Did you know that crabs wee through their eyes? That maidenhair moss is so called because Anglo-saxons thought it looked like pubes? That Albanians have 17 different words for moustache? Astound us with your utterly useless and obscure knowledge.
( , Thu 17 Mar 2005, 14:48)
This question is now closed.

some people can lick their own elbow - but they can't scratch their ear with it
Fuck your horse bound statues - it's all bollocks
I'm pissed right now
The Thai language does not use plurals - they will say 5 apple instead of 5 apples
( , Sun 20 Mar 2005, 23:10, Reply)

it's obvious that cheese is yellow because it reflects the light back at you - isn't that why everything is coloured the way it is? (apart from black things)
and if it's meant to be like how the sea reflects the sky, then what is the yellow thing that the cheese is reflecting?
( , Sun 20 Mar 2005, 23:01, Reply)

...their penises would be the length of Nelson's Column.
( , Sun 20 Mar 2005, 22:53, Reply)

for having sexual intercourse with someone else's spouse, ie adultery, is "criminal conversation".
( , Sun 20 Mar 2005, 22:45, Reply)

near Rome, speak a dialect all of their own. They claim to have more than 2000 vulgar words to describe the genitalia.
( , Sun 20 Mar 2005, 22:42, Reply)

Mexicans stare at other drivers while they wait at a red light. A watch gives the mean time of a time zone ,while a sundial gives the exact time of the area it's in (if set up correctly). Islero was the name of a bull who gored a famous matador when the matador tried to finish him (it's also the name of a band). It has taken me seven minutes and three seconds to write this.
( , Sun 20 Mar 2005, 22:39, Reply)

The smallest frog in the Southern Hemisphere is the Gold Frog, or Brazilian Psyllophryne Didactyla.
Adult Gold Frogs measure grow to only 9.8 millimetres in body length (with legs drawn in). That's about one centimeter or about 3/8 of an inch!
See: allaboutfrogs.org/weird/strange/small.html
( , Sun 20 Mar 2005, 22:38, Reply)

Edit: The Japanese used this to rather unpleasant effect during World War Two. They would cut the bamboo down to ground level, then tie a prisoner of war down to the ground. A slow, painful death would ensue as the bamboo gradually grew into the unfortunate person's body.
( , Sun 20 Mar 2005, 22:31, Reply)

can close with the force of 350 pounds per sqaure inch.
( , Sun 20 Mar 2005, 22:23, Reply)

bees must collect nectar from about 2 million flowers.
( , Sun 20 Mar 2005, 22:21, Reply)

to the time dilation effect in the Einstein rules of relativity,if you travelled faster than the speed of light away from Earth and then returned 10 years later - Ant and Deck would still be on fucking ITV all the fucking time.
( , Sun 20 Mar 2005, 21:37, Reply)

dambusters windmill club spotlights 617 into google all together , you only get one result.
Also, it was at the Windmill club where they got the idea of using the two spot lights to judge then distance, hence watching dancing girls is good not only for yourself but for a whole generation.
nb. not 100% about that fact, so i typed into google to see if i could check, hence the one result.
nb cont. typing in anagram origin NB returns 891 results
and the origin of nb is
NB is from Latin nota bene - please note, is always in capitals and without punctuation. Nb is the chemical symbol for the element niobium, and nb is no ball in cricket.
Typing in "no ball rule" in cricket........
( , Sun 20 Mar 2005, 20:59, Reply)

you can't lick your own elbow
dogs can't look up (or something)
the internet was found under someones bed in Manchester
( , Sun 20 Mar 2005, 20:59, Reply)

Darth Maul is voiced by Peter Serafinowicz (Duane Benzie the guy that stole tims girlfriend in spaced) interesting but true!
( , Sun 20 Mar 2005, 20:19, Reply)

Peanuts are not actually nuts, and are in fact a type of pea
( , Sun 20 Mar 2005, 20:18, Reply)

have black skin underneath the white fur.. kinda reminds me of michael jackson.
( , Sun 20 Mar 2005, 20:08, Reply)

"Te tupita atomi farani e oe" means "The foreign atomic bomb and you" in a Polynesian dialect.
Neandertals had a weird lump on the back of their skulls which modern humans are not supposed to have. However, I do. So does my Dad. Obvious conclusion...
Oh, neandertals had _bigger_ brains than us, too.
Perhaps more suitable for claims to fame, but I was born 101 years to the day after Albert Einstein.
( , Sun 20 Mar 2005, 19:58, Reply)

port was so called because ships always docked on that side to avoid damaging the steerboard.
( , Sun 20 Mar 2005, 19:57, Reply)

read back a bit, i posted about Humpty Dumpty, it wasn't at the castle but it was in colchester, on top of a church...
( , Sun 20 Mar 2005, 19:51, Reply)

are bred in countries where people live in multi-floored pole dwellings.
The construction of a scampi breeder's house is as follows:
Top floor: Humans. Any and all garbage and human waste falls through the floorboards, onto the...
next floor: Pigs. They live of the garbage and shit of the humans. Whatever they produce falls through the floor and ends up at...
the chickens, who feed of whatever the pigs drop (mostly dung), and whose droppings end up...
in the water, where the scampis are being bred in a netted off area.
They feed on chicken poop made from pig's dung made from human shit.
I know why I never eat them.
sorry for longness.
( , Sun 20 Mar 2005, 19:45, Reply)

the word colgar (to hang) in spanish is a stem-changer verb, so the o gets changed to a ue when conjugated.
following the rules of forming a reflexive command, go hang yourself would be cuelgate, not colgate.
100% fact.
( , Sun 20 Mar 2005, 19:40, Reply)

"port" and "starboard" are so-called for the following reason:
ye olde vikings used to operate the "steer-board" with their right hand, making the right side of the ship starboard through bastardisation. the other side, then called larboard for some stupid reason, was renamed "port" because starboard and larboard are too difficult to tell apart during a noisy storm.
( , Sun 20 Mar 2005, 19:37, Reply)

Dolphins in captivity are known to masturbate by rubbing their genitalia against the stream-simulators. Not too different from people showering, eh?
( , Sun 20 Mar 2005, 19:16, Reply)

The Roman concept of a crossroads is 3 roads, (Tri Via), as they didn't count the one you arrived on. Hence trivia = gossipping place
( , Sun 20 Mar 2005, 18:41, Reply)

was actually a large cannon, sited at Colchester Castle.
( , Sun 20 Mar 2005, 18:39, Reply)
This question is now closed.