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This is a question Bugs and feature requests

Found a problem on B3ta? Want other features that we don't currently offer? Type your ideas here with your finger-mouths. (We don't promise we'll act on any of it, but we will read it and your words could even prompt us into action.)

(, Wed 1 Nov 2006, 11:48)
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How about a 'Users most popular images', list in profiles
based on 'i like this' votes?
(, Mon 6 Aug 2007, 17:40, Reply)
Spoiler tags
Following up Moon "God" Tricky's request, a simpler way to deal with ZOMG SPOILERS!!~!1! might be to enable spoiler tags, like so:

[spoiler]Rosebud is a sled[/spoiler]

except with proper HTML tags, not BBCode.

In forums which have enabled this, the text is concealed in a box, and if you want to read it you click on the box. I like it very much.
(, Mon 6 Aug 2007, 5:55, Reply)
A way of hiding threads without logging in
When I'm at work, the only way I can see b3ta is to go through www3.barnesy.org - this means that I am unable to actually stay logged in. I need to log in every time I need to post a message, and then I can't edit it etc.

Is there a way I can hide a thread which might be of a giant magenta cock or a lady in a bikini? I don't really care about these things when I'm at home (and have the ability to hide threads) but when I'm at work I have to leave for an extended period whenever there's something like that on the board.
(, Sun 5 Aug 2007, 13:29, Reply)
Auto-hat feature for /board
Where you specify the URL of your hat image and it automatically adds it to the bottom of your /board posts
(, Fri 3 Aug 2007, 15:15, Reply)
"Private" thread branches.
Sometimes we want to talk about books and films, involving ZOMG SPOILERS other people might not want to see. How about being able to make a post "private" so that you don't see its replies unless you explicitly look at that post? It wouldn't be difficult to do as you can essentially already do it just by deleting a post and posting a link to it. So how about adding it as an explicit feature? Just add a tick-box on the message posting/editing page "Make this thread private".

Maybe "private" isn't the right word as everyone will be able to see it, they just won't have to if they don't want to. But I can't think of another word.

Also it would be nice if it didn't take you back to the main board every time you reply from a specific post's own page.
(, Fri 3 Aug 2007, 14:57, Reply)
See how many clicks your image got.
So what feedback you got instead of having to filter out the crap that people post that has nothing to do with the topic.
(, Fri 27 Jul 2007, 9:21, Reply)
A make it stop raining button
That'd be nice
(, Thu 26 Jul 2007, 14:04, Reply)
Ignore button on Image Challenge pages
I think the continued existence of DOCTOR DYSLEXIA indicates a dire need for an Ignore button on the Image challenge pages. Not one, but TWO huge blobs of TOAP. That don't even make sense. For the love of Jesus, make it stop.
(, Fri 20 Jul 2007, 4:23, Reply)
I'm just going to build my own b3ta site!
With blackjack...and hookers! In fact, forget the b3ta part!
(, Thu 19 Jul 2007, 22:24, Reply)
Sorry if it's been said but...
...RSS viewer for QOTW? :)
(, Thu 19 Jul 2007, 10:24, Reply)
The Latest page for Bugs and Features is not showing the latest posts.
It's showing a post I made on 23rd June as the latest - b3ta.com/questions/bugs_and_feature_requests/post83030/.
I don't know if everbody else is OK but that's what I'm seeing.

EDIT : now I've posted this it's showing b3ta.com/questions/bugs_and_feature_requests/post83692/
from Paster of Muppets 30th June!

Edit : Yay! Fixed!
(, Thu 19 Jul 2007, 9:25, Reply)
How about a "hide compo entries" option?
Some competitions elicit far too many crap entries, which swamp the board and push off some excellent work, so it should be possible to allow an option to not see compo entries. After all, you can always click the Image Challenge link if you want to see them.

I don't know about anybody else, but working for several hours on something only to see it shoved off the board in a couple of minutes by an avalanche of "Text On A Picture" images is really annoying/disheartening.
(, Thu 19 Jul 2007, 9:17, Reply)
Compo posts listed separately?
I don't mean from the main board, i mean on your profile.

also, haw about a "last logged on" on the profile too?
(, Wed 18 Jul 2007, 17:10, Reply)
Something for the /links board FAQ
'Please don't post 9/11 Conspiracy Theory stuff. Ever. Ta'
(, Mon 16 Jul 2007, 11:45, Reply)
Get rid of the "popular" view
On the image challenge pages.

As most people view this, and the ones near the top snowball votes, where a lot of great ones further down the chain get overlooked.

Plus, not knowing what's winning might add a bit of excitement to the game.
(, Fri 13 Jul 2007, 15:10, Reply)
You are logged in as
It sounds to me like an ultimatum where it says "Update your profile or Logout"

Often I want to do neither, perhaps this could be re-worded? (Although it makes me chuckle as it is)
(, Fri 13 Jul 2007, 1:31, Reply)
In the list of people attending events
replace any spaces in peoples usernames with   so that usernames don't get broken over the ends of lines and are easier to read.
(, Wed 11 Jul 2007, 9:20, Reply)
After posting a link
you are returned to your link on it's own, rather than the links board (it was from the preview page, if that makes any difference?). This is not consistent with the other boards.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2007, 11:10, Reply)
Tutorials and how-to's
There are a lot of talented peeps on here and it would be nice if they had a place where they could share their knowledge. Please start a tutorials section where us mere plebs can also begin to learn the wonders of photoshoppery, the expert way.
(, Sun 8 Jul 2007, 11:25, Reply)
Please an we have a "see all front pages" link
in the profiles (like the "see all their answers" for the QOTW) so we can see all the FP's of gifted people like Sheep! and Monkeon?

(, Wed 4 Jul 2007, 0:03, Reply)
'I don't like this'
While I know you are all very positive people, it would be nice to have an 'I don't like this' button for when an entry is so truly awful you cannot express your feelings in words.
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 22:55, Reply)
/board never finishes loading
the throbber (FF loading icon) is constantly in action, with "transferring data from www.google-analytics.com" in the status bar. Please fix as it's bloody annoying.

edit: either it's been fixed, or it's just stopped doing it. Happy now :)
(, Sat 30 Jun 2007, 21:59, Reply)
When editing a post
you can't update the title (on /links anyway).
(, Sat 23 Jun 2007, 13:36, Reply)
Hubare!!!! This should help you

Copy the image address then submit it into this, and instant viewage :D
(, Thu 21 Jun 2007, 16:13, Reply)
posting on either www3barnesy.org or www.brucer.com
requires you to constantly login per post, plus there's no access to the messaging system due to not remaining logged on.

Damn work's filter server :(
(, Thu 21 Jun 2007, 16:09, Reply)
those "message me" links ...
... why? I can talk to myself quite happily without the aid of the internet, thank you.
(, Fri 15 Jun 2007, 12:44, Reply)
compulsory spellcheck for QOTW posts
Christ, you lot are illiterate.
(, Mon 11 Jun 2007, 17:43, Reply)
Popular talk messages
How about a link back to the message they replied to, so that we can see it in context.
(, Thu 7 Jun 2007, 13:46, Reply)
Preview button
hi, on the links board when you preview please can it preview with the youtube embed?

also can we embed google video?
top stuff
(, Wed 6 Jun 2007, 13:35, Reply)
QOTW Vote-o-Meter
Can we have a QOTW vote-o-meter?

Specifically for when we all get bored of it or it's not that enteretaining - it can be as simple as an alternative to "I like this".

When it gets so many hits, the QOTW is closed and a new one opened.....

And don't call me Shirley
(, Thu 31 May 2007, 15:22, Reply)

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