetrated upon them at birth.
So far, I've met a woman called Rusty Tharp, a child health consultant called Peter Files and have the business card for "Fab Boolaky" on my desk.
We'd like you to tell us about the people you've met or work with that have silly, inappropriate or frankly wierd names.
( , Thu 26 Aug 2004, 10:54)
This question is now closed.

Well, my lucky boss was a Financial Director (although can I just say I'm not a finance dude).
Paul Billings.
Laugh. He needs it.
( , Fri 27 Aug 2004, 15:49, Reply)

A teacher in my college is called Gay Lyle. Don't think about it; just laugh.
In primary school there was a kid called Sunshine. Bad enough, for a girl. But this kid was a boy. Poor, poor fucker.
( , Fri 27 Aug 2004, 15:42, Reply)

'Jim Davidson'!
Hahaha! I bet people point at laugh at his face when they hear that!
The c*nt.
( , Fri 27 Aug 2004, 15:33, Reply)

My friend of a friend, Phil Durston is marrying Kirsten, from Dorsten (cant do umlaughts but they're over the 'o') so she'll be Kirsten Durston from Dorsten.
( , Fri 27 Aug 2004, 15:17, Reply)

from my data-entry days.
Hyman Farmer
Okay, its not quite spelt right, but it conjures up such a beautiful image...
( , Fri 27 Aug 2004, 15:15, Reply)

I used to go to college with a bloke called Colin Looney. He changed his name to Colin Lewis.
don't know why though.
( , Fri 27 Aug 2004, 15:05, Reply)

My Father tells me he had a schoolmate who's surname was 'Henbest'...first name, Rhoda.
( , Fri 27 Aug 2004, 14:59, Reply)

Just had a call for a Gay Ryder... Seriously! This poor individual works in education.
Why, oh why do teachers think they can survive through life without visiting the deed poll office?
I had a geeky latin teacher called Dr Pratt,
my sensible music teacher chose to keep her maiden name, her first name being Celia, and her marital name Sharp... C Sharp anyone?
( , Fri 27 Aug 2004, 14:58, Reply)

Genna taylor.
Mike Hunt.
Shout them out in a room full of people if you don't get it.
( , Fri 27 Aug 2004, 14:58, Reply)

I used to work with a Wendy Thundercliff.
And according to the online phone book here at work there's a Yolande Posthumous.
Oh, and there's a nearby pet shop called T.Watts and Sons.
( , Fri 27 Aug 2004, 14:57, Reply)

hehe my colleague has just come across a file for Mr Simon Squirrel
( , Fri 27 Aug 2004, 14:51, Reply)

My dentist is called Dr. Mangla. Which does not inspire confidence.
( , Fri 27 Aug 2004, 14:51, Reply)

Working on a switchboard you don't half hear requests for strangely named folks. Just had a call for a Nick Pounds... must've been a scally.
( , Fri 27 Aug 2004, 14:49, Reply)

a guy in Malvern where I from a bloke called Keith or Kevin (or something) Booth changed his name to Telephone Booth. 100% fact. It was featured on page 3 of the Sun
( , Fri 27 Aug 2004, 14:48, Reply)

At an old job I had, thousands of 401(k) applications came across my desk. Here were my personal favorites.
Jenna Atalia
Flamen Buttol
Buck Hunter
Pearl Mudd
Pam Burger
Tater Peals
Gay Barber
Pete Moss
( , Fri 27 Aug 2004, 14:48, Reply)

Working with Scandinavians helps. I particularly like Randi-Karin Barstad.
The name Knut is also value for the number of times it is spelt wrong. Sample letter from Korea begins "Dear Mr Kunt!".
( , Fri 27 Aug 2004, 14:46, Reply)

Adele Spasic.
And, unfortunately, she was a bit slow.
Better names (of people i know):
Mrs Banucha [had her as my history teacher around the time that Bazooka for veruccas was being advertised on the telly]
Mr Dave Grainger [most appropriate spoonerism ever]
Poppy Moon Jones [wouldn't be so bad had her parents not told her that she was conceived in a Poppy field under a full moon... *shudder*]
Emma Dick [my friends mum]
Chris Dick [not that funny, but considering he was the head boy at our school; Chris Dick : Head Boy]
[woo firstpostness]
edit: Forgot about some Chav masterpieces i know;
Chantelle, Brittany, Boo, Steven-Lee-Ryan.
( , Fri 27 Aug 2004, 14:45, Reply)

The older one, she's bred true white trash (sadly)*, that's for sure... and her name? Akasha (Queen of the Damned Kids Who Don't Let Me Sleep In Late)
She got a sunburn recently. I giggled.
Do you think people's parents even THINK about what it'll be like for their children in school? When we named our daughter, we made lists, then we tried to think up ways to tease the names on the lists. The names with the fewest amount of teases were the keepers.
*I don't want to sound elitist, but its true, the kid's mom is trash; the girl herself seems like she might have some hope (at least when she's not behaving like a wild child). I'll admit that I'm flat broke, but I ain't po' white trash - a good Texas girl can tell the difference.
Hrm, and I once worked with a girl who's name tag read "Knatache" - why would her parents not just name her "Natasha" or "Tasha"? I always teased her and called her Nuh-tache (ryhmes with moustache) but we were friends... she teased me over my name too! Eventually we traded name tags.
( , Fri 27 Aug 2004, 14:35, Reply)

When I used to work for Reuters, they had someone in the Chicago development office called "Zbigniew Minciel".
trips off the tongue doesn't it
( , Fri 27 Aug 2004, 14:35, Reply)

Working in Uni admissions office came across a guy called Spontaneous Search Party
Oh I laughed
( , Fri 27 Aug 2004, 14:34, Reply)

an anagram of my complete, long name is
o! madman egg lover should gorge.
and i hate eggs.
( , Fri 27 Aug 2004, 14:29, Reply)

who's parents clearly hated her..
They named her 'Shander'
( , Fri 27 Aug 2004, 14:17, Reply)

i work with a girl called Wendy House.... I also know a guy called ed chicken...and another called ed balls...when he answers the phone he says "balls, how can i help?" oo oo oo and the head of the food standards agency is called geoffrey podger...that always makes me giggle
( , Fri 27 Aug 2004, 14:12, Reply)

and there was a nurse on duty with the surname "Monger". it's like mong AND minger!!! but in one word!!!
( , Fri 27 Aug 2004, 14:10, Reply)

The doctor who helped bring me into the world (on a purly medical basis) was called Dr Savage.
( , Fri 27 Aug 2004, 14:04, Reply)
This question is now closed.