There are hundreds of unfortunate people out there with silly names desparately coping with the evil their parents perpetrated upon them at birth.
So far, I've met a woman called Rusty Tharp, a child health consultant called Peter Files and have the business card for "Fab Boolaky" on my desk.
We'd like you to tell us about the people you've met or work with that have silly, inappropriate or frankly wierd names.
( , Thu 26 Aug 2004, 10:54)
This question is now closed.

I was named Barbie Brownie at birth.
'Brownie' is Scottish, and 'Barbie' is Mattelish.
At the age of 8 I began forcing everyone to call me Barbara instead of Barbie - fed up will relentless teasing.
I am forever plagued with 'how do you spell that?" type questions, and usually reply "like the cake" or "as in girl guides". Automated telephone answering services cause an awful lot of hassle. I have had to pay my electricity bill under the name 'Rowntree' because it's the closest the machine would let me get to my real name. I have also had mail addressed to 'Broonie', 'Beany', Beanie', 'Browlee', 'Browney' etc etc etc.
I find it all highly amusing.
( , Thu 26 Aug 2004, 12:45, Reply)

Who incidently, sounded like Dale Winton.
( , Thu 26 Aug 2004, 12:38, Reply)

People i've met =
Alan Partridge when i was at leeds uni, a complete and utter fool, kinda reminds me of someone . . .ah haaa
Kenneth Wan Kin Yu, i shit you not this guy went to my school and had the rather odd affliction of a concave shaped face. I think he had some troubles with his e-mails. Bit of a loon really
( , Thu 26 Aug 2004, 12:35, Reply)

mate from uni has a posh mate called johnny butters, who goes big game hunting for his holidays, posh cunt.
another mate has a mate called sean mower. parents didn't realise the relation between shorn and mower, or the indeed lawn mower. him and his mate pratt (didn't know his first name, he just got referred to as pratt) were going to change there names by deed poll. sean was considering sean callaghan from dirty harry...
wayne's spanish cousin juan.
neville neville, gary and phil's dad.
apologies for shiteness
( , Thu 26 Aug 2004, 12:32, Reply)

in my brother's yeat at school called Hannah Lickfold.
Never knew what happened to her, but a career as a lesbian pr0n acrtess seemed appropriate
( , Thu 26 Aug 2004, 12:32, Reply)

Well, almost. I applied for a job once, and sent my CV to Mrs. Beverly Hollocks.
( , Thu 26 Aug 2004, 12:32, Reply)

...in Reading, many odd names but my all time favourite was:-
Marion Clitguard
( , Thu 26 Aug 2004, 12:31, Reply)

I know someone who went out with a girl called Summer Dawn (full name, honest).
And at school there was a girl named Funke (but pronounced Funky)
And my friend taught a young girl from eastern europe called Kunthe, which *could* have been alright, had she not insisted on pronouncing it the unfortunate way. Poor kid.
( , Thu 26 Aug 2004, 12:28, Reply)

Wayne Conyew
A P Ness
Paula Mooney
Russell Sprout (probably the same one as an earlier poster knew)
Barry Minto (nothing specially funny, just makes me laugh)
I also knew someone called Dave Bell, who qualified as a European Engineer, and had 500 business cards printed with:
Eur. Ing. D Bell
( , Thu 26 Aug 2004, 12:26, Reply)

...doesnt have a funny name but knows a man who works in the exciting world of Quaker academia. His name is Pink Dandelion. Randomly, but understandably, he prefers to be called Ben.
I've never met his parents but I can imagine what they're like. Fucking hippies.
( , Thu 26 Aug 2004, 12:26, Reply)

but I suppose it's not unusual.
( , Thu 26 Aug 2004, 12:24, Reply)

One of my friends names is Tom Jones for a start
But worse than that my mum used to work with a guy whos name was Roger Stickles...which isn't entirley un funny to start with but when you consider that his letters would be addressed to Mr. R Stickles...
I know a Lorraine Pratt whos just got married...a great opportunity to get rid of her stupid name, now shes Mrs Lorraine Blower. Much Better. Unfortunately she wouldn't go with our suggestions for her first born's name...Leaf...
and finally another friend of mine had a supply teacher at school name Abby. Apparently her parents wanted to give her a middle name but couldn't think of one so called her Abby again...
( , Thu 26 Aug 2004, 12:23, Reply)

Regularly clearing out an old subscription database provides me with the occasional cracker.
Needless to say, these are all true...
Terry Onions
Nelson Funk
Minky Spiro
Willie Smax
Tarquin Mint
Dave Thrasher
Sas Bonser
Miriam Honeyball
Copper Travers
Catriona Mundle
Zale Wampler
Nathan Chinbong
Athena Ho
Onward Lam
Simona Plutt
Hugo House
Henk Knoop
Purificacao Soares
Oksana Greydinger
Pavel Nozdrin
Duke Biswas
Thomas Titz...yes really...Tommy Titz
Dwight Divine
Lorrie Schnitzspahn
Dr. Lothar Wanke
Pilai Poonswad
...and not forgetting the mighty Cock Nap.
( , Thu 26 Aug 2004, 12:22, Reply)

Ima Cunt
William Shite
Lars Fuck
And JTLYK, searching for 'shit' under people on IMDB, Justin Timberlake is the 6th result.
( , Thu 26 Aug 2004, 12:20, Reply)

Called Chris Peacock. I had his login name changed to chrispycock. Of how we laughed until I remembered he was the sales manager and I worked for him. Cunt sacked me.
Also got a mate called Mike Cox (say it quickly after many vodkas) we call him FatBoy tho.
( , Thu 26 Aug 2004, 12:19, Reply)

Her mum was 15 when she had her, and in a daze after the birth (she WAS 15, after all), and totally stoned from the epidural, allowed her sister to name the baby.
Shakira Strawberry Ronette Foster
Strawb is pretty philisophical about the whole thing, describing it as "ghetto hippy chic".
( , Thu 26 Aug 2004, 12:19, Reply)

simon dominic lunder silver frayer sanders
( , Thu 26 Aug 2004, 12:17, Reply)

In my youth, I used to work for the Department of Stealth and Total Obscurity as a benefits clerk and came across a few gooduns;
Justin Tyme
William Williams
John Johns
Hay Hay
Fanny Lo*
I was always fascinated by anyone in the Death family, but my favourite, by a country mile is the fantastic;
Maida Lipshitz
Which always had me in tears when I had to say her name.
On a similar vein, we once had a Mr. Fuck in the public counter for a change of name...
* Funnier when you realise that casepapers always have surname/firstname, so she was printed as 'Lo Fanny'
( , Thu 26 Aug 2004, 12:16, Reply)

In buckingham there is a family, well, there are several, but the one that comes to mind is the king family.
In this family they honestly have:
wayne king
lee king
joe king
all brothers, and i have met them all. Sounds like an urban myth, but this ones real
( , Thu 26 Aug 2004, 12:15, Reply)

one of the Dilbert Newsletters about some Yank calling her kid Ampersand because she heard it once, not knowing what one was, and thought it sounded cool and European.
Still, at least Ampersand has an easy signature eh?
( , Thu 26 Aug 2004, 12:15, Reply)

does the voice of Squidward Tentacles on Spongebob Squarepants is called....
Rodger Bumpass
Which is great because he can either be Bump-ass or Bum-pass either of which have arse references in them.
( , Thu 26 Aug 2004, 12:13, Reply)

I had a friend at school called Timothy Richard Uvedale Corbett-Winder
And a music teacher called Mr Pratt
We also had a Miss Tetley, a Mr Teague and a Miss Baggs
And in the girls school was a Miss King and a Mrs Fisher
( , Thu 26 Aug 2004, 12:09, Reply)

My wife works as a nursery nurse, and at the place where she used to work, one of the parents of the children was pregnant and was telling the staff the possible names of the child.
She said, with all seriousness "You know, I really like the name Lucifer!"
As funny as it would have been initially, they thought that it would have been far too cruel on the child.
( , Thu 26 Aug 2004, 12:07, Reply)

I worked for the NHS, and had access to the patient database. We had a list of the silly names. Here's a few:
Jet Spacer
Kwiksilver Ho Riley
Fanny Fuchs
Flip Wibbly Jelly (really; she changed her name by deed poll)
Baby Baby
And the all-time winner - a four year old child called:
Amadeus Paris Love-Bunch
Oh, and my brother used to work in the same office as:
Mike Hunt
Pam Stretch
Sherry Sheets
( , Thu 26 Aug 2004, 12:07, Reply)

from a
Miss Leann Bacon
I'm guessing her parents thought that Leanne (Lee-Anne) could be spelt without an e on the end.
( , Thu 26 Aug 2004, 12:07, Reply)
This question is now closed.