Passive aggressive music ftw!
Refusing to sing any of the expected notes. Or am I missing some clever musical trick?
(FeralCatManUnusual disease collector., Fri 23 Jul 2021, 16:55,
same genre as Yoko Ono music
(razzle, Fri 23 Jul 2021, 17:44,
It looks/sounds to me
as if she's sung fairly well, then this different key version of the backing track has been swapped in. But what do I knurr?
(brbnatural fistic, Fri 23 Jul 2021, 18:10,
Wouldn't it be more consistent though, I dunno?
(FeralCatManUnusual disease collector., Sat 24 Jul 2021, 1:43,
I'm not sure about my theory any more, having heard her other song.
It's either a 'sociology experiment' of some kind (it's been a while since I took sociology but I can't think of a case study like this) or she's proper tone deaf and delusional.
There is a half tone deafness phenomenon when you're monitoring in headphones or driving or have a cold (like when you sing along with the bassline but then when the chords kick in you realise you were minging well flat or sharp, e.g. UK's Eurovision entry of 2003). But she's not realising or correcting for it.
(brbnatural fistic, Sat 24 Jul 2021, 14:12,
i recall an anecdote in an old music theory book
the title and author of which i cannot recall right now but the gist was that they were at an event where they were requested to accompany a singer on the piano with a well known tune and after the intro the singer started exactly a fifth out - to save embarrassment they shifted key at an opportune moment only for the singer to then jump a fifth out again and so on... turns out it's a neurological thing some folk have - it was in a chapter on perfect pitch i fink, will check the bookshelf later...
(artifusis doing it all wrong, Sat 24 Jul 2021, 18:32,
One can often mistake the bass harmonic for the fundamental, I think that one is responsible for a lot of those sort of fuckups.
(brbnatural fistic, Sat 24 Jul 2021, 19:45,
sure - a common production trick to make things sound bass heavy on little speakers of producing such tones
my point was one of neurological divergence or naturally occurring mutant basilar membranes psychoacoustics innit *incapable of - subject line edit (insert where appropriate) haha geddit *insert* like a plug in
(artifusis doing it all wrong, Sat 24 Jul 2021, 20:36,
hey brb you just minded me of this interesting discussion
(artifusis doing it all wrong, Sat 24 Jul 2021, 22:03,
I've been watching it with the sound off. I guess I'm not missing anything.
(evil_andyStick stick stick stick sticky sticky stick stick, Fri 23 Jul 2021, 17:48,
Are we now part of a study?
It's the only explanation. It's some weird sociology experiment. Because she has ears, I can see that.
(VicJameson: fucking internet virgins since, Fri 23 Jul 2021, 20:34,
That's my bet.
I reckon this is all an experiment to see the reaction of strangers online. I'd put money on it being inspired by the Rebecca Black fallout.
(The TogaboyThe world will end on, Sat 24 Jul 2021, 9:23,
now THIS makes sense.
(augsavforgot about B3ta, Sat 24 Jul 2021, 22:42,
Professionally shot though
(fred zeppelinII: Electric Boogaloo, Fri 23 Jul 2021, 18:07,
...and she's very pretty
now, call me an old cynic, but...
(ozof, Sat 24 Jul 2021, 21:58,
I'll admit, I thought you lot's comments were exaggerated
but Jesus wept, surely some sort of trolling going on - no one can really have that lack of self-awareness?
(Varmint, Fri 23 Jul 2021, 18:23,
The best bit about it is the youtube comments for this and her other masterpiece
(Tribs🦇 ↓ dn ʎɐʍ sᴉɥʇ ↓🦇, Fri 23 Jul 2021, 19:09,
(FeralCatManUnusual disease collector., Sat 24 Jul 2021, 16:26,
Is it deliberately ear-splitting? Please make it stop.
(WGCtrev, Sat 24 Jul 2021, 17:03,
Bloody hell.
Couldn't hold a tune with both hands and a bucket.
(ShazzoirOld enough to know better young enough not to care, Sat 24 Jul 2021, 23:36,
This is what singing in a constantly rotating key signature sounds like.
(ianisme, Mon 26 Jul 2021, 4:42,
Don't piss off your producer
is the lesson here.
(Chuffley, Fri 30 Jul 2021, 22:50,
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