My favourite was a public loo in Oxford where someone had written a huge poem all down the cubicle door. Best bit? Someone else had added detailed literary criticism. Only in Oxford. Have you seen better? Worse? Do tell.
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 17:16)
This question is now closed.

on a bunk high up in a bunk-house ... "Dave and becky abused each other here for 5 hours"
I was 7 when i read it.... and i wondered for YEARS about what it must have meant.
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 21:17, Reply)

someone had used letraset to write "willy" and "bum" very neatly in impact 18 point.
also on the same wall
"leo sayer, what a player"
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 21:16, Reply)

"If you want AIDS, fuck a nigger"
Probably the single most offensive thing I've ever seen.
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 21:13, Reply)

Saw this scribbled in a turlet last week, and it just tickled me the right way;
"i hate 2 things in life, irony and graffiti."
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 21:13, Reply)

Some smart alec had removed the words "give, up, your, for" and the S of "seat"
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 21:11, Reply)

ya know those signs telling you to stay calm etc etc well ours read..
In Case of Fire
i *SWEAR* i didnt write it on though...i was health and safety rep after all
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 21:10, Reply)

Some of the classics have been done already but there's some weird ones around Leeds, at one point in the toilets on the floor 11 (was only the second because of bizarre numbering of floors) of the politics building had a huge discussion on the merits of anarchy compared to socialism, democracy, and communisim.
For a while around Hyde Park in Leeds someone was doing crappy stencils with polictical motivation, one of the most memorable was "Go back to bed Tony's watching". Enditement on the surveilance society = check, freaking me out on the way to uni = check.
Finally there's this guy who was hanging around on the side of a letting agent's till they painted it over

I must point out this was about 4ft high about 6 feet up so for the month or two it was up amused me greatly. He's done more variations on the same character all over Leeds depending on where it is
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 21:09, Reply)

A two inch circle, captioned: 'looking hole'.
Well, it was funny in dutch.
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 21:08, Reply)

Before this seat of learning got its 8 foot fence the locals would regularly daub messages of appreciation on the back wall of the gym. One morning I espied "xxx is a boss-eyed bastard"; xxx being the headmaster. I went into his office and told him what had been written and as he looked at his desk with one eye and me with the other he said " well, they got it half right".
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 21:08, Reply)

we had a mystery poet who would regulary decorate the walls...the one i rem verbatim is thus
reggie kray died today
do you think we will miss the sad old gay?
i think not
the stupid old twot
deserves to be pissed on
and covered in snot
also some one liners used to appear in staff only locations (it was the john menzies staff but we used to get the blame)
"goat boy goat boy get yourself a razor blade" (never found out who goat boy was and if he ever got his razor blade)
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 21:06, Reply)

In the lifts of the MoD headquarters in London (before they moved to their swanky new offices off Whitehall) there was a sign, in star wars intro style, listing all the prominent terror groups round the world in a 'be vigilant' sort of way.
Some wag only added "The People's Front of Judea" to the top of the list...
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 21:05, Reply)

And friend and I spied a rather brilliant bit of graffiti on a stroll through Canterbury a while ago, it's near Canterbury East train station on one of the footpaths. On the path is the stick figure that gets painted on to show you that is a pedestrian route and someone had painted a giant sheep eating the stick man's head. It made us chuckle at the time.
Another bit we saw around town was "Wolves are mean"
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 21:03, Reply)

Remember the huge billboard advertisements after the death of drugs victim Leah Betts in the UK a few years ago? Well, it basically had the mentioned girl in the last moments of life hooked up to just about every tube and beepy machine the NHS had to offer. This was meant to be a hard-hitting anti-drugs (Ecstasy in particular) campaign.
Accompanying this picture was the slogan : "IT ONLY TOOK ONE ECSTASY TABLET TO KILL LEAH BETTS!"
Under which, some bright spark had painted : "FUCKING LIGHTWEIGHT!!"
Cruel, but it had me in stitches until it was removed!!
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 21:02, Reply)

Near the Kremlin in Leeds, there used to be a shop called "Freedom". It sold, I don't know, furniture or kitchens or something. They put a advertising board up on Shannon street, screwed to a wall. "Freedom", it said in big letters, with a big arrow pointing left.
Underneath it, someone sprayed "Bush" with an arrow pointing right.
That is all.
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 20:57, Reply)

on a wall next to a shopping centre (and my way back from infant school) i saw for years these threee words
just like that
now this puzzled a lot of us for years...was it 3 people and those were nicknames?
was it a hidden message?
all i can imagine is they are proclaiming that toosh (i dont know how its spelled it may be right) as in bum is in fact the male equivalent of a vagina (fadge was oft used to refer to that part of a woman)
i wonder if its still there....
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 20:55, Reply)

there is a little road, origionally going by the name of "Stella Maris Court"
some clever bugger has changed it to "lla ma s oup"
makes me giggle every time...
This is my first post related to the qotw so be nice ; )
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 20:55, Reply)

Many years ago, the favoured pastime of Accrington chavs seemed to be to modify the "Do not vandalise this bus" signs.
What started out as the warning "The Managing Director will press for the heaviest penalties against offenders" invariably ended up becoming:
The Managing Director will press h i s pen i s against offenders
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 20:54, Reply)

Your post reminded me of a graffito seen over the urinals at Edinburgh University union. It's stuck in my fading grey matter for thirty years so it must have been funny. No, I wasn't a student, just a visiting pisshead.
To be is to do - Sartre
To do is to do - Nietzsche
Doo be doo be doo - Sinatra
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 20:54, Reply)

Love life, not money
good advice and to the point. may spray this one around myself some point
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 20:53, Reply)

on sitting down in a building site cubicle i spy the words toilet tennis: look left writen on the right hand wall so i looke left and behold the words look right so i do and then i see look left, this goes on for 7 goes before i get bored.
on a graveyrad welcome sign in reading:
mmmmmm dead girls dont say no.
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 20:53, Reply)

"Bummers are gay"
And my favorite, a series of graffitis all over the city from someone who was very pissed off with a Donna Lloyd. The favorite one being:
"Donna Lloyd is an evil ass-licking whore"
or maybe it was an advert
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 20:50, Reply)

Written in white house paint, across the whole bridge.
"Pretty small half a chicken, sure, what, I don`t much"
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 20:49, Reply)

On a toilet wall "The east shall succeed", altered to "The yeast shall succeed"
One alleged case where, on a BA poster promising "Have your breakfast in London and your Lunch in New York" someone had added "And your luggage in Hong Kong"
And a slightly odd one on a desk at school, "We hate Ghana, we do"
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 20:49, Reply)

"My Bird sucked me of in here"
quickly scrawled underneath:
"Two f's in off you thick southern cunt"
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 20:49, Reply)

Just above the toilet roll holder
"Arts degrees. Please take one"
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 20:47, Reply)

My two favorites:
Here I sit,
cheeks a flexin'
giving birth
to another Texan.
Amongst the usual restroom graffiti, someone had thoughtfully written "Save Russian Jews." to which someone else had added, "... and collect valuable prizes."
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 20:41, Reply)

On one of my many trips to see some trendy band in the capital (being the teenybopper I am), I happened to notice something discretely scribed upon the wall of the Astoria. It said - and I shit you not:
For you poor chappies (sorry, too much Toast King) unfortunate enough to have missed it, I present to you, from our very own Stallion_Explosion, the Zoology Dragon!
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 20:36, Reply)

You should be grateful to the BMP
Without them the place would be full of migmogs.
But the Mational Front would get shot of 'em.
I really am very sorry, on so many levels.
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 20:28, Reply)
This question is now closed.