My favourite was a public loo in Oxford where someone had written a huge poem all down the cubicle door. Best bit? Someone else had added detailed literary criticism. Only in Oxford. Have you seen better? Worse? Do tell.
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 17:16)
This question is now closed.

simply stenciled in Bold "BEWARE THE BUNNIES!"
No idea why, bunnies are awesome :)
( , Tue 8 May 2007, 8:27, Reply)

A road sign in Liverpool read 'Mersey Docks and Harbour Board'. Someone had added underneath '...and little lambs eat ivy'.
(If you know the song, you'll get it!!)
( , Tue 8 May 2007, 7:49, Reply)

There is a traffic STOP sign on my old uni campus, which has been graffitied as follows.
( , Tue 8 May 2007, 6:39, Reply)

change the sign that says 'River Ouse' to 'River MOuse'. You have to respect that kind of commitment.
( , Tue 8 May 2007, 6:16, Reply)

you decide!
Was waiting for the no.10 bus in cheltenham, looked at the electronic bus timetable. I was dissapointed to read "This sign is maintained by gloucestershire County Council".
5 minutes passed. I checked the sign for an update. Lo and behold, how could i have not seen it before:

( , Tue 8 May 2007, 5:05, Reply)

The top line read "I hate blacks", and underneath had been written "I agree, I prefer Millets."
( , Tue 8 May 2007, 4:39, Reply)

on a timetable attached to a bus stop:
They had a point. I was there for about an hour until one bloody turned up.
( , Tue 8 May 2007, 3:52, Reply)

if you sprinkle
when you tinkle
be a sweetie
and wipe the seatie
( , Tue 8 May 2007, 3:49, Reply)

I saw both of these in Romania:

Is that a reference to something I haven't heard of? I was amused by the "OK" sign and the (relatively) large cock and balls.

On the wall of a pharmacy (as the sign says).
( , Tue 8 May 2007, 3:42, Reply)

they do, ye know.
and at school back in derry in mr Walls' classroom some genius wrote
( , Tue 8 May 2007, 2:01, Reply)

My favourite ever was in the waiting room/shed at Darsham station in Suffolk. Bear in mind that this was about 0.5 miles from where at least two of the Cunts in the Darkness grew up. Not that they necessarily had anything to do with it.
It simply read 'Mr Bradley blows goats'.
Now, this is a rather posh section of Suffolk. Which makes me think that either Mr Bradley wasn't too choosy about his ruminants, or that it was just a big cocking lie, unperpetrated by either of the Cunts in the Darkness.
Still, good graffito.
( , Tue 8 May 2007, 1:37, Reply)

lots of hippy types had written 'Bush is another word for c**t' all over the place. Some very witty soul replaced c**t with 'shrub'
( , Tue 8 May 2007, 1:25, Reply)

The mens bogs in Manchester Uni used to have an Anarchist symbol painted on the water reservoir above the piss-trough with:
( , Tue 8 May 2007, 1:11, Reply)

A parking meter had been hit by a car near my house and was all bent out of shape
next to it on the pavement someone had written "queer" with an arrow pointing at it
(cause it wasnt straight...)
( , Tue 8 May 2007, 0:26, Reply)

Desperately hungover after a mammoth binge the night before myself and a friend set out to explore prague beyond its bars.
After staggering up the almighty hill to the castle (during which my friend expertly threw up near the gates to the disgust of many American tourists. Double Whammy!)and taking in some rageful european delights we sauntered down the hill only to find the best piece of news we'd heard all week...
Sting is dead
If only it were tue
( , Tue 8 May 2007, 0:19, Reply)

Back in about 1988/89 some highly intellectual type had got hold of a bad of weedkiller and defaced the UMIST bowling green. It was a masterpiece. You could see it from the train.
Massive letter.
"I (heart) UMST"
Which i think sums up UMIST graduates perfectly.
( , Tue 8 May 2007, 0:14, Reply)

A guy from work bought me a Starbucks', and had coloured in the S, T, A, R, S, C, E and E of the 'STARBUCKS COFFEE' label, leaving 'BUCK OFF'. I'm sure you can figure out how he changed the B. Still, the coffee was free and tasted normal.
( , Mon 7 May 2007, 23:27, Reply)

Many thanks to the half dozen people who messaged me to explain what the acronym cdc stands for.
I can't hide the fact that I am a trifle disappointed to discover it has nothing to do with the Commonwealth Development Corporation.
( , Mon 7 May 2007, 23:27, Reply)

...for many years till they knocked it down and turned it into a casino.
There were loads of them round town - all spelt wrong - and people had tried to add in missing letters when they realised their mistake!
Brilliant stuff.

( , Mon 7 May 2007, 23:19, Reply)

On the bus stop next to the petrol station in Churchdown. "Your dad sucks cooks". The fuckers couldn't even spell "COCKS" properly.
( , Mon 7 May 2007, 22:55, Reply)

angrymanxman: If you really don't know, it stands for Crudely Drawn Cock, ie the commonly-sketched cock-and-two-balls beloved of foul-minded children of all ages.
( , Mon 7 May 2007, 22:54, Reply)

On the inside of the door of one of the cubicles in the male loos, the words:
"I DO NOT shag Horses!!"
are written in proud, bold letters. What I want to know is, what prompted this declaration? And, perhaps more pertinently, why write it on the inside of the bog door?
( , Mon 7 May 2007, 22:41, Reply)

And also recently in Abingdon's Saxton Road
Saxton Road Posey
I think they meant posse.
Silly Chavs
( , Mon 7 May 2007, 22:32, Reply)

...I used to smile every morning when I saw "Big Dave's Gusset" painted on the wall in big letters.
( , Mon 7 May 2007, 22:29, Reply)

and someone had written underneath:
"peckham for the peckish"
( , Mon 7 May 2007, 22:17, Reply)

when you're issued with a new text book in science, history or geography at the beginning of a new school year. To open to half way through the book only to find an enormous CDC enscirbed in biro, spunking all over the battle of hastings, or protruding from edwin chadwick's crotch. It naturally became your duty to sometime during the year leave a similar gift for next year's recipient. It's like counting the rings in a tree trunk, you can tell the age of a text book by counting the penises.
( , Mon 7 May 2007, 21:58, Reply)

People seem reluctant to answer my question about what a "cdc" is.
Does it refer to the Climate Diagnostics Centre?
Perhaps the Centre for Disease Control?
Or maybe the Commonwealth Development Corporation (apparently "a UK government-owned fund of funds, with net assets of US$4bn" according to their website)?
I'm unsure how any of these organisations are significant to the world of graffiti; please enlighten me.
Seriously, saying things like "There was this enourmous CDC on some wall somewhere or other" etc means nothing IF YOU DON'T CHUFFING WELL EXPLAIN WHAT ONE IS!!!!
EDIT: Okay, so I'm guessing that this has something to do with the Cult of the Dead Cow perhaps. Either that or Cotswolds District Council.
( , Mon 7 May 2007, 21:57, Reply)

Anyone remember the Graffiti books by Nigel Rees? From late seventies/early eighties.
The ones I can remember are:
"BE ALERT" which underneath someone added in tiny letters "your country needs lerts"
"Will the last person to leave the country please turn the lights off"
and hilariously, "I love GRILS!", to which some one added "I think you mean girls", which was followed by "What about us GRILS?" which was hilarious probably.
( , Mon 7 May 2007, 21:41, Reply)
This question is now closed.