Setting up a 'greenscreen' at work got me thinking about the films and tv that I've accidentally been in.
Helena Bonham-Carter vehicle "The Heart of Me" was filmed in our old office, and features several of us peering through the curtains whilst they filmed in the square outside. Similarly, my girlfriend was in an episode of the Professionals that was filmed outside her house.
What have you been in the background of?
( , Thu 11 Nov 2004, 11:34)
This question is now closed.

I managed to get on Fuse FM once (Manc's cacky student radio) at this year's Fresher's Ball, pissed as a fart and barely coherent, this was only 8pm and I managed to say 'shit' and 'bollocks' on live radio. Can't remember what I was talking about though. Oh, and I got them to play Napalm Death (Sample lyric: Ngggghhhh Grrr Bluuuugh Nrr Grrrrr).
Oh, and I was in the background on the 6 O'clock news once, it was when they had some terror raids in Manchester. That was my fave take-away as well, it was closed for 2 months after that, till they made bail
Oh, and my cousin was in Blue Peter twice. Doing gymnastics if i remember correctly. They made a pyramid and he was the one on top.
All done, no apologies for length, girth, density, specific gravity or acute angles (or lack of grammar and punctuation). All rights reserved copyright me 2004 xx love u (not teh gay)
Edit: a message to Fuse FM: Its's still not too late to give us a gig, fuckers!
( , Mon 15 Nov 2004, 15:19, Reply)

During Primary school, two pupils from our class were on the Movie Game (BBC 1), I was in the audience which resulted in a close up of me cheering like a madthing in the background.
I was also in the audience of The ITV Celebrity Awards this year - double shame.
( , Mon 15 Nov 2004, 14:58, Reply)

that's me and my friends behind the scouser we kidnapped
( , Mon 15 Nov 2004, 14:46, Reply)

...where they were re-running Glam Metal Detectives. I'm in the title sequence, dancing. No wonder it never got a 2nd series.
I'm also in quite a lot of the early inspector Morse episodes, as I was at Oxford when they were filming and a mate of mine was doing all the Extras casting.
It was good dosh, all the bacon sarnies you could eat and I once stood beside John Thawe in the bacon sarnie queue. No wonder he pegged it, if he was scoffing 10 of them a day.
( , Mon 15 Nov 2004, 14:41, Reply)

on Granada reports about what happens when people nick the inside of computers. To give it some context, we sat in a room where there were 300 workstations. My mum taped it.
The night after, some exterprising individuals removed all the workstations without tripping any alarms or sensors. Hats off to the residents of Salford's Lower broughton council estate for their quick thinking and ingenuity.
( , Mon 15 Nov 2004, 14:39, Reply)

I was on Songs of Praise about 20 years ago, when the Boys Brigade was in Romsey Abbey. I am clearly visible, aged 7, in a red jumper miming very badly, you werent supposed to mime but I didnt know the words to the Jesus song.
I would have given the thumbs up but we were asked not to, and rules is rules. All I remember is some jugeared ginge singing amazing grace on his own, way to get the birds you tosser.
Me and a mate climbing up on the fence celebrating a goal at the Dell (southampton FC old ground) for an England u-21 game. We were clearly visible because we were 2 of 100 people at that end and certainly the only nutbars celebrating like loons. Perhaps they didnt think an freindly against Hungary U-21s was that big a deal????????
Apart from the Euroboyz films thats it
I aint apologising for shit, you should thank me for making your day more interesting.
( , Mon 15 Nov 2004, 14:34, Reply)

aside from the tv and films i have been in as an extra due to the fact i work in the film industry. i have also been on tv many a time at football matches. my most noticable appearance was at highbury when my mate got crunched in the face by the ball. Woo.
I have also been seen about 10 times by the whole of canada at the 2004 nhl play-off final when the flames won in calgary, but that was mainly due to the fact that my fiancee is the best looking woman in the world!
i also adorn the inside of a few buildings in downtown calgary as i modelled with my fiancee for some pictures not knowing i would have 4 10ft x 30ft pictures hanging around inside. the building appeared on the news my fiancee's friends told us with me in the background smiling down from 4 different angles.
if you add all my screen time together i might have over an hour of footage.
i actually had a talking part in a film called Alien Love Triangle starring Courteney Cox and Heather Graham, but it was so shit it never got released, thus ending my acting career.
p.s my friend was a spark on The Heart Of Me and he is also in the background, maybe you shared a scene?
( , Mon 15 Nov 2004, 12:08, Reply)

Was walking thru Dublin with the missus when asked if we wanted as much tea as we could drink, 80 Euro and a chance to be in a film with Cate Blanchett. The gist was that we were part of an angry mob outside a court room in the film Veronica Guerin ... Joel Schumacher *rub rub* actually stopped a shoot cos we were laughing. In take two I had to uphold my honour so I let loose with the cursing and smacked a extra who was a "crowd control Garda" (police man). And you can actually hear a few of my cnuts and baaaaaa-stards in the flick. Took ages to get paid tho.
( , Mon 15 Nov 2004, 12:01, Reply)

it was the Channel Four political awards, and I got to go along as the MP I was working for was presenting one of the prizes. The programme itself lasted about an hour, but the actual event naturally went on rather longer, and was liberally supplied with booze and rather nice nibbles.
To make it less obvious that I was simply scabbing as much alcohol as I could, I kept shifting between bars, moving from one side of the room to the other. After a while I was fairly drunk, and had lost all sense of decorum.
So in the final programme - thanks to the editing etc - I could be seen popping up seemingly randomly in the background, swigging a variety of wine, champagne etc, gobbling food, barging in front of various luminaries to get served, and at one memorable moment picking my nose while Jon Snow presented Barbara Castle with a lifetime achievement award.
Luckily my boss was too pissed off with a singularly unfunny Harry Enfield skit to have noticed.
( , Mon 15 Nov 2004, 11:24, Reply)

On funhouse. Pat Sharp was a cunt and the twins were minging...I got a telescope and a dodgy old tent if I remember correctly.
( , Mon 15 Nov 2004, 11:12, Reply)

Tickets to the Wales Vs Romania Rugby match - Free.
Glossy info packed programme - Free.
Munchies - £5.50
Getting showing on telly ramming a hot dog down your neck - Priceless!
My 10 seconds of fame doing my best with a meaty sausage, my mum is so proud!
( , Mon 15 Nov 2004, 10:52, Reply)

Many of the students affected by the gas were interviewed while being carried away on stretchers (freon is nasty stuff if inhaled), and hailed as heroes for survivng the "worst school tragedy since Columbine."
Despite not being affected, I decided I deserved my fifteen milliseconds of fame. And so, stuck between news clips of hospitalized children, crying mothers, and deathly ill teachers, I can be seen sticking my head out the window of a bus and yelling "I'm Mr. Cheese Head! Wip willy woo!"
( , Mon 15 Nov 2004, 10:38, Reply)

Back a long time ago when I was younger and dumber I went to see Kula Shaker just after they released K the album in 1996 in the Brixton Academy. While there they filmed the video for Kula Shakers single of Deep Purples "Hush". I am there in the middle of the song crowd surfing over my friend adam who is trying to grope some young girl
( , Mon 15 Nov 2004, 10:38, Reply)

My mum used to be in the offices behind where they filmed Holby City.
In the middle of summer they had to put up Xmas decor and close all the windows cos they were in shot for some of the outdoor scenes.
This would be a very hot summer... And all the cast was in full winter gear apparently. Pfft.
( , Mon 15 Nov 2004, 10:10, Reply)

When lanky bean-pole John Gordon-Sinclair was making the follow up to Gregory's girl, there is a scene where he runs down a walkway at a block of flats being chased by/chasing a dog. Me and the lady-wife at the time were heading out of the flat and suddenly found the place filled with vans and lighting rigs and those cameras on cranes that fly about the place. we were suddenly told by a lady hiding in the undergrowth to stay were we were as they were filming at that moment. just then big John sprinted past. Its amazing how many people are hiding in doorways like we were and crouching in bushes that you never see on film but were there. Must have been about 11 people in front of the camera but only john and the dog are visable. Should have tripped the big lanky twunt up.
They also then kept us up all night by filming interior shots in my neighbours house by having the lights and camera on a crane and filming through the front window. noisey fwapping badgerbuggerers!
Sorry for length, but just had to vent at a wasted nights sleep that has built up over the years.
( , Mon 15 Nov 2004, 10:04, Reply)

I'm the bloke giving the crowd-shot camera the finger and yelling: "Get your forking camera out of the way!"
I probably single-handedly made them throw away about 20% of their footage... Serves them right.
( , Mon 15 Nov 2004, 10:03, Reply)

I spent six weeks filming this 'regional thriller', playing the heroic lead... Colin. Got to do my own stunts (jumping in rivers, fights, stunt driving) and we nearly broke the Clifton Suspension Bridge by stopping the traffic. The bridgemaster ran on and told us to "Fucking get off my bridge."
4 years on... rough cut 5 is allegedly 'nearly ready'. Being the seasoned pro, I refused to watch any of the rushes when it was being filmed. So I've never seen any of the footage, and probably never will. Arse.
( , Mon 15 Nov 2004, 10:03, Reply)

but i did once accidentally get "cast" as a drunk driver in a newscast, due to some hackjob editing.
one night i innocently drove through a routine checkstop. i answered the usual "have-you-been-drinking and is-there-alcohol-in-the-vehicle style of questions, then was asked if i'd mind if they used footage of the checkstop on the news. i agreed - no big deal - and was on my way.
well, apparently the newscast said something to the effect of "checkstop season is in full swing", showed the clip of me saying i hadn't been drinking, then directly after the clip, the announcer said "it didn't take police long to make an arrest"
sooo before you know it, my phone's ringing off the hook with friends asking me how i could be so STUPID and what was i thinking, etc. etc.
i spent a good part of the evening assuring people that the clip of me was to supplement the statement "Checkstop season is in full swing"...
( , Mon 15 Nov 2004, 5:08, Reply)

My dad lived on an estate in London in the 60s, and quite often, when they needed a gritty, seedy, run down street for Z Cars, they'd use areas from around him- on a couple of ocassions his street. He's not certain whether having his house on a well respected and historically important TV show is something to be proud of, of if it's something to be ashamed of because it was due to it being crap.
( , Mon 15 Nov 2004, 2:30, Reply)

We'd been deposited in the foyer of an admittedly luxurious jungle hotel by our personal driver (sounds a bit wanky but we were a bit up ourselves in those days), when a group of screming nubile local girls swarmed around us for autographs.
The local TV crew had turned out (although local would have been a 300 mile round trip)
They thought I was Chuck Norris....
( , Sun 14 Nov 2004, 23:44, Reply)

but apparently my dad was in the video for Club Tropicana. As I've never seen it, I can't actually verify this, but it's an impressive lie.
( , Sun 14 Nov 2004, 22:46, Reply)

In response to next weeks Question Of The Week, yes - I too have had premonitions.
( , Sun 14 Nov 2004, 22:43, Reply)

Went to watch gloucester against wasps about 5 years ago at kingsholm, and me and my frined decided to wear our large Cat in the Hat style red and white caps and carry large inflatable hammers that I had won at Drayton Manor Park the month before. So looking like a couple of prize peenarses we strolled in through the gates and were confronted by a camera crew who said we looked oerfect for a post match "Come on Gloster" style comment. Striking the hammer on the lense, we decided to go with "Glos are gonna hammer wasps." My mother still has it on tape, and brings it out when I've been a bit of a shitebag.
( , Sun 14 Nov 2004, 22:20, Reply)

I'm on the crowd shots at the beginning of The Damned's live dvd, Final Damnation, shot hooking my ridiculous long hair out of my face, shame the bastards edited me out for the dvd release
( , Sun 14 Nov 2004, 21:56, Reply)

...'cos it was only filmed today, but I'm "striking miner #523" or somesuch in this.
fame at last!
oh, never mind.
( , Sun 14 Nov 2004, 20:48, Reply)

I was once walking down the glacier alongside the Matterhorn having just climbed the Tête Blanche in the Swiss Alps. Out of nowhere a helicopter swoops down, a TV crew leap out and ask whether they can film us, as they're doing a documentary for Swiss TV. We say "yes" and they film us doing things with ropes, putting on crampons and whatever.
They then leap back into the helicopter and fly off, leaving us slightly gobsmacked in the middle of nowhere.
It was a very odd experience!
( , Sun 14 Nov 2004, 20:24, Reply)

In 2001 i appeared on Blind Date as a bet when Cilla hosted it and it wasnt that bad.
I was the "picker," Cilla kept pinching my arse and i only got a holiday to bloody France.
Slated the bird tho, tight arse wouldnt get naked for me, oh, was the Christmas edition too and apparently one of ITV's top rated shows that year.
Yay for being a pretty bloke!
( , Sun 14 Nov 2004, 20:18, Reply)

myself and my family lived in a pub, and my dad was on gloucester tv to moan about a bollard, put in by the council, that had stopped disabled punters getting through the gate. i was chasing the dog in the background
( , Sun 14 Nov 2004, 20:00, Reply)

When I was 7, a news crew for Newsroom South East came to film my primary school. I was taking the register (and feeling quite important) with another boy when we spotted a huge camera, mid-pan, heading our way, on the end of one of the corridors.
In the time it took for it to face us, he had announced 'I'm going to moony them', and I, after thinking about it, had decided the funniness wouldnt make up for the not being on tv, and had given him a good nudge and persuaded him not to. He settled for poking his tongue at the men on the way past.
Funnily enough, they were there for a report on declining standards in local schools. They showed us. Puh.
( , Sun 14 Nov 2004, 18:06, Reply)

...I was a passenger in my mates motor driving past when they were filming Lovejoy in Long Melford, close to where I went to school.
( , Sun 14 Nov 2004, 17:55, Reply)
This question is now closed.