My mate Dan is afraid of turning his back on a flushing toilet. "It'll suck me in", he says. Can you beat him with your own true story of an irrational fear?
( , Tue 27 Jan 2004, 13:24)
This question is now closed.

When I was just a wean. My sister and I stayed the night at my cousins house where we watched Beetlejuice. After the film we headed up the wooden hill to our beds. My sister and my cousin went into the bathroom to get changed while I went into the bedroom. I noticed a large hump in the bed I was to be sleeping in. I ran out of the room and banged on the bathroom door shouting "HELP! HELP! BEETLEJUICE IS IN MY BED!" Then I ran into my uncles room to find him... he wasn't there.
Moments later my uncle came running into the room and, once he managed to calm me down, he sheepishly admitted it was he who was hiding in my bed.
I'm 20 now and Beetlejuice still sends shivers down my spine.
( , Thu 29 Jan 2004, 0:16, Reply)

I hate goats. When I was little and lived in Germany my family went on a trip to a wildlife park thing. I was given a bag of food to give to the goats, being about 5 years old I obviously went straight for the cute little billy goat, next thing I know this bloody huge Ram wanters up and starts to pull at the bag so I moved away from him but he followed me so I ran and he started chasing me...everyone was telling me not to run but i was little and this was huge, there was no way I was stopping still!
( , Thu 29 Jan 2004, 0:11, Reply)

Off Dr. Who, oh and the original Moomins too scary for words..........
p.s first post
( , Wed 28 Jan 2004, 23:51, Reply)

A bit of a recent irrational fear, brought on by certain adverts
( , Wed 28 Jan 2004, 23:44, Reply)

I'm deathly afraid of velour.
You know that fuzzy, furry material like velvet that they make shirts and pants out of.
The mere thought of it sends shivers down my spine and makes my teeth hurt! If I'm too close to it or actually have to touch it I get violent and actually break out in hives.
My best friend is afraid of dirty potatoes. If you go near him with a dirty potato he freaks out and starts swinging his fists!
( , Wed 28 Jan 2004, 23:37, Reply)

I cant lick my fingers withought using the back of my shoulder to wipe them, it makes me cry .
I have to drink everything in one gulp. This has gone on to me drinking 1.5 litres whilst on a day out.
now this, this is my WORST fear. I am afraid of sausage rolls. Not just any sausage rolls. The long ones. the little ones are fine, they are too insignificant to pose a threat, but the big ones. I am scared that they have little hard black bits in and when i bite them i will die.
Slightly irrational i know.
( , Wed 28 Jan 2004, 23:36, Reply)

I have a very irrational fear of worms...
how do they eat with no mouth!!!!
and that slime...who knows what it is
( , Wed 28 Jan 2004, 23:21, Reply)

We are American, and despite my love of phonology and phonetics (or maybe because of it, i get chills and this strange panicky feeling when she uses it. She used to love to talk that way when she was saying goodnight when I was little, and I'm pretty sure there were nightmares involving the "imposter mom" theme as a result.
( , Wed 28 Jan 2004, 23:09, Reply)

... i know i've already posted once but remembered more fears...and now can't sleep
1. David Bowie - he is an alien, and i seem to be the only person who knows this (Elvis don't bother me, what with going back and all) so how about next week you do which celebs are aliens then we can build a record of the bastards!!
2. that sound when windows(95 or 98 i think) opens, well did untill i stopped it... and i once changed it to the simpsons theme...and it took an age to start up
3. spanners... as i got my finger stuck in one a few yars back... don't ask
4. angle grinders as i set myself on fire with one by accident
5. velcro as when you 'rip' it, it is like ... umm well just wrong
6. talking on the phone, because you never know about the secret spy's who are listning...and how do you know who your going to talk to.... bring on video phones
7. mold.. makes me heave just looking at it
8. rejection and being alone.. well you'd think i'd be used to it by now
9. George W. Bush, well how can anyone that thick get to power (need i mention the prezel thing!) and he will kill us all.... well that one isn't so irational but still it needed adding
well i did think i wern't scared of much.. but now i'm wondering... and am i the only person with these fears? i hope not
( , Wed 28 Jan 2004, 23:07, Reply)

I hate microwaves.... but it’s not unfounded.
Once at my house and my girlfriends I just looked at the microwave and they both "exploded"(sparked a little but to feel macho im using a dramatic word)
Ever since I can never stay in the same room as one or if I do I try and position myself behind whatever is available.... doors, plates, girlfriends.......
( , Wed 28 Jan 2004, 23:01, Reply)

The fluff you get on shelves that have not been dusted for a long time.
The bits of food drifting around in the bowl/lodged in the plughole after washing up... especially bits of fried egg.
Psycho pidgeons in Southend town centre that fly directly at your face, scheming bastards.
And, a long time ago, the theme tune to "casualty"
However, I have never sat inside a whale plotting the downfall of capitalism.
( , Wed 28 Jan 2004, 22:39, Reply)

one tried to eat me at the petting zoo.......won't go near em'
( , Wed 28 Jan 2004, 22:36, Reply)

If any of those go above my head, I freak the hell out. I have no idea why.
( , Wed 28 Jan 2004, 22:17, Reply)

i can't stand people touching mine, i punched the last guy who did it. i dont even like people looking at it, it makes me go all queasy and urgh. all because i watched the film anaconda when i was little and some guy gets hole put in his throat with a scalpel and a pipe put through so he can breathe. i feel ill thinking about it :(
( , Wed 28 Jan 2004, 22:03, Reply)

What gives me 'the fear'
The video to Pink Floyd's 'Another Brick In The Wall'
That Natural Born Smoker anti smoking advert
Sir Jimmy Saville
Walking in snow (I always fall over)
Needles (Hypodermic)
Getting a tapeworm
Bare feet
( , Wed 28 Jan 2004, 21:59, Reply)

I have 3 fears.
Number 1-Did anyone see that Peter Pan cartoon when that kid turned to stone? i could NEVER watch that programme again.
Number 2-Another cartoon, only this time it was vampires and shit. On ITV, the bastards. That really scared me, put me off horror films for good that did.
Number 3-Not a cartoon, but being sick. I cant stand it. I can force it back down if i have to. Blergh.
( , Wed 28 Jan 2004, 21:33, Reply)

You know those walls of perforated particle board with rows of spikey things to hang blister-packed items (like this one) on?
I can't walk past 'em without going all-over squinty. I avoid them if I can, and if I must purchase something displayed this way, I lean backwards at a comical angle and browse through slitted eyes.
I'm terrified that I'll trip on my shoelaces and put my eyes out, you see.
( , Wed 28 Jan 2004, 21:26, Reply)

I ran away from my car actually crying when one zoomed in.
( , Wed 28 Jan 2004, 21:23, Reply)

Like the ones you get in shopping centres,
My biggest fear is they will rip off my trousers and leave me standing at the top of stairs wearing only my pants
( , Wed 28 Jan 2004, 21:15, Reply)

I hate the feel of cotton candy on my fingertips but even worst is the thought of it. I literally break into cold sweats and have almost fainted many times when thinking about it, such as now...
( , Wed 28 Jan 2004, 21:00, Reply)

The base of the fear stems from the fact that "When they dive, the force sucks you under and you'll implode"
She also has a theory that there are Communists inside the whales sitting around manevolently plotting the fall of capitalism.
However, Ironically, she lives in Middlesbrough so all the surrounding areas wildlife has been killed by the sheer depressiveness of the place. oh, and the smog.
( , Wed 28 Jan 2004, 20:58, Reply)

I've got a friend, who as a young girl, thought the head of patrick stewart,from star trek, lived in her toilet. so, she'd pee in the yard.
my little sis used to have irrational fears of the x-files theme song, and the beatles' Elenor Rigby. she'd cover her ears and scream,"no!no!,turn it off!"
as for me, I have the strange phobia of plastic thermoses, sport water bottles, and lunchboxes. I just think that someone MUST have vomited in them. i dont know why.
( , Wed 28 Jan 2004, 20:43, Reply)

...of nylon coat material on dry stone wall - it makes me want to rip out my spine and smash my teeth in with a hammer.
Also flickering lights in corridors, i think this came from watching Aliens at way too early an age.
Come to think of it cans of any kind - I can only drink from them if I have just opened them - otherwise I get convined theres a wasp or a razor blade in the can :(
Not mine but my brother is terrified of his own belly button - he can't look at it or talk about it, stangly other people's don't pose any problems.
( , Wed 28 Jan 2004, 20:39, Reply)

wouldn't eat small chips - if he had a plate of chips he would eat all the big ones and leave all the small crispy ones.
His reason for this was he may choke on the small ones.
( , Wed 28 Jan 2004, 20:26, Reply)

I ABSOLUTELY hate sweetcorn. Disgusting vile putrid yuckiness. They. Look. Like. Yellow pus teeth. Revolting.
( , Wed 28 Jan 2004, 20:07, Reply)

both have a fear of tomato seeds!
they can eat the fleshy bits, but if you even show them a seed they flip out!
i also had the running away from the toilet when it was flushing
and lifts i cant stand lifts
( , Wed 28 Jan 2004, 19:59, Reply)

the bigger the worst, i can't touch 'em. if they have holes in them (in order to get sewn onto jackets or whatever) - god, it's repulsive. i think its down to UNNECESSARY buttons on jumpers as i don't mind button-up shirts.
( , Wed 28 Jan 2004, 19:54, Reply)
This question is now closed.