The B3ta London Bash 1st magical online/offline Art Auction
At tonight's London B3ta Bash we'll be holding an auction of b3ta related artwork with all proceeds going to the Cat Survival Trust and our beloved Nina's upkeep.
To open it up and make sure anyone who couldn't make it gets a chance of joining the fun we'll be taking bids via gaz today up until 4pm.
So if you can't be there, and want a piece of the auction action, submit your best bid to riverghost and an independent bidder will take your place at the auction itself.
Usual Auction rules apply, we'll start low and you only pay what you you need to (not straight in at the best bid) and obviously if you're outbid by another b3tan you don't win, nor does it cost you anything.
But if you want to throw money at the Cat Survival Trust anyway, do feel free to do so ;)
Current vague list of artwork available to bid on: (hopefully we'll get more art shown here as the day progresses)
An Andrew McDavies drawing of your design from Thorsonofodin
Some amazing watercolours by TTO
A brilliant picture of Sherlock Holmes by dotmund
A Sequential Art character of your choice by Mr Jolly Jack!
A frightening picture of Thatcher by k3b/-\b
A picture of YOU being mauled by Nina drawn by HappyToast
The A5 line art of HappyToast's Gil Scott-Heron portrait
A mystery HappyToast drawing that will no doubt involve stumpy people with their willies out
Blackadder/Disctionary/Sausage! original A4 line art by HappyToast
A smashing print from claptonista
A carrot painting by Rev.Jesse
Something from FannyCraddock
An amazing venetian mask made by Clay
A zombie Photomanipulation of YOU by Rev.Jesse
Hopefully more stuff will be announced as the day progresses - We're open to more contributions, feel free to list what you can provide in a reply below and I'll update the main list.
As for bidding just gaz riverghost with the following info: Your name, the scribble you want to bid on, your maximum bid
Job done, winnners to be announce tomorrow at a guess as people may be too drunk to type it all up this evening ;)
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Sat 28 May 2011, 9:10,
At tonight's London B3ta Bash we'll be holding an auction of b3ta related artwork with all proceeds going to the Cat Survival Trust and our beloved Nina's upkeep.
To open it up and make sure anyone who couldn't make it gets a chance of joining the fun we'll be taking bids via gaz today up until 4pm.
So if you can't be there, and want a piece of the auction action, submit your best bid to riverghost and an independent bidder will take your place at the auction itself.
Usual Auction rules apply, we'll start low and you only pay what you you need to (not straight in at the best bid) and obviously if you're outbid by another b3tan you don't win, nor does it cost you anything.
But if you want to throw money at the Cat Survival Trust anyway, do feel free to do so ;)
Current vague list of artwork available to bid on: (hopefully we'll get more art shown here as the day progresses)
An Andrew McDavies drawing of your design from Thorsonofodin
Some amazing watercolours by TTO
A brilliant picture of Sherlock Holmes by dotmund
A Sequential Art character of your choice by Mr Jolly Jack!
A frightening picture of Thatcher by k3b/-\b
A picture of YOU being mauled by Nina drawn by HappyToast
The A5 line art of HappyToast's Gil Scott-Heron portrait
A mystery HappyToast drawing that will no doubt involve stumpy people with their willies out
Blackadder/Disctionary/Sausage! original A4 line art by HappyToast
A smashing print from claptonista
A carrot painting by Rev.Jesse
Something from FannyCraddock
An amazing venetian mask made by Clay
A zombie Photomanipulation of YOU by Rev.Jesse
Hopefully more stuff will be announced as the day progresses - We're open to more contributions, feel free to list what you can provide in a reply below and I'll update the main list.
As for bidding just gaz riverghost with the following info: Your name, the scribble you want to bid on, your maximum bid
Job done, winnners to be announce tomorrow at a guess as people may be too drunk to type it all up this evening ;)
I'm so excited to be coming along!!
First bash ever! I'm coming with Emvee :D
Do you need me to bring anything?
I'm already drunk.
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Sat 28 May 2011, 9:13,
Do you need me to bring anything?
I'm already drunk.
From the bashes I went to back in the day
All you need with you is Gin.
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Sat 28 May 2011, 9:15,
I won't be there, my life conspires to prevent such things
it's partly why I'm setting this going, as a penance
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Sat 28 May 2011, 9:20,
cat survival?
is that where house cats are trained by ex-sas cats to survive in hostile enviroments?
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Sat 28 May 2011, 9:14,
I'll draw a nasty caricature of Marget Thatcher if anyone wants it, or Julia Gillard,
but how will it get from Australia to the auction?
I offer this if anyone cares:
Click for bigger (125 kb)
(pencil on a4, the image takes up about half the page. Please send me a gaz if someone buys it and I'll post aussie post to wherever...)
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Sat 28 May 2011, 9:24,
I offer this if anyone cares:
Click for bigger (125 kb)
(pencil on a4, the image takes up about half the page. Please send me a gaz if someone buys it and I'll post aussie post to wherever...)
so it doesn't have to be there by the time the auction comences?
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Sat 28 May 2011, 9:34,
How about scanning it so they can see what they are bidding for
then you can post it over when the auction is done.
B3tans will wait for artz, I'm sure.
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Sat 28 May 2011, 9:36,
B3tans will wait for artz, I'm sure.
yeah that's what I was thinking, but it would have to be a photo as I don't have a scanner...
but if that's ok, and people would like to bid on one of my shitty pencil drawings...
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Sat 28 May 2011, 9:40,
holy shit! one of my previous drawings of her turns up on a google search!
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Sat 28 May 2011, 9:42,
it's all about the love, man!
And as a non-artz type, I salute your efforts :D
and also ^^ link please!
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Sat 28 May 2011, 9:43,
and also ^^ link please!
This was the picture
if you google: ' julia gillard caricature ' no safe search it was about number 10 or so...
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Sat 28 May 2011, 9:56,
if you google: ' julia gillard caricature ' no safe search it was about number 10 or so...
You can have this picture of Sherlock Holmes to add to your list. It's roughly A4 size, on an old magazine page.
I'm about to fuck off for the weekend, so just drop me a line to tell me how it went and I'll get back to it as soon as I can.
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Sat 28 May 2011, 9:37,
I'm about to fuck off for the weekend, so just drop me a line to tell me how it went and I'll get back to it as soon as I can.
That is extraordinarily kind.
I wonder if you are not turning into me, but with talent?
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Sat 28 May 2011, 11:31,
Cheers mate.
Could I just say that anyone signed up or not signed up who wants to come, the bash starts at 5PM in the fuction room on the first floor of Oneills. You won't be able to get into the function room before 5pm as all the raffle stuff will be locked in there.
Prizes for the raffle include frames wildcat prints, CST goodies, the wonderful people at my local offie have donated a ten year old bottle of posh wine.
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Sat 28 May 2011, 9:40,
Prizes for the raffle include frames wildcat prints, CST goodies, the wonderful people at my local offie have donated a ten year old bottle of posh wine.
How very splendid of you sir!
And a huge thank you on behalf of the Trust.
Shame I can't be there but a chum has chosen today to go and get wedded. I might have a cheeky bid on something though.
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Sat 28 May 2011, 10:11,
Shame I can't be there but a chum has chosen today to go and get wedded. I might have a cheeky bid on something though.
I hope you point at him
and exclaim "you know what i'm missing to see you two getting married," in a completely dead pan, really meant, sort of way
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Sat 28 May 2011, 11:11,
pleasure - they just sit in files otherwise
I have a "cfb" version of the pub pics - I'll message them to you.
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Sat 28 May 2011, 10:52,
Those are properly lovely
Oooh it's my b3taday too. Happy candle, me!
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Sat 28 May 2011, 10:27,
I have!
I've always wanted one of your creations (as you know) and this is my chance.
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Sat 28 May 2011, 13:17,
This sounds great :)
Stick some piccies of the artwork up, I might even bid.
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Sat 28 May 2011, 11:17,
Alas, if I had something I thought people might want, I'd add it to the list.
As it stands - I applaud all involved in this endeavour, and hope today's bash becomes the stuff of legend.
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Sat 28 May 2011, 11:33,
great idea toasty
I'll donate one of my sex party venetian masks on the left, I'll need to stick a ribbon on it though and post it on to the bid winner (im miles away from 'that london')
fancy doing it as a regular event but online? :
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Sat 28 May 2011, 12:30,
fancy doing it as a regular event but online? :
I shall be bidding on a few items, via Ghostiegaz
and I will pay for everyone at the bash to raise a glass to Gil Scott-Heron, all at once, and I would like a photo of it.
I am truly upset at the news.
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Sat 28 May 2011, 12:40,
I am truly upset at the news.