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just heard that Michael Crichton has died
this makes me sad

I thoroughly enjoy most of his writing (dinosaurs yay!) and some of the films made from his books.
(, Thu 6 Nov 2008, 13:21, 3 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
My band has it's first gig a week today and I have just had to find another drummer...he lives about a hundred miles away and won't make it down to Sheffield until Wednesday (gig is Thursday) giving us less than 24 hours as a full band! At the same time because it's a fund-raiser which somehow I've been put in charge of I have to sort out security, advertisement, tickets, the bar...there's just so much to do!

Oh and I'm writing a 3,000 word essay on the treatment of Aboriginals in Australia (or spending time on here pretending to be productive)

No real reason for the post but my head feels like it's going to explode!!!
*feels better now*
(, Thu 6 Nov 2008, 12:49, 5 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
I closed my ISA a/c last week,
and was told that it would take 4-5 working days for the cash to reach me. Fair enough a bit slow but...
Still hasn't got here after 6 days, I call the phone gimp. THEY'VE ONLY GOT MY FUCKING SORT CODE WRONG! It's now in a lost a/c and I'll get it in 4-5 working days.
Fuck that get me line manager gimp. He parrots the same, and says he'll send me a complaints form. It'll take up to 10 working days. FFS one day overdrawn and I'm charged, how come it takes so long?
(, Thu 6 Nov 2008, 12:32, 10 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
should I buy
a bowler hat? I feel an urge to do so....
(, Thu 6 Nov 2008, 12:32, 4 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Open Question...

Did anybody get an (ahem) 'interesting' letter yesterday from Virgin Media?

Or is it just me 'a friend'?
(, Thu 6 Nov 2008, 12:27, 7 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
House Hunting for the Humpty household..
Mrs Humpty and I are looking for houses at the moment. We're both country bumpkins who're getting tired of town, so it's time to get out.

Went to look at this yesterday... really want it.


5 acres of land, and 2 of those are orchard... We'd get a few sheep to keep the grass short and a donkey to work the land... Maybe :D

Mrs Humpty is a designer (you can find her stuff in Ikea) and works from home.. it'd suit her perfectly.

It needs a LOT of work... but it'd kick ass :D

Ariel photo can be zoomed on on here (Flygfoto)

(, Thu 6 Nov 2008, 12:14, 6 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Who was shocked
at the early QOTW closure?
(, Thu 6 Nov 2008, 11:48, 25 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
I've just found out that Spongebob Squarepants is turning on the Christmas lights in Burnley.
*is very exited*

Who have your council got to do the job this year and are they more famous than Spongebob.

I doubt it.
(, Thu 6 Nov 2008, 11:18, 18 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Looks like I'm first here again
Come in on this rainy morning and have a natter.

(, Thu 6 Nov 2008, 8:20, 230 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
It's that time again
That's right, it's more exciting than a primary school full of wolves.
The latest instalment of Kaol Black is here for your eyeballing.

(, Thu 6 Nov 2008, 1:59, 12 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Just out of curiosity I looked on the KKK website to see what they made of the whole Obama thing. On the front page it says, and I quote:

Ku Klux Klan DOES NOT Endorse Barack Obama for President

Despite some rumors, the Ku Klux Klan is not endorsing Barack Obama for President.

No shit!
(, Wed 5 Nov 2008, 19:14, 13 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
'nings all
As the day thread is alllll the way down there let's evening it up! *dances*

(, Wed 5 Nov 2008, 17:59, 147 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Ok, a Whose Line is it Anyway game now
Bad ways to introduce yourself to the new US President
(, Wed 5 Nov 2008, 16:12, 24 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Does anyone know
what time the mighty Joe Calzaghe is due to kick shit out of Roy Jones jr? (UK time)I've checked the Setanta site but can't find a start time.
(, Wed 5 Nov 2008, 15:51, 6 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
I'm bored. Time for a Mock the Week style question.
What question could have the answer "3 dogs, a Sherman tank and 8 nipples floating in a bucket of lemonade"?
(, Wed 5 Nov 2008, 14:06, 22 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
"i know it's a cliche but..."
have any of you found that, despite things being terribly cliched they are quite true
/recently found what(and who) i was looking for just when i stopped looking :)

failing that, how are you today?
(, Wed 5 Nov 2008, 11:02, 10 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
From Sikipedia I know
But as an atheist the possible results intrigued me, especially after the Brand/Ross situation that was blown out of all proportion. If any one fancies doing this and suggesting to others they do the same please do.

1. Go to www.bbc.co.uk/complaints/complaints_stage1.shtml
2. Make sure you have the 'Make a complaint' box ticked
3.Complain about 'Television Programmes'
4. Select bbc 1 and Put 02/11/08 in date
5.Songs of Praise in Programme box
6. Make a sensible complaint about how and why you dislike Songs of Praise
7. Put in some false (but reasonable) details
(, Wed 5 Nov 2008, 10:28, 9 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Hey! It's my b3ta birthday!
I'm not certain what should be done in an occasion like this, so I'll tell you the story of how you've affected my life.

I love reading. Since I learnt how to do it, I've read whatever was close enough to my eyes. When I was a kid I rather go for a book than to the playground. My father would punish me without reading. I've read all kind of books, from very good ones to real crap; and it doesn't matter how bad the book is: I must finish it.

As you can probably imagine, until a couple of years ago all my reading was in Spanish (I'm crap with languages - sorry if there are a grammar/spelling mistakes). When I read a book from a non-Spanish writer I was never certain if the way it was written depended more on the writer or the translator. It became more difficult to tell when I discovered Science Fiction. You see, I love Asimov stories, he's great, but the way the story was written was appalling; was it Asimov's fault or a poor translation. The same happened with Philip K. Dick. "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" is one of the best Sci-Fi stories ever, but the telling was so poor...

Well, the years passed and I moved to England, and when my English had started to improve I thought it would be a good time to start reading in English. First, easy things (Harry Potter, I had read it in Spanish too, I was in the 4th book and it takes 6 months to get it translated from English). Then I got better and tried more difficult things. I've read the Ring World; Stranger in a Strange Land; Century Rain... I wouldn't say it was easy, but I could understand. I needed the dictionary a lot at the beginning, but now I almost don't use it.

Then, a year ago, I tried A Scanner Darkly. I had to give up. I couldn't understand a single word. Well, no, I understood them, but they didn't make sense in the context. I tried very hard, but no way.

A few months ago a friend came home and saw the book. He asked for it and I lent it saying "it's crap; it's written so badly it doesn't make any sense"

A couple of months after that, he gave it back saying: "This is a very good book. OK, it's K. Dick poor writing, but it's fantastic"

So I tried again. And, to my surprise, I understood it. Maybe a few words were still difficult, but they made sense. And yes, the story is great.

That got me thinking: why I couldn't understand it before and now I can? What has happened during this year?

The answer: B3ta.

Thanks to you I know that a chick or a bird means girl too. Junk is drug. Skint is without money... so many words I knew the "Oxford" meaning, but not the "street" meaning.

So, this is for you B3tans:

(, Wed 5 Nov 2008, 9:49, 16 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
This Deserves It's Own Thread

(, Wed 5 Nov 2008, 9:14, 9 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Wot, no HSH thread?
Well, I'll just need to start my own then...

(, Wed 5 Nov 2008, 8:22, 262 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
I'm not yet a citizen
but as a very recent green card holder, I'm proud I had a voice (even thought I couldn't use it), and I have two songs going through my head right now:

Star Spangled Banner
I'm Proud To Be An American

(, Wed 5 Nov 2008, 6:30, 2 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Yes We Can!
America has finally done something right.

Well done America.

(, Wed 5 Nov 2008, 5:16, 7 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Saturday November 8th 2008
I'm conscious of having been a miserable faced git at times on here and having missed out on last Saturdays' bash.

On that basis, is anyone up for a Saturday evening bash this weekend? We can call it an Obamathon ... :)
(, Wed 5 Nov 2008, 4:06, 2 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
More Manchester bash pics
Yes, there's more. These are from my camera. I've squirted them through my brand new Broadband pipe and they're in the b3ta bashes pool.

Just in case they get removed, they are also in my own b3ta QOTW bash 2008 11 01 group.


PS. warmfuzzyfeeling has also posted her pics. t0ria's can be found in the b3ta bash pool.
(, Wed 5 Nov 2008, 1:02, 3 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
i went back home for a week
and i missed my bloody birthday candle

4 years now and i've never seen one of the fuckers

how dare my sister distract me with her wedding

(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 23:54, 2 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Quantum Of Solace - A review by Kaol
Right... First things first...
I liked Casino Royale.
So, unusually for me I went to see the latest Bond offering with fairly high expectations.
Even more unusually, I wasn't disappointed.

This film gave me exactly what I expected from the new-style, grittier Bond series - Explosions, fast cars, people getting stabbed with broken glass, fantastic locations and dodgy villains.
The car crashes were visceral, and every kill was violent enough to not feel casual.

As expected, the film opened with a fantastic car-chase, and then launched into the credits.
For the record, the much-hyped Alicia Keys and Jack White song was rubbish. Instantly forgettable. And the stylised graphicy video bit was horrible too.
Then again, I have a massive and inexplicable fear of sand, so I spent three minutes feeling cold and sick. Personal opinion...

Anyway, without giving away the plot too much, it was the usual arrangement of "Go somewhere exotic, kill someone, jump in a vehicle for a chase, chat up a woman, drink, get betrayed, repeat."
So, a normal weekend for me, really.

As I've said before, the fight scenes are deliciously brutal in these Daniel-Craig-as-Bond films, which makes a nice change from the typical Hollywood-fist-fights-and-karate that seems to be so commonly pumped into our eyes.

So... On to the break-down:


+ Fantastic action sequences
+ Beautiful locations
+ Brutal fight scenes
+ Daniel Craig is excellent
+ A fantastic joke about motor oil


- Some terrible dialogue (Come on Dench, you were shocking)
- Plot was too slow in places
- The worst Evil Villainous Plan ever (think Thames Water Utilities, but less evil)

So, all in all it was pretty much what I expected. A very solid Bond film. Not as good as Casino Royale, but still very enjoyable.

I'd give it 7/10, and recommend that you see it, especially if you liked the previous one
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 23:26, 16 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Just been listening to that old Joan Osborne song, "One of us"
If there was a god, and he/she talked like Joe Pasquale, would that increase or decrease your religious devotion?

Frankly, if there is a god and he/she talks like Harry Hill, I might give the old religion thing a go.

EDIT: In the beginning there was nothing. Then God said "Mmmmmmmm! Chips!"
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 22:29, 3 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Latest update on my band's upcoming recordings
Our drummer spoke to the guy who will be engineer/producing us, and it turns out that not only did he engineer some AC/DC stuff (Bon Scott era) but he's also done some Black Sabbath and Simple Minds.

Also, he sounds like a nice guy, and is looking forward to it. Both good news!

He's told us to buy new strings and polish our cymbals!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 20:13, 6 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
A place for the weary to rest this dark and wretched evening


Come on in, pull up a pew - I have just cracked open a rather cheeky bottle of mead and have extra glasses.

Shamanistic rituals have been performed to ward off ghost bees & mind weasels so your toast is safe from their spunky antics.

How are we all?
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 17:52, 219 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

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