Rob writes, "My photoshop claim to fame: the way the crop tool greys out the rest of the image? That was my idea. I sent it to the Abobe features request thing back in ooh probably about 1998. (After spending a frustrating day cropping images for a dull
website, and wishing the tool worked better.)"
What crappy claims to fame can you make?
( , Thu 24 Feb 2005, 12:49)
This question is now closed.

i'm all better now though!
( , Thu 24 Feb 2005, 16:09, Reply)

.... And i was once the Newsbunny on L!ve TV
( , Thu 24 Feb 2005, 16:07, Reply)

My parents live just down the road from Jason Connery (Robin of Sherwood) and he sometimes comes to the pub the own for his tea :). Apparently he is very nice.
( , Thu 24 Feb 2005, 16:06, Reply)

I've interviewed loads of musicians, and they are mostly nice people. Not so Shed Seven (of nineties almost-fame). Prats, they were. But after listening to them banging on about how great they are for several minutes, I got them talking about their hometown, York, and the Viking museum there.
Later that day, on college radio in Oslo, Norway, you could hear boring English people talking about vikings, interspersed with boring English indierock. Heh.
Well, I enjoyed it.
Oh, and Neotropic (who's cute and looks like squirrel) thinks I'm funky. Or was, in 1997.
( , Thu 24 Feb 2005, 16:04, Reply)

Every couple of weeks I go out with my mate Rob and his mate Ed, the guitarist with Radiohead.
( , Thu 24 Feb 2005, 16:01, Reply)

Hmmm...didn't know about that filter
Unintelligable name is meant to be an Irish comedian who used to be on Never Mind the Buzzcocks and had his own show (Sean's Show)
( , Thu 24 Feb 2005, 15:55, Reply)

While working for the council, my bro served Razor rudduck a beer at a local football charity do he was guesting at. My brother managed to catch the bottom of the glass on the bar as he lifted it over and covered Razor with half a pint! is he the only guy in the country to of survived doing this?
( , Thu 24 Feb 2005, 15:55, Reply)

Until recently and for my sins I used to watch the Bill on ITV with my wife every week.
In 2003 they introduced this a new WPC into the series, Honey Harmon, the blonde one who looks like she's been permanently power gooed.
So disgusted with her acting ability was I (and that's fucking saying something for The Bill), I wrote a disgusted email to the show's producers saying that when she's on screen it was like someone has thrown a chair into the set and who did she shag to get the role.
No response.
Then about a couple of months later I was taping the Bill as the wife was out and there was a panning shot across the office taking in the white boards in the background which have case information and suspects on it.
There was my name in big black letters with a ring around it in the middle of the whiteboard for a child sexual assault case! The bastards!
( , Thu 24 Feb 2005, 15:54, Reply)

There are two museums dedicated to my anscestors: the Hunterian museum in Glasgow and the Hunterian museum in the Royal College of Surgeons in London. Dedicated to brothers John & William Hunter, one of which is known as the 'Father of Modern Surgery', although I can never which one.
Also various sightings of famous people:
Stood next to Sean molesthes at a concert in London (can't remember the band, must have been crap).
Saw Ryan Stiles (of Who's Line Is It Anyway fame) in a restaurant in Los Angeles.
Had a beer with Terry Pratchett, best selling author and very funny bloke.
Talked to Goldie (DJ and Bond villain) for 15 minutes at a bar on Sunset in Hollywood before I finally realised who he was (the gold teeth should have been a giveaway!). He then inivited me and my friends to see him DJ at the Viper Room the next night. Unfortunately never made it.
( , Thu 24 Feb 2005, 15:53, Reply)

I was at the press conference where Kilroy was announcing that he's a big child, and has formed his own club that he's the leader of. I asked him a clever question whilst being filmed by all the major news people, BBC, ITN, Sky. I don't think it was shown though, as Bush's inauguration a few hours earlier probably overshadowed it. That, and a lunatic far right politician ranting about immigration isn't really news. Click here to read a full report and see a picture of me making a threatening gesture to Kilroy, who is standing right next to me.
( , Thu 24 Feb 2005, 15:51, Reply)

he was the Klingon that started the fight in the episode 'The Trouble with Tribbles'
check it out: www.imdb.com/name/nm0665227/
He's been in loads of other cult 60s & 70s tv shows, like Happy Days, Charlie's Angels, Little House on the Prairie etc. One of his first film roles was as 'Mime #4' in Easy Rider, but I reckon his career peaked when he played the Russian Guy's trainer in Rocky IV, either that or The Last Porno Flick Ever (something like that anyway...)
never met him though...doubt he even knows who I am. but, hey, I share genes with the man and therefore it counts.
In slightly more dubious claims to fame - Nick Hornby of Fever Pitch fame used to be a teacher at my secondary school and mentions it in said film...
oh, and Chris Maslanka, who I think still writes for the Weekend Guardian, used to phone me up when I was 14 to tell me how he used to have M.E. and then do heavy breathing for 45 mins. He was weird.
I've been letched on by Rory McGrath, but then so has every female in Cambridge over the age of 12. not so much star-spotting as star-avoiding, that one.
edit: I just remembered - I went to school with Ben Thapa of G4 fame. I watched every rehearsal of Cabaret where he was the lead bloky fellow. Brian or something... anyway, he had a fine set of lungs on him but couldn't act to save his life. (I don't want to say too much about him as I could lose my job if I do! damn those weekend papers!)
( , Thu 24 Feb 2005, 15:51, Reply)

My dad was in a lift in Japan with Strawberry Switchblade.
( , Thu 24 Feb 2005, 15:47, Reply)

My 6th form Chemistry Teacher (Dr.Roger Partington)'s daughter was murdered by Fred West. Roger taught us happily for years and never revealed this- it was only after her body was found (and after I'd left 6th form) that we found out. Poor soul must have been plagued by nightmares for years, not knowing what happened to her.
( , Thu 24 Feb 2005, 15:44, Reply)

Aparently, when I was 2 and on holiday in Australia, me and my mum shared a lift in our hotel with Billy Connelly. Would have been in '87. Mum asked how he was enjoying his trip, and Billy replied that he was 'shagged out.'
Mum covered my ears.
( , Thu 24 Feb 2005, 15:42, Reply)

I have worked on and off with Wayne Huntley over the years.
( , Thu 24 Feb 2005, 15:40, Reply)

Ive got a few claims to fame, most of them probably sound pretty lame to other people, but I really dont care!!
Ive served coffee to the guy who used to play Connor in Eastbenders at my local Waitrose, I was so flustered that I forgot to charge him for a pot of tea his mrs had ordered.
Ive climbed one of the walls at Prince Charles home in Tetbury and been to Princess Anne's place that's not far from there.
Ive met lots of people from various bands (such as Hell Is For Heroes, [spunge], Bohica, Hundred Reasons, Vendetta Red....ummmm, lots of bands actually...).
Filmed crowd surfing over the barrier at Reading Festival 2002 to Feeder....
Caught a bottle of water thrown by Tim Wheeler from Ash....
(starts scrapping bottom of barrel)
one of my friends had her photo taken with Billy Joe from Green Day in the Summer....
another girl I know has a photo of her with Johnny Depp on the Isle of Mann (I think)
( , Thu 24 Feb 2005, 15:37, Reply)

During some work experience I interviewed Harold Shipman's brother - I didn't know at the time, but I found out later. He was a really lovely bloke, too.
( , Thu 24 Feb 2005, 15:34, Reply)

My uncle on my mother's side is the editor of Record Collector's record valuation book thingy. He also has a slot on some Radio 6 show sounding very dour and cynical, valuing the old vinyl the presenters of the particular show buy for less than a fiver or so each week. www.bbc.co.uk/6music/shows/mint/
My dad is part of a socialist party, back in the 70s and 80s they were backed the Redgraves (Vanessa and Colin in particular). He and my mum would go round their place for tea and biscuits, etc. Good mates really. Also, this party holds summer and christmas fairs who they get a celebrity to open. Used to be top notch, they had Donald Sutherland do it once, and Eartha Kitt. And even Christopher Reeve (before the accident). Now it's people from Family Affairs and stuff.
Once out in Cambridge, my dear old nan spotted Stephen Hawking going somewhere. Remembering that my dad is a science/astronomy obsessive, she chased after him and proceeded to ask for his autograph. Bless her.
My mum was on the news when Tony Blair visited the hospital she works in. She looked a bit silly really.
I worked as a temp in M&S on Marble Arch. Served that news reader bloke. Can't remember his name. Indian guy, wears glasses. He bought pants and socks.
Uncle on my dad's side was on the news about 8 years back for getting arrested whilst trying to hold up a bank van. He's a bit mad.
( , Thu 24 Feb 2005, 15:32, Reply)

I run a Company, Wordcraft, that coined the name "Dongle" as applied to the little licence-locking thingy that you stick in the back of computers to stop people ripping the software. We first made them for a word processor package on the Commodore PET.
If only we had trade marked it :(
( , Thu 24 Feb 2005, 15:31, Reply)

I met Rolph Harris when I was about 10. He was drawing pictures for kids on the second floor of Specsavers Optitions in Kingston. At this time he was probably at the peak of his career, or it was slowly declining, hence the puplicity stunt. Anyway, I asked for "A rhinoceros stuck in a tree" and thats what he drew me. He personalised to me and signed it aswell. I was well chuffed. My brother on the other hand wasnt so lucky and didnt get his suggestion of a lion drawn and was in tears (he was only 7). So at the end good old Rolphy drew him his lion on a piece of paper 10 times smaller than all the others but at least it shut him up.
I always seem to tell this story when i'm drunk and everyone seems rather impressed... or not, depends how much they've had to drink. I don't have the picture anymore, I think my dad threw it out i could have got a few quid for that on ebay. Oh well.
Another thing that comes to mind is there was a PS2 mag that gave £20 to anyone who sent in a short review and got it puplished. Now, as I can't write well I turned to my trusty friend - The Internet. A month later I had 2 of my reviews puplished in the same issue. I was well pleased, i'd earnt £40 from other peoples work. HA!
( , Thu 24 Feb 2005, 15:30, Reply)

1. Got drunk with the West Indies and England cricket teams in St Lucia
2. Got drunk with the Australian cricket team in Port Elizabeth
3. Know the manager of one of the guys in Snow Patrol (I think they are a band?)
4. Lost every single piece of luggage belonging to Man Utd players and staff when they returned from Mexico with BA. Ferguson was not happy.
( , Thu 24 Feb 2005, 15:29, Reply)

When rather drunk in a nightclub, insulted Bruno Brookes by calling him a complete twat.
He's a radio DJ and used to be on Radio 1 (UK) years ago, for anyone who doesnt know who he is
( , Thu 24 Feb 2005, 15:28, Reply)

Since moving here in 2002 I have had to share space in my local with:
Ant and Dec (a lot)
BBC War Correspondent Rageh Omar (good fun to shout "Missile! DUCK!" and see how quickly he gets under the table)
John Leslie, who is easily the shiftiest bloke I have ever seen
Charlie Brooks (Janine off Eastenders)
Some bloke off of Casualty.
Also seen nearby, but not blocking my way to the bar: Moira Stewart, Ralf Little, Matthew Kelly (shopping in Sainsburys) and sunbed enthusiast David Dickinson.
My cousin Jonathan was cringeworthy on Big Brother a couple of years ago.
(getting tenuous now) A mate of a mate is that nerdy bloke off the "Friendly Bacteria" adverts.
( , Thu 24 Feb 2005, 15:25, Reply)

Well, actually Frank Williams, the chap that runs the F1 team. I was at Goodwood, and walking through a crowd, I began walking without looking and almost cut him up. I realised what I was doing before I actually did it, and appologised. He smiled (but was probably thinking nasty sweary words), and looked like a thoroughly nice chap.
( , Thu 24 Feb 2005, 15:22, Reply)

talking about religon (and why I don't have one)
( , Thu 24 Feb 2005, 15:18, Reply)

I got tricked to appear on TV as part of the Dr.Who 30th anniversary celebrations. At the time, I was excited of course, but looking back, they wanted someone to appear like a token twat fan. Bastards.
Its here if you're interested:
www.btinternet.com/~dr_paul_lee/missing.htm (looked for "I get ensnared to be on TV" if you don't want to read it all; also it won't mean much if you don't know much about Dr.Who)
Also, I've been on the radio four times talking about ghosts, and I NEARLY got on the hot seat in "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?" four years ago (where I found out that Chris Tarrant is very tall, and the dressing rooms were freezing cold due to a "heating fault". Still, the great food and free bar after the show were nice!)
( , Thu 24 Feb 2005, 15:18, Reply)

Well, Martin Sixsmith (of "Scrap with Stephen Byers" fame) is my uncle, we were driving down from Glasgow to Cheshire to visit them when the whole story broke on the news, so we heard that he'd resigned, then a minute later my mum's mobile rang so my aunt could yell "No he hasn't!". It was quite funny, getting regular contradictions to the radio news from my aunt.
Also, if anyone lives in the Greater Glasgow area: the boss of Radio Clyde (Clyde 1, Clyde 2 etc), Paul Cooney, is also my uncle. I did my work experience there. I met Suzie McGuire and Gavin Pearson! She was eating a baked potato, he hit a techie guy over the head with a metal tray. Such fun.
( , Thu 24 Feb 2005, 15:17, Reply)

i was interviewed on "Blue Peter" about being left-handed and left-handed clocks, spoons etc.
I ended up being on live TV demonstrating a load of stuff I thought was pointless shit, since i only *write* left handed.I mean, why is a clock that goes backwards even faintly helpful, dammit?
EDIT: Just remembered I met Danny De Vito, the film director too, so got something out of it.
( , Thu 24 Feb 2005, 15:12, Reply)

I won a TV quiz show when I was a stoodent.
In fact, I won three episodes on the run, at which point they 'retired' me (you were only allowed to stay on for three games, then they told you to eff off with a carrier bag of sketchy prizes).
After seeing it on TV and feeling a proper tit I was glad not many people had seen it and did my best to forget about it.
However, a year later I got a phone call, asking if I wanted to compete on a 'Champion of Champions' show. Hmmm.
Did I do it? Of course I did. And I won the fucker.
Get a load of me, daytime TV-viewing UK housewives. You love it.
( , Thu 24 Feb 2005, 15:11, Reply)

I showed Felicity Kendall how to use my bank's new ATM. She was so excited she grabbed my arm. It just made her complete loveliness even more complete.(sigh)
( , Thu 24 Feb 2005, 15:10, Reply)
This question is now closed.