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# Holy fuck!

(, Wed 16 May 2007, 17:56, archived)
# Did you see what hit him?
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 17:56, archived)
# A van
I can hear the ambulance now.
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 17:57, archived)
# Did the van just fuck off?
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 17:58, archived)
# No
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 18:01, archived)
# what happened?
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 18:02, archived)
# Got knocked by a van
At least no one can see me taking pictures.

There's a whole load of peoplejust standing there with their phones!

(, Wed 16 May 2007, 18:07, archived)
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 18:10, archived)
# Yeah well at least the guy in the green car
pulled up with out being asked to block the lane.
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 18:11, archived)
# I'm putting money on all these 'accidents' being your doing...
we'll probably find out they're all EMAP employees on their way back home, and you're picking them off from your window with a rifle
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 18:10, archived)
# that made me do a lol
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 18:11, archived)
# shhh!
It's a well beaten path. YOu don't want them to find out!
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 18:17, archived)
# you know, you may as well just put a live action webcam or something at your window
because it seems to be non stop action there :D
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 18:12, archived)
# or at least an RSS feed
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 18:17, archived)
# I don't think the idiot had a helmet on
And if my camera had a zoom then you'd see the massive head height fucking dent in the back of the van!
It's about 2 inches deep!

Last one.

By the white paper

Hed blud
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 18:21, archived)
# ouchy
that's going to sting
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 18:27, archived)
# that dudes nicking his bike
i love cycling but i hate cars
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 18:29, archived)
# The guy behind the middle policeman is the local doctor
He was there with in a minute.
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 18:35, archived)
# Never a dull moment outside Ghosties office.
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 17:56, archived)
# Awfully coincidental if you ask me....
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 17:59, archived)
# are you thinking what I'm thinking?
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 18:01, archived)
# Same thing I do everyday Pinky
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 18:02, archived)
# Take over the world?
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 18:03, archived)
# Where's teh Quo?
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 18:03, archived)
# bit slow
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 18:19, archived)
# Bah!
(, Thu 17 May 2007, 16:59, archived)
# enjoying the fruits of their labour?

(, Wed 16 May 2007, 18:23, archived)
# tonight, we're going to take over the world!
They're Pinky and The Brain
Yes, Pinky and The Brain
One is a genius
The other's insane.
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 18:05, archived)
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 18:06, archived)
# Roll around in a tub of fish bait and throw ourselves into a salmon farm?
You betcha!
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 18:03, archived)
# I was thinking that this chicken flavour packet soup isn't very good
but your thought seems much more entertaining :D

(actually this soup tastes like some kind of really bad stale frothy beer)
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 18:04, archived)
# =/
packet soups never end well
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 18:07, archived)
# there is a great way to improve the experience tho

take a random packet soup flavour, and a random crisp flavour

and keep trying a different pair each time, one day, you'll find "just" that combination of perfect salty-tastless-goodness that you'll keep coming back for time and time again!™
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 18:08, archived)
# Wait, you mean add the crisps to the soup?
You have issues...
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 18:16, archived)
# no!!!
that is crazy talk!!

where do you get your ideas from!

you use the soup as dip for the crisps!

try it, it's teh great!
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 18:28, archived)
# but how are we going to fit giant Swiss lederhosen-clad dancing yodelers into a mini....narf!!
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 18:05, archived)
# that's easy!
inflate it up to it's maximum size

and then lightly grease the entrances

then also, we consider doing the same to the mini
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 18:06, archived)
# egads brain...zorf!!
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 18:08, archived)
# yes
Brian Zorf, 1793-1856, inventor of the Pushable-Lubemat and the rotating punsy
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 18:10, archived)
# Dude.
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 17:56, archived)
# someone nicked the bike!
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 17:56, archived)
# I was thinking that...
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 17:57, archived)
# pfft
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 17:57, archived)
# *wees on your mind*
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 17:57, archived)
# o_O
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 17:57, archived)
# Has he died?
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 17:57, archived)
# Nope. but not in a good way.
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 17:59, archived)
# Yeah
I suppose if he was OK he'd be off the tarmac :(
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 18:02, archived)
# even if he seems ok
it's still probably not a good idea to just move someone that's been whacked by a van I would have thought unless it was some kind of crazy traffic situation
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 18:03, archived)
# like if the van was on fire
and was transporting rage infected kitties

who were on fire.
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 18:05, archived)
# and it was a really urgent
"12 HOURS GUARRANTEED DELIVERY" to a fire factory?
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 18:07, archived)
# juggling chainsaws

BURNING chainsaws
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 18:07, archived)
# Now thats urgency!
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 18:18, archived)
# whilst lightly pepperring the vacinity with anthrax
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 18:08, archived)
# This pic looks like
his head's come off and the copper's holding it in his hands.
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 18:08, archived)
# ^this
unless a person's life is in immediate danger do not move them. especially if you know they've had an accident that could have caused a spinal injury/haven't seen what happened to them.

i work as a lifeguard, and whilst at another pool got chatting to one of their supervisors about spinal techniques, the golden rule is keep their neck still in order to prevent paralysis, but if that's not possible preserving life is the most important thing
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 18:35, archived)
# Do you slow down for accidents on the other side of the road too?
I'm sure I've been in many cars behind you.
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 18:03, archived)
# Bastards rinsed his bike!
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 17:57, archived)
# someone nicked his bike...
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 17:57, archived)
# damn hit-and-run bikes!

(, Wed 16 May 2007, 17:58, archived)
# Are they helping him or pilfering his pockets?
anyway nighty night
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 17:58, archived)
# they could be sexing him!
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 17:59, archived)
# They're finishing the job.
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 17:59, archived)
# a geezer just got
mugged and someone nicked his bike!

he was just street napping!
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 17:59, archived)
# Extreme sleeping.
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 18:01, archived)
# hahaha
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 18:02, archived)
# I am never moving to Earls Court!
Night all x
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 17:59, archived)
# Night Cap'n
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 18:01, archived)
# He was probably dazzled by your camera flash.
I hope you're happy.
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 18:00, archived)
# Dear Mr Riverghost-Isketch-anyone
I have come to the conclusion that you are either:
1. Rick Parfitt or
2. Francis Rossi

You stand at your window when you are bored and make these things happen!
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 18:09, archived)
# arf
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 18:18, archived)
# more in the daily adventures of riverghost
hope he's ok though
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 18:10, archived)
# Fuck.
I hope thats not my cousin.
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 18:20, archived)
# well dont phone him now
cos he may be cycling home
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 18:32, archived)
# ah don't worry
tis not illegal to ride and ring
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 18:42, archived)
This is real Puma!
(, Wed 16 May 2007, 18:53, archived)