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This is a question Spoooky Coincidence

B3ta's very own Fraser was once a cycle courier. On one job out to docklands his radio gave out, so he had to find a public phonebox to ring back to base.

He'd just located one when it began to ring. Picking it up, it was (obviously) a wrong number, but Fraser recognised the voice. Turned out it was a mate of his he hadn't seen for ages.

What spoooky* coincidences have you encountered?

* spoooky should always have three o's. 100% fact

(, Thu 8 Feb 2007, 14:07)
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viewed from the surface of the earth
the moon is exactly the same size as the sun.

which is why we get the cool halo effect during an eclipse when we see the solar flames and that, but not the sun.

this is the only place in the known universe this phenomenon occurs.

i take this as proof of the existence of gods, aliens, ghosts and bottle-nosed-snarly-bleeps.
(, Thu 8 Feb 2007, 23:29, Reply)
Oh Christ...
These things happen to me all the time.

The other day I was using my online banking, and the very moment I clicked the 'statement' link, some woman on News 24 said statement. The exact same moment.

Another time I was chatting on MSN Messenger, and sent someone a message saying 'Fuck em' about something or other. About 2 seconds later John Fortune on Bremner Bird & Fortune on Ch4 said 'Fuck em'.

I was in HMV when I remembered to have a look for Dr Strangelove on DVD. The next line of the song playing in the background began with 'Doctor' .

I was working in my section with the radio on in the background. Some bloke on Virgin Radio was doing a terrible impersonation of Rolf Harris and taking the piss out of that Mika song at the same time. I walked into my section's office where their radio was tuned to Radio One and had some bloke also taking the piss out of that Mika song.

I saw an ad for ITV4 promoting the showing of Apocalypse Now. I saw the ad the very same day I had made this.

In my block (military accommodation) there is a waterpipe running through my wall that sometimes can be noisy when the boiler is filling up or whatever it does. I was watching Terminator 3 on five, and because of the pipe I had subtitles on to catch any of the subtle dialogue (I didn't have my headphones with me at the time and couldn't just turn it up for some reason I forget), anyway I decided to turn the subtitles off. No sooner had I turned them off than the water pipe shut up.

I was once reading an article on Monty Python's Spamalot musical and a Spam advert came on TV.

Jurassic Park was on ITV1 over Christmas. I walked into my living room as it was on and saw Samuel L Jacksons character. Completely at random I decided to say 'Hold onto yer butts!' as it's one of my favourite lines from the movie. Trouble is, Samuel L Jackson decided to start saying it exactly in time with me.

I was reading on a forum a question from a guy asking if iPods could be charged from a laptop, at the same time a character in Lost on Ch4 said that some radios could be powered from a laptop battery.

A guy on TV saying 'blood' as my dog started sniffing a tissue I had been using to dab a cut.

Another MSN Messenger one - asking someone who was idle for a long time 'Are you there?' and a guy on TV saying 'Are you there?' into a walkie-talkie.

There are plenty, plenty more; however I think some kind of post-traumatic stress disorder is putting a mental block on them.
(, Thu 8 Feb 2007, 23:19, Reply)
This is a true story. I met a friend of a friend, called Shelley, lovely girl. She was going out with John, an aussie. They had the same birthday, the exact same day in the same year. It turned out, mine was the same as well, the same day in the same year. Freaky eh?

Whats really mind-boggling scary is that we were all born in the same hospital. What is a whole other level of freakiness, is that John was born in that hospital as his parents were living in the UK for year at the time and his mother went into labour 2 months early, this was the nearest hospital.

After some checking, and a visit to the local registry office, we pretty much determined that we were the only 3 people born that day, in that hospital, and we all met 25 years later in the same pub by sheer chance.
(, Thu 8 Feb 2007, 23:09, Reply)
Flash Gordon
A mate and I went thru a phase of saying 'Gordons Alive' in a Brian Blessed off of Flash Gordon stylee. We said it a lot and mildly pissed everyone off. For a few weeks. We got quite good at it though after a while.

We were in the Shires shopping centre in Lester and got in the glass lift, not really noticing or caring who was in there. Mate goes 'Gordons Alive' in a particularly fine attempt, deep, lots of resonance only to be outdone by a huge booming "EXCUUUUUSE ME" coming from behind us. We turned round to see the man Blessed himself standing with the other occupants looking like we had deliberately taken the piss.

That was just spooky. We apologised and stood there for the next 30 seconds in rather embarassed silence. As we got out, my mate quickly said to him "I liked you in Blakes 7" (BB was in episode 2 of the very first series in about '78, why the fuck he picked that one I dont know) and we walked off quickly as punched him in the arm for being a twat.

(oh and 'SOME PEOPLE QUESTION THINGS'- sounds like you live in Anglesey. They are all fucking freaky gingers. Seriously. Its like the epicentre of inbreeding that place. Not surprising though, my mate moved there (he aint quite all there) and said there are only 2 things to do, drugs and rape).
(, Thu 8 Feb 2007, 22:59, Reply)
oooh i have a good one for this week.....
In January this year I went to China and Hong Kong with my parents for a poke around (was born in Hong Kong y'see). After the usual touristy tours in China we were left to our own devices in Hong Kong.

One evening I went out with my sister in Hong Kong for a few drinks and ended up getting directed to some ex-pat hangouts where mainly british kids (read - white) drank. After a while I left my sister to go to the bar where i started chatting to a group of lovely young girls. We were both invited back to one of the girls houses where i noticed a photograph of four kids sat eating ice-cream on a sunbed that i recognised but couldnt for the life of me remember where from.

A few drinks later I realised where i recognised the picture from, we had a copy on our landing at home! As it turned out, we were 2000 odd miles from home sitting drinking in the house of the girl who's mother was rushed out the maternity room in order for me to be born. The photo was of her and her younger brother and me and my younger sister as our parents became friends that fateful day in the hospital.

As if that wasnt coincidence enough, the girl was also on holiday from university where she lived in halls with none other than my next door neighbour (I found this out a few weeks after when telling my neighbour this story over msn).

Aaaand, i suppose this is a bit obvious if you think about it, we share the same birthday.

I have a massive penis and I'm not sorry.
(, Thu 8 Feb 2007, 22:57, Reply)
whilst not really a coincidence
i swear, everywhere i go i am being followed by gingers, i cant go out anywhere without seeing them, and their beacon of bright light for hair.

one day, whilst out in town buying tennis rackets, i actually saw a good 16 of them, in the same shops i was in. however one was really taking the biscuit.big lanky chap, he was. i picked up a good tennis racket, then put it down again. around 2 minutes later he picked it up, and put it down again, mirroring my every move. this happened a good three times before i decided to call it a day and step up to the challenge.

not being of the aggressive persuasion, it should be known now that i don't usually do this, but here it goes

me:"oi carrot top"
ginger stalker of doom:"beg your pardon?"(yes, he was articulate but oh ho i was not going to be fooled)

me (mumbling): i said oi carrot top

ginger stalker of doom: i don't want to be rude but carrot tops are actually green.

cue silence in which i look in amazement at the sheer stupidity yet strange intelligence of this comment

me:oh, sorry about that

and thats pretty much the story of the biggest fight of my life.
(, Thu 8 Feb 2007, 22:50, Reply)
Errrr... I sound like a weird hippy
I'm a working class, straight as a dye bloke but life has taught me that there is a sixth sense. I know this sounds like crap and God does not exist. This is fact. But there is something that humanity and as self awareness creatures we don't understand... of that, I am SURE... weird stuff beyond chance does occur.
Got fired (for the second time) and old best friend phoned on the same day and offered to pay for us to go the Thailand to write novel on his dough. Decided to get a job the next level up no matter where it was (I hate London at this point) and a friend finds a job sooo perfect it's unbelivable in London. On the same day as the closing date for last application. Friend starts new job in London on exactly same day as me in the same company... we share a flat now. Slow down on dry street in car for no reason than feel 'odd'... hit oil and end up 2 inches from wall of death.... these are just a couple... but what really makes me understand that there is some sort of sixth sense is much shallower...
I love women in a very amourous, sensual and artistic way... but I'm also very shallow.
Girls can sense when some of us look at their asses. No mirror or window, no friend looking in our direction.. no indication there is anyone looking at them... yet every day some fit lass turns round and looks me in the eye with NOOOO hesitation when I'm saying to myself 'Oh dear Lord, that is sooo sexy'... HOW DO YOU KNOW???? I have a lot of close female mates and they say 'we just know'. Not good enough! Explain please?
Length... I'm jealous of field mice.
(, Thu 8 Feb 2007, 22:41, Reply)
spoooky When I was 8
I once had a very vivid dream of a bad bicycle accident. I remember the details of the actual accident were a bit sketchy, but I vividly remember looking up at all of these faces hovering above me, one of them being my mom.

The dream kind of made me nervous for a few days then it went away. Then on the weekend my friends and I were riding our bikes around. We did this one thing where we would ride down this small hill with no hands. It was actually pretty easy. I had left my bike at home so I borrowed a friends.

Turns out his father hadn't put it together right, and as a result, the handlebars were very wobbly.

I lost control... skidded out.. hit a car and a curb. I blacked out.

I woke up a few seconds later, looking up at all of these faces hovering above me, one of them being my mom. Just like the dream. It actually happens all of the time to me.

I had to go to the hospital and get 16 stitches.

no apologies for length. Oh, and by the way, the feeling of thinking something the same time someone ELSE is thinking something is called the collective unconscious. Nothing spoooky about it.
(, Thu 8 Feb 2007, 22:41, Reply)
Birds of a feather go mental together.
When I was 7, I wasn't the best-behaved little girl. Always in trouble and all.

My partner in crime was another girl my age whose name I don't remember anymore. We did general naughty children things and got into trouble for it. We were always sent to the office.

One incident ended in a trip to the principal's office together, where he told us he was fed up and would consider getting the school counselor involved. He said if we kept getting into trouble he wouldn't be surprised if we ended up in an institution in the future. The other girl changed schools soon after and I didn't see her again.

As time went on, it became more apparent that I was more than just a trouble maker, I was loony. My parents sent me to a mental hospital in the city, an hour and a half away.

And when I got into the unit's common room the next morning, there she was, Nameless Partner In Crime Girl. She was there for trying to stab her sister or something like that.

And though I would be hospitalized there once again in a few years, I thankfully haven't seen her since.
(, Thu 8 Feb 2007, 22:25, Reply)
I turned on this grey box and there's these pictures and letters and people want to talk to me - it's mad I tells ya!

Size - Just you wait ;-)
(, Thu 8 Feb 2007, 22:23, Reply)
yep and how come there's enough oxygen for us all.
(, Thu 8 Feb 2007, 21:55, Reply)
Whilst holidaying just off the coast of Africa
we went on a catamaran boat trip. I am normally fine at sea and love the water. However, this time I didn't feel too well. We carried on anyway, and after a couple of hours of sailing, anchored the boat in the water and we were allowed to go for a swim and a snorkel.

As I said, I am quite confident in the water and had been snorkelling and scuba diving many times before. This time, however, I was desperate to get out of the water. My mum had paid for it all and was getting rather pissed off at me for panicking. Then all of a sudden the boat began to move. A large pull from the water pulled me down under the water and under the boat. I was literally swimming on the spot under the water due to the strength of the current. Suddenly the bouy line hit me straight in the chest and pinned me up against the side of the boat as I felt something large and leathery brush past my legs.

I managed to free myself from under the water, only to have to emmerse myself under it again as the anchor line came toward me quickly at neck height.

Fortunately, there was another boat trip near by, and I remember being lifted out of the water by a man on a jet ski. He took me round to the back of the catamaran and helped me on. It was only then, when I looked over the edge of the boat that I actually saw the two sharks circling below.

I looked around me on the deck to see many pale faces, a screaming child and a pool of blood. Sat nearby the blood was a young woman with a large cut on her leg.

We quickly removed the anchor and travelled back to our hotel. In the years since then, if I ever get a feeling that I really shouldn't be doing something I bloody don't do it.

I have other stories similar to this that I may tell during this week.
(, Thu 8 Feb 2007, 21:55, Reply)
amazing how we evolved on a planet
with human-friendly foodstuffs
(, Thu 8 Feb 2007, 21:50, Reply)
Surely no coincidence?
If the moon keeps the same face pointing towards the Earth it must mean the moon rotates exactly once every time it circles the Earth

Now I don't know about you but that sure scares the bejesus out of me ;-) Always has done.

Aparantly it's something to do with tides, phew!
(, Thu 8 Feb 2007, 21:49, Reply)
I always have this thing
where I randomly get words or phrases popping into my head for no reason and I don't mean obvious stuff either. Then within seconds someone on TV or the radio will say the exact thing. It also happens on instant messenger. The sort of thing where you're typing faster than your friend but as soon as you've posted they say the same thing within a second. It's a daily occurrence with me and a tad unnerving. I've even had dreams about someone I haven't spoken to in months saying a particular thing on msn (for example) and the next night...they suddenly log in and the first words are exactly what I had a dream about. Coincidence or mental?
(, Thu 8 Feb 2007, 21:48, Reply)
It was the end of the third year of university...
... and we had a room in the house we were living in that would become spare in the fourth year, so we advertised for a new housemate. Someone got in touch, and came to look round the house. He was a first year student, and he mentioned that our kitchen was much tidier than the one in Benefactors, the hall of residence he was living in. Now, this being only a relatively small hall compared with some of the others, I pointed out the coincidence that this was also the hall I was in in my first year.

Then he asked, "what room number were you in?"
"Well, that's quite freaky..."

There are about 4000 rooms in various halls of residence on the Warwick campus, and our new housemate was in the one I'd inhabited two years previously. Spoooky.
(, Thu 8 Feb 2007, 21:47, Reply)
Many years ago I was shopping in town with my best friend from school. She was buying something in Superdrug and we chuckled as the fiver she was paying with was tatty, slightly ripped and had a distinct comical face drawn on the queen.

A week later I bought something in Virgin and in my change received that very same five pound note. My town has a population of 100,000.


I wrote about Billy Connolly in my blog once and the next day I bumped into him coming out of Woolworths.

Someone I went to Glastonbury with in 2003 pointed across the Pyramid stage crowd and proclaimed 'That man looks like Michael Eavis!' The man he'd pointed at was my uncle who I didn't even know was going to the festival.

I randomly saw my brother on the adjoining carriage of a London Underground train once, which wouldn't be too strange except neither of us live in London.

I once tried to type 'Smirnoff' in a text message I was writing and it came out as 'poisoned'. I think my liver was trying to get in contact...
(, Thu 8 Feb 2007, 21:46, Reply)
I was verbally abused by two different one-legged, drunken Irishmen on the same day.
Mind you, it was in London, spiritual home of the one-legged drunken Irishman.
(, Thu 8 Feb 2007, 21:42, Reply)
Me and my cl
I met my cl in an op4 server one day. We were talking in game and I happened to mention that I'd not long had my birthday, turns out she had too, on the same day. So later on msn we're chatting away and the number of coincidences between us is getting spooky. We both read the same books, listen to the same music, watch the same programmes, etc. We were both near crippled in the same year, both with back injuries. We had both broken the same bones in the same limbs at the same time. Toes are broken at least once each year.

We can feel if something was wrong with the other, the worst being when I had a terrible sick worrying feeling at 23:30, asked her the next day what was wrong - it turned out her daughter had had a very serious asthma attack at 00:30 (I live in the UK, she in Germany).

We both still get sick at the same time, we had appendicitis within 4 weeks of each other and numerous other weird things happening all the time. If I get the shits I know shes running back and forth to the loo as well.

But I still wouldnt swap her for the world no matter how many weird things happen between us.
(, Thu 8 Feb 2007, 21:34, Reply)
When I was a...
young lad I used to live in a flat, so nothing special about that right but one night my dad had some friends over I decided that I could join them for some alcohol had a few drink of stuff i'm not sure that I want to know what it was but I went to bed late and by late I mean late 3o'clock the next day I lay down in bed and

I fall sleep, my dad however woke up because of some strange noises

back to me again I wake up with my head stuck under the couch my dad shaking me madly afraid i'm dead because my throat was being mashed by the edge of the couch

24hours later in hospital I have never been so scared in my life

so how did I get there spoooky right???

Lenght, shut up we all know you love it!
(, Thu 8 Feb 2007, 21:26, Reply)
Doppleganger detention...
When I was 14, I was kept back after Welsh class by the teacher, Miss Jane Evans* She posed some delicate questions. i.e. Had I been sneaking around to discover her personal details and intimate them into the latest essay? Was I stalking her?

Now Jane "Jugs" as she was known was well worth stalking, but I was innocent. Well, not guilty 'neway. What happened was...

I'd been forced to write an essay about an old person. I couldn't be arsed to go and visit some old dear going on about how young folk were lazy, so I thought, fuck it, my dad's retired so he'll do. Wouldn't even have to talk to him about it. So I wrote an essay which started

J.G. Evans 6th May 1931 - present

John Glyndwr Evans was born with a twin sister, Jane.....

This is where it all hit the fan, the fan being an unamused, single teacher in her late twenties. Why? Well...

Jane "Jugs" had a twin brother. Named John Glyndwr Evans. Her middle name turned to be Gwen. So all were J.G. Evans. Jugs and bruv's date of birth was...wait for it...6th of May.

Now to prove I wasn't actually student stalker, I pulled out my contact diary, hoping to show her my dad's signature thus proving his existence. Apart from a little curve on the S of Evans, both hers and my dads were identical. Shit. Now I was forging signatures to cement my fantasies it seemed

I could see myself being forced to talk to the child psychiatrist again. But, bless her, she gave me the benefit of the doubt though she always looked at me funny until she met my Dad and at parents' evening and. Then she regarded me with some kind of pity.

*all names changed slightly, etc. to protect the length of the innocent.
(, Thu 8 Feb 2007, 21:25, Reply)
Really odd...
Last night I dreamt I was with Anna Nicole Smith, then she collapsed!

And now we have a new QOTW. Coincidence? I think not!
(, Thu 8 Feb 2007, 21:12, Reply)
One day I woke up and was given with loads of presents

Spoookily, this occured on the same day which I was born on.

(, Thu 8 Feb 2007, 21:12, Reply)
Not really spoooky, but still makes me giggle.
Back in the days when i was still a little scrote walking the streets with a joint and can of fosters we used to see a mate's dad's car parked down some random street every now and then and we always pissed him off by saying he was having an affair with some tart.

About 5 years later it came out that he actually was having an affair with some tart down that road and we could have stopped it simply by mentioning it and watching him stutter for a suitable excuse why he was there.

His wife took him back though, and they're still together, so at least it has a happy ending.
(, Thu 8 Feb 2007, 20:53, Reply)
Random Hitchhiker...
When I started work I borrowed my parents car for a few weeks and was heading back up the motorway to drop it off.

Now, as a mate of mine spent all his travel time hitch-hiking up and down the country when he needed to get anywhere I said to myself that if the car was empty then I'd give the next hitchhiker I saw a lift.

Cue one 150 mile trip, one empty car and one hitchhiker with an "M6 North" sign.

I pulled over and offered the guy a lift.

"So, M6 north? I'm heading that way. Where abouts?"

"Junction 23" (My junction).

"Oh right, which town?"

"Err. Wigan?" (My area).

"Where abouts in Wigan?"

"Err, Ashton?" (My home town).

"Where abouts in Ashton"?

(Cue odder and odder looks as this is going on...)

"Err. Princess road?" (Just round the corner from my folks.)

"No Probs mate. :) "

So after 150 miles I drop the guy pretty much to his door and a minute later I'm back home with the kettle on.

Only time I've picked up a hitch-hiker. :)

(, Thu 8 Feb 2007, 20:47, Reply)
Many times
In my dream, i saw a sheep jump over a fence
then another
then another
then another
then another
then another
then another
then another
then another...
the anth...
(, Thu 8 Feb 2007, 20:38, Reply)
I had a letter last week from the montreal lottery saying i had won first prize, but to keep quiet about it and send them some money to 'help them process my winnings'
I have never been there, never entered anything, and can't even point it out on a map.
(, Thu 8 Feb 2007, 20:33, Reply)
i have another one!
not spoooky. or a coincidence really. but after looking at the last QOTW i think i could probably get away with anything right now.

I told a friend of mine yesterday while she was sitting next to me that she had better not make me ill.

She did.
(, Thu 8 Feb 2007, 20:26, Reply)
I was on a train last week...
...and i ended up sat opposite some manky old balding guy who looked strangely familiar, although i couldn't quite place it.

About 30 mins into the 45 min journey i realised he looked like some manky old balding guy i know on a forum.

"oh, that's who he looks like" i thought, then carried on with my sudoku's and didn't think anything more of it. It didn't occur to me tht it might actually be him as he lives bloody miles away.

Later that day i saw the manky old balding guy on the forum so told him that i was sat opposite someone who looked like him.

"That's spoooky", he said, "i was sat opposite someone on a train earlier who looked just like you".

Turns out we'd been sat opposite each other for 45-50 mins but didn't realise it, even though we both sort of recognised each other.
(, Thu 8 Feb 2007, 20:20, Reply)

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