I wept for my cat last week despite trying to be all hard and manly. What's made you cry recently?
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 11:07)
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I'm in the final year of uni and its bollocks, I'm not drinking or smoking heavily any more and the fun just seems to have dribbled out of my life!
It ll peaked after Christmas when i got my first semester grades back to find they were my worst ever, despite working my arse off!
I realied I couldn't get my 2.1 any more so I started blubing away! Bless, I'm so fragile!
Now I've got two weeks to write my dissertation and two other assignments, so I'm guessing there's plenty more tears to come! Yay me!
Oh, I also always well up when I watch the lion king and its the it where Simbas dad dies, its beutifuly tragic, just like a little goth kid...
( , Sat 16 Apr 2005, 17:57, Reply)

I cried when Rose got into the Tardis at the end of the first episode, at the ending of episode 2, and I'm sure there will be some more tear jerking moments to come......
this new series rocks....
( , Sat 16 Apr 2005, 17:53, Reply)

Me and my girlfriend of over 5 years breaking up! Quite sad!
( , Sat 16 Apr 2005, 17:13, Reply)

not soldiers, you understand, political marchers. like, civil rights protesters or feminists and stuff. good stuff normally.
can't cry at sad things.
( , Sat 16 Apr 2005, 16:46, Reply)

by hispanic hoodlums (great streotyping, hollywood!) in Short Circuit 2.
He was dying! Boo hoo.
But huzzah! in the end, he was resurrected by the indian guy with the singing calculator.
I was 11 at the time...
( , Sat 16 Apr 2005, 16:14, Reply)

I spoke to a girl a couple of weeks ago. Her sheer beauty from her personality made me shed a tear.
She was lovely looking too.
( , Sat 16 Apr 2005, 15:57, Reply)

... in Field of Dreams where he plays catch with his Dad. Get's me every time... dammit Kevin why did you have to make such a nice film... waaaahhhh (He was crying like a pussy!)
( , Sat 16 Apr 2005, 15:41, Reply)

that cartoon movie "The Last Unicorn", where this huge bull herds all the unicorns in to the sea and they become one with the waves. i cried so much my t-shirt got all crunchy at the front
( , Sat 16 Apr 2005, 15:30, Reply)

I confess to blubbing like a baby during the last part of The Green Mile....it's just so....*sniff*
( , Sat 16 Apr 2005, 15:29, Reply)

of 24. when jack realises just how many men/pets he has maimed or killed. what a moment.
( , Sat 16 Apr 2005, 15:14, Reply)

I saw it last night and both me and my girlfriend were sobbing at the end.
( , Sat 16 Apr 2005, 15:03, Reply)

Just so you know by american head charge.. odd choice to make you cry i know, but it came on in a club after me and my ex-fiance broke up.. i heard the words and all of a sudden realised it said everything id been trying to, now everytime i hear it i remember how great a relationship was.
on a lighter note, seeing an advert for cosmetic surgery live show a penis cut open.. scarred me for life the twisted fucks
( , Sat 16 Apr 2005, 13:41, Reply)

not really
The last time i cried was after spraining my ankle after a night of drinking (went to see high contrast).
I woke up having been sleeping on it awkwardly, and needing to be sick.
After hobbling to the loo (i made it in time) and being horribly ill, with my ankle swollen to the size of a golf ball on the side, (literally) i cried for a bit. It was damned uncomfortable.
( , Sat 16 Apr 2005, 13:18, Reply)

Stuck a (sterile non-AIDS-infested) syringe clean through my thumb - with 2 cm of it poking out on the other side. My supervisor was pissing himself laughing for hours, as was everyone else in the immediate area.
Im fairly sure the tears were from the pain - i was quite manly about it until a nurse offered to clean and plaster the hole i made for me :)
( , Sat 16 Apr 2005, 13:14, Reply)

and went on for quite a while. I was having a good day at the start, when i got a phonecall off one of my friends. (Not knowing what musical tastes you all have, i don't know how this would have affected you) he told me that Dimebag Darrel, Brutal Axeman from Pantera/damageplan, had been shot dead in a show in ohio the night before. I refused to believe at first. He was only 38, he inspired me to play, i never got to see him, and now i never can. My heart goes out to him, the others that lost their lives at that gig, and to his brother Vinnie Paul, who had to sit there and watch his brother get shot 5 times in the chest at point blank range.
I cried non stop for hours, and still cry when i hear certain pantera songs
Dimebag Darrell 1966-2004
Wash him away. Take him with the floods
( , Sat 16 Apr 2005, 12:49, Reply)

I have to say i welled up towards the end of this film. Im not sure if i had it right though, there was a tall chap infront of me so i missed the middle 2 words of every subtitle.
Also, nearly burnt my face off with hair straightners this morning.
( , Sat 16 Apr 2005, 12:15, Reply)

The last time I *actually* ever cried was when I was 12. I've been emotionally crippled ever since this incident. When I was 12 I had a dog that I'd had for a very long time. A very lovely Cavalier King Charles' Spaniel called Matilda whom I loved very much. I was playing out the front with her one day when she ran onto the road, chasing a car, dodged it but went smack into the front of another incoming car. The car hit her and she completely buckled under the weight... the cunt driving the car slowed down gave me the finger and drove off. I ran into the road and picked up her limp body feeling her slowly dying in my hands as I ran to the front door of my house... I ran inside and impotently called the vet (this was at 6am on a sunday, so no dice) screaming at the answering machine down the end of the line. I looked down at my dog lying beside the phone in a contorted twisted shape and saw the life fade from her eyes. I sobbed constantly for 8 hours there, my head on her body. I loved her and some pompous wanker in a 4WD had the temerity to take her away from me. That was the last time I cried. Except for now.
( , Sat 16 Apr 2005, 11:00, Reply)

this wasn't the last time but it was the most dramatic, in that i was sitting in the street and just sobbed for an hour following a phone call from my parents.
Apparently my cat Mr Blonde (who was only a year old) had gone missing for a few days - he had never been gone more than a few hours before. Anyway, apparently he returned home, meowing pathetically and with a footprint-shaped dent in his side, bloody and with maggots everywhere. Some fucker had stamped on him.
He died literally within 5 minutes of making it home. Which meant that for 3 days he was suffering but he still needed to be home before he died.
I would be happy to go to jail for murder if I ever found out which cunt did it.
( , Sat 16 Apr 2005, 10:35, Reply)

Two months ago, my step-dad died after an incredibly long illness, and during the arrangements for the funeral the inevitable arguments between step-family and my blood-family started to occur.
During a particular debate a question was raised, and everyone stopped to look to me for an answer. It was then I realised that, at 24, I was the oldest male present and it was now my responsibility to look after the well-being of my entire family.
At the funeral, I stood at the front pew holding my mum and sisters as they cried their eyes out, whilst I held back with everything I had. Since then, I've been through my mum's finances to make sure she can support herself and I've been to Suffolk to house-hunt so she can start her life again. I still need to speak to my Nan regarding adjusting her will and help arrange a house-sale for all the stuff she doesn’t need any more.
Every now and again I cry when I get thinking about things, but never in front of my family.
I'm thinking about getting a tattoo of a compass put on my back - in remembrance and hopefully inspiration for keeping myself and my family heading in the right direction.
( , Sat 16 Apr 2005, 10:19, Reply)

My mother came into the living room one night to find my brother and I absolutely bawling our eyes out over Godzilla 1985. It was the slow-motion fall into the lava pit spliced with the shots o the scientists crying that got us.
"Oh Mom!" we bawled. "Godzilla's dead!"
And she laughed at us. So it still tears me up when I watch it now.
( , Sat 16 Apr 2005, 10:18, Reply)

*Selfish, poor-bugger-me crying*
The other night I was out at a club and saw the man whose babies I'm supposed to have... holding hands with his girlfriend. I actually knew he had a girlfriend, but seeing him holding hands with her like that had me holding back angry, pointless tears. (He doesn't even know I Like him.)
*Taking On The Sufferings of Humanity crying*
Reading the opening chapters of the 9-11 report. I defy you to read the transcripts of the airline hostess' and passengers' contact with the ground without bawling. Even if you do hate Americans and go around wearing a Che t-shirt, you rebellious, anti-establishment scenester you.
( , Sat 16 Apr 2005, 8:08, Reply)

I was invited to one of my professor's group meetings today, and it was very exciting for me, since I just started working for him, and I'm only a college freshman. It was a lunch-ish meeting, and I had already eaten, but I was taking a sip out of my water bottle and accidentally managed to swallow it the wrong way. Tears came to my eyes as I started choking and trying not to make a scene. It didn't really work, since everyone was looking. I was trying not to breathe, even though I couldn't breathe anyway. My professor asked me what was so funny. When I didn't respond (since I couldn't freaking breathe), he sort of waved me away and explained to the group that I was an undergraduate.
When I did finally manage to control my choking, I think I kept crying a little bit. He's a great professor and I really respect him, it just kind of makes me feel very young. Not my fault you only work with grad students. I would magically be five years older if I could.
Oddly enough, this was my second OMG I'm gonna die moment with this professor. First time I was walking to his house for another meeting, and managed to trip and fall on my face in the middle of a busy road.
( , Sat 16 Apr 2005, 5:35, Reply)

of Google (made me cry), some of the better ones:
John Wayne Made Me Cry.
My Swap Partner made me cry.
Vanilla Sky just made me cry.
Jackie Chan made me Cry.
Today my daughter made me cry again.
A marching band has made me cry.
Swimming with dolphins made me cry.
Watching F1 almost made me cry.
The Tesla Coil made me cry.
13 reasons why Cluetrain made me cry.
The Mod That Made Me Cry.
Komputer Made Me Cry.
Jenn's Journal: My mother in law made me cry.
Darth Vader Made Me Cry.
Halo 2 Made me cry.
A Game with a Bald Man Made Me Cry.
edit-string; For those of you saying, "Hey knarly cool post and all, but the wanker just skated by without laying out even a litlle piece of his life and what makes a bugger tick!" ...and I know you're saying that!
Please allow me to share the last thing that made me cry. Now to look at me, you'ld say, "Where's yer Harley bro?" or "Dude, saw ya on the WWF last night, you ROCKED!" The point being, I have the appearance of a manly man. Awnold is a wuss! So, tears don't come easy and when they do come... they frickin mean something... understand?! Right o then...
hmmm, let's see, the last time I cried was February 21st. My step father calls from NY to say my Mom had passed away... then the prick goes on to tell me how I was a lousy son who never stayed in touch (little did he know- I have the email to prove it!) with her. Threatens to kick my ass and it was at that point on the phone that I allowed him to push my buttons and I whoooped off the foulest angriest verbal attack ever recorded on an FBI stakeout.
I cried after that... it sucked!
( , Sat 16 Apr 2005, 5:26, Reply)

Yeah, I know it's a Bruce Willis film but believe it or not my mother was there at the time and saw and was witness to things that still haunt her. She was 23 at the time so couldn't really do much about it. Anyway, the scene were they cut the womans breasts off so she's unable to feed her new born son still brings a lump to my throat. That doesn't make me cry though.
“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” (Edmund Burke)
...that does.
( , Sat 16 Apr 2005, 4:10, Reply)

Goddammit, colinbatesuk. At least two-thirds of the people reading this qotw are thinking about their recently dead pets.
And now I don't know if I'm laughing so hard at the site setimret linked to because it's genuinely the funniest thing I have ever read, or I'm just emotionally vulnerable.
( , Sat 16 Apr 2005, 3:43, Reply)

my girlfriend's greek but she studies at uni in england, which is where i met her, a month ago i said goodbye to her before she went home for easter and i cried like a bitch.
will be seeing her on sunday :) *dances*
cry at flims and tv a lot too, can't think of anything specific now, usual stuff though, dumbo always gets me, when he goes to see his mum, hollyoaks when the mad kid said bye to his dead mum, anything with loved ones dying or leaving or going senile, just loss generally
conversely i've lost loved ones in real life and not cried at all
next time someone i care about dies i'm gonna play some sad piano music
( , Sat 16 Apr 2005, 3:20, Reply)

my boyfriend just broke up with me... i cried for 8 hours in one day
i cried a little bit when i saw Gorbachev speak last night... (he came to my town and spoke) i'm not sure why... but it could have been that my ex boyfriend was sitting across the stadium and i could see him the whole time
and then i cried today a lot. ugh crying sucks and so do really mean people like eugene
( , Sat 16 Apr 2005, 2:57, Reply)
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